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Tuesday Night Strip Club

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Sarah and her friend end up with more than they expected.
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It's been a while since I've actually submitted anything on here. Hopefully you'll enjoy the story. Remember though, there is a difference between fantasy and reality.


Sarah sat on her friend's couch and thought about what she was to do tonight. The more she thought about it, the more she drank her wine. Emma, her friend for nearly 18 years, kept her glass topped up.

Sarah at the age of 29 was due to get married in a week. She had been racking her brains on what to get her husband to be, but he was wealthy and had everything he needed. She thought about a special watch, but he already had so many, and the style he liked, she could hardly afford. She wondered what he saw in her. When she doubted herself, Steven would assure her, that it was her that he loved. She was pretty sure he liked her body too. 32DD breasts on a 5'2" toned body. She didn't like the gym, so swam as much as she could to keep her figure neat, and it worked.

Emma topped up Sarah's glass again. "Relax! He loves you, you love him, he'll love the idea."

One night over a couple of bottles of wine, they had gone through a list of possible presents that she could get him. After an hour, Sarah told Emma about a night out. Steve had arrived late to a night club, and had stood and watched as Sarah danced on the floor. She had worn a short dress, and plenty of men moved in, trying to dance with her. She had rejected all of them. Later when he came over, he told he had been watching her dance and seen all the frustrated men that she had turned down. Sarah had seen the excitement in his eyes, brushed the bulge in his pants. 3 minutes later, they were in a toilet cubicle fucking like animals.

They both then discussed how to recreate this, and perhaps push it further.

Writing down their ideas, they had instantly dismissed the idea of doing this in a bar, as there would be very little control over what went on. What they needed was some safety.

Next, they considered a strip club. This was crossed off the list when they had tried to explain their idea to the owner. He refused as Emma wasn't going to strip. All she was going to do was dance, flash bits of her underwear, but she wasn't comfortable going beyond that.

It was then that Emma had remembered about one of her ex-boyfriends who had told her about this adult store. Apparently, they had a mix of things going on, from showing porn films, a few strippers on, or live sex shows. All the men were in cubicles, watching the show whilst the performer was kept safe and secure. Sarah wasn't comfortable with this, but Emma persuaded her that if that's what she wanted to do, this place would probably let her. A phone call later, and it was arranged.

That was 2 days ago.

Today, Sarah had changed into her outfit. It was a small French Maids outfit. The top was low cut, showing plenty of her 32DD breasts off in a bra. It was trimmed with a white lace, with a small white apron. The bottom of the black dress came near the tops of her thighs, and showed lacy ruffles beneath. Sarah had put on white stockings and garter beneath, topping the results off with black heels. She looked in the mirror drunkenly approving and hitched the dress to make sure her panties were covering everything. They were incredibly thin and silky. She nodded to herself, and adjusted the straps on her garter belt a little more, before dropping the dress back into place.

Despite being drunk herself, Emma drove Sarah to the place she had found, and they pulled in behind the store. Now that they were here, Sarah wished she had worn a long coat to cover what she was wearing, at least until she got inside. Emma told her she looked amazing, and slid out a bottle of whisky from her purse.

"Want a little bit more courage?"

Sarah tried to look shocked but just giggled and took a large swig. Emma put it in her purse and together they walked in.

The inside of the store was fairly dark. Spot lights showed off certain items here and there, but mostly the place was dimly lit. Sarah looked around nervously, Emma laughed and touched her arm. "I'm going to go and talk to the guy. You wait here, and I'll be back." She grinned at her. "Actually, have a look around. Might find something extra to go with your wedding night!" They both giggled and Emma went off to speak to the man behind the counter.

Looking over, Sarah saw her friend waiting to be served. The man behind the counter was having a heated exchange with a customer who was trying to return something.

Sarah looked at a few items on shelves; magazines, DVDs. She looked at a few covers, and tried to focus, the mixed alcohol now running strongly through her system. She was aware after a minute that someone else was stood at her side. It was a slim man, in what appeared to be his mid 50s, with a terrible comb-over covering his bald head. He looked at her in her maid's outfit and his eyes showed his excitement.

She looked at him, trying to focus. "Yes?"

He looked at her, his mouth moving into a grin. "How much?" he whispered.

Sarah looked at the DVD in her hand. "Erm, it's £20" she said putting it back.

The man nodded. "£20? What do I get for that?" She felt his hand on the back of her thigh, molesting her silky white stocking.

She moved backwards, breaking his contact and spinning to look at him. The alcohol in her head made her spin a little more than she should and she stumbled slightly in her heels, grabbing onto the display. The man moved with her, still grinning.

Sarah now realised to what he was referring. "No, no I didn't mean I was a..." she swallowed nervously, backing up more. "... I'm not a..." She struggled for words, shaking her head 'no', completely off guard.

The man moved with her, his eyes quickly darting over her young body, before returning to her face. As he closed in, he licked his lips hungrily.

Sarah moved back further and felt the back of the wall, and tried to press herself against it more, trying to evade the advancing man. Her hand felt a gap to her left, and she took it. The alcove was covered by a curtain and she comprehended after she had pushed her way through, that she had gone into one of the changing rooms in the shop.

She turned around and saw a woman dressed similar to her, looking as terrified as she felt, before she realised that it was her own reflection in a mirror. The man slid in the room with her, and eased himself up behind her. His hands moved up, and cupped her breasts, squeezing them gently. Sarah turned around to face her attacker then realised how close he was. She tried to back up at the same time, her black heels slipping, and making her fall onto her backside. The hard landing on the floor, stunning her senses.

The man seized the opportunity and moved forward quickly. One of his hands went to Sarah's hair whilst the other pushed the front of his pants down, releasing his cock.

Sarah put her hands out, trying to push his thighs away, but he twisted in her drunken grip and pushed himself up against her lips.

"Please! No stop!" she whined at him. Her hands moved and pushed at his thighs again. "I'm not... don't..."

He pushed forward, forcing the cock into her protesting mouth. With his hand in her hair, he kept her held down on it. He could feel her hands slapping against his thighs, trying to push him back, but she couldn't get enough leverage in this position.

He started to fuck her mouth hard; his stomach hitting her nose. She tried to push him back still, but couldn't.

She heard her friend. "Sarah? Sarah? Where the hell did she go?"

Sarah tried to make a muffled protest to attract her attention, but as she tried, he pushed in further, knocking into the back of her throat.

She heard Emma walking off a little. "Sarah?" her voice a fainter.

The man began to fuck Sarah's mouth again, a grip on her hair, making her move with his fucking. She gave out a muffled protest at this.

There was a knock on the wall at the side of the changing room, and the man pushed in deep again, making Sarah gag.

"Sarah? You in there?"

The man looked down into Sarah's eyes, his look warning her to be quiet. "No one in here, just me. Fuck off!"

A moment later, Emma pulled back the curtain.

Sarah was sat on the floor, legs spread, with a stranger fucking his cock into her mouth. Emma could see that Sarah's eyes were wide with panic. "Oh my God, Sarah!"

The man turned and pushed past Emma quickly, pulling his pants up as he walked out.

Emma helped Sarah to stand. "What the hell was all that about?"

Sarah shook her head which was spinning slightly. "I ...I don't know." She felt more stunned than upset, the alcohol keeping her calm. "I fell on my arse and then he started fucking my mouth."

She helped her friend up. Sarah leaned back against the wall, trying to get her senses back. Emma tried to help, but Sarah held up her hand.

"I'm OK, just give me a moment."

Emma looked at her and showed her the key. "Look Sarah, after what's just happened, do you want to forget about it for today?"

Sarah thought about it, trying to push out of her mind how a stranger had got himself into her mouth. "I just need to calm down a moment."

Emma fished in her handbag and pulled out a small bottle. "Got a valium if that might help?" She could see Sarah's eyes looking at her as if she was mad. "Just a really low dose."

Sarah looked at the bottle, then nodded. Emma passed her a tablet and she dry swallowed it. Emma took the bottle back off her, and after a second, took one herself.

A moment later, she pushed herself off the wall. "OK, let's get this over with. And for God's sake, don't tell anyone," she reiterated the point by waving her hand, "anyone, what just happened."

Emma and Sarah went to the back of the shop and down the steps to the basement. "The man behind the counter said that we can take as long as we like. They'd normally show films tonight." It was dark down here, just some overhead strip lighting, illuminating the way. At the bottom of the stairs were rooms with numbers, and straight in front of them was Room 0.

Sarah looked along the corridor. All the doors were numbered. Sarah placed her hand on the wall to steady herself. "What do you mean, normally, play films?"

Emma grinned at her. "Sometimes couples come down here to be watched whilst they fuck." She saw Sarah looking along the corridors

"The rooms go around the stage, so the men can watch." Emma said as she struggled with the key in the lock.

Sarah began to feel lightheaded as the alcohol and Valium mixed in her system. A man brushed past her as she leaned against the wall, and she felt his hands on her backside as he did. She felt like she should say something, but her mouth felt woolly. The man turned and went into one of the rooms.

There was a click from the lock. "Got it!" Emma said as she opened the door. Sarah pushed herself off the wall and walked into the room. She felt strange, like she was watching herself. The room was surrounded on all sides by windows and it was fairly well lit and Sarah blinked in the light. In the middle was a chair and a table. Around the walls were what looked like mirrors, and she realised they were the windows that the men would watch her through. Rock music was already playing. She felt a tap on her arm, and turned to see her friend.

Emma looked at her. "I said, are you going to be OK?"

Sarah just nodded.

Emma smiled. "OK, I'll be in the one of the small rooms and film you on my camera." She said, patting her handbag with it in.

Sarah nodded again and watch as her friend left. Giggling a little as her friend stumbled a little. "Fucking carpet!" she cursed and closed the door.

Sarah moved up onto the stage and looked around. She wondered if Emma would let her know which room she was in. The music played, so Sarah danced. She closed her eyes and tried to imagine herself back in the club where her and Steve had fucked. How she had danced, but this time she had to tease as well.

She listened to the track playing and began to sway to the music, moving her body more as she found the tempo. Every now and again, she gripped the side of the table to steady herself. Then, still holding onto the table, she bent over, letting the maid's outfit rise, showing off her delights.

She smiled to herself, this is what she should be doing. She stood up, closed her eyes and danced more.

If she had opened her eyes, she would have seen two men opening the door and watching her. If she had been clear headed, she would have made sure Emma had locked the door. One of them turned and closed the door, before sliding two lock bolts into place. They watched Sarah for a few more seconds, and whispered their plan.

Sarah opened her eyes when she realised she wasn't alone. There was a skinny looking man dancing next to her, smiling . She looked puzzled, she didn't remember him being in here. The valium and alcohol played with her mind, and she returned the smile and continued dancing, now flirting with her new audience. Taking this as a welcome, he danced closer, moving in next to her. She turned to face him, and continued. He eased his arm around her, and placed it on the small of her back, slowly moving her towards him. Sarah didn't object, and as he pushed his foot between hers, she moved herself onto his thigh, grinding her crotch against him, chewing her bottom lip as she looked in his eyes.

She felt hands on her waist, and turned to see a fat man behind her. He just nodded at her and she turned to look at the skinny man in front of her. Something felt wrong, but she couldn't figure what. She tried to concentrate on dancing, and ignore the fat man as he caressed her hip. As long as his hands stayed there, she wasn't too bothered. Sarah wasn't aware that he wasn't just caressing her hips, he was sliding the short outfit up her waist.

When he had it high enough, he moved in closer, and moved both hands to one side of her panties, gripping the thin dark material and tearing it open. She turned to look at him, frowning. "Hey what the fuck! Not so rough!"

Sarah was about to push him away, when the skinny man pulled her towards him, making her place his hands on his chest. She turned to look at the skinny man, and his smile. Part of her warned her again that this was wrong and it was confirmed when she felt the other side of her panties being torn by the fat man before they were yanked from her body.

Sarah placed her hands on the man in front. "I.. I need to stop. This is wrong." He took her wrists in his hands and kept dancing with her.

She gave a small tug, and realised he had a good firm grip on her.

"Wait, please!" she wined, "I want to stop."

She felt the fat man move in behind her and felt something hard being pushed up against her backside. She tried to turn to see what he was doing, but the skinny man pulled on her arms, forcing her to turn back to him. Behind her, the fat man gripped his cock and rammed it hard up between the cheeks of her backside.

"No! Stop!" she wailed as she felt him trying to force his way up into her arse. The fat man put one of his meaty arms around her waist, pulling her hips backwards , his other hand gripped his cock, forcing it roughly against her tight virgin hole. Sarah fought, trying to pull away from the man holding her wrists. "Please! You have to sto..." her voice died on her.

Sarah's eyes widened even more, and her mouth stretched in pain, giving a silent scream, as she felt the fat man force his way in.

The fat man grunted as he violently shoved his cock into her tight little hole. With the head in, he pulled her hips back even more, forcing her to bend over before driving himself deeper. He heard her scream out as he pulled back and thrust in again. He heard her begging and pleading for him to stop, but he didn't. His friend held her wrists, making sure she couldn't stop him as he used her.

Sarah fought for breath. Even above her howling, she could hear her attacker breathing faster. A rough stab, he pulled her back towards him. She felt the cock push deep and he began to deliver his cum into her. His hands held her tight to him, making sure she couldn't pull away. Then, as quickly as it hard started, he let go of her hips, and she fell to her knees, the cock sliding out of her ass.

She knelt on the floor, the skinny man still held her wrists, stopping her from collapsing fully. He pulled her up. "Let's get you sat down. Here." He helped her up and sat her on the edge of the table.

As soon as she was sat down he pushed her backwards, before grabbing the backs of her legs and pulling her backside towards the edge of table.

Sarah put her hands out, trying to stop him as he spread her legs and stood between them. "Please, I'm begging you, no more!"

He just smirked at her as he jerked open his jeans. "You're getting fucked."

She pushed her hands out, trying to stop him, but he just pushed them aside.

"Please! Don't do this!" He didn't listen, and pushed his cock up against her pussy. With tears in her eyes, she shook her head, and he thrust his cock into her.

He looked down over her, as he fucked himself deeper into her unprotected pussy, lifting her legs up, letting him push in more.

She covered her face with her hands and tried to block out what was happening to her. It didn't work, and just seemed to intensify the feelings.

She felt the fat man grab her outfit, gripping the dress and yanking it up over her body, dragging it up her arms and over her head, leaving her in just her bra, suspender belt and stockings.

He looked down over his captive beauty and fucked her, watching as her breasts shook in her bra. The harder he rammed in, the more they shook.

He wondered if he could shake knock them out of the bra. Pulling as far back as he could, he rammed in, making Sarah cry out. He tried again.

Sarah tried to slow him down by placing her hands on his stomach, but nothing worked. She felt her legs being lifted higher, and his cock being sunk further. She tried closing her eyes and he finally stopped, pushing in totally. Opening her eyes, she looked at him, his face grimacing, then felt him cum.

Sarah's eyes widened in fear. She had come off birth control for her wedding over three months ago, not letting Steve fuck her without a condom.

Now she could feel this strangers cum, thumping into her fertile insides, hear him moaning in pleasure as he raped her on the table.

Sarah looked up at the ceiling and cried softly "Noooo!"

Sarah kept looking at the ceiling as she felt him slide out of her pussy. She heard the two men give each other a high5. After a moment, she looked and saw the fat man, who was ramming her maid's outfit into a bag, getting himself a second souvenir. The skinny man was taking pictures of her on the table. Why hadn't anyone stopped it? Why hadn't Emma stopped it?

She was snapped out of her thoughts by one of the men talking.

"Come on, we better get out of here." The fat man said, zipping up his bag with her stolen items in. The skinny man nodded and together they just left her on the table.

Sarah lay on the table for a minute or 2 more, trying to clear her mind of what has just happened. She lowered herself back onto the floor and stood on shaking legs. The 2 men had now left the room, and unsteadily, Sarah left too.

She stood in the corridor, looking left and right, trying to figure out where her friend went. She looked at the stairs back out, and thought about leaving, but she couldn't leave without her friend. Walking down the corridor, she checked a couple of rooms, but found them empty. A man came out of one of the other rooms, pulling his pants up. He walked towards Sarah, grinning at her.

Sarah looked at him. "I'm looking for Emma. Have you seen her?"


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