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True Love Ch. 01

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Can you force a woman to love someone else?
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I woke up feeling like small sledgehammers where banging out a rhythm from the inside of my brain. I hurt and my mind stumbled from thought to thought, not remembering drinking so much that I'd be in this state.

Tentatively I opened my eyes and winced. The light was way too bright. The windows must be open and my face turned towards the morning sun. Hold on, I couldn't even remember the hotel room. Last thing I had was John and I walking out of customs to find the travel rep.

I opened my eyes again, then despite the pain lifted my head and looked around in shock. There where no windows, just blank concrete walls and bright overhead strip lights. I was laying on the floor, still in the cloths I'd worn on the plane.

I rubbed my head, everything hurt so.

"Stand and undress." A cold mechanical voice sounded from somewhere.

"What? Where am I? What is..." I doubled up in pain, feeling like my body had been doused in boiling oil.

"Do not speak. Stand and undress. If you comply you will be told more, if you don't you will be punished again."

"What? Ah..." I was wracked in pain again. I hadn't been touched, there was no one else in the room. The pain retreated, but my body ached even more than it had moments ago. I'd strained every muscle as the pain flushed through me.

The voice was silent, but the words still hung in the air. Trembling, and uncertain of my own body I stood. I didn't want to experience that again, so slowly I started to take off my cloths. I only had on a t-shirt and jeans, knickers and a simple white bra, so there wasn't much to take off. It was then I found the simple metal band around my neck. It was close fitted and as best I could tell had no join or lock or anything. That must have something to do with the pain.

The room was cool, and I was shivering both with the temperature and the bizarre humiliation.

"Thank you. You and your husband have been taken."

"John! How..." Pain shot to every end of every nerve yet again. I crumpled onto the floor. Slowly it receded again.

"Stand." Somehow I managed to get to my feet. "You and your husband have been taken. You have no choice in the mater. You have been selected to become highly trained body servants for a unique resort." I was about to shout out, but bit my lip. "So long as you comply, do as asked, learn what you are asked to learn you will have a comfortable, even pleasurable life. There will be no violence involved, though the punishment will be used appropriately if you do not behave. You will not be raped, or physically forced to do any act. You must learn and eventually serve. Your husband has been similarly segregated and will be trained separately to yourself. This is part of ensuring your mutual compliance. The punishment from this point on will be meted out to both of you at the same time if either of you disobeys. You may, from time to time, be given short contact with each other to re-assure yourselves of each others safety. This is all you will be told about your state."

"Please open the box in the corner of the room and put on the cloths there."

The room went silent again. My mind reeled with what I'd just heard. It was enough to make me ill, and not enough to really tell me anything. I don't know how we ended up in this mad house, but clearly I was here and I had to assume John was close by in the same predicament.

I went over to the small box and opened it up. Inside was a thin red silk camisole top and a small pair of knickers. It was a lot racier than anything I ever wore. I was an M&S white smalls sort of girl. I loved John to bits, and know he would have liked me to be more daring with my cloths, but it just wasn't me.

Chewing my lip I lifted the weightless smalls up, then with a sad shrug quickly slipped them on. I felt my shoulders hunch, and tried to pull my body in on itself like I had when I was a teenager, all arms and legs and no self worth what so ever.

Then all of a sudden the pain came back. I hadn't done anything! It stopped and I caught my breath.

"Your husband was not complying with a request and you have both been punished." The room went silent, and I stood there, alone and cold. I wanted to talk, wanted to ask questions, but was too afraid of the pain.

Then it happened again. It lanced through me and I knew I hadn't done anything. It must be John! What where they asking him to do? I both wanted to be with and comfort him, and wanted to just shout at him to tell him to do what they wanted!

The pain stopped again. Suddenly I heard John's voice, "Cindy! I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Its OK, I'm OK. I'll just do it." Then it was silent again.


"Be silent."

I went quiet and just stood in the cold again. Finally a door just opened in front of me. "Go through and meet one of your trainers. She will tell you what to do."

There was a corridor on the other side. It was long, with lots of doors on both side. Scared, I walked out and tried one. It was locked, but further down I could see one was open. Just wanting to run and hide I took step after step until I got to it.

"Hello? Come in, come in!" There was a girl, young, my age, on the other side. She was dressed similarly in a red camisole and tiny knickers. It fit her perfectly, she was very curvy with not an ounce of fat or a single blemish. The room was plush, warm. I walked in and the door closed behind me.

"You must be Cindy? I'm Claire. I know how hard this must be, I remember my training. I'm not allowed to tell you much, so please don't ask. I don't have a collar any more, but we all know we can end up with one back on. You're safe here, don't worry. Just behave and its not a bad life at all."

"I bet you want to clean up?" I nodded, I felt filthy. "Yeah, come on." The room was big, all sort of open plan. In one corner was a big bed, in another a small kitchen. The third held an open very modern bathroom with a big shower, big jetted tub and to my horror an unconcealed toilet and bidet. The other corner held a bunch of exercise gear.

She led me over to the shower and lent in to turn it on. "Go on, get undressed... Oh, you mustn't be shy. Its not allowed. If it helps I'll get undressed too." She suddenly stripped out of her things, showing a far too perfect body. I also couldn't help but notice she had not a single hair on her body. I'd heard about girls like that, but had never seen it. Funny, it didn't really make much more visible from the front, just more skin.

I just suddenly started crying, it was all too much. She came over and gave me a big hug. I didn't return it, but... it helped. She made all sorts of comforting sounds until I settled down. At least I wasn't punished. "Uhmm, you better get undressed. You'll get a bit of leeway to begin as believe it or not the owners don't like using the punishment, but it will be used."

Biting my lip I slipped out of my things. I kept a hand over my breasts and walked awkwardly to the shower.

The cold voice filled the room. "Drop your hands, pull back your shoulders, walk proudly." I sobbed, but tried. At least the shower was warm and the water generous. Claire fussed around outside, checking in on me a couple times, but mostly leaving me to have a good wash. There were a lot of lotions and potions in the shower as well, and Claire talked me through them. It was a lot more rigorous than I was used to, but when I finally towelled off I had to admit my skin felt great.

She handed me a clean bra and a thong pair of knickers. "Get used to it. We're going to tone that body up into perfect shape and the owners like us all to be on display." Sighing I put on the bra, it fit perfectly though was far smaller and more push up than I'd ever worn. The thong was a very strange feeling. I still didn't understand why girls liked them.

Then she led me over to the exercise gear and started me off on a major workout. It was gruelling, the toughest I'd ever done, but she said I had to. She was really good about it though, always encouraging me, pushing me on. She worked out to, so it wasn't all one way.

Then another shower, this time she joined me. That was a bit weird, but it was big enough, and all we did was bathe. Then, yet different clobber with a bustier and French knickers. We had a light meal, then she led me over to this odd contraption. I think I'd seen them before, it was a sitting thing for doing massages. There was a big massage table too.

"One of the key skills you have to learn is massage. I'm going to start with some simple stuff, then you try out on me." I sat, and the next two hours where... well... heaven. She had such strong supple fingers and got into every ache and knot in my shoulders and neck. I felt awkward when it was my turn, and I know I wasn't as good, but she was really encouraging. I'd always wanted to learn this, so oddly it didn't feel like a hardship.

When I stopped and thought about it though, there was still a dull ache wondering where John was. Midway through this I was punished again. Not for anything I did, but John mustn't be doing something.

Claire clucked over me. "It can be harder on the guys. Is your man..."

"My husband, John."

She got a funny look on her face. "You mustn't use that word, mustn't think of him like that any more. Call him your man, its easier."

"I don't under..."

"Trust me. Was your man, John, a strong guy?"

"Yes and no. He wasn't big and burly, but he never let people push him around. I miss him so much." I started to cry again, and Claire comforted me as best she could. We continued with the massage lessons.

Then after a while we moved on to make up. I was on slightly firmer ground here, but Claire was an expert, and started talking me through basic techniques for applying foundation getting me to practice on her. I guess it kind of made sense to learn this if I was going to be some sort of ladies maid, but it was still a bit weird.

Then another light meal, then more exercise, then finally, finally she pointed to the bed. "I'll be back in the morning, try to get some sleep."

The door opened, this time not to the corridor, but to a little cubicle. "Its so you can't try to get out. Only one person can fit in and it can only be opened from the control centre. Try to rest, they'll be turning out the lights after I'm gone. Oh..." She looked a bit embarrassed, "Uhmm, don't try to masturbate. That's not allowed, OK?" I nodded, confused and a bit embarrassed she'd mentioned it. I wasn't that sort of girl anyway, so it wasn't going to be a hardship.

She closed the door and the lights dimmed. I turned and lay down on the bed, suddenly crying. I felt alone and in a world I didn't understand and had no control over. I worried about John. I bet he was punished when he was being taught massage. It was one of his few weak spots. He had a thing about gays, some guys did. I can't say I understood homosexuality. I wasn't at all turned on by other girls, but if others were that way, what harm.

I hoped he'd be OK. He was such an independent so and so.

At some point I must have slept as next thing I remember is the lights coming on and Claire brightly asking how I was. The next days were more of the same. Lots of exercise, learning massage, practicing make up technique. Claire and I talked a lot. I learned about her childhood in California, she about mine in rural England. She said she wasn't aloud to say how she'd been taken and was evasive about what it was like outside of here. That worried me a bit, but I didn't detect any fear or loathing, just a quiet acceptance that this was her life.

I got used to her, liked her even. It wasn't her fault I was here, hell she was in the same boat. She was trying to make it as easy as possible, and frankly was just nice. If I'd met her back home we probably would have become friends. I also got used to the cloths, and learned the hard way to make sure I walked straight and tall. Claire had to give me walking lessons after that first day, and I was punished once when I felt all nervous and shy.

I got punished a few other times from John. I missed him so much it hurt sometimes, especially when I was alone at night.

It was well into all this that I noticed something. I hadn't started my period, and though I didn't know exactly how many days had passed, it should have come. I was in a right state when she came in one morning. I blabbed it out and her face went all sad. She took one of my hands and placed the fingers on a small scar just above one side of my pubic bone. I'd never had a scar there before.

"They operated on you when you where taken. You've had keyhole surgery to perform a hysterectomy. Though they harvested some eggs, they always do, you're effectively sterile."

I looked at her stunned. It confirmed my worst nightmares on what this was all about. We never discussed it again, but it was always there lurking in the back of my mind. I felt depressed for days.

Then, I don't know, a week or so later she stopped just before she left one night. "Its going to change a bit tomorrow. There's two trainers though this part. Uhmm, the other one is a guy. Don't worry." She rushed on as I must have looked panicked, "It will be more of the same. He'll act as your personal trainer, will teach you massage and he'll focus on you're learning grooming skills for men, and hair care. He won't touch you any more than I have, and you won't ever be raped or anything like that. He's had strict training and wouldn't touch you unless told, and they won't. I promise! OK?"

I nodded, not at all OK, but what choice did I have? She left and the lights dimmed and like every other night I cried myself to sleep.

Next morning I awoke to a warm deep voice and looked up to find a young man looking down at me. He face was open and friendly, and despite the fact I was barely wearing anything he didn't leer or look down my body but kept his eyes on mine. He was also very young, couldn't have been much out of his teens, or even still in them.

"I'm Darren, your other trainer. You ready to start?"

I nodded, and feeling shy and awkward in a tiny bra and thong, stood. He was also incredibly fit with the sort of six pack stomach I loved in a man and not an ounce of fat or a muscle misplaced. Like Claire he had a near perfect body. As for cloths he had on a small posing pouch, but wasn't at all awkward or shy. Lucky him.

The cold voice sounded, "Stand tall, no shyness. You will have only this warning."

The day started. Despite my worst fears Darren was a gentleman. He kept his eyes to mine. He didn't stare or ogle me, even when I was in the shower. The massage training had moved on from the simple shoulder work I'd started with and we were using the long massage bed.

I was completely tense when he started, but he was gentle, though firm. His technique was flawless, and I found myself relaxing despite myself. When we switched I almost didn't want to touch him, his body was so perfect. I felt like I was betraying John, even though all I was doing was massage. I was skittish, though Darren was gentle with his instructions.

Later, the grooming was on how to exfoliate a man, and how to prepare skin for shaving. That was different, and took my mind off things for a while.

The day ended and I once again found myself alone in the dark. I felt really low, perhaps the worst I'd been. I hadn't been punished, which meant John hadn't been punished. Thoughts of him massaging some fit girl flashed in my mind. I knew he'd be good, but I desperately wanted his hands to be massaging me! Though Darren had been a gentlemen, had even been infectiously nice and fun, I still felt like I was betraying John by being around him. I didn't help at all that he was so attractive. I don't think I slept much that night.

The lights finally came on and Claire came in all bubbly and happy. More days went by, then more. The punishments for a few days came fairly fast and I didn't understand as what I was learning was innocuous. I asked if I could talk to John, or what might be different. Claire couldn't or wouldn't tell me, saying trainers where deliberately kept apart from the trainers of the other partner in couples.

The almost horrible thing is it wasn't all bad! I liked the things I was learning, found I was pretty good at some of them. Both Claire and Darren where nice people. I would have liked them outside, and found myself liking them inside. Claire was becoming a really close friend, though she couldn't tell me of her training other than saying she'd been single when taken, she was very sympathetic. Darren was just great, though his age came through sometimes. I couldn't talk to him like I could Claire, but then I couldn't talk to John the way I did to my girlfriends. You just didn't with guys did you? Despite his age I found him very attractive. I was very glad he was such a gentleman as it made it easier. Sometimes, though I hated admitting it, I found myself getting a bit hot under the collar when he was massaging me, especially when we started working on legs.

A couple of weird things happened too. One morning I woke up feeling groggy and sore. Claire explained I'd been given a full laser treatment and had been out for over a day. Sure enough I no longer had a single body hair and the few moles I had where gone.

It was then I noticed I was actually pretty fit. I'd lost the little chubbiness I'd had and was quite toned. My skin, though feeling a bit raw, was as perfect as Claire's. Sometime later I also woke up to find my nose in bandages, and in a few days felt a new straight small pert nose under my fingers. It was the first time I'd really wanted a mirror.

Then things started to get a bit weird. Darren stopped me and sat with me on the bed before leaving one night. "I know you've been told you'll never be raped or forced into sex, and you won't. Still, you must have wondered. Sex does happen between us and the patrons. Its not forced, but it happens. From tonight you're going to be shown videos on sexual technique. I know Claire has told you before not to masturbate, and you mustn't. That will get instant punishment. You don't have to do anything, there's no practice or training, but the videos will be pretty explicit and hard to avoid. Remember you won't be forced, its up to you, but they'll make sure you know how to. Understand?"

I nodded, feeling panicked yet again. He smiled, kissed my cheek and left. It was only then that it hit me I'd been sitting there clad in nothing more than a tiny thong. Some times I wasn't given more than knickers, though I was pretty sure this had been the first time that had happened when I'd been around Darren. I hadn't even noticed.

The lights dimmed, then on two of the walls big screens lit up and larger than life a picture of an erect cock showed. A woman's voice started. "I love giving head. The feel of a cock rubbing against the inside of my cheek, the thick filling of my throat, the hot throb when he cums..." It carried on with her talking about the act and the video showing very explicitly what she was talking about.

I sat, stunned, not wanting to watch, unable to turn away. Even if I closed my eyes I couldn't tune out her voice. The changing light from the video wrapped against my eyelids making even that unavoidable. I sat miserable, and... turned on. Though I'd never told him, never told anyone, never admitted it to myself, I liked giving head too.

Thankfully next day I had Claire. I'm not sure I could have faced Darren just then. She was bubbly though thankfully she didn't talk about the video's. I just focused on learning. I got punished twice that day, but not for me. I worried about John, what wasn't he wanting to do?

More days slipped by. The massage was getting into some advanced technique, and I found I had an aptitude for it. I was good at the makeup too, Claire said I had an affinity for the colours. I was OK at things like shaving and doing hair, though it wasn't my best bit.

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