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Troy is Sent to Camp

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A spoiled preppy boy gets brought down.
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All characters in this story are 18 years old or older.

Cora, Troy's mother, was at her wits end. She had tried everything possible to rein in her 18 year old son, Troy. He was wild. She realized that she was part of the problem. She'd given him everything he'd ever desired. She had never required him to take responsibility for anything. He was a spoiled rotten young boy who needed to be tamed.

Troy was getting into every kind of trouble. He'd stolen cars just for the fun of it. He had shoplifted, not needing anything. He busted in to Coras bridge gathering drunk and nearly naked in just his skimpy underwear. She was so embarrassed she never had the group meeting again.

He continually got into trouble at school and was expelled several times. Their money and status would get him back into school.

Out of options, a friend gave Cora some information about a camph for "troubled youth," she'd heard about from a friend of a friend. Thinking this might be her last resort she decided to ship Troy off to camp.

Troy was furious when his mother informed him of her plans. He cursed her and threatened to do bodily harm if she went through with her plans. The only thing that stopped him was the threat to cut his flow of cash completely off. She had made that threat before but this time Troy could tell she was serious.

He then tried being overly kind and cooperative, hoping she would change her mind. He stated, "I'll be good. I won't do anything to embarrass you ever again."

Cora replied, "We've had this same conversation so many times I can't count them. If you don't go to this camp, I'm done. You'll be on your own. You will have to get a job and your own place to live. There will be NO monetary help from me."

It was sinking in to Troy that he really didn't have a choice. His thinking was he'd go along with this ridiculous farce, get it over with and then get things back to normal.

"Ok...alright, I'll go. But I think it's a waste of time and your money,"Troy professed.

In his head he'd envisioned this "camp" to be some kind of luxury spa type place. There's no way his own mother would dare send him to anything less than the best.

Troy had slept on the plane and when he was jousted awake he had no idea where he was. He was met at the airport by a large woman holding a sign with his name on it.

"I'm Troy," he said to the Amazon type woman. She said nothing but turned and started walking off. "Hey! What the hell? Am I supposed to carry my own luggage?" The woman turned and gave him a eat shi5 look and kept walking.

Troy grabbed his bags and trotted off after the woman, cursing her all the way. She stopped at a shabby looking old model van. It was so old you couldn't distinguish what color it had once been.

"Am I supposed to ride in this...this thing?" Troy questioned. Afterwards he asked, "Well can I at least have some help loading my baggage? Their Gucci you know."

The woman grabbed his bags and threw them onto the van then kicked them down the aisle. "Hey, those cost more than you'll earn in a year!" Troy shouted.

"Shut the fuck up and sit your nasty ass down," the Amazonian woman ordered. "I'm so already over your shit! It's gonna be my greatest pleasure busting that nice but spoiled ass of yours."

Troy was surprised and stunned that this person was addressing him in that manner. "I'm going to report you to the administrator of this...this camp, as soon as we arrive,"Troy announced.

In a much calmer and respectful voice she said, "Why wait. Let me introduce myself. I'm Hillary, I own and run the...camp!"

Troy was thrown for a loop? He wasn't expecting that. Surely this beast of a woman couldn't be the person in charge. She didn't appear to have enough brain cells to find her way home. Something had to be amiss here.

Trying to mediate the situation Troy asked, "How far is it to the camp?

"We'll be there before long," Hillary answered. "It's way out in the boonies away from everything."

"Wow! That's interesting. I hope my phone still works out here," Troy said.

Laughing, Hillary replied, "It won't. There aren't any towers nearby. So no phone or WiFi available, sorry?"

"What! You can't be serious!" Troy responded. "I'll need to get in contact with my friends and family."

"That was one of your mom's requests. She wanted to keep you away from some of those friends. She suspects they are a bad influence on you and have contributed to your misbehavior." Hillary explained.

"That fucking cunt! She has no right to do that to me." Troy responded.

"This kind of behavior is exactly why she sent you here," Hillary explained. "That will not be tolerated at camp. I've been given permission to use any and every kind of treatment to stop such behavior."

Troy just gave her a look that implied, eat shit and die.

After what seemed hours to Troy, they arrived at the camp as it was getting dark. From what he could see he quickly realized it was no luxury, anything. It was rustic, very rustic. Nothing like what Troy was accustomed to.

"It's too late for a tour tonight. I'll show you the layout tomorrow,"Hillary said. "Follow me and I'll show you to your bunk. Oh by the way you'll be happy to know you'll have the entire second floor of the cabin to yourself. You're the only boy here right now."

"What do you mean, the second floor? I require private accommodations." Troy specified.

"That's a joke. You should be grateful you get the upstairs to yourself. It's normally full of other juvenile delinquents." Hillary laughed. "Pick a bed and get some rest, tomorrow's going to be a busy day."

Troy was exhausted from traveling and arguing with Hillary. He chose a bed at the far end, undressed and was asleep nearly immediately.

Troy was awakened by voices seemingly getting closer and closer. He opened his eyes expecting to see Hillary. Instead he saw four strange girls standing next to his bed.

"What the...who the...how did you get in here?" Troy was trying to ask all his questions at the same time. He grabbed the sheet and pulled it up around his neck to hide his naked chest. He was sleeping in only his jockey shorts.

Emma, a stout rough looking girl answered, "First of all you're the new one here. We, the girls, live downstairs and we just walked up the stairs to get here. Any other questions, smart ass?"

"How dare you barge in on me like this!" Troy exclaimed. "I could have been indecent or something."

The girls all laughed. "Well excuse us. Next time we will call and make an appointment," Emma sarcastically said.

"So, are you indecent?" Emma asked. Immediately after asking that she and the other girls grabbed his sheet trying to pull it off him. It didn't take much of a struggle for four against one and his sheet was off him and on the floor.

There he was in his bed and naked except for his underwear. He automatically covered his crotch with his hands and screamed for them to leave him alone.

"What the fuck is wrong with you people?" Troy asked.

Emma said, after a long pause and looking him up and down, "Not too shabby for a preppy punk like you. In fact you're kinda good looking all over. Let's see what's in those jockey shorts girls!"

As they started grabbing and pulling at his underwear he held onto it for dear life. They managed to get it pulled down to reveal his nicely trimmed pubic hair before they heard Hillary approaching. They all let go and Troy adjusted it back into place before Hillary appeared.

"Well I see you met some of your downstairs cabin mates," she said."You're not really 'dressed' for company though. You might want to take that into consideration in the future."

Troy nodded yes, still somewhat traumatized from being attacked.

"Ok girls, you know the routine, run along and get breakfast. I'm going to fill in our new guest about the camp," Hillary said.

The girls left and Hillary instructed Troy to shower, get dressed and come to breakfast.

"I don't shower in the morning. I take long baths at night. I was too tired to take one last night but I will tonight," Troy responded.

"First of all we don't have bathtubs here and I'm not suggesting you take a shower, I'm insisting you take one," she demanded.

"Ok, I'll shower tonight. Now get off my back!" Troy replied.

With that Hillary grabbed him by the arm and drug him out of bed and into the large municipal bathroom. "This can go one of two ways, easy or hard, your choice."

"You're fucking crazy!" Troy said. "This is ridiculous, I can't believe this is happening!"

Hearing his negative response she said, "Ok have it your way but remember I gave you a choice. The next thing he heard was Hillary yelling downstairs asking, "Emma, you still here?"

Seconds later he heard Emma reply, "Yep, why!"

"Come back up here, I need your help," she answered.

In just a few seconds Emma appeared standing with them in the shower room. "Troy here doesn't seem to want to adhere to camp rules about showering in the mornings."

"Oh no, that's terrible. Everyone takes a morning shower, camp rules!" Emma reinforced. "What do you need my help with?"

"If you'd turn on the shower and get a good temperature please," Hillary instructed.

"Ok, done. It's nice and warm," Emma relayed.

"Now take Mr. I don't have to do anything I don't want to dos, underwear off!" Hillary said.

Hearing this Troy started struggling to escape Hillary's hold on him. Being the aforementioned Amazon woman his attempts were futile. Before he knew it Emma had relieved him of his jockey shorts. He was now naked as the day he was born and in front of two strange women.

Realizing he'd lost the battle he begged them to let him go. He agreed to finish showering himself and promised to never argue about morning showers again.

Hillary and Emma backed off but continued to watch him shower. "I just need to make sure you clean yourself since you were fighting me at first." Hillary explained.

"Ok but does she, indicating Emma, have to be here?" Troy asked.

"If you hadn't made me call her for help in the first place she wouldn't be here now, right?" She asked.

Humiliated, he just lowered his head and finished showering. He reached up to turn off the water but Emma interrupted him saying, "I didn't see you wash those nasty, sweaty stinky balls. You better clean those suckers."

"I don't take orders from a cunt like you," he responded angrily.

"Just for that, I'm telling you to scrub those hairless balls just like Emma said." Hillary instructed. "And while you're at it make sure you scrub that hairy ass crack. We don't need any smelly ass holes around here."

More humiliated than ever he followed the instruction. In doing so this got his blood flowing and gave his penis a bit of a swell. He pleaded with his brain not to acknowledge the stimulation and thank goodness it didn't.

He finished scrubbing and turned off the water. Hillary told him to stand still while Emma checked him to see if he'd done a good enough job.

"What!"...What do you mean?" Troy asked.

"Exactly what I said, now spread your legs!" Hillary demanded.

Seeing no real options he spread his legs about shoulder width. Emma stood directly in front of him and looked into his eyes just before bending down so she was crotch level. Suddenly he felt Emma lift his ball sack and look under them. He could feel her warm breath on them. After moving his balls back and forth she let them drop.

"Good job on the balls," Hillary pronounced. "Now turn around, bend over and spread your ass cheeks."

"I'm not doing that, no way!" Troy responded. "You can't...that's a private intimate area, no way!"

"Not a problem, if you don't want to do it, Emma and I can do it for you." Hillary responded as they started toward him.

"Wait..no...I'll...I'll do it," he mumbled. Very slowly he turned around and bent over and waited for their comments.

"Now grab your ass cheeks and spread them open. We need to check to see if you're clean." Hillary instructed.

Humiliated and dejected he reached back and spread open his ass cheeks. He could feel the unfamiliar air circulating around his hole. He knew if he could feel the air they could see every detail of his puckered hole. He'd never felt so violated.

"Looks ok to me. How about you, Emma?" Hillary asked.

"Yeah, not bad for a guy. There really lazy when it comes to washing themselves," she answered.

Throwing him a towel Hillary said, "Now hurry up and get dressed and join everyone for breakfast." Pointing to a building out the window, "That's the mess hall. We serve all our meals there."

The two women left and Troy finished drying himself. He was still embarrassed by what had just happened. His only thoughts after that humiliation was how to escape from this hell hole. After all, he was smarter than any of them.

He walked into the mess hall trying to figure out what was what and where to start. One of the girls that had been by his bedside this morning hopped up and ran over to him.

"Hello again, I'm Ava. We kinda met this morning!" She giggled

"I'll show you the rounds in here, follow me," she said.

Ava, like the other three girls that showed up at his bed earlier, could not be described as pretty. They were all downright unattractive. Looking around the breakfast table Troy thought to himself he'd never seen so many ugly girls in one place.

Ava joked, "We nearly got you this morning, didn't we?" She asked Troy.

Before he could answer Emma spoke up saying, "Yeah we did but you guys didn't miss much. I got to see the rest of him after you all left. No 'big' deal!"

Ava questioned her, "How...when...how did that happen?"

"I had to help Hillary with his shower and like I said you guys didn't miss anything, at least anything to speak of," Emma chuckled.

Troy flashed her a dirty look as his face reddened from embarrassment.

As they were finishing breakfast another group of about 20-25 girls entered the room. Hillary announced, "Ok the second shift is here for breakfast so let's hit it."

With that the girls from Troys cabin got up and stacked their breakfast trays on the counter on their way out. Troy, clueless, followed like a lost sheep.

"So what now?" Troy asked the girl next to him. He would later learn her name was Doris. She was another girl that had been at his bedside this morning.

She answered, "We meet up in the auditorium for daily assignments. Everyone takes turns doing camp duties or projects."

"That's some stupid shit," Troy said. "Unless some of the projects are boating or water skiing, I'm going back to bed."

In the auditorium Hillary was assigning duties and when she got to Troy she said, "If I overheard you correctly you wanted to go boating. Well then, I've got the perfect job for you. You can take the boat out and clean up the lake."

"Clean up a lake?" Troy questioned. "How the hell do you clean a lake?" He asked facetiously.

"You'll see. The lake is full of crap. Empty used water bottles, discarded styrofoam cups and coolers. You find all sorts of garbage in the lake and along the shore," Hillary explained. "You'll basically be a garbage man today."

"You gotta be kidding me," Troy responded. "I don't think my mom sent me here to collect garbage. As soon as I tell her what's going on here she'll snatch me out of here."

Laughing,Hillary replied, "She gave me explicit instructions to do whatever I needed to do to correct your misbehavior. I plan on doing exactly that and you really don't want to fight me on this. Just remember what happened when I asked you to shower and you refused. I've no patience with 'boys' who don't follow my instructions."

Flashing back to the humiliation of being seen and touched by a strange girl in the shower, he adjusted his attitude. He simply asked, "Where's the boat?"

"I'll have one of the girls show you the process we use to clean the lake," Hillary said. "Ann, you can show him the ropes."

"I'll meet you at the dock after I go change," Troy told Ann.

"No need to change. You're dressed ok the way you are,"Hillary interjected.

"I'm not wearing these shorts to pick up garbage. They cost more than most folks earn in a week. I'm not going to ruin them," Troy stated.

"There's no time for you to change. Just wear your jockey shorts, you'll be by yourself out on the lake," Hillary instructed.

"But...I can't just go around in my underwear," Troy replied.

"Like I said, you don't have time to change," Hillary said. "Now get going. Ann, show him where the boat is and where to start!"

With that Ann grabbed Troys arm and led him down a nearby path. They arrived at the lake just a short distance down the path. It wasn't a big lake but Troy noticed all the nearby trash right away.

"How the hell does this small lake get so polluted?" asked Troy.

"There's another camp on the other side of the lake and they could care less about keeping it clean. The underwater flow brings all the trash to our side of the lake," Ann explained.

"That's just fucking great!" Troy exclaimed.

Pointing to her left Ann said, "There's the boat. You better get started, Hillary will be here to check on you before long. There's equipment in the boat to help you capture the junk."

"Ok you can run along now, I need to strip down and get going," Troy said.

Disappointed Ann said, "I was going to stick around to make sure you had everything you needed."

"You just wanted to see me in my jockey shorts, like you did this morning," Troy snickered. "Well I'm not stripping while your around so you might as well take off."

Again dissatisfied, Ann grunted and walked back up the path they had come down. Once she was out of sight Troy removed everything but his underwear. He didn't want to damage his pricey pants or shoes.

The boat was laughable. It was old and leaky but it stayed afloat, barely. Every few minutes he had to stop and bail out the water that seeped in. In less that half an hour he was soaked in lake water and sweat.

After a several hours of trapping and pulling junk out of the lake, Troy heard a voice calling, "Lunch...come in for lunch." It was Ann yelling and waving her arms from the boat dock, in an attempt to get his attention.

Troy paddled up to the dock and started to get out of the boat but realized he was still in just his jockey shorts. And now that they were soaked they were nearly transparent.

"Hand me my pants," he demanded of Ann. She looked all around her and then asked,"Where are they?"

Troy pointed to the spot he'd left then and his shoes. As he did this he could see they weren't there. "Where the hell are my clothes? This isn't funny. Somebody took my fucking clothes! What the hell!"

"I have no idea," Ann pronounced. "You saw me walk away earlier. Someone must have mistakenly picked them up. Anyway you better hurry up. Hillary gets really bent out of shape when anyone's late for lunch."

"How am I supposed to get back to camp...like this?" Troy asked. "I'm just wearing my underwear."

"Seems to me it's about the same as if you were wearing a Speedo swimsuit, "Ann surmised. "Besides, you can change when we get back to camp."

Troy thought about it and realized he really didn't have much of a choice. As much as he hated the thought of Ann seeing him in his underwear he didn't want to get Hillary any more angry than she already was.

He exited the boat carrying the bags of trash he'd gathered. He creatively placed the bags to hide his crotch and rearend. When they reached the trash dump he reluctantly discarded the bags which left him naked except for his wet jockey shorts.

Ann was mesmerized as she was able to detect the shape and size of Troy's penis through the thin wet fabric. Troy, noticing what was happening and quickly moved his hands to cover himself. As he walked away Ann got a good view if his butt in those wet jockey shorts. She could easily make out the dark seam of Troy's ass crack. She smiled knowing she'd gotten a view none of the other girls had seen, with the exception of Emma.

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