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Trucker's Luck

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Lonely trucker meets a young woman on the road.
8.8k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 12/28/2008
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Unlike a lot of stories in this site that I'm sure are total fiction, this one is mostly true. The names and parts of the story have been fictionalized.

I've been a trucker for 20 years now and recently had a sexual experience I'd like to share. Long distance trucking is a solitary life and there isn't much sex when the little lady is thousands of miles away back home. This wasn't the first time I'd cheated on my wife, but it was the first time I didn't pay money for it. I don't feel all that guilty about it because my wife, Cathy hasn't exactly been faithful to me. I know she's had several affairs and an untold number of one-night stand lovers, but that's another story I might write about on another day.

I had just left a greasy spoon restaurant at one of my regular stops along I-80 near Reno one night and saw an attractive young lady climbing out of a truck cab. Then the truck pulled away and the young lady began looking around, appearing rather lost. I watched for awhile as she rifled through her backpack.

She was young and pretty, maybe 21 at most, and looked a lot like my wife did 20 years ago. She was tall for a girl, thin, stringy brunette hair cropped short, and not much of a figure. There were only two slight bumps on her posterior and even smaller bumps on her upper chest, so I figured she didn't have much of an ass and even less in the tit department. That's okay. I like women that way. Cathy was an A-cup. But this girl was a lot prettier and had a sexy way about her I found alluring from across the parking lot. She seemed to be looking around, figuring out what to do. She looked at the restaurant like a hungry person with not enough money.

So I walked over and told her she was real pretty but looked like she could use a good meal. She laughed, and told me she had always been thin, and yes, she was hungry but didn't have a lot of money left to buy dinner. I lied and said I was just going in for a bite instead of just finishing, and told her I'd buy her a burger if she'd join me.

After ordering our burgers and fries, she told me her name was Lisa and she was an ex-community college student who had just flunked out and was making her way east to get a fresh start. She had had a fight with the boyfriend she'd been living with. He had punched her when he lost his temper during an argument and she ran out and never dared to go back for her stuff. The only clothing and possessions she had was what she had left at the old apartment she had shared with a girl friend before she moved in with her asshole boyfriend.

For the next two hours, she poured her heart out to me, with her eyes tearing up a few times. I just listened and stared into her beautiful face, admiring her youthful beauty and lively eyes. She had a sweet vulnerable anture, but make no mistake, she was one tough little bitch too. She used curse words like one of us truckers, and obviously didn't take any crap from anyone. She was definitely a free and independent type that didn't like to be controlled by a man. I didn't expect anything from her except some company for a short while, and that's pretty much what I got while she swirled the last of her fries in ketchup and slowly nibbled away at the hamburger.

I asked her what her plans were and she said she was hitchhiking back across the country to her divorced mom's house in New York. I told her that was dangerous for a pretty young lady like her, but she laughed and said confidently she could take care of herself. She said she was choosy about who she rode with and had just gotten a ride from Sacramento from a nice trucker who was headed to Vegas. I offered to take her as far as New Jersey if she wanted. She looked at me with a combination of suspicion and serious consideration.

"I'm just offering a ride, nothing more," I lied convincingly. I acted kind and fatherly, but all I wanted to do was jump her bones.

"Ok. You seem like a nice guy. Sure. Thanks."

"I'm going to drive a couple more hours tonight and then stay over at a truck stop ahead where there's a clean little motel I usually stay at. You're welcome to tag along if you want. Rooms are cheap, or if you can't afford it, you can sleep in my truck.

She looked deeply in my eyes wondering if I was putting the moves on her. I had designs on her all right, but I had to act cool to keep from scaring her off.

"Look sweetie. I'm married and almost old enough to be your father. I'm just offering you a ride, that's all."

After a short pause she said "Ok. Thanks."

For the next 175 miles we talked nonstop. She asked me about my wife, and I asked her more about how she flunked out of school. She admitted her ex-boyfriend had gotten her into using drugs. She had spent all of her money and let her studies slip until she had so many F's she had to quit.

In Winnemucca, I pulled into the truck parking area, grabbed some clothes and my toiletry bag from the back and got ready to head over to the motel office to check-in.

"Look girl, you can sleep in here but it gets cold at night. If you want to share the room, you're welcome to. No funny stuff. The rooms have two beds. You can trust me and be warm, or you can be cautious and stay out here and freeze that cute little ass off. It's your call." Before she could answer I started climbing out of the cab. She looked at me silently as I closed the door. I walked to the motel office and made sure I got a room with twin beds in case she changed her mind. Sure enough she did. When I came out of the motel office, she was standing there.

"It's just sleeping. No funny stuff, right?"



I unlocked the door and let her walk in first. It wasn't the Hyatt but it wasn't bad for the money. She dropped her backpack on the far twin bed and headed into the bathroom. I sat on the bed waiting for my turn to clean up and change clothes. After I changed and brushed my teeth, I found the room was mostly dark and there was a lump under the covers of the far bed, facing away from me.

Next morning, we took turns showering, got some free coffee at the office, and then climbed into the truck and headed east. We talked for a couple hours and I got to know her pretty well. She asked me questions about myself, but I kept my answers short and always turned the conversation back around to her. She liked talking about herself, and I didn't mind some company for a change.

"You're a really good listener," she told me just before she drifted off to sleep.

Lisa woke when I pulled off an exit for lunch at a fast food place. She said she wasn't hungry and wouldn't let me buy her anything. But she did finish the last of my fries. Then she talked my ear off all afternoon as we drove through Utah and into Wyoming. I smiled, nodded, and pretended to listen closely. I looked over at her a lot, heard about half of what she said, but mostly drank in her thin female form when she wasn't looking at me, and into her lovely eyes when she was. As she droned on about wanting to go back to school and get her degree someday, I daydreamed about fucking the shit out of her. As my day dream progressed, my dick got hard and I squirmed in my seat to hide my erection.

Normally, I stop every other night at motels for a bed and a shower and sleep in the truck on the alternate nights. But with Lisa, I figured I'd splurge on cheap motels each night, in the far-fetched fantasy I might get lucky. Maybe it was not so far-fetched. She was definitely warming up to me, but probably more as a father-figure than a lover.

That night I registered at a Motel 6 and made the same offer as the previous night, and she quickly agreed. Nothing much happened that night either, except that she forgot her hairbrush when she went into the shower and asked me to hand it to her. The room was steamy and she was mostly covered by the thin towel, but a quick glance inside the partly-opened door at her near-naked body was enough to give me an instant erection. Having no bathrobe, she put her dirty clothes back on and climbed into her bed and took her clothes off under the covers and laid them on the floor next to the bed. I jerked off in the shower thinking about the naked girl in my motel room, fantasizing about walking out, yanking the bed sheets off, seeing her fully nude, and then fucking her hard and fast. When I got into my bed, I could hear the deep breathing from the other bed that told me she was sound asleep. I was tempted to sneak over, lift the covers slightly and get a peek at her nakedness but didn't dare wake her.

Our third day together went the same. Lisa jabbered on and on while I drove and pretended to listen and care about everything she said. I asked her lots of questions about herself and she kept talking until she finally seemed to run out of things to say and took a nap. That night, she let me buy her dinner at a Denny's but she insisted on leaving the tip. I didn't argue.

We drove on for another 20 minutes and got a room at another of my usual flea-bag motels along the route. This one isn't as nice or clean as the others, but it's still only $19.95 a night for "regulars" like me. The rooms are small and there's only one queen-sized bed. When she entered the room and saw there was only one bed, she looked at me as if I had done it on purpose. (I had).

"All the rooms are like this. Sorry. That's all they have."

"What are we going to do?" she mumbled without looking at me.

"Well you can sleep in the truck. . ."

"How about if you get me an extra blanket and I'll sleep on the floor? Lisa said flatly. She was probably hoping I'd be a gentleman and offer her the bed and sleep on the floor myself, but I nonchalantly told her there was an extra pillow and blanket in the closet.

She found the blanket and brought it into the shower with her and used it as a bathrobe when she came out. A white bath towel was wrapped around her wet hair.

"Your turn," she told me. "Hey, you happen to have a hair dryer in that bag of yours?"

"Actually yes," I said. "I still carry it. My hair was a lot longer a few years back. I still use it to dry my underwear when I wash things in the sink." I handed it to her and went in to shower. I forgot to bring in my clean underwear, and when I stepped back out to retrieve it off the bed, she was sitting at the desk with her back to me. The blanket/robe had slipped off her shoulders when she raised her arms to brush her hair. When she heard me getting my stuff, she modestly wrapped the blanket back up around her shoulders, but not before I got a quick look at her flat tits stretched tight by her uplifted arm in the mirror in front of her. They were very sexy and a welcome sight for lonely old guy like me.

"Sorry," I mumbled as I headed back into the bathroom.

When I came out of the shower dressed in nothing but my boxer shorts, she wasn't sleeping on the floor. She was lying under the covers on the far side of the big bed, looking over at me.

I was surprised and speechless.

"No funny stuff," was all she said.


I turned off the light and got into bed next to her and lay on my back. A small tent formed in the blanket area near my crotch as I could not help myself from thinking about the lovely naked girl just an inch from my elbow.

For the next 10 minutes I lay motionless on my back after she rolled away from me and fell asleep. I was still wide awake, fantasizing about having sex with her, and desperately wanting to fulfill my desire. Masturbating was out of the question, though. I would have been mortified if she had awakened and caught me.

I drifted off to sleep myself. I don't know how much time went by because the clock was on her side of the bed, but I was gently awakened by the awareness that there was something warm touching my right side. As I fully wakened, I discovered Lisa sound asleep, snoring lightly, cuddled up next to me with her arm across my chest. Her nakedness felt warm and arousing against my skin. I even felt the roughness of her public hair against the outside of my hip. As she lay sleeping, my cock rose to full length. I let my erection slip through the slit in the front of my boxers as I tried to figure out how I could get my engorged member inside that warm wet place between her long lovely legs.

She seemed to be sound asleep, and didn't react when I brushed my hand against her upper arm. Then I slid my hand around the pillow until I could rest it on her shoulder and gently tug her closer. She made a quiet murmuring sound and sleepily snuggled up to me with her head on my shoulder and her whole arm across my chest. My wife sometimes held me like that after we had sex. It always felt nice, but the position always made it hard for me to sleep comfortably. But I sure wasn't about to push Lisa away and figured if she woke up, I'd pretend I was asleep.

Her breathing was deep and slow, and I felt some soft flesh pressed against my chest that I knew had to be one of her A-cup tits flattened against my ribcage. My hand wiped lightly back and forth between her shoulder blades, and she moaned softly in her sleep. Maybe she dreamed she was cuddling with her boyfriend, but I didn't care. It felt nice, and my cock was hard and throbbing. When she didn't waken, I gradually became bolder and began stroking her back very lightly as she snuggled against me. Several minutes later, she seemed to react, so I paused. She never seemed to waken fully, but rolled off me and onto her back.

When her deep breathing resumed, I decided to return the favor of an embrace. This time, I slid closer to her, rolled on my side and lay my arm across her chest and put my face against her bony shoulder My hard cock was pressing against her upper thigh, and I let it throb against her warm skin as my fingers gently swirled small light circles near her collarbone. Her deep breathing continued but I also heard some very soft moans between the slow rhythmic rises and falls of her chest. I brushed the blanket off her slightly so I could see her skin in the soft light that sneaked past the edge of the window shade. Her breasts had almost disappeared now that she was lying on her back but the areoles were large and dark brown and the nipples looked like they were dying to be sucked. I wanted to, but didn't dare. But seeing her naked chest further aroused me and I wondered if I might cum just from the friction of my cockhead against her thigh.

I wanted to touch the soft tit flesh a few inches below the bony collarbone area I was gently massaging. Getting hornier by the minute, I asked my self what I had to lose. The worst that could happen is she'd awake, slap me, and take off in the middle of the night. So I slowly widened my slow gentle circles until I felt the flesh soften and my fingertips brush against her nipple. She moaned sleepily but didn't move. Her soft and steady breathing emboldened me to touch the nipple further until I felt it hardening and rising. It was now like a little pencil eraser and there were soft moans between her light snoring. Soon my hand was covering her tit and my palm rubbed gently against the erect nipple.

At one point, she seemed to waken partially and shift position slightly, but the weight of my arm held her in place. I stopped moving but kept my hand on her tit until she began snoring softly again. The sleepy soft moans continued as I gently massaged her breast. Then I enlarged my circles and made slow sweeps of her skin until my hand was caressing her stomach and lingering in the low-lying abs between the bony crests of her hips.

I was no longer sure she was still fully asleep anymore, but her eyes were closed, and her breathing was deep and slow. With nothing to lose, I forged ahead. I swept my hand lower until it grazed the pubic mound and contacted the hairs of her bush. She stirred slightly but seemed to continue sleeping. A few minutes later, my finger found the top of her slit and lightly brushed it. There was a soft moan and a shift of her hips but nothing more. I repeated it and she moaned and shifted again, still breathing deeply with her eyes closed.

I decided to push my luck further and pressed my long finger lightly between her cunt lips each time my slow circles swept her crotch. Her legs seemed to widen slightly each time I grazed her clit. The moans became a bit deeper so I kept going.

Maybe she was awake by then, maybe not. Maybe she was half asleep and was dreaming of her boyfriend. But I continued to finger her and her moans deepened and her breathing started to speed up. I worked her gradually until I felt her lower body rising up a half inch or so, seemingly to increase the amount of pressure my fingertip was sweeping over the sensitive bump between her cunt lips. Her head rolled away from me, and she moaned deeply.

I figured she had to be at least partially awake by then, but since she hadn't sat up and slapped me, I pursued my ministrations. Within a few minutes, she was moaning perceptibly as I fingered her quickly and expertly. The moans got louder, the breathing quickened, and just as I was about to give up before I got caught molesting her, her back arched and she sucked in and held a deep breath. I diddled her clit gently and her whole body quivered. There was a long moan and a sigh before her body collapsed back and she exhaled slowly. The moisture between her pussy lips and the sweet smell of female juices convinced me she had orgasmed. I slowly massaged her cunt lips as her breathing returned to normal.

Her eyes were still closed and there seemed to be a slight smile on her peaceful face. Not knowing what else to do, I began sweeping my fingertip between her lips and lightly brushing her clit again, making her quiver slightly with each contact. I began fingering her toward another orgasm, but this time I was sure she was at least half conscious. I touched her gently for several minutes. Her body was responding more this time, and though her eyes were closed, I could tell she was nearing another orgasm. When she let out a groan, I panicked and pulled my hand away, expecting her eyes to fly open any second. I waited for the slap, but she lay there, with eyes still shut, as her soft voice broke the silence.

"Jesus, don't stop now," she whispered

That was all the encouragement I needed. My finger was back between her pussy lips and diddling her clit before I could think about it. Soon she was moaning and groaning again. A few minutes later, her body arched and stiffened, and she came again in another quiet but deep climax. I paused a moment for her pleasure to subside and then began brushing her clit again. I could tell she was enjoying it and I had her about halfway to her third orgasm, when I slid my finger down, and inserted it into her wet vagina momentarily. I swept up some juices and spread it over her engorged clitoris. I switched tactics and began finger-fucking her with my long finger and sweeping her clit with a fingertip as she moaned and breathed deeply. Her body arched to meet my finger, and within several more minutes, I felt her cunt muscles contract around my finger. She sucked in a deep breath, held it and convulsed like someone having a seizure. This time, she burst out with a loud but muffled scream, and then collapsed heavily into the mattress. She was breathing hard and I held her in a tight embrace. Her heart was pounding against my chest. I kissed her softly on the forehead and lightly caressed her back as she regained normal composure.

I went back to fingering her some more and she kept lying there with her eyes closed. After cumming five times, she seemed totally relaxed and ready to go back to sleep, but my cock was inflamed and pounding. I needed release. I figured if she wouldn't let me fuck her, I was going to have to go to the bathroom and jerk off before my balls burst like an overfilled balloon.

She didn't seem to be encouraging anything more, so I slid my hand up and began massaging her tit. She let me. I rolled the erect nipple between my thumb and forefinger, but it only seemed to relax her more, and her body returned to a coma-like repose. I didn't want her to fall back asleep. I wanted to fuck her brains out or have her suck mine out through my penis.

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