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Truckstop Gangbanged

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Guy stops on road trip and gets more than he bargained for.
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***Author's Note: I put this under non-consent for obvious reasons upon reading, but it would likely be equally comfortable in the area of 'Gay' so if this is a topic that discomforts you please don't bother reading further.

***Editing thanks to 'Ember' & 'AnnaFaye'


I had just completed my summer, mid-west country fairs sales run. I work for a company based out of Scranton, PA that primarily markets agricultural products. My company sells combine blades, chutes, lubricants, tires, basically everything for tractors except the tractors themselves. We have even started selling mp3 player adapters.

I love the country fair run. Every town has one or two impressionable young farm girls that go doe-eyed for stories of the 'big city' and big city living, and are eager to "tumble in the hay" for a chance to be taken out of their go-no-where lives in go-no-where towns where they know they are destined to marry their high school boyfriend with the body and brains of an ox.

Sure it was taking a bit of an advantage, but they were over eighteen and should know what they are getting into by now. And what my wife at home didn't know wouldn't hurt her. I mean, otherwise I'd be 2 months on the road with no release but my own hand, and then I wouldn't be able to concentrate on my job.

I was on my way back home, driving. I have a very strong fear of flying so every year I drive out back. When I'm on a long drive I let my mind wander, and when it wanders it usually settles onto sex. In particular I was thinking of an especially buxom and eager blonde in the last town of the circuit, in middle Minnesota. I couldn't remember her name, but that didn't really matter. Her tits had been fantastic, and her ass, another world unto itself.

She'd let me fuck her in virtually every way imaginable. She'd started off by secreting herself in my sales tent, and while I'd been giving a sales demo, she'd been under the table sucking my dick. It had been a distraction, but the sheer taboo of getting a BJ while standing in front of twenty unknowing farmers, one of whom had most certainly been the girl's father, had gotten me shooting my load into her hungrily sucking mouth in only minutes.

Later after fucking her pussy until shooting my load deep into her, I'd pulled out and shoved my still hard dick into her fuckable ass. She'd screamed a little at first, but like a good little girl she took my cock deep. I fucked her ass until my dick was about to fall off before I slammed deep into her shooting her bowels full of my cum. Afterwards she laid on the floor of my hotel room panting, cum dripping from both of her holes, and a sparkle of tears to her eyes, but she smiled when I said I wouldn't leave in the morning without her.

That was this morning, and of course by the time she arrived at my hotel room I was probably 30 or 40 miles gone and pulling further away by the minute with a smile on my face, and a spank bank full of images of her taking my cock.

Typical of a long drive, my mind wandered onto thoughts of a sexual nature, and before long I was sitting with a massive hard-on straining to get out of my pants. Absenty I rubbed at it, getting myself more excited, but I didn't want to go to the conclusion; I didn't really care for a mess in my pants. Playing with myself though, does provide a good distraction from the tedium of a long drive and I kept my mind on the images of little submissive farm girls on my cock, and continued to rub and stroke my meat through my pants. Of course there is only so long a guy can do this before he really does need to achieve release, so I started to look out for any place I could use a restroom for just that thing.

Another couple miles ahead I could see a truckstop. I pulled in there, re-arranged my stiffness so it wasn't quite so apparent, and made my way inside. There were several people stopped here, picking up snacks, making use of the facilities, and I walked around a bit before I got near the driver's area. I slipped over to where their bathroom was, it had 2 stalls, and a couple urinals. I went to the farthest stall, closed the door, and dropped my pants.

I'd lost a bit of wood while walking through the convenience aisles, so I closed my eyes and brought back thoughts of my lil' farm slut. I hadn't even heard anyone else come into the bathroom until I heard a 'pssst' sound from my right.

My eyes flew open as I looked over my dick still in my hand; I saw a hole in the wall of the stall with a tongue poking through it. I was a bit dumbfounded. I'd heard of glory holes in bathrooms before, but never actually seen one.

"C'mon pal, I'll suck ya real good." A voice said from the other side.

I thought about it, and figured, 'what the hell?' I moved over, and stuck my dick through the hole. I didn't even consider the possibility of anything going wrong, just the thought of a blowjob, no matter the source seemed better than my own hands.

I was immediately rewarded for my bravery, as the mouth sucked my entire length in, in an instant. I was very soon the recipient of one of the best blowjobs of my life. This guy really knew how to suck cock!

I was so into it, pressing myself against the stall wall to get as much of my dick into that mouth as possible. I didn't hear or see anything until I felt a large body press into me; pinning me to the wall. Simultaneously the warm welcoming mouth turned toothy, silently threatening damage to my most tender region.

"What the fuck?" I said angrily.

"You're the fuck." The voice said in my ear, and I then realized I could feel a hard dick resting between my butt cheeks.

"Get off of me, I'm not gay." I protested.

"You could have fooled me. Here you are getting a blow job in a men's bathroom from a guy, and looky here!" The guy said. He held one hand against me as he bent down to pick something up.

"Seems you've come prepared for a 'plowing'!" The man said with a laugh, showing me what he'd picked-up.

It was a sample package of the agricultural lube my company sells. The sample must have fallen out my pocket.

He ripped the package open and I could feel him squirt it into my crack.

"Knock it off, or I'll yell for help." I began to sweat.

"I suggest you keep quiet or you'll have another 5 guys in here to help open your ass some more." The man said. I felt him rubbing his cock against my ass crack, getting it more and more coated in the lube with every stroke.

I tried to struggle free, but he was considerably bigger and stronger than me, and the teeth on my dick kept me from being willing to try anything too drastic. I couldn't believe this was happenning to me!

I felt his dick line up with my anus, and then he was pushing forward.

"No, don't!" I pleaded.

"Relax, or it's gonna hurt even more." The voice recommended.

I didn't have the chance to really process that before I felt the head of the man's dick pop into my ass.

"Fuck!" I said loudly, "get off asshole!"

"God you're tight, like a little virgin bitch!" The man said, as he rocked his cock back and forth, inching it deeper with every stroke into my unwilling ass.

"I said, get the fuck off'!" I repeated.

"Oh I plan on it." The voice said as he continued to work his meat into me.

I felt torn, like my ass was being ripped in half. I wondered how this could be happenning to me as I was pressed into the stall wall, and my ass continued to be filled with another man's hard cock.

After what felt like an eternity I felt his pubic hair pressing into my ass cheeks and his balls resting against me. As he pulled out I felt as if I was being pulled inside out, and then he was pushing back into me, sinking himself deep into my ass until his cock hit a sensative spot that made my cock jump. I felt my ass spasm, as I grunted surprised.

"There you go bitch." The man said as he pulled back to push forward again, and once again my cock jumped.

The mouth on my dick resumed being friendly, and I could feel my cock re-hardenning and I closed my eyes to try and resist the urge to give in to what was becoming a mounting pleasure.

Slowly the cock in my ass began to increase pace, and everytime it plowed in, it kept hitting my prostate. Combined with the expertise of the mouth on my cock, I was losing the battle with myself, and my will to resist quickly eroded. I began to moan softly at first, but then as I found myself pushing back into the thrusts, I began to moan louder.

The man behind me released my hands and grabbed my hips tight, and began to really fuck me with his thick pole, and despite myself, I loved it.

I was moaning and groaning like one of my little farm girl treats and I was both excited and ashamed simultaneously. My embarassment grew as I heard the man behind me begin to moan. I felt his cock swell, and then he slammed his dick deep into my ass and he was shooting his load into me. That brought my orgasm tearing out of me and I literally screamed with release as I came with a cock still buried in my ass.

I was still catching my breath as the cock was pulled free of my ass, and the mouth released my dick with a final lick. I nearly collapsed to the floor. The man left with a laugh as he zipped up his pants.

"You're not a bad piece of ass, bitch." He said.

'Thank god that's over' I thought to myself as I bent down to pull up my pants. But a new set of hands grabbed my hips, and a new dick was slammed into my already loosened and lubed ass. This new dick slid in easily, my ass not even offering a momentary resistance.

"No," I started.

"Shut-up bitch, I'm just giving you more of what you love." A voice whispered in my ear.

He slipped his dick in and out my ass a couple of quick strokes, and then he pulled his dick free, and shot his load out onto my ass.

Part of me was thankful he was so quick, but another was disappointed. I heard him leave, and before I had a chance to even move, a new set of hands grabbed my hips, and slammed a new dick into my ass.

Fuck, that dick was bigger than the other two and I felt torn again. I screamed in pain and shock.

"Yeah bitch! You like that?" the brute asked, with a laugh.

His large hands tightened their grip on my hips, lifted me and turned us. He sat on the toilet, and pulled me down hard onto his cock, ramming his thick tool even deeper into my ass. The head of his dick slammed into that sensitve spot in my ass and in a combination of pain and pleasure, I screamed.

My ass clenched tight on his member, and my own dick leaped and twitched with excitement as it began to shoot cum onto the floor. My legs felt like they were made of rubber, and I was glad I wasn't standing, or I certainly would have collapsed.

As it was I was little more than a limp rag doll as the man lifted my ass up and down on his cock, everytime he hit bottom my cock would jump again, and leak a little more cum, and I'd moan weakly.

Suddenly someone was grabing my hair, and pulling my face to another cock. I tried to say 'no', but as I opened my mouth to speak he shoved his dick in, forcing it to the back of my throat effectively ending any vocal protest.

This guy fucked my face for two strokes before he slapped my face hard bringing tears to my eyes.

"Suck it bitch!" he said.

Weakly I complied; sucking on his cock as he continued to thrust it between my lips, the head hitting the back of my throat repeatedly.

It wasn't very long at all before I felt the member in my mouth swell, and then it began shooting cum down my throat. As he withdrew he unceremoniously wiped his dick on my face, smearing the remaining droplets of cum on my cheeks and nose, before tucking himself back in his pants and leaving.

Another guy approached and without a word held his dick out to me, and resigned, I took him between my lips as well.

The cock in my ass was still hard at work pumping away, this guy had surprising stamina and he was putting it to use with his cock. I felt near collapse and he was steadily working his tool in and out of my ass by lifting and lowering my entire body.

The man in my mouth began to grunt, and he pulled his dick free of my lips to shoot his load onto my face, hitting me in the nose and forehead. As he walked away, yet another man approached.

As I took the third cock in my mouth, I noticed the man behind me grunting more enthusiastically. He reached around and grabbed my still semi-hard dick and I moaned as he gripped it hard and began to jerk it off.

I once again began to go wild as my dick stiffened back up. I began to rock my hips on his lap, fucking myself on his cock and as I felt his dick swell I moaned, shooting cum again as I felt my ass filled with hot man seed. I barely even noticed as the cock in my mouth shot another load of cum down my throat.

"Not bad bitch." The man fucking my ass said as he lifted me off his cock, and walked away.

I was collapsed over the toilet and didn't really notice as yet another cock was rammed into my ass.

From that point onward everything was a blur. I'm not really sure how many dicks were shoved into my ass, or my mouth or how many times I came.

It was after dark when I came back to myself, lying alone on the bathroom floor cover in cum and sweat. My clothes piled up in the corner of the stall, my face, lips, throat, ass, and dick all sore.

I gathered my belongings, pulled my ruined clothes on as best I could, and stumbled to my car. I checked into the nearest hotel and slept until the next afternoon.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago


AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

I need this

Jackjohn on

St Louis truck stops

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago
Got what you deserved...........

for using and lying to the farmers daughter.

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