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True Colors Ch. 02

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Her tormentor reveals his identity and comes to her rescue.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/26/2022
Created 04/05/2013
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A couple of days passed and although it wasn't easy to stop thinking about the man in the restaurant, I tried to push the encounter into a little recess in my mind. I wasn't very successful. My feelings about the incident were conflicted. I was angry and scared as expected, but for some reason I could not get him out of my head. He occupied my thoughts at the most inopportune moments; in the library while I was writing my biology term paper, or when I was filing things during my part time job as an assistant in the admissions office. Even as a mere memory he controlled me, on my mind all day and all night. And I didn't even know his name.

I took refuge in Will's arms. Though he was busy with his new job, he always made time to hold me and kiss me. But I wanted more, for some reason the only thing that could distract me from that awful stranger was sex. And lots of it. I think Will could tell that something was up but being the polite man that he was, he didn't say anything or ask me about it. Making love with Will was always the most incredible experience. He knew just where to touch me, exactly how to hold me to make me feel so cherished, so unbelievably loved.

Over the next two weeks with Will's help I forgot all about the man in the restaurant. My heavy course load kept me busy, holed up in the library studying and researching. I knew I didn't have to ace all of my classes. My father through his hard work had ensured that I would never have to work a day in my life and my mother was more concerned with my behavior and preserving our good standing in society. Nevertheless, I loved learning new things. At Princeton I had found an environment and teachers that encouraged me to question and observe, to appreciate and discover. I excelled in every course I took and prided myself on my academic success.

One day we were informed that there would be a lecture on the treatment and prevention of multi-drug resistant tuberculosis by a guest lecturer named Dr. Mark Langdon. The auditorium was almost filled to capacity by the time I got there. Fortunately, I found a seat near the front and waited for the lecture to start.

I could not have been more unprepared to see who walked up to the podium. I restrained the urge to bolt, to run away as fast as I could. It was him! Dr. Langdon was the man from the restaurant. The man that had called me a slut and forced his cock down my throat. I tried to calm myself as he stared confidently out into the audience and started his lecture. I slouched down and tried to make myself as inconspicuous as possible.

"I had no idea infectious diseases could draw this kind of a crowd," he said lightly, drawing a little laughter from the audience. He had a clear deep voice, the kind that lends its owner a distinguished refinement. Only I knew how far from refined he really was. That rogue!

As he spoke about the prevalence of strains of tuberculosis resistant to some of the world's most powerful antibiotics, I couldn't help but start to pay attention. This man was not only incredibly intelligent, but also a great teacher. I was hooked and nearly fell out of my seat when I caught him staring, looking right at me as he spoke. I saw a flash of recognition in his eyes before I looked away. He continued his lecture, unfazed. Humiliated, I could no longer concentrate, I waited for the lecture to end so I could leap out of my chair and run.

As soon as it was over I grabbed my things and pushed my way through the crowds of students. I ran as fast as I could to the parking lot and made my way to my car. I hoped Will was home. I needed him.

I drove off campus and was a couple of blocks from our apartment when my car's engine stalled. I tried to restart it but it didn't work. Perfect. By this time I was ready to break down. I just wanted to go home. I tried to call Will but I couldn't reach him. I got out of the car and decided to take a look under the hood.

"Hey there darlin', need a little help there?" I looked up to see a man in red pickup truck slow down next to where my car had stopped.

"Yeah, actually that would be great. I have no idea what I'm doing. I was just about to call Triple A."

"Let me pop that hood and take a look sugar, I bet I can get you all fixed up in no time."

I started to have second thoughts as he jumped out of his truck and walked towards me. I could feel his eyes on me, leering at me. He made his way to the hood of my car and began to fiddle with some wires. A few minutes later he closed the hood and said it was all done and ready to go. I smiled and thanked him for all his help.

"Not so fast honey," he said, trapping me against the side of my car. "Don't you think I deserve a little something in return"

"Oh yes, sure! Let me get my wallet, it's inside the car," I said. I was scared now. I hoped he would just take the money and leave. When I turned to open the door and get my wallet he pressed himself against my back, his arms quickly encircled my waist and I felt his breath on my neck.

"That's not what I want darlin'."

"Please just let me go!"

"You ungrateful little bitch." He growled as he squeezed my breast and pushed me to the ground.

All of a sudden a sleek black sports car pulled over. Luckily the man let me go, but my relief was short lived when I saw who my savior was. Dr. Mark Langdon. As soon as Mark got out of his car, the man jumped into his truck and sped away. Unfortunately, I don't think I was any safer with him gone. From the hands of one asshole to another.

Mark sauntered over to me and pulled me up. I was speechless, frozen in my fear, shaking uncontrollably. He seized me, with his hands encircling my arms, and brought my face close to his.

"Hey sweetheart. I've missed you, my little slut. So, either you are inexplicably drawn to men who want to use you or it's obvious to most men that you're a dirty whore that needs cock. Which one is it?" He whispered into my neck while pushing me into his car. Before I knew it we were speeding away.

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