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Tricked Into Interracial GangBang

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New journey tricked into locker room gangbang.
4.9k words

Part 1 of the 7 part series

Updated 09/29/2024
Created 08/01/2024
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Strikingly beautiful 19-year-old, Mia, a confident and intelligent young woman. Her long, chestnut hair hangs in loose waves, framing her heart-shaped face. Mia has expressive hazel eyes communicating curiosity and determination, reflecting her passion for uncovering the truths in sports journalism. Standing at 5'7", her athletic build hints at her own love for sports. She has long toned legs, a very round but perfectly shaped bubble butt, very narrow waist giving her a feminine curve to her slender hips and small but firm 34B perky breasts.

Mia's style is effortlessly chic, favouring a blend of professional and casual that suits her dynamic lifestyle. She has an enthusiasm for storytelling matched by a sharp analytical mind, making her an outstanding student who is just starting out in her sports journalism degree.

Professor John Matthews, a middle-aged man in his early 50s, is a respected figure in the field of journalism. He has salt-and-pepper hair and glasses that give him an intellectual air. His neatly trimmed beard adds a touch of sophistication to his casual, yet professional attire. Known for his engaging lectures and sharp wit, Professor Matthews has a knack for making complex topics accessible and exciting. He holds a wealth of experience from his years as a reporter and editor, which he enthusiastically shares with his students. Passionate about his subject he is very popular with undergraduates as well as those working towards their Master's and Doctorate. Outside the classroom, he is an avid reader and enjoys lively debates about current events, often mentoring students over coffee in the campus café.

Unfortunately for a select few of his students he has a predilection for the new attractive female members of his student group and has instrumented a regular initiation for them on their sports journalism degree course. Over the years the universities head basketball coach and he had become very good friends, Prof. Matthews being a big basketball fan and enjoying a hand of poker or two a passion of Coach Mark Thompson a middle-aged male basketball coach.

Coach Mark is known for his deep understanding of the game and ability to inspire young athletes. Standing at six feet tall, with a fit build and greying hair, he commands respect both on and off the court. With over two decades of coaching experience, Coach Thompson has honed a strategic mind, often seen with a clipboard, meticulously planning plays and analysing opponents' weaknesses. His coaching style balances discipline and encouragement, pushing players to exceed their limits while building a strong team spirit. Off the court, he's approachable and supportive, always ready to offer advice or a listening ear. His passion for basketball is evident in the man during practices and games, and his commitment to developing not just skilled players but also well-rounded individuals.

It was a few years ago, that these two men came up with a wicked plan of initiation for the prettiest of Prof Matthews new students.

It would happen at the first game of the new season for Coach Mark's third year students, usually aged between 20-23, but always included one or two older mature students. It had been happening now for nearly a decade and had become myth around the basketball fraternity at the university. It was a great motivator for the team and made all the coming third-year students work hard over the summer to be selected for the first game of the year.

During the match Prof Matthews sat up in the bleachers alongside his delightful new student Mia. "OMG!" he thought, "Mia is one of the prettiest new students he'd had the pleasure of teaching, and I can't wait to see her face when she walks into the locker-room at the end of the match.

Mia had spent last weekend visiting her boyfriend, Sebastian, at his uni, but due to the stress of the coming week, knowing she was being given this special opportunity to report on the match and interview the stars of the game, so early in her degree, she'd been really distracted and when it came to getting intimate she just hadn't felt sexy and it had pissed off her boyfriend. She had the most perfect boyfriend, tall, slim very attractive, some would say a pretty boy, with gorgeous shaggy blonde hair and full almost feminine lips that Mia loved to kiss. He had a very average dick, which for the very sexually inexperienced Mia was just right. To try and pacify his bad mood he had gotten into from her lack of interest she'd given him a very basic hand job, taking his 5.5-inch slender dick out of his pyjamas and stroked him till he had shot his watery spunk across his firm flat belly. After that they had kissed, he had rolled over and fallen asleep and she had rolled over and spent most of the night, thinking about the coming week.

On Wednesday was the match and Mia had felt so privileged to have been selected for the match just a few short weeks into the academic year, she felt her studious approach to her work had managed to get her noticed. Because she wanted to make a first-class impression on her new professor she had gone out and bought a new outfit for this match, she wanted to show off her best attributes, making sure the older man would definitely notice, but she also really wanted to look professional.

Mia had spent quite a bit of her student grant on today's outfit, she had actually bought three different outfits and after trying on each like a dozen times she had eventually gone with a very sharp grey mid-thigh pencil skirt, that was quite tight and showed off her gorgeous bubble butt, a white blouse and a matching little grey half jacket. Underneath, rather unnecessarily because she really didn't think she was going to showing off her undies today, she wore a simple delicate white bra, that was of very thin material, and you could see her nipples through and a matching pair of tiny Brazilian panties that when she had checked herself in the mirror showed off her lovely round bubble butt beautifully. To compliment the outfit, she had on black hold-up stockings and 4-inch strappy heels. The heels made her butt look nice and firm when she walked, yes, alright, she had checked that in the mirror before she had put her skirt on.

Throughout the match the middle-aged prof couldn't resist taking sneaky peeks out of the corner of his eye at Mia's beautiful thighs, with the skirt having ridden up when she sat most of her nylon covered legs were on show and, thought the pervy Prof, "she had some great pins."

When the full time bell blew the pair sat and chatted for 20 minutes about the game watching the winners taking the applause and adulation of their fans, trying to judge the time just right, allowing another 15 minutes after the teams left the hall, the Prof turned again to Mia, "Time for your to go down to the winners locker-room and get all their views and emotions about the game, make sure you interview the captain and a few of the star players.

Mia, a little concerned about going to a men's locker-room after a match, "Are you quite sure it's ok for me to go into a men's locker-room?"

"If you're going to be a top sports journo, man or woman, you have to go where the story is. If you want to always be behind your male peers, then sit tight and let the men get the best stories."

Mia thought, there's no way she going to let being a woman hold her back, she stood up and stroked her skirt back down over her lovely long legs. As she made her way downstairs to the changing rooms Prof Matthews last words played on her mind; "Keep your eyes up, don't look down." She thought to herself, "Surely men don't really walk around the changing room bollock naked, dicks swinging, in this day and age. Surely, that's just in those silly jock films" The words in her head, "dicks swinging" made her giggle at her own joke and made her feel a little easier.

Arriving at the changing room's door, she put a little hand on the door, took a deep breath. She had her phone ready to record the answers to her questions, she had a notepad with different questions she'd prepped the last week. Another deep breath and she pushed the door wide open and stepped through, one step, and she stopped dead. There right in front of her were two tall basketball players, bollock naked with small towels over their shoulders standing chatting. She couldn't help herself, totally against the professor's wise words her eyes were drawn to the two big hanging dicks between their legs.

She pulled her stare away and swept a gaze round the big changing area, wherever she looked there was a mix of very fit young men, mostly naked, a few with towels around their waists and a few in just their shorts. Then directly across from where she was standing, she saw the steam coming from the shower area and from the arch stepped two tall black men, very fit, lean muscular naked men with big cocks gently swaying between their muscular thighs as they stepped, still dripping from the showers. As they stepped out, they turned and reached up to the side to retrieve their towels from hooks by the side of the archway. As they turned Mia had a great view of two pairs of firm round muscular buttocks. She could feel her little pussy tingle at the sight of all these beautiful, very fit and muscular naked men.

Mia had never really watched porn so her knowledge and understanding of men and their penises was from the little experience she had with her boyfriend and his little dick. In opening the changing room doors had literally opened eyes to a whole new world of men's genitalia.

No one except for Prof Matthews and Coach Mark knew was up in the corner of the locker room was a very small camera pointed right at Mia to ensure they recorder her reaction and the two men were sitting in Coach Mark's office watching the live feed. "Rabbit caught in the headlights," Coach Mark remarked.

"Best reaction I think we've ever had," Replied the Prof and they high fived.

Back in the changing rooms, Mia had found the will to move her feet and started to step back when the boy in front of her stepped forward and asked, "Are you okay baby girl? Didn't you know this was the men's locker room?"

"Mmm... I... eh... if... Eh... mmm," Mia stumbled over her words, "Eyes up, eyes up," She kept the words shouting in her head.

"You're not the new reporter are you, baby girl," the guy asked.

"I wish the fuck he would stop calling me that and I wish I could speak," Mia's brain shouted at her.

"yes.. eh... yes... I'm to speak... to the... eh... captain... and the highest scorers," Mia managed to fumble out at long last.

Pointing at the two super fit, well hung, muscular young men who'd just come out of the shower and shown Mia absolutely everything they had, "That's Jaden the cap, and he's with Elijah who made the second highest score. Turning to a guy towelling off on the other side of the room chatting with a few naked friends, "That's Marcus, the one in the middle, the one with the huge Johnson, he made the highest score as he usually does, baby girl."

"STOP CALLING ME THAT," Mia screamed in her head and turned to look at a group of men and there was a big black guy with his towel behind his back, his arms running it side to side to dry his back, but it made his huge cock sway incredibly. Mia's jaw dropped, it was huge, as big as her arm and it was soft. There was no way she was able to keep 'eyes up' as her brain was screaming. If she hadn't seen it for herself, she would never of believed men's penises were ever that big. That could never penetrate her little hole, surely there's not a woman anywhere in the world that monster would fit in.

"Yeah, baby girl, it has that effect on most women," the guy told her.

"What, NO! " Trying to regain some composure and gain a little control of the situation before it literally all goes south, "I'm here to interview the team, I'm not here to compare dicks. And, please, I'm not your 'baby girl'"

"Yes, of course, baby girl," And turning to the guys behind him, "Hey cap this looker is here to interview you."

The two men, Mia now knew were the cap, Jaden and the second highest scorer of today's match, Elijah came, naked, strolling over, their big cocks gently swaying between their muscular thighs, to talk to her.

"EYES UP, EYES UP," Mia creamed in her head, "High I'm Mia, I'm doing a piece in the student rag about today's match. Can I just ask you both a couple of questions. She couldn't help herself; her eyes were just drawn to those two big 'swinging dicks' right in front of her. The men smirked as they saw her line of sight.

The cap, looked into Mia's beautiful hazel eyes and thought, "Wow, they'd never had a new young reporter as hot as this for the 'initiation.'" Knowing what they had planned and taking in this girl's innocence and beauty he felt his big cock twitch and knew it was growing right in front of this hot girl, "Yes, baby girl, only too glad to be of service, how can I satisfy you?" He asked with a smirk.

Mia couldn't help herself she looked down at the huge cock now growing, she thought it looked obscenely big, "Why would any girl want something ridiculous like that inside of her, that would only hurt," she thought. But, at the same time, she couldn't take her eyes from it and the more she looked the more it seemed to grow.

"Baby girl, do you want to interview me or are you just going to stand there staring at my cock?" the Cap asked again with a knowing smirk.

The question got Mia's attention, she looked up, "What? No... I mean yes... eh... Yes. Yes, I want to interview you," at last she managed to get her words out. "This is so unfair, how am I supposed to concentrate with these naked men and their swinging dicks? Be professional girl, EYES UP," she told herself.

As she stood there trying to keep her 'eyes up' she couldn't help but be distracted by the rising cock of the captain, and she kept having to bring her eyes back up from staring at the huge dick, "Yes, I've several questions I want to ask you about the game and how your team performed. What would you say was the number one tactic you used to change the game and help you win."

"I always believe in going straight in very hard, hitting, thrusting into their defence where they are going to feel it the most." Cap replied his big cock had a nice curve that angled up towards the poor flustered girl.

At the cap's reply she couldn't help but see the innuendo and her pussy throbbed at the idea of his big cock thrusting deep and hitting hard right into the depths of her little pussy, she could feel her knees go weak. She just couldn't keep her eyes from the big black erection in front of her and she felt herself look down at his hard cock.

"You can touch if you want to," Jaden told Mia.

Her mouth dropped open at the suggestion and she immediately just looked and stared at the huge black cock. The big cock was just inches from her now as she looked down the fit, muscular young man standing naked right in front of her with his big, thick black cock pointing up towards her.

"Go ahead, my cock is rock hard, and standing to attention because of how hot and sexy you are," he told her.

"That thing is that big and hard because of me," Mia thought, she was incredibly flattered, if it was true, but she had to be professional.

Mia knew for sure she didn't want to touch it, not least she had a great boyfriend and that made it wrong, but also because she didn't want to give this cocky, arrogant young man the benefit of her attention in this way. BUT! Her pussy was absolutely throbbing, and her body just seemed to react on its own as her little hand reached forward and her little fingers made an attempt to wrap themselves around the big cock. They couldn't go all the way round it was so thick, and she could feel the veins and heaviness of this giant. Her pussy was totally betraying her, she could feel how hot and wet she was getting.

"You can taste it as well if you want," She looked up at him totally aghast at his suggestion. "It was one thing wrapping her little hand around this thick monster but I'm not here to pleasure you," She thought. She said this at the same time her hand started to slowly stroke his thick cock, like her hand had a will of its own.

Then she felt the presence around her, Elijah and Marcus now standing either side of Jaden, she looked and yes, both their big black cocks were standing hard and proud. She could also feel the presence of men behind her. One was Jake a very tall white guy, lean but muscular with a long thick white cock now nice and hard, and the other Flip, a mixed-race guy, 5'10 very broad and he had an 8.5-inch but very thick cock.

Mia felt one of the guys standing to her side, out of her line of sight, take her other wrist and place her little hand on his cock. Of course, it was another thick cock and she now had one in each hand.

Jaden reached over and placed his big black hands onto her shoulders and applied just enough pressure, not enough to force her if she really didn't want to. Slowly Mia sunk to her knees, she was now eye to with three very big black cocks. Each was about twice the size of what she had become used to, her boyfriend's very nicely sized cock. Jaden moved the tiny distance forward necessary for the head of his cock to press up against Mia's lips. She looked at the cock and could see a little drop of pre-cum at the little slit, she looked up at Jaden and opened her mouth to say something and his cock filled her mouth, and she tasted his pre-cum.

Totally on instinct she ran her tongue across the head filling her mouth and under his glands. Then she stopped and looked up to Jaden and moved her head side-to-side to say no. He looked down at her almost with pity, "Baby girl, you don't like my cock, you want one of these other cocks in your mouth or in your pussy?"

She looked wide eyed up at Jaden again, and shook her head, "So it's my cock you want then," He laughed and turned away from Mia but pushed his cock into her mouth a little deeper. He high fived the two guys either side of him, "Sorry, bro's it's my black cock she wants."

Mia was trying to shake her head again but now he wasn't looking and now she had more cock in her mouth and for some reason her tongue was working on its own licking and slurping the underside of the big head. At the same time, her very innocent little pussy was throbbing and soaking the tiny panties she was wearing. Her body was betraying her. She had always loved giving her boyfriend head, she loved the control it gave her and the way it would grow, swell and twitch as she used her tongue.

Mia's mind was shouting for her to stop; she had the most gorgeous boyfriend and with him she had very nice sex and she was very happy with that. Yet her whole body was doing the opposite, her tongue was slurping away at the glands of this big cock fulling her mouth, she now realised both her hands were stroking cocks and her pussy was screaming at her to let it be stuffed with one of these big, thick cocks. In the back of her mind there was doubt, a little voice was saying, they're going to take you, just find out what it would be like to be roughly taken by one of these very fit, muscular men with their big cock, "NO!" She answered herself back, "I have a boyfriend," yet she kept slurping at the cock and stroking the other cocks. She wanted these men to strip her naked and use her holes. "NO! That's a lie," she was in such conflict.

Jaden had his thick cock pushed right to the back of her throat and she would occasionally gag and cough up a little bile, which would fill her mouth and add to the lube she was using to suck around the cock. She had quickly learnt she needed to breathe through her nose. She was getting worried that he was going to try and force the monster even further down her throat and might try and press it into her throat when, suddenly, Jaden stepped back and pulled his cock from her mouth. Her mouth hung open suddenly empty, she felt disappointed. Had she displeased him, wasn't she very good? She looked up for an answer and he reached down taking her under her arms and lifted her to her feet and pulled her to him so she was pressed against him, and she could feel the huge thick cock pressed against her body, it seemed enormous. Jaden leaned his head down and kissed Mia.


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