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Truth or Dare - Dare 01:The Cinema

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A spicy game of Truth or Dare finds Kitty in trouble.
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Authors note: This story seemed to come with a life of its own. I started out to write a short little fun piece about one of my main characters, Kitty and a spicy game of Truth or dare. What I ended up with was a fairly lengthy story that is only part one, and also features Wendy (from several of my other stories). It has a fairly lengthy build up and I hope you, my readers, will stick with it till the end. In some ways, as this story evolved it became harder to write for me. Not in subject matter but, much like doing a puzzle, trying to find a way to make all of the pieces fit together in a way that creates an entire picture.

Once again, as in all my stories, this one deals with nonconsent play and somewhat rough and forced sex. You should be expecting that by now if you are a regular reader of mine, but if not, take this as your fair warning and should you prefer other types of stories, I won't be offended. I hope as you read this you will enjoy it and hopefully be moved to reach out and tell me what you thought or maybe what should happen next. Don't worry, though this story focuses primarily on Kitty, Wendy will get what's coming to her!

* * *

It was 5:00 PM on Friday and Kitty was getting ready to punch out of work and head home. Kitty worked as an executive secretary at a large time-share investment company in the downtown area of Los Angeles. She worked directly for one of the partners at the business, but it was a loose-knit organization and she often found herself being loaned out to other executives when they needed extra help. Kitty had worked there for about three years and really enjoyed her work. The hours weren't too demanding, and she had made several good friends there, most of whom had been there as long, or longer than she had. As she saved the last report she had been working on and turned off her computer, Wendy came up and sat herself on the edge of Kitty's desk.

"It's Friday and we're all headed out for drinks at the Rhythm Room, care to join us?" Kitty looked up at the lovely twenty-something year old and smiled. A night out drinking and schmoozing sounded like just the thing. Kitty grabbed her purse out of the lower drawer of her desk and jumped up.

"Let's go!" she said and grabbed Wendy by the arm. They headed out of the office and downstairs. Several of Kitty's co-workers were gathered in the lobby waiting for them. They greeted the pair with shouts and smiles and as a group, headed out the door.

This was not the first time Kitty had grouped up with her friends. Going out on Friday's was becoming a semi-regular occurrence. It had started about six or seven months ago, maybe once or twice a month but it had taken on a life of its own and was now happening about three weeks out of four in a given month. They had several bars that they rotated through, but the Rhythm Room was fast becoming a favorite. It was a few blocks away from where they were located, and it was set in the basement of a large office building. Its massive space was filled with several pool tables, dart boards, ping pong, shuffleboard and more. Its bar was in an entirely separate area and offered some of the best cocktails in town. There was even a live jazz band several evenings a week.

The evening was warm and since many of the group took public transportation to work, the majority of them decided to walk to the bar. Ralph, a young intern who loved to socialize but didn't drink, agreed to be the designated driver for those who needed it and he cut off to get his car and meet the gang there.

It was late spring and not too hot yet, so the walk was comfortable. The group chatted excitedly about weekend plans and gossiped about work. Soon enough they reached the large building and bar. The Rhythm Room was located next door to the Hotel Hayward. Its entrance was rather innocuous at street level. A large wooden door flanked by two gooseneck lamps. Officially, the bar opened at 6pm, but by the time the group got there it was just a few minutes till and the doors were opened for business. Kitty smiled as they went through the door and started down the marble stairs, lined in blue and gold wood paneling and lit from overhead by a simple art deco hanging lamp. Several members of their little group headed off to grab a table large enough for them all and Kitty and Wendy headed to the bar to get the first round.

Kitty and Wendy were an interesting pair, almost a study in contrast. Wendy was 5'8" and slender. Her lithe, supple figure was graced with firm, ripe curves and legs that seemed too long for her body. She had long, silky brown hair that hung loose down to the middle of her back. She never wore a lot of makeup, but her face had a fresh, youthful shine to it, a wide smiling mouth and smoldering olive-green eyes. Tonight she was dressed for work, so she had on a simple salmon pink blouse and a knee length gold-brown skirt. She wore a pair of nude hose and a comfortable pair of black pumps.

Kitty on the other end of the spectrum was what many men would call a MILF. She was almost 40, 5'9" and carried a little extra weight on her frame, but most of it landed in her ample breasts and her round ass. She also took pains to keep in shape, so she wore the extra few pounds well. She had a huge mop of curly black hair that came down to her shoulders and she was partial to a dark smoky lipstick on her full and pouty lips. As an executive secretary she dressed in a very professional manner. White blouse, buttoned up to just below her neck and a black skirt with a hem a few inches below her knees. She wore a sensible pair of sheer pantyhose and a pair of low heel black shoes that were surprisingly comfortable.

They had met during Kitty's first year at the firm and quickly become fast friends. Wendy was single and dated around, Kitty was divorced and had 1 child, but this weekend she was at her mom's, so Kitty was in no hurry to get home. They ordered the first round of drinks and directed the bartender towards their table and then went to join the others.

Their coworkers had gathered around a large table and a bowl of chips and salsa was just being set down for them as the women approached. Kitty looked around the table and made a quick mental catalog of who was there tonight. Wendy, of course, as well as several regulars. John from accounting, young up and comer who had joined the firm just over a year ago. He was a hair over 6' and sandy blonde hair with piercing blue eyes. Then there was Albert, a middle manager in his mid-30's. He wore last year's style in business casual and never turned down a free drink. Next was Della, the closest among the group in age to Kitty. Brown hair piled neatly in a bun atop her head and wearing a professional but still fashionable dress of black with gold and yellow flowers patterned across it. Albert and Della had seniority with the group, having both worked at the company for over six years.

Also with them was Keith, a relative newcomer to their group and to the firm, having only been hired about six months ago. This was only his third time out with the gang, but he was very friendly and already was quite comfortable with them. He worked in sales and despite his youth, or maybe because of it, he was very successful at his job. And of course, their designated driver, Ralph. He was just out of college with a BA in business and had just become legal to be in the bar with them all a few months ago.

Wendy and Kitty pulled up seats and joined the group at the table. Keith was in the middle of a story about a particularly tough client he had finally won over. The group was acting suitably impressed. Kitty smiled and laughed politely, and Wendy nodded and pretended to be interested. A server came up to the table with their drinks and the story was momentarily put on hold as everyone reached for their glass and tossed a few dollars at the server. She smiled dutifully and took the cash and left the group to their own devices. Keith took a healthy slug of his bourbon and bitters and started back up with the end of his story.

An hour later, several more stories, interspersed with rather mild office gossip and two more rounds of drinks, the group was well on their way to a boisterous night out. John had been monopolizing a great deal of the conversation and launched in to the start of yet another thrilling story on the rigors of accounting. Wendy downed her shot and slammed the glass on the table startling everyone.

"Boring!" she cried out. The group stared at her, and John threw a withering gaze her way. Wendy held up her hands in mock apology. "I'm sorry, really, but I just can't listen to another sales story or analysis of last year's market trends! This is supposed to be fun tonight! No more work talk!" She saw a few nods from some of the group, but others just stared at her quizzically.

"Well, if we aren't going to talk about work, what are we going to do?" asked Della. She looked around the table and all eyes seemed to slide towards Wendy. She stared back, momentarily at a loss. Then she got an idea and began to smile.

"I know, let's play a game!" The others were still looking at her and she could see doubt on their faces. Wendy surged on, the idea taking shape as she spoke. "How about a game of Truth or Dare?" Several of her coworkers looked surprised, a few thoughtful and even one or two smiles started forming.

"Truth or Dare?" John spoke up. Isn't that a kid's game?" He didn't sound very enthusiastic Wendy shook her head and forged ahead.

"Not at all! And we can make it even more interesting! We can bet money on the outcomes!" Now a few more people were showing interest, no doubt thanks in part to the alcohol they had all been drinking.

"How exactly would that work?" Kitty asked. The whole idea of Truth or Dare seemed a little risky to her but somehow that made it seem just a bit more intriguing.

"We can all toss money into the pot each round. As we each take a turn, anyone who doesn't answer a truth or fails to complete a dare is out. We keep playing till only one person is left and they win the pot. Now most of the table was nodding, warming up to the idea.

"What's the ante each round?" Albert asked. He was notoriously stingy, never picking up the tab if he could help it, but he didn't mind making money.

"I was thinking we could start at $10.00 each. That's sixty dollars each round. Play for a few rounds and that could build up quite a pot...unless people wimp out early!" She looked at Keith and gave him her most winning smile.

"Sixty? But there are seven of us!" Della offered up. Wendy shrugged and looked towards Ralph.

"I, uh, wasn't including Ralph," she said with little to no apology in her voice. "He's an intern and we shouldn't expect him to pitch in the same as we do. After all, we make a living." She had enough decency to blush slightly and nod slightly towards the young man. Ralph gulped his drink and shook his head.

"Hey! No, I want to play too. I'm not broke, and I can afford it!" Wendy looked at him, arching an eyebrow but Albert, never one to pass up a quick buck, clapped Ralph on the shoulder.

"See? He's in. That makes it seventy a round!" Wendy looked at Ralph and then over to Albert.

"That means you're in?" she asked. She looked around the rest of the table. "What about the rest of you?" There was a pause while everyone considered the proposal, then, one by one, they all nodded their agreement.

"So, whose going to hold the ante?" Della asked. She was probably the most practical of the group. This set off another round of heated discussion about who was the most level headed and who could be trusted, especially if the pot really grew in size. After about fifteen minutes, they finally agreed that Albert would hold the money. He had been with the firm the longest and he had a sharp mind for numbers, even if he wasn't the most imaginative guy. In the long run, that actually worked in his favor. Now that they had the money issue settled, Wendy got the groups attention and laid out the rules.

"OK. Here's how it will work. Round one, we will all rock, scissors, paper in groups of two until there is a single winner. That person goes first. They choose someone in the group and ask, 'Truth or Dare?' Once the person they choose answers a truth or completes a dare, then it's their turn. The only stipulation is they can't choose the same person who asked them. Once everyone in the group has had at least one turn, we start again. If you refuse to answer, or refuse to complete a dare, you're out!"

"Sounds simple enough," said Ralph, just happy to be included with the groups game.

"Are there any limits?" Kitty asked hesitantly. That nervous feeling in her stomach was getting stronger for some reason.

"Limits? Like what?" asked John.

"I don't know, like limits on what we can ask or what kind of dares we can demand. How far do we want to go?" That made everyone stop for a moment and think. Albert was the first to speak up.

"Well, how about no work-related truths or dares. You can't ask questions about what goes on in the office or make someone do something at work. We don't want anyone getting fired, right?" Della nodded strongly.

"Right! And nothing dangerous. Like, running across the busy freeway, or...I don't know, chewing glass or something."

"Chewing glass?" Keith scoffed, "What kind of stupid dare would that be? No one's going to ask someone to do that!" Della's face reddened but she held her ground.

"I just mean that we shouldn't be allowed to ask someone to do something harmful. Embarrassing is OK but nobody needs to get hurt." Wendy nodded, mulling those over.

"OK. Nothing physically harmful and nothing about or at work. Anything else?"

"What about a time limit," asked Ralph. Wendy looked at him.

"What do you mean?" Ralph looked around the group nervously, realizing he was now the center of attention. He cleared his throat and explained.

"Well, it's just that with all of us playing, I don't think we can be expected to finish the game tonight. This might go on for several days or longer. How long does someone have to complete a dare? Truth is easier, but even that should have some kind of a time limit, say five minutes to answer?"

The others looked at Ralph and then at each other as they thought about this. Wendy hadn't taken the time to work out all the details, but Ralph had a point. Some of the dares might be harder or take longer than others. Finally she took her glass and banged it on the table to get everyone's attention.

"All right. How about this. If the dare is something simple, that can be done quickly and without any prep, you have, say, ten minutes to do it. If it's something more complicated or needs prep time, the person will have till our next Friday night out to do it."

"And we are just supposed to take their word that they did the dare?" Asked Albert. Wendy shook her head.

"No. They have to have undeniable proof, like a video or picture of it. Otherwise it has to be witnessed." Most of the table nodded but Keith was shaking his head.

"Witnessed? By who? We don't need to bring anyone else into this." Wendy thought about that.

"Well, who among us do you consider the most reliable? Who would you trust as a witness?" Everyone thought about this for a moment and then, almost as one, they turned to look at Ralph. Kitty spoke first.

"Ralph should be the designated witness, except of course when it's his round, then Wendy can do it!" There was a little more discussion, but everyone quickly agreed to those terms. Ralph was surprised that they had chosen him, but he was also secretly thrilled that they trusted him.

"OK! Now that it's settled, let's get another round of drinks and get this game started." Wendy signaled for a server and then turned towards the group. Everyone laughed and nodded in agreement. After several quick rounds of rock, paper, scissors, Della was the winner and got to go first. She seemed genuinely surprised that she won and looked around the group nervously.

Della was a small woman. Not precisely petite but she stood only 5'4" and weighed in at about 110 lbs. She was thin but with firm, round breasts that she preferred to keep carefully constrained in functional and somewhat constricting bras. She wasn't married and didn't even date much but, unbeknownst to the group, she actually had a slight crush on John. The blonde and blue-eyed young man was just her type. She thought about who she should call on and finally, screwed up her courage and chose John.

"Truth or Dare, John," She asked. John looked at her and gauged his answer carefully. This was the start of the game. No need to go to strong, too quick and he was curious as to why Della had picked him.

"Truth." He said firmly. Della took a deep breath and met his eyes directly.

"Who at this table would you most like to kiss?" She asked, keeping her stare fixed on him. There were several exclamations and hoots from around the table. John didn't even have the decency to blush. He stared back at Della.

"You!" he said softly. Della did blush and dropped her eyes first. The table erupted in hollers and laughter. John smiled and took a quick gulp of his drink. Then he set the glass down and quieted the group. "My turn." He said. He looked around the table carefully considering his options and landed on Wendy. "Truth or Dare?" he asked the young woman. Wendy's eyes sparkled mischievously.

"Dare!" She said without hesitating. John smiled wickedly.

"I dare you to go into the ladies room and remove your bra and bring it back to me!" Wendy's eyes opened a little wider and her estimation of John jumped a notch or two. He was in this to play. But Wendy was too.

"I can't," she said. I'm not wearing a bra." The table once again broke into 'oohs and 'aahs' and laughter. John just waited till the noise calmed down and then looked met Wendy's eyes and smiled.

"Then, prove it."

Wendy smirked and stood up. She moved around the table to where John was sitting. She carefully undid the top button of her blouse and reached out and took John's hand. She moved it to her chest and then, standing close to him and angled so she was mostly kept from view of the rest of the bar, she slid his hand inside her top. John's hand slid down onto Wendy's bare breast and he felt her nipple stiffen as he stroked across it. He gave her a little squeeze and quickly pulled his hand free.

"Satisfied?" She asked him. Now John did blush, just a little.

"Uhm, yes" he said, clearing his throat. Wendy threw a wicked grin at the table and moved back to her seat. Now it was her turn. She looked at her possible choices and considered her options carefully.

"Keith, Truth or Dare?" Keith looked a bit startled that Wendy picked him. He took a moment to take a sip of his drink, then looked at her carefully. She hadn't buttoned her blouse back up and he could see her nipple pressing against the silk fabric. It actually embarrassed him slightly. He drew in a breath and answered.

"Truth." Wendy nodded as if she had expected that sort of an answer from him.

"Well, let's keep the theme going, shall we. Keith, who would you most like to kiss at this table?" The groups collective stare turned on Keith expectantly. Keith looked nervous and reached up and loosened his tie just a bit. He really didn't want to answer but that warred with his desire not to be even more embarrassed by being the first one to quit. He took almost a minute, thinking about his response. Then he downed the rest of his drink in a big gulp and, looking at the table, quietly said:

"Albert." The table was stunned into silence, and everyone looked at Keith and then to Albert. No one hooted or guffawed, waiting to see what the response was to this. Albert joined the ranks of those blushing at the table, and then, slowly looked over to Keith.

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