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Turnabout Is Fair Play


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His ass was stretched painfully as she slammed her hips forward. One hand held the cock strait and kept it against her clit. The other hand braced against his lower back as she fucked into the helpless man underneath her. He whined pitifully as she retracted and then shoved forward again. She rode him without mercy. She filled him over and over again. Her moans of animal pleasure filled the room and dwarfed his own weak cries of pain. He was too far gone to feel the pain for long. The pressure against his prostate was too much. Tension and desire exploded from his balls quite unexpectedly. His still flaccid penis started to spurt. He made gurgled noises of pleasure and pain as his cock sprayed over and over again with each thrust. He had spent his cum but Jennifer wasn't finished. She slammed into him mercilessly. Now she was caught up in her own need for an orgasm. She became vicious as she began to cum. Finally with one hard forward slam she grinded her hips against him as she screamed out her pleasure. Her fingernails raked into his abused skin. Michael was so far gone he barely noticed. Jennifer reached down and untied the cord that was holding his balls. Then she collapsed against him. She was panting with the exertion she has just gone through. He lay flat now that his balls were untied. On his stomach with his spent wife laying on him. The silk felt cool against the angry welts she had left.

After a while she rolled off him and untied his hands and ankles. He watched her while she did this. Neither one said a word. When he was free she lay on her back on the bed. Her eyes were intent on Michael. Michael pulled himself to his hands and knees and slowly kissed her feet. The light worshipful trail of kisses he started at her feet lead him up her ankles, calves, and to her thighs. He went down on his stomach and elbows as he rested his cheek against her stomach and looked up at her with his handsome blue eyes.

"Am I forgiven Mistress?" He whispered.

"Yes Michael. But it will never be like it was before. A lot of things are going to change now." Jennifer replied.

"Good Mistress. It will be as you wish. I will please you always. I have been so blind and stupid." Michael murmured as he kissed her stomach.

Jennifer stroked her husband's head until he fell asleep. Her own sleep was longer in coming. She was happier than she had been in some time. Her head was full of images of where she was going to take them. Dreams of the future blossomed again. True, they were different than what she dreamed before. Those were the dreams of a girl without power who was only armed with love. She now had the position of power she had always needed and the love was on her terms. Love that was now both something to be experienced and to be wielded in her own purpose.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Not easy ....

To have high hopes for this ….relationship ?

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
How brain sick has that author to be?!

She will get to prison for long time for false imprisonment and sexuall assault!! Only in your sick mind it goes your way!! But you are a masochistic faggot!!!

GoodhueGoodhuealmost 9 years ago
Caring Neighbors!

The local police station received several calls in close proximity reporting screams and howls of pain coming from somewhere nearby. All of the calls were from the same area so a car was dispatched to investigate. By the time the patrolmen broke down the front door,and entered the bed room the husband was just about unconscious as a woman was continuously ramming a large dildo up his ass. They called for her to stop but there was no stopping as she closed in on her orgasm. They were forced to taser her.

- The husband was rushed to the hospital with horrible welts and nasty bleeding all over his ass. And his asshole was wide open and raw with blood trickling out.

- The wife was charged with assault and battery as well as rape. While Michael did not want to press charges,his family sure as hell did.

- The twat was found guilty on several counts and,with good behavior,could be released from prison in 7 years.

Sick fucking shit between sick fucking low-lives!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
yes... know this!


Sub_HubbieSub_Hubbieover 11 years ago
The best

This is the best. I love my mildly dominant wife, but I wish she she would experience the dominant conversion and joy that Jennifer did!

I'm off to see if you've written more like this...

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago

im speechless! That was incredible!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago

I liked it a lot. Good character development at the beginning. Worthy of a sequel.

ladycassladycassalmost 18 years agoAuthor
A note from the author

This story is a product of a personal fantasy bumping around in my own twisted mind. It is not safe sane and consensual nor is it intended to illustrate a healthy relationship. It is a FANTASY, nothing more. All erotic fiction, indeed all fiction in general, does not hold well balanced characters who make healthy sane decisions. What sort of interest would we find in reading if all fiction were illustrations of socially acceptable behavior? Feel free to e-mail me about any of my stories. Please do keep in mind that they are only stories mostly written for my own pleasure.

madengineer3madengineer3almost 18 years ago
Poetic Justice

This story is an excellent example of true poetic justice. The husband doesn't understand that he is truly hurting his wife (although any idiot should be able to see that). She in turn uses his weakness to teach him an important lesson.

This is a good piece of fiction.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Surprisingly quite good. I can see the revenge

and the growth. A little boy causes a woman to grow up, she could have been a sub but his actions turn her into a Dom. Very nice! Could be cleaned up a bit but the story line is excellent. I dont believe in actions that are not safe sane and consensual but his failure to follow those rules cause her not to, which opens a real relationship for the two of them.

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