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Tricking Beatrix

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Too tipsy to drive, Beatrix becomes a coworker's guest.
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The party wasn't too bad. It was slightly too loud with way too much good food and drink, but on the whole it was a good party, Beatrix realized as she sat down on Keaton's couch. She had to admit to feeling slightly woozy, which wasn't a great thing.

One by one, the other party-goers left. The people she knew left early, so she'd have to drive herself home.

"No you don't!" Keaton insisted when she said as much. "You've had too many. It would be dangerous. Stay here tonight."

"I can't impose on you like that!" Beatrix protested. Besides, she barely knew her coworker.

"Neither can I let you drive yourself home in your state."

"I'm not drunk!" she insisted. Just a little light-headed.

"You know full well that you don't have to be drunk to be under the influence! You've told me that before!"

Beatrix sighed.

The last guest rose to leave. "I could drive you home," he offered.

She shook her head. "I guess I'm staying here. I will need my hoverbil tomorrow. Thanks anyway."

Then they were alone.

"Are you any good at tying knots?" he asked.

"Sure. What did you need?"

"If I wanted to play a little kinky in the bedroom with my girlfriend, which knots would I use?" Keaton asked.

"I would probably choose a slip knot so that it would come loose easily when you were ready," Beatrix suggested.

"Can you show me?"

"Of course."

"The ropes are in my bedroom," Keaton excused and walked out of the room.

Beatrix followed, curious now. He was sitting on his bed, trying to tie a rope. She sat next to him and took the rope from him. She quickly tied it. "Around the tree and back into the hole again," she quoted as she tied.

"And it will hold a leg nicely?" he asked, slipping it around her ankle and pulling it tight.

"Yes," she replied.

"And the other? I'm not sure I'll remember that knot."

She did it again. "You should probably learn it if you want to play with bondage."

He slipped it around her other ankle and pulled it tight.

"And if I wanted to tie her hands?" he asked.

"You could use the same knots."

"Together? Behind her? Like this?" he asked, putting Beatrix's arms behind her.

"Not sure. Maybe just wrap the rope around them and tie a basic square knot," she suggested. A rope wrapped around her wrists.

"Like that?" he asked.

"Something like that."

"And if I wanted to gag her so she couldn't scream?" he asked.

"I don't know," she admitted, unsure she wanted to keep playing this game. "Untie my wrists now, please."

Instead, a bandanna came over her mouth, forcing itself between her lips. It was quickly secured behind her head.

"Let me go!" she tried to cry out, but instead, the bandanna muffled her voice.

He pushed her back and rolled her over on her front and caught one of her feet by the rope that held her. He caught the other just as quickly and tied it to the other bed post.

"No!" she cried into the bandanna.

He put a pillow under her hips and another under her neck.

"See, I don't have a girlfriend," he told her pushing her skirt up over her hips. He pulled on the fabric of her panties and a moment later, she heard him cut through it. "I've been wanting you since my first day at work. It took getting you slightly intoxicated to get you into my bed."

Beatrix looked around to see him removing his clothing. "No!" she cried into the bandanna again.

"Oh yes!" he replied, pressing into her from behind. His hands came up under her shirt, pushing past her bra and settled on her breasts as he slid in and out from behind. "Oh yes!" he repeated. "This is exactly what I've been waiting for!"

Beatrix's eyes filled with tears, even while her body awakened, her nipples firming in his hands.

He pressed deeper and faster, as if afraid she'd still slip out of his hands somehow.

She thought about the fact that had he courted her in a normal fashion, she might have gone to his bed willingly in time. He had seemed to be a nice guy. Handsome, smart and funny, all the things a girl looked for. But now, he was raping her. The tears dripped from her eyes as the assault continued.

He massaged her breasts, almost lovingly. He kissed her neck and cheek. "You're going to marry me," he murmured into her ear.

Beatrix couldn't believe his nerve! Marry him? Now?!

His pace increased again. He pounded into her from behind, moaning as he did.

"Don't come in me, don't come in me!" she cried into the bandanna.

Instead of listening to her muffled cries, he held her against him as he slowed and she felt the twitch of his release inside her body. Despite the violation, her body had responded to him and shuddered around him, her own moan of satisfaction making her feel conflicted. He still twitched as he lay upon her, squashing her into the bed.

He removed the bandanna from her mouth.

"You jerk!" she spat.

"Is that any way to speak to your husband?" he asked, kissing her, making love to her mouth.

"I've not agreed to marry you! And after raping me?!"

"I'm giving my wife the baby she's been craving for. And doing the bondage role play she loves," he explained, taking her mouth again.

"You're a jerk!" Beatrix cried when he released her mouth again. "Get off me!"

His hands fondled her breasts. "I think you'd better agree to what I say," he murmured into her ear, kissing her lobe, tasting it with his tongue. "Because you are going to stay here -- naked and tied to my bed until you agree."

"Why would I agree, even then?" she asked.

"Because I'm everything you've ever wanted in a man -- including someone who will love you the way you need."

"Being raped?"

"Being dominated," Keaton replied. "Women need that."

"I don't!"

"I'm going to untie one of your legs," he said. "Then we can sleep. But if you cause problems, I will make things unpleasant."

Beatrix nodded her understanding.

A moment later, he had pulled her into his arms and held her as the covers came over them. "I will love you like you deserve, Beatrix. Give me a chance to prove myself to you." He wiped a tear from her cheek.

Beatrix determined to stay awake, but his warmth and tenderness quickly lulled her into a dreamless sleep. She could worry about the future in the morning.


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