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Trophy Wife Reboot Ch. 04

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Rich man's wife forced at brutal ranch to become submissive
2.3k words

Part 4 of the 6 part series

Updated 10/29/2022
Created 08/18/2014
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Even though I was exhausted, I slept little that night. It the meal room, #6 handed out the plastic wrapped dried-up breakfast sandwiches. As I waited to receive mine, #3 and #8 walked into the room together, but avoided looking toward me. When it was time for #6 to hand me my sandwich, she hurled it into the corner of the room. "Oops, I must have dropped it. Why don't eat it over there?"

I squatted alone in the room, as the rest of the women glared scorn at me. I wondered how I'd manage four weeks of this.

An hour later, we were allowed outside, before the full heat of the day started to scorch the earth. The sand still felt warm from the previous day. Most of us milled about, while a couple of us rinsed of their meager clothes in a basin by the side of the building. I found #8, soaking and scrubbing her tee-shirt and panties, as she stood naked in the morning breeze.

Even though it was forbidden, I used her name to have more intimacy, "Alyssa, I'm sorry. I didn't realize you didn't need to suffer as much as you did."

"Get away from me, you sick psyco bitch," she hissed without looking up.

I approached anyway. "I didn't realize they were mind fucking us. I was trying to help."

She held up the tee and said, "You see the blood marks on this. That came from you. Because you mercilessly flailed me. I'm still in pain. Yet, you barely stung yourself, with that tiny Taser."

"No, the Taser hurt, but I didn't know how to use the lash."

She dropped her tee onto the sand and rushed toward me. Her fist cracked across my jaw, and I tumbled to the ground. She was on top of me immediately and ripped the front of my shirt opened. I felt another hard open-palmed slap strike me across the side of my face.

The rest of our group gathered and began to cheer her on. I heard some yell, "Kick her stupid ass."

I was too shocked to try to fight back. I pulled my hands over my face, but felt a fist strike my ribcage.

"Stop that, you fucking whores. No fighting," cried Smith as, she and the Ranch Manager sprinted toward us.

The other women were dispersed and #8, and I were pulled apart. Smith glanced me over and determined there were no serious injuries, while that the Ranch Manager worked to calm down #8.

The Ranch Manager then escorted both of us to Mr. Ambrose's office. We stood silent while the incident was detailed. #8 was still naked with her hands behind her back. I was in the same pose, but with the front of my tee torn open and my tits showing.

The determination was made of the responsible parties; it was #8 that instigated the assault, but I was the one that approached her after she told me to back off. I was handed a red card.

"We cannot have this kind of behavior, #8. You have to leave. You'll be issued fresh clothing, but your husband left instructions that if you failed here, you were to be dropped off in front to the nearest brothel."

"You mean I have to become a prostitute?" she said in a rage mostly directed toward me.

"No, of course not. You don't have to enter the building or apply for work. You always have choices. It is just that you'll be in a desolate town with no money or friends. If you are resourceful enough, you may be able to find other means of support."

Two guards grabbed Alyssa by the shoulders and escorted her toward the start her descent into the abyss. I wondered if I should join her or offer to take her place. I was already unwittingly responsible for Nina being set to a cathouse. Perhaps, I deserved the same fate. I wished I'd been braver.

"You are to wait in your cell, #5. The other women will determine your punishment."

I sat alone for hours. I looked out the window several times, to see Alyssa in a pair of faded blue shorts, sandals and button-down shirt, broiling in the unforgiving sun. At that point, I was the worst form of human life imaginable - a total coward.

Eventually, my door opened and Smith walked in order to get me. "Time to face judgment. The others got yellow cards and have administered their own punishments. Still, nothing like what you dished out." She gave me a twisted smile, "You aren't going to win any popularity contests."

Three other women remained in the Adjustment Room. They were angry. All showed red whip marks across their bare asses and still wore their yellow-banded collars. One with a red band was securely locked around my neck. The front ring was attached to a chain anchored to the floor.

Without being asked I gave my confession, "I was wrong to try to force my apology onto #8. I misunderstood the pain, I unnecessary inflicted on her, and I deserve to be the one outside. I was too gutless to say that, but I want to take her place."

"You are too late for that. Alyssa is now on her way to the next phase of her life. You can't help her nor could you have. If you wish to leave you can say so at any time," came the dispassionate announcement from Mr. Ambrose.

"Yeah, you should leave," #3 said she pointed her index finger toward me. "You don't belong here."

"That is not for you to decide, #3."

"No, sir, I'm sorry." I could see the scorn in her eyes. They blamed me for all of their current misery.

"So what atonement shall #5 be issued? That is the choice for the rest of you."

I was unhooked from the floor and manacled to the Crux, the same device I'd beaten #8 on the day before. The women went to the wall containing the electric prods and returned with the largest ones available. I mentally prepared myself for the intense pain I was about to endure and weighted to choices still left before me.

"Wait, I have a better idea," said #6. "It will benefit us and make #5 suffer."

She turned to address Mr. Ambrose. "Sir, how many customers are going to be here tonight?"

"It's too late to change the invite list, so there will be ten this evening."

"We want to have #5 handle all of our customers for the next week," she said.

He contemplated her suggestion and said, "Just tonight. The work is for your retraining"

"Sir, we'd like you to consider two days."

"Are you all satisfied with that?"

They all voiced their agreement. "And do you concur #5?"

"Yes, sir, all clients." Anything was better than the electric shocks these women might enact upon me.

I was released from the cross, but not before #6, using one of the permanent markers she'd found in the room, wrote the words "Dumb Skank" across my chest. I was returned to my cell to spend the rest of the day contemplating my coming fate.

Hours later, I stood alone in the Viewing Room against the selection wall, the only available commodity as ten Hispanic men entered and began asking the guards what was going on. The guard spoke with them in Spanish as they looked at me with dissatisfaction. My own interpretation was that it was bad enough have to spend their money on one woman they had to share with one of two others. Now all ten on one? What the fuck?

Still, none backed out of the deal. They drew lots to determine their place. The winner, grabbed my hand to lead me to a stall. I dutifully removed my clothing and following the man's gestures, put his erection into my mouth. I worked it up and down, until he pulled out and pushed me over. I parted my legs and he entered me while nine more watched, cheering him on. He didn't ride for long, but shouted, "Buena chica." At least, I understood the meaning of that.

Another man entered my stall, while the first dressed. I saw #6 milling among the men. She apparently spoke Spanish and said, "No estoy disponible esta noche."

Next she asked the group, "¿Te gustaría coger el scank en el culo?"

Several replied "Si," and laughed with a roar.

Scornfully smiling at me, #6 showed me her middle finger as she mouthed "Fuck you, cunt," just as the second man of the night entered my pussy.

He worked me for 20 minutes, and I was already feeling exhausted. He insisted on grabbing my tits and squeezing the nipples. More than once I pulled his hands off my breasts as the other men hooted. A chant emanated from the group, "Skank estúpido," another retribution instigated by #6.

The man fucking me exclaimed, "Todo ello, Skank estúpido." I could feel his eruption as his warm jizim shot inside me.

A third man entered my stall and the chanting grew in intensity. I began to spread my legs, but he grinned and motioned me to roll over. I didn't understand, but he grabbed me and forced me into a kneeling position, pulling my hips up and my ass out. He held a jar of thick petroleum jelly and began to smear it over my ass crack. Only then did I realize the meaning Angela's words. Some men had been invited to fuck me in the ass.

I'd never tried anal sex. I never wanted to try it. At that moment, I began to shout, "No, I quit. I want out. I'll leave the ranch!"

It did me no good. The chanting had grown so boisterous; none of the staff could hear me. They were busy trying to control the increasing unruly crowd. My legs we pulled apart while another man entered the stall, and I sensed a penis was slowly guided into my rectum as the same time as another cock was shoved into my mouth.

The intrusion in my anus was uncomfortable at first, but at least wasn't painful. It was more of a humiliation that I was now feeling. I could see the three other remaining trophy whores pointing toward me and laughing.

I felt the man come in my mouth, and I allowed it to fall out onto the mattress. He withdrew, but that cock was quickly replaced by another. I lost track of the amount of time that had transpired and the actions that had taken place. By my best estimated, I received three cocks in my ass, two in my mouth and the rest in my cunt.

As I passed by #3, her facial expression twisted into a harsh scowl, she screeched, "If it didn't mean another yellow card, I'd love nothing better than to spit in your face right now."

I stumbled back to my cell and lay on my cot, exhausted and disgraced. I laid in silence for an hour, before I heard a tap on my door. It was Smith.

"Guess you had a rough night."

I wasn't able to speak. I simple nodded my head. I needed someone to comfort me. Anyone would do. I'd never felt so completely alone in my life.

"I'm afraid you're not finished until you complete all your work. We can do it here or in my room. Your choice."

In a near trance state, I made my way to Smith's room. I saw money dropped onto the nightstand and saw myself as I used my tongue to bring her to climax, but I felt as if I was standing outside of my own body, just watching my actions. I kissed her and was allowed a few precious moments of human contact when she held me.

"You've got another twenty dollars' worth of questions coming to you."

I stared at her at first unable to process the information. At last, I determined what I wanted that night. "Please, if you have any bit of humanity, I'll pay you the money, if you'll just continue to hold me."

There were no words between us, but I felt her draw me closer. It could have been anyone, but it was what I needed to survive the night.

It could have been an hour later or perhaps four, but I felt Smith nudge me. "You'll have to get back to your cell, or they'll card you again.

I sat up and my head felt clearer once again. I found my tee and panties on the floor and slipped them back on.

"You've still got your questions. The comfort was my treat. Don't get used to it."

My mind was blank. What more could I ask that would be of any use? Why not ask exactly that? "What questions should I ask?"

Smith grinned at me, as if to say; I was finally getting somewhere. "That one will cost $10. OK, first question: Is there a way out of here other than finishing the program?"

She looked me in the eyes and make the word sound very deliberate. "No, all the bases are covered. The men who own this place, control more than you can imagine. A tiny number of people in this county control most of the government and the parts they don't control are too tied up to notice anything like this."

I tried to process the information. In a weird way, in made sense for some of the things I heard James say about the power he held over politicians.

Smith continued to ask and answer her own questions. "Next question - how can you finish this out? Answer: Be the worst you can be. The purpose this program to pit you bitches against each other. The rest have formed a block against you. They'll be on each other, once you go down. Don't go down, divide them instead."

Smith pulled me closer and said softly into my ear, "Final question. How can you prevail? Stop being the prey. Start being the predator."

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lickitandstickitlickitandstickitabout 6 years ago
Great writing

This is such a wild story, very rare imagination. Just cant give it enough stars.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

I really enjoy this story. Yes it's a little far fetched but please continue writing it!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Love it!

One individuals drivel is another's delight..more please!

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