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Trouble in New Orleans Ch. 02

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The Friday Night Delight.
4.4k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 10/28/2020
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**This is the second installment of Jane and Diane's wild vacation. The real trouble starts in chapter 3. I hope you enjoy the buildup! Love, Chloe Hunt**

Collin and Vince escorted Diane and Jane back to their hotel that night. Their group was happy and tipsy as they strolled down the crowded street. The party on Bourbon Street really did go all night almost every single day of the week. Diane tried her damnedest to convince Collin to come to bed with her, but they were both too drunk to walk at that point. Vince and Jane pulled them away from each other and promised they could see each other again the next day.

Diane woke the following morning to a hangover. Jane woke with a sore crotch. It wasn't terrible, but she was surprised to feel soreness all the way up into her abdomen. She hoped she would be back to normal by Friday night.

The girls decided to have an easy Thursday and relax by the hotel pool. Collin made his appearance looking tired, but he brightened up when he saw Diane in her bikini again. He brought them some drinks by the pool and chatted with them for a few minutes.

Jane quickly became the third wheel in the conversation, so she pulled out her smartphone to research ghost tours. Local news stories popped up along with tour ads, and one story made Jane's jaw drop. A young woman had been murdered behind Belle Nuit while they were there.

"Holy shit!" she exclaimed, catching Diane and Collin's attention. "Do you know anything about this?" she asked as she showed the headline to Collin.

"Oh my god... I haven't heard anything about it," he said in disbelief. "I crawled out of bed an hour ago and came straight to work."

Diane grabbed Jane's phone from her so she could read the article.

"Jesus... that poor girl," she said in disgust. "She had burn marks on her body and satanic symbols carved all over her skin. They think many different people raped her. The murder fits a pattern they have seen before. For the past three years, different girls have gone missing and were later found murdered like this. Authorities believe the torture and rape happen in different locations. Then the girls are taken to their final destination somewhere in the city and murdered."

"Shit," Collin said, shaking his head. "That happened last year around this time. Two girls were murdered, and they couldn't figure out who did it. One was found by the river, and the other was found dumped in the cemetery off Basin Street. A body has never been dumped in the middle of town, though. It disgusts me to think we were so close to that shit last night," he said with a shudder.

"Ugh, me too," Diane said as she handed Jane's phone back to her.

"I'm suddenly feeling less interested in ghost tours," Jane sighed.

"Seriously," Collin agreed. "Well, I need to get back to work. You two stay together if you go out today. Don't talk to any weird people. Once this shit starts happening, it doesn't stop until at least two girls are dead. Three girls were murder the year before last. If you're out really late, call Vince or me to escort you back to the hotel. See you, ladies, later," Collin called before he hurried back to his post.

"He's so noble. His dick is really nice too," Diane sighed as she smiled at Jane.

The girls were ready for adventure again when Friday night rolled around. They had almost forgotten about Collin's warning as they set out early into the crowded streets. They were eager to find the Golden Rule Strip Club.

Diane was dressed in her tightest little black dress while Jane rocked her low cut red dress. They were drawing a fair amount of attention as they strolled up Bourbon Street. Midway through their journey, Jane noticed a familiar-looking band. They were playing on a street corner.

"Oh, hey, those are Vince's bandmates," she said excitedly as she hurried over to listen.

A different man was rocking Vince's guitar. He smiled and winked at Jane and Diane as they walked up. He was tall and handsome with dark brown hair and big hazel eyes. Jane and Diane were admiring him as they finished their song.

"Good evening, ladies," he announced. "Can we assist you in some way?" he asked.

"Hey, yeah, we're friends with Vince. I'm Jane, and this is Diane," she said as she held her hand out to the man.

"Ah, Vince has excellent taste. I'm Julian," he said as he pulled Jane's hand to his lips and kissed it. He was just as charming as Vince, but his eyes were more mischievous. "These are my bandmates, Conner and Tory," he said as he pointed them out. They waved politely.

"It's lovely to meet you all," Jane said. "Would you happen to know where the Golden Rule is? Vince and Collin are expecting us in the next ten minutes."

"I certainly do. I work there on and off throughout the week. I'll escort you, ladies, to the door myself. See you guys in twenty," he said over his shoulder to his bandmates.

Then he motioned for Diane and Jane to walk with him. They strolled up Bourbon Street, weaving through the normal drunk revelers. It was extra crowded that Friday night.

"So, has the French Quarter seduced you ladies yet?" Julian asked.

"It has," Diane said with a huge grin as she walked up beside him. "Does living here take away some of the shine?" she asked.

"Not at all. I've lived here on and off for ten years. I still love it. It takes getting used to, but it grows on you."

"I could get used to it," Diane said with a smirk as they passed a mostly naked fire juggler. "I wonder if he shaves his body hair or burns it off?" she chuckled as they stopped to watch him for a moment.

"He actually waxes," Julian said with a huge grin.

Diane and Jane burst out laughing before they continued walking. Julian led them down a few blocks that were less appealing than Bourbon Street. The most noteworthy establishment in that area of town was the Golden Rule Strip Club. He bid them a fond farewell once they were standing at the front entrance.

Jane paid the cover charge before they were led to the bar. The club was tastefully decorated. It had a Las Vegas shine about it. Collin greeted them with a bright smile when he saw them walking over.

"Hello, hello, hello! You ladies look incredible," he said in admiration. He immediately handed them bright red drinks in tall martini glasses.

"Wow, Collin. You look fuckably dapper," Diane said with a huge grin.

He was dressed in a sharp 1920's style striped suit.

"This year's theme is the roaring twenties. The club supplies our uniforms. So don't damage it when you're ripping it off me later," he said with a wink as he leaned over the bar and planted a kiss on Diane's expectant mouth.

Diane grabbed his hair and kissed him aggressively before she released him.

"Damn woman, thanks for the work-boner," he sighed.

The girls burst out laughing as they sat at the bar to enjoy their drinks.

"Collin, where's Vince?" Jane inquired as she pulled the cherry out of her drink and ate it.

"He's in the back getting dressed. He'll be out looking for you any second now," he assured her.

"This place is nice," Jane said as she spun in her swivel chair to face Diane.

"I say we grab that table right down in front soon. It's the best seat in the house. Lots of opportunities for crotch shots," she said with a smirk.

Jane looked to where she was pointing only to be distracted by a well-dressed man stepping through the door by the stage. Her mouth dropped open as she admired him. It was Vince. He looked as if he had just stepped out of a fancy bar in downtown New York in the 1920s.

His suit was dark burgundy and perfectly fitted to his beautiful body. He was wearing a small hat of the same color that hid his forehead. It made his eyes look mysterious. His hair was gelled back and tamed. He looked like a completely different version of himself.

"I can't believe I fucked that beautiful man," Jane whispered with a gulp as he sauntered over and gave her a bright smile.

"You're a dazzling sight for sore eyes," Vince said in amazement as he looked at her little red dress.

"Same to you," she whispered as she slid out of her chair. She quickly wrapped her arms around him and kissed him passionately. His touch and smell made her feel tingly all over.

"Mmm," he groaned in delight as he ran his hands down her body, enjoying her soft curves.

She pulled away a few seconds later with her heart pounding.

"You look good enough to eat," she whispered.

"Thank you. You look pretty tasty yourself," he said with a grin.

"Ahem, do I get a hug and kiss?" Diane asked jealously.

"You got a kiss from Collin, so no," Jane said tritely.

"I don't have a lot of time to hang out, sadly," Vince said apologetically. "I'm the lead dancer tonight, so I have to check in with everybody backstage and do last-minute costume inspections. I wanted to ask, would you be comfortable coming up on stage with me for the main event tonight? You'll be sitting in a chair, so I can dance around you. If you can handle that kind of thing, it's a lot of fun," he said with a huge grin.

Jane gulped as she stared into his handsome face. The thought of being pulled on stage for a striptease was thrilling and terrifying.

"Girl, you better do it or I will," Diane warned.

Jane's stomach was fluttering as she and Diane were seated right in front of the stage. She had agreed to go on stage with Vince out of some desperate desire to humiliate herself in front of many people.

Her nerves grew worse when the lights dimmed. A well-dressed announcer strolled on stage to welcome everyone to the club. There wasn't an empty seat in the house. The Friday Night Delight was the best show of the week. Jane had a feeling Vince was the person to thank for it.

The audience cheered, hooted, and whistled as the first dance group ran on stage. They were dressed in finely tailored suits. Vince was dancing in the very back, almost out of view.

"Why is he in the back?" Jane asked in frustration.

"They're saving the best for last. They'll pull him to the front for the main event. Trust me," she said with a knowing smile.

To Jane's surprise, Diane was right. They teased Vince to the front a few times while everyone else stripped around him. They were acting out a 1920's crime drama as they stripped and danced. Vince was obviously the handsome mob boss as he directed everyone around.

It eventually came to the part that Jane had been dreading. A chair was placed at the center of the stage and flooded with spotlights. Then the announcer called for the mysterious woman in red to take her seat on the stage. She would be interrogated by the Golden Rule mob boss for seducing his men and turning them over to the police.

Diane was clapping and squealing with laughter as Jane stood and looked at the chair on the stage. All the women around her were clapping and cheering for her as well. It made her smile in spite of her nerves. She took a deep breath and marched up on stage. She took her seat in the chair and faced the audience.

Her hands were trembling as taunting dance music started. A spotlight was shined on the back of the stage. Jane looked up in surprise to see a projection screen over the audience, showing her on stage. Her heart did a nervous sputter to see Vince slowly pacing up behind her chair. The women in the audience were screaming with delight as he stopped behind her. The camera zoomed in on his face. He was wearing the most devilish grin Jane had ever seen.

She chewed her lip as she watched him reach down and slowly slide his hands over her breasts and down her stomach. She shuddered all over from his caresses. Then he spun around the chair and stood in front of her. He pointed at her like he was accusing her of some great crime. She smiled at him as he proceeded to toss his hat off and run his fingers through his hair. He seemed beyond frustrated with her imaginary crime.

His body language was telling a story, and it was wonderfully arousing. The women in the audience were hooting and whistling for him as he paced around the chair.

Suddenly, he stood right in front of her. He leaned his hands on her thighs and got right in her face. He was so close he could kiss her if he wanted. Jane was holding her breath.

"Do you know your crime?" he whispered with so much brooding inflection in his voice it made Jane go tingly all over. He was completely in character, and it was incredibly arousing.

She gulped and shook her head.

"You're just too fucking beautiful," he whispered. Then he spun away from her and threw his jacket right off his arms into the audience.

That sent the ladies into an uproar. He danced circles around Jane as he ripped his shirt off and threw it off the stage, encouraging more screaming and cheering. Then he stood in front of Jane with his back to the crowd. He began gyrating his hips and midsection towards her as he beckoned her to touch him.

She bit her lip as she watched him rolling his midsection in the most provocative manner possible. She had never seen a man move his body like that, but she had felt it before. He had done that same movement against her a few days earlier, right before he fucked her. She went tingly as she remembered how he made her feel. She wanted him again so bad at that moment it was making her insides ache.

He was smiling as he admired the sex blush on her face and neck. Then he paced away from her to the edge of the stage. He dramatically and gracefully sank to the floor until he was lying on his stomach. Then he dragged himself forward like he was a snake stalking through the grass. He crawled forward until his hands and lips found Jane's ankles.

She jumped and whimpered at the feel of his teeth trailing up her left leg. His touch sent arousing tingles up the center of her body. The crowd was going absolutely insane as they watched him kiss up her leg. Jane had a feeling they were as wet as she was at that point. Vince still had his black pants and shoes on. It somehow added to the sexiness of what he was doing.

Suddenly, Vince pulled Jane's knees wide open. He twirled around and sat down between her legs with the back of his head tight against her crotch. The women in the audience loudly praised his antics.

Jane's heart was pounding as Vince looked up at her, smiling like the devil himself. She couldn't help smiling back. Then he twirled around on his knees again. He pushed her knees further apart as he began rolling his stomach and hips between her thighs. She was tingling all over as she imagined him doing it with his cock inside her. She couldn't believe how sharply arousing his body language was.

She gulped when he began sliding his hands up the inside of her legs. He smiled at her wickedly before he did a split on his knees, lowering his face close to her crotch. She gasped when he suddenly hiked her legs over his shoulders, forcing her thighs to squeeze his head. She jumped when he turned his head to the side and nibbled her inner thigh.

"God, you smell good," he groaned before he escaped her legs. She laughed and quickly closed her legs as he climbed to his feet again.

He staggered across the stage as if he were tired and defeated by Jane's overpowering presence.

That's when two sexy policemen hurried on stage to arrest him. Vince looked at them in surprise. Then he offered his hands in surrender, but when they tried to cuff him, he snatched the handcuffs and ran off the stage into the audience.

A chorus of laughter and cheers erupted as Vince wormed through the crowd. He was pulling different women out of their seats and placing them in front of the policemen. The policemen would frisk every woman that got in their way. Soon they were completely distracted from the original chase.

Vince smoothly danced back up on stage to face Jane again. He very slowly climbed into her lap, facing her. His crotch was wonderfully hot against her legs.

She was tingling as she placed her hands on his thighs. It felt satisfying to touch him again. She was smiling as he ran his fingers into her hair and pulled their lips together. She groaned in delight as he explored her mouth with his tongue. He drew away a few seconds later and smiled as he reached behind his back. She looked over his shoulder at the big screen to see him pulling the handcuffs he stole out of his back pocket.

The audience was cheering him on as he climbed out of Jane's lap and pulled her to her feet. He quickly slapped a cuff on her wrist and turned her around to finish cuffing her hands behind her back. The crowd was going mental as he escorted her off the back of the stage.

Jane was smiling and aroused as he silently walked her down the empty back hall. He guided her into a room at the far end and closed the door behind them. The room appeared to be a simple dressing room. It had a makeup mirror against the wall and a large futon on the floor in the corner.

"That was incredible," she chuckled as she turned to look at Vince.

He immediately pushed her against the wall and kissed her. She groaned against his mouth as he squeezed her tits through her dress and played his tongue against hers. Her wrists were still securely cuffed behind her back. She didn't think she could get any more aroused, but she did when he began pulling her dress up off her thighs. She gasped when he suddenly seized her arms and pulled her across the room. He pushed her down on the soft futon.

Jane's body felt hot, and her heart was pounding as she watched him kneel down in front of her. He smoothly slid his hands up her dress and yanked her underwear off her legs. Then he slowly leaned down and kissed her knee. The simple touch made her shiver.

He assertively pushed her legs wide open, sending an anxious tingle through her insides. It was wonderfully arousing to lay exposed to him. She could see the desire in his eyes as he looked at her wet cunt. He smiled as he lay down between her legs with his face close to her crotch. She gulped as he breathed her in.

"You smell so fucking good. If sex had a smell, this would be it," he whispered with heavy eyelids.

Jane watched with her heart pounding as he slowly licked over her dripping cunt. It sent a sharp tingle up the center of her body.

"Oh god, yes," she groaned as her head fell back and her insides twitched.

"Mmm, you taste like sex too," he breathed before he pushed his tongue inside her.

She gasped to feel his hot tongue sliding into her cunt. It felt strange and sent extra heat rushing all over her skin and between her legs.

"That's so good," she groaned.

His hot, prodding tongue felt like pure dirty pleasure, and he was licking her harder with every passing second. Her legs were trembling as she felt him lapping more aggressively. It was mind-numbing against her inner muscles. She was going to cum fast if he didn't back off.

She was soon breathless and on the verge of oblivion when he suddenly backed off. She took a deep breath and groaned as she relaxed against the futon. He chuckled to himself as he gently kissed her inner thigh.

"Why did you stop?" she panted tiredly.

"I love seeing you on the edge. It's incredibly hot," he whispered as he gently trailed his lips along the swollen skin of her cunt.

"Please fuck me, Vince. I'm aching for it," she begged with her heart pounding. Her cunt seriously wanted something hard in it at that point.

He chuckled before he gently ran his tongue over her clit, teasing it with hot pressure. Her legs jumped from the caress. She grumbled when he kept doing it. It was making the ache in her cunt worse. She was dripping more when he finally climbed over her. He smiled at her blushing face.

"Are you comfortable?" he whispered before he gently kissed her mouth. She could taste her sweetness on his lips.

"Yes, plenty," she whispered as she watched him raise up on his knees.


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