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Trick or Treat

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Tara gets more than she bargained for at haunted house!
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It is mid October, my favourite time of year. The leaves have all fallen off the trees leaving that wonderful spookiness look in the fog that alway descends over our city as the air cools. Most people by now have decorated their houses for Halloween and nobody judges my gothic makeup and outfits. I was on my way to meet my boyfriend and his friends at the biggest haunted house in the city. It was famous for being one of the scariest events, even making the top five scariest things to do in the whole country three years running.

I pulled into the parking lot, scanning for Tim's truck. I couldn't see it but figured I simply beat him here. I pulled my phone out and saw a text from him, "Sry Babe, got called out on job. Owen and Craig are still going if U still want to go? Luv U!"

"Damn it!" I muttered under my breath as I text back, "OK, love U 2 & miss U!"

Typical Tim, I knew he couldn't help being on call but he could at least phone me. I considered going back home, yet I really wanted to check out the haunted house. I love being scared, so in the end the haunted house won and I hopped out of my car and made my way to the ticket stand. Owen and Craig were standing off to the side of the line up and waved me over, Owen gave me a quick one armed hug as he jokingly said, "Sorry your dipshit boyfriend couldn't come, you can hold my hand if you get scared!"

I rolled my eyes and nudged him with my elbow, "Most likely you and Craig will be holding hands comforting each other."

I turned my attention to Craig who was looking at Owen with a strange glint in his eye. I shivered from the slight breeze and rubbed my hands together before asking, "So do we have the tickets already or should we get in line?"

Craig slowly tore his eyes away from Owen and almost seemed shocked to see me staring at him, he grinned though and his demeanour went back to normal as he shook his head and answered, "I helped set it up this year, so I get free admission."

I raised an eyebrow, "I didn't realize you were part of this, won't you get bored if you know whats coming?"

Craig licked his lips and laughed, "Nah, it looks different with the lights off. Plus I enjoy watching the reactions as people scream. You wouldn't happen to be a screamer, would you Tara?"

I caught the double innuendo in there and decided it was best to not keep this track of conversation going with my boyfriends two best friends and swiftly changed the subject, "It's freezing out here, lets head in shall we?"

I followed a step behind the pair as we bypassed the line of people and headed for the door, a zombie shuffled up to us and nodded to Craig, he held open the curtain and turned towards me, in a gravely voice he said, "Ladies first!"

As I walked through the curtain I heard him add, "Looks good enough to eat!"

I entered a pitch black hallway covered in smokey fog, suddenly a light flashed fast enough to show a big figure in front of me, I stepped back right into Owen who laughed, "Don't tell me you're scared already!"

We followed the hallway as people jumped out and either grabbed our arms or made menacing gestures with far too realistic weapons, I ended up between Craig and Owen as a defence. The guys would startle when things popped out but rather than scream they would laugh. I turned around at one point when I heard a loud bang and realized Craig wasn't with us anymore and I grabbed Owens arm. He turned and looked at me laughing as he said, "Relax Tara!"

His eyes narrowed when he realized we were alone, and his voice dropped "Where did Craig go?"

I shook my head and tried to keep my voice steady, "I don't know... he was here one moment and gone the next."

Owen glanced around quickly and grabbed my hand, "Come on, he's probably just going to sneak ahead and try to scare us, he designed the place so he has to know the short cuts."

I followed close behind as we turned the corner and came to a forked path, "Which way do we..."

I screamed as something grabbed me, I felt hot breath on my neck as I heard Craig chuckled into my ear, "I knew you were a screamer."

He pulled me through a hidden door in the wall and Owen slowly followed us in, Craig tightened his grip on me as he nodded in Owen's direction, "Close that door, we don't need someone walking in on us."

I swallowed deeply and tried to calm myself, part of me was telling me that something was wrong but I rationalized that it was the haunted house that had my nerves shot, these were Tim's two best friends they wouldn't do anything to me. Owen looked uncomfortable which only made the hairs on my neck stand up, I glanced around the room and it didn't have any props in it, it looked like it was simply a room for someone to wait in before jumping out and scaring the patrons.

I laughed nervously, "Very funny Craig, you almost scared me for a minute there."

Craig pulled me close to him, my back to his front so I was facing Owen. His hands gripped both my arms behind my back, he shifted so that he had both my wrists in one hand and the other one snaked around to grip my throat lightly. He spoke quietly but firmly, "You know I've waited a while for this, I had a friend who works with Tim request him specifically for that job tonight. You have teased us way too many times to get away with it. All those times you teased us and wore those tight black mini skirts and knee high boots. Wouldn't you agree Owen?"

Owen cleared his throat, he still looked uncomfortable but there was something else in his eyes now, "You have always come off as a bit too flirty."

True fear was flooding through me now, I was wearing a black corset and mini skirt with the exact boots he happened to mention. I didn't dress this way to flirt though, I simply liked the way I look in these outfits, plus it's not like I was dressed to show off for Craig and Owen I planned on being with my boyfriend tonight. I tried to say as much but Craig tightened his grip on my throat when I tried to speak. He let go of me quickly and roughly shoved me down to my knees. I looked pleadingly up at Owen but his erection pressing against his pants showed he wasn't going to help me.

"I'll scream." I blurted out breathlessly.

Craig shrugged as he slid his belt through the loops of his pants, "Go ahead, nobody is going to think twice of any screaming here, the entire point of this place is to make people scream."

He was right, but that didn't mean I wasn't going to fight. I bolted up towards the door, Owen grabbed me in a bear hug as I screamed, "NO! Let go you bastard!"

I started to hit his chest but Owen simply grabbed my hands and held them behind my back, allowing Craig to tie his belt around my arms above my elbows rendering my hands useless and pushing my chest out further.

I cried as Owen looked past me at Craig and nodded before turning his attention to my corset. He undid the clips in front releasing my breasts. His hands explored them, squeezing and pinching at my nipples which traitorously hardened under his touch.

I jumped as I felt a hand go under my skirt, Craig sneaked slowly up my thigh coming to my panties. He rubbed gently against my mons through the fabric, I didn't want to but I could feel myself starting to get wet. Owen's head dropped and his mouth enveloped one of my nipples, while he pinched the other one softly between his fingers. Craig's free hand came up to pull my hair away from my neck his mouth leaving light kisses from my shoulder up to my ear.

He nibbled my earlobe and I let out a moan, it was too much to take. I could hear his chuckle again, "You know you're really quite wet down there. One might think you're enjoying yourself."

I shook my head in denial, my body may betray me but I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of saying it out loud.

"No? Don't you like the way Owen is treating you? He's being so gentle would you rather him be rough?" Craig's voice was full of mocking as Owen took up on the cue and bit down on my nipple causing me to moan in pain and lust.

Craig's grip on my hair tightened, as he continued to murmur into my ear, "Oh you do like it rough, you're a little pain slut aren't you?"

My breathing was getting deeper as I tried to fight against the feeling they were bringing up in me, Craig slipped past my panties and drove two fingers into me before bringing them up to my face and wiping them across my mouth, humiliating me with how my own body was betraying me.

Owen stepped back to start taking his clothes off and Craig bent me at the waist holding me up by the belt around my arms. He hiked my skirt up so it was above my waist and pulled my now soaking wet panties down to my knees, leaving my shaved pussy on display for him. I cried out as he wet his fingers in my pussy and dragged them up to my asshole. I started to plead with him as he pressed one and then two fingers in slowly, he brought them out and slammed his dick into my pussy thrusting in and out quickly before pulling out and placing his dick at my now wet asshole. I started to cry out in pain as he pressed slowly but firmly in. He finally sunk all the way in before saying to Owen, "Shut her up will you."

I looked at Owen with my tear streaked face and realized he was now completely naked and stroking his cock, he rubbed it over my lips and looked me in the eyes, "If you bite me, they wont find your body. We'll tell Tim you never made it and must have decided to skip out since he wasn't here."

I opened my mouth to protest as he slipped inside and hit the back of my throat. He fucked my face, while tears poured down my cheeks and Craig drilled in and out of my ass, I felt someone's hand, I assume it was Craig's, find my pussy and pull my clit. It was too much and I knew I was nearing orgasm.

I moaned against Owens dick as the pleasure rushed through me. Craig started to fuck me even harder, "Yes! Yes! Fuck you're such a dirty little whore, you fucking love this"!

He grunted and thrust deep into me as his fingers rubbed my pussy furiously and he filled my ass with his cum. He pulled out and Owen pulled his dick out of my mouth, lifting me up and pressing me against Craig, "Hold her up for me!"

Craig pulled me against him, supporting me as Owen lifted my legs and placed them over his shoulders. I let my head fall back on Craig's shoulder as I felt my pussy being filled with Owens dick. He started to fuck me with vehemence. His hands dug into my hips as he pumped in and out and my moans were getting louder and louder. I was so caught up in the feeling that I didn't notice the door behind Owen opened, and someone slipped in.

I cried out as another orgasm swept through me causing me to gush all over Owen's dick and trigger his own orgasm. I was lowered to my knees as I caught my breath, my eyes snapped open though as I heard a slow clap. The same zombie that first let us in was standing in the room too, my face flushed as the newcomer turned to Craig, "Fuck you found yourself a proper little whore didn't you?"

Craig rested his hand on my hair and started to pet it gently, "She truly is, would you like a turn?"

The zombie whipped his pants down, and tossed his mask to the floor as he walked over to me. He gripped my chin in his hand and tilted my head up so I could look into his face, he was good looking I suppose- if it wasn't for the fact that he was probably about to force himself on me too.

I didn't have any more fight in me, I opened as his thumb slipped into my mouth and when he replaced his thumb with his cock I wrapped my lips around it, remembering the warning Owen had given me before. His hands wrapped into my hair and forced me all the way down his cock, I wanted air but he held me in place, his pubes pressing against nose. I forced my throat to relax around him until he pulled back allowing me to gasp for air. He did this a few more times before he started to pump quickly. He pulled out at last and let strings of cum shoot across my breasts.

Craig laughed and exchanged words with the zombie guy but I was too out of it at this point from exhaustion. I looked up as I felt the belt being released from my arms and realized the zombie guy was gone and both Owen and Craig were fully dressed. Owen passed me my corset and I numbly did it up, Craig waved my panties in his hand and I struggled to remember when they had actually come off me, "I'm going to keep these if you don't mind, don't forget to pull your skirt down."

He smirked as I looked down and realized it was still up around my waist, I blushed as I put it back in place and followed my boyfriends two best friends out of the room, I was surprised to realized that we were still in the haunted house, and I didn't even notice as people jumped out to scare us. At last we made it out and Craig hugged me tight, whispering in my ear, "Call me if you ever want another round, but remember don't tell Tim or I'll be forced to show him this."

He pulled out his cell phone and showed me a video of me on my knees sucking the zombie guys dick, it was at an angle that you could see my face, and see that I clearly wasn't putting up a fight. Yet you couldn't see my arms tied behind my back. It would crush Tim if he saw it so whispered, "I won't tell."

I drove home in a daze, trying to make sense of what happened and why I enjoyed it so much. I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw my reflection in the mirror by my front door. I looked like a whore with my mascara running down my cheeks and my lipstick smeared around my lips. A closer inspection of my corset made me realize I hadn't even done it up properly. There was no doubting what I had been up to. I took my clothes off and threw them in the trash, I wouldn't be able to wear them again without remembering.

I walked into my bathroom to shower and rinse away my guilt, but as the water ran over my body my fingers found themselves playing with my nipples, twisting them as Owen had. One of my hands slipped down to find my clit and as I pinched it and pulled exactly as Craig did I came again crying out in pleasure.

I smiled to myself, they may have tricked me into fucking them... but it sure was a treat!

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