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You can pick up anyone at a bar...
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"This bar is always so fucking smoky." Jennie blew a ringlet of hair out of her face and wrinkled her nose in disgust at the air surrounding her.

"Shut up, Jen. This place is awesome, and you know it. The dirtier the bar, the better it is." Amy wasn't exactly sure how she and Jennie had managed to stay friends for this long, as they were complete opposites. Jennie was quite the girlie girl and uptight, while Amy was more relaxed and detested every shade of pink. But they always went out every Saturday night together, hitting different bars and attempting to pick up guys. Lately, they had been stuck on DJ's Bar. The beer was cheap and the crowd was always hilarious.

"Fuck, Amy, that guy is here again, you know? The one you ran smack into last time and spilled your beer all over? He's right there playing pool. You need to go 'apologize' again..." Jennie giggled, her short curly hair bobbing as she made a knowing smirk at Amy. That was the one thing about Jennie. She'd be uptight and annoying one minute, then cursing like a sailor and making lewd innuendos the next.

"God that was embarrassing... But he was pretty fucking hot..." She let her eyes drift over his body again. She remembered how solid he felt when she turned into him. His chest and stomach muscles so tight, he didn't even budge with their collision. His dark eyes had looked angry at first, then softened as she started apologizing and clumsily trying to wipe him off.

"Hey, it's not a big deal, sweetie. Not every day I get groped by a pretty thing like you." Then he winked at her and walked off. Jen had had a laughing fit as she stumbled back to their table completely speechless.

Now she was staring at him again. Those brown eyes, almost black. His tanned skin and his dark brown hair. That crooked smile as he joked with his friends around the table. Without realizing it, her blood had begun to surge and she was out of breath.

"I'm not going over there. There is no way. " She shook her head, pulling her red hair back into a pony tail, then downed another shot. "At least not without a couple more drinks first!"

"That's the spirit, chica!" They clinked their glasses and began another round of beer.

Half an hour later, Jennie was weaving her way through the crowd to the juke box when a hand grabbed her arm.

"What's your friends name?" It was him. The guy that she and Amy had been watching earlier. His crooked smile was put away, replaced now by a stern look.

"Amy. Why?"

"Because she is talking to a guy that is no good for any woman, and I'm about to go save her." He walked away just as quickly, heading to the bar. The fathead sitting next to her was a jerk, and pretty much everyone hated him at the bar. He started fights, and waited for girls to pass out in drunkenness to take them home.

"Hey, Amy, what are ya drinking tonight, babe?" He came up in between them, grabbing her arm familiarly, as if he had known her forever. He saw the look of bewilderment on her face, so he stepped in quickly with an answer. "It's me, Phillip. Remember? I drank you under the table last week. Let me buy you another one. 'Scuse us, mate." Then he walked her back to the table

"Trust me, Amy. Stay clear of that guy. He's no good. Now what are you drinking, and I'll go get it for you." He knew her name? She continued to stare at him for a few minutes before she realized he was wanting an answer to something... what was it... oh yes...

"Jack and coke... I've been drinking jack and coke all night."

"Alright sounds good." He went to the bar, bought her a drink then brought it back as Jennie returned. She really was adorable. He could still see the look of astonishment and embarrassment on her face, the same face she made last week. "There you go, Amy. Enjoy your evening..." And then he simply walked away.

"What the hell just happened?"

"I... I'm not sure. But his name is Phillip, he bought me this drink, saved me from a jerk, and I think I'm in severe lust."

"Lucky bitch..." Jennie laughed, but Amy could only sit and stare, still in shock. The rest of the evening she watched for him, but she could never catch his eye. And there was no way she was brave enough to walk over there. Guys came and went from their table, all seeming to be more interested in Jennie, until the end of the night came. Jennie had once again found a guy, his arm wrapped around her waist, and she was going to drive him home. Amy called a cab and went to wait outside, waving to her friend as she went back to her house to get some.

"Need a ride, Amy?" There he was, right behind her, his crooked smile back on his face, just for her.

"No, but thanks, I called a cab." She was always so awkward, she screamed at herself inwardly to jump in his truck.

"Come on, now. I know you've been watching me. So just get in the truck, I'll take you over to my place for a cup of coffee, then I'll take you home. You're really cute you know, when you get all flustered like this."

Her cheeks burned, but she smiled, and walked over to the passenger door. She couldn't believe how lucky she was.


His house was right on the edge of town. He had opened the truck door for her, helped her down, then opened the front door for her as well. And they said chivalry was dead.

Now she sat in the living room, a tiger striped cat curled on the couch beside her. It was so cozy in here. The house wasn't huge, but it was very lived in and comfortable.

"How do you take your coffee?"

"Two sugars, black." She wished she had more to say, but she was always tongue tied around really sexy guys. He walked into the room, two cups in his hands, and sat next to her.

"Uhm, thanks. Oh, and thanks for getting me away from that jerk earlier, too." She took a sip from her coffee.

"Don't worry about it. He's an ass. Oh. And thank you for dumping beer all over me last week."

Her cheeks burned.

"I'm so sorry about that, I..." He burst out laughing and smiling.

"I'm just joking, sweetie. Calm down. Drink your coffee. You look pretty tense." His left hand reached up under her hair, immediately setting off her goosebumps, and began rubbing her neck gently. She continued to sip her coffee, enjoying the feeling. Soon, she began to feel sleepy.

"You have the prettiest eyes, Amy." He was staring at her intently, and she could feel her eyelids getting heavier.

"I think I had better go home now, Phillip. I'm getting so tired..."

"Oh, don't worry. You won't be going anywhere for awhile. Why don't you just close your eyes and let the pills work for me. I promise. You'll enjoy this next part." His crooked smile continued to leer at her, the look of shock back on her face, as she completely fell asleep. He seemed like such a gentleman...


She awoke, her head throbbing, face down on what felt like a down comforter. Her mouth felt so dry as she went to shake her head, until she realized she had been gagged. Freaking out, her heart pounding, she attempted to sit up, but found she couldn't. Her hands were bound behind her back, and her feet seemed to be tied together as well. She looked about the room wildly, only noticing the plain white walls. The bed seemed to be the only thing present. Then she caught on him. Phillip was standing in the corner, watching her, completely naked, his erect penis in his right hand, stroking slowly.

"Glad to see you're awake now, sweetie. It's time for us to have a little fun. I saw how you've been looking at me in the bar. You want this. And you are going to fucking enjoy it." He flipped her onto her back roughly, as she realized she was completely naked, too. Her eyes went wide as she realized how big he really was with his legs on either sides of her hips.

"From now on tonight, I will refer to you as 'slave.' If you are good enough, and I take the gag off, you will call me 'Master.' I am going to get what I want from you, and you can either enjoy it, or fight and make it worse for yourself. Do you understand?" She nodded her understanding, her heart still pounding with fear, as he smiled and winked.

"Good." He grabbed her by her hair, pulling her to her feet as he stood beside the bed, then forcing her to the ground.

"On your knees, slave. Since you do not have the ability to use your hands or mouth, you need to find another way to please your Master." He looked down at her, waiting, impatience spreading across his face. She had no idea what to do, so she began nuzzling his balls with her nose.

"Not good enough, slave. Do better. Quickly." Frantically, Amy lifted her body enough from her knees so that she could rub his dick between her breasts. It was uncomfortable, and her humiliation was building. But she seemed to please him this way. His hands went down to her head, rubbing her hair gently, such a shocking change from the moment before. Then the roughness returned, as he lifted her by her hair and forced her stomach down over the edge of the bed, her face buried in the comforter again. His hand was still wrapped tightly in her hair, pulling her neck back, his other hand between her shoulder blades. Without any ceremony, his cock entered her brutally, stabbing all the way in, ripping and burning. She cried out against the gag in pain, but she only heard the raspy laugh of Phillip, her "Master", behind her. Her hands were tied so tightly, they began to grow numb and throb. His dick was still deep inside her. He did not move at all, or attempt to remove himself.

"Alright, slave. Here is your first chance. I'm going to undo your hands and feet. If you try to get away, or try to take off your gag, I will put them right back on, and you will not enjoy the rest of this evening at all." She nodded her head slightly, just ready for the restraints to be loosened and her blood to flow once more to her extremities. She wasn't sure if she wanted to risk running away or not. She didn't want to admit it to herself, but there was an excitement in her loins she had never experienced before.

With her bindings removed, she brought her arms down to her side and allowed the muscles to relax. But rest was not on her Master's mind. He thrust forward, still inside her, forcing her legs onto the bed, onto her knees, and commanded her to push herself up until her arms were straight. He reached underneath her, grabbing her breasts, tweaking her nipples, as his left hand stayed at her hip as he began to pump in and out of her. It hurt at first, being fucked this hard, this roughly, this quickly. All of her other lovers were so gentle and slow. Nothing like this. Suddenly both his hands were on her ass, throwing her forward then pummeling back into her. She began to get in the rhythm, realizing she was getting closer and closer to an orgasm.

"You're going to cum, aren't you, slave? Well, you had better control it. No one said you could cum yet. Don't make me angry." He continued shoving into her, and she silently thanked whatever god existed that she had the gag to bite down on and keep herself from going over the edge. She knew she was wet, she could feel it dripping down her legs, and the wet sound with every thrust filled the silent night air. Master began to slow.

"You've made a mess, slave. You need to clean it up." He untied her gag. She immediately went between his legs, licking and sucking his dick and balls clean. He shoved her backward by her forehead.

"Stupid whore. You had no permission to touch me, only to clean your own mess. Your legs are covered. As is my sheet. Clean it up. Now." Shaking slightly, so turned on she couldn't believe it, she remained silent, staring into his eyes as she wiped the slick juices from her leg and sucked on her fingers. Then she bent down to the bed and continued to lick where her essence had dripped. He watched her. Staring intently. She knew she was only becoming more and more wet, and all she could think about was pleasing him, making him cum, making him happy.

"Now slave. Who am I to you?"

"Master." One word.

"When you are in front of me, your eyes should be on the floor, waiting for my command. You should not look at my face at all. You are not worthy of that yet, do you understand?"

"Yes, Master." Oh god, she couldn't believe she was going along with this. He had raped her, and she was getting off on it.

"Alright. Now, to learn your lesson for touching me when not told and for looking me in the face, you must be punished. Go to the closet. Open the door and tell me what you see." She averted her eyes obediently and walked across the room. His eyes went to her tight waist, and the sway of her ass. As she lifted her arm to the closet he got another peak at her perfectly shaped and sized tits, tiny nipples erect in the cold.

As the door creaked open, she saw... a torture chamber. Large dildos, vibrators, butt plugs, whips, chains, black leather... so much. She took a sharp intake of breath and realized she was dripping onto the floor again. Phillip knew how wet she was, smiling inwardly, knowing he had chosen his new slave wisely.

"Now pet, I want you to retrieve the wooden paddle from the wall. To the left." Amy's hands shook as she took it down, wondering if he would really hurt her. She walked back to the bed, careful not to look at him as she offered him the paddle.

"Good girl, now come and lay across my lap." He was now sitting on the edge of the bed. She laid herself across his legs, and he pushed her forward until her ass was right in the middle of his lap and spread her legs slightly.

"This is only a little punishment, pet. It will not be too harsh. You are only learning, but I have to make sure you learn correctly." She closed her eyes as the first whack came on her right butt cheek. The second came to her left two seconds afterward. Steadily until each cheek had received five spanks. Her ass felt like it was burning, but the each slap had only turned her on more. His fingers were now at her hole, easily slipping in three. He fucked her slowly with his three fingers, pushing his thumb into her ass. In less than a minute, she was moaning violently.

"You may cum now, pet. Cum hard for your Master." And suddenly she was cumming. Almost as if his words were that last thing she needed to release. Her orgasm was strong leaving her dizzy and disoriented.

"Now, pet, you must make your Master cum." She went to her feet as he lay back on the bed. Still not looking at him, her heart beating ever faster, she went to place her face between his legs. He leaned up and grabbed her arms as she did so, his voice becoming so gentle.

"Look at me, pet. Let me see those pretty eyes again. I want you to enjoy this part, too. You have really done well tonight. Better than I expected for your first time. A slave is always thankful when her Master bathes her with his cum." He kissed her forehead and placed her back between his legs. As she settled down between them, she smiled inwardly, looking at her new Master. She never thought sex could be this erotic, this intimate. She couldn't wait for the next time.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 15 years ago

me like very much.....dreambabydoll/dadeesgrl

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