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Turnabout is Fair Play

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Mr. Peters and the cheerleaders return.
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This story is a sequel to "Mr. Peters must discipline the cheerleaders" (The Lessons Ch. 17). It was written on request of Pam, a Literotica reader. It includes many of the same characters as the original, all of whom are at least eighteen years old. It involves spanking , submission, nonconsent, reluctance, and a bit of CFNM, so if such things are of little to no interest to you, it would be a waste of your time to read this story. Otherwise, please enjoy!

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"Professor Flanders, I'm so sorry! Really I am!" Lisa implored, her face emblazoned with fear and contrition.

Lisa had been caught by Professor Flanders cheating earlier that week on an art history test. He was meeting with her in his office to discuss the problem, which was a quite serious one indeed. "You understand, Lisa, that I am going to have to turn this matter over to Mr. Harrington." Mr. Harrington was the head of the Templeton Student Disciplinary Board.

"Oh no! No, no, no, don't do that!" Lisa pleaded. She stood beside Professor Flanders's desk, her eyes wide with fright, her hands clenched before her, pleading for consideration, for compassion. If she was turned in to the Student Disciplinary Board she would be faced with the possibility of suspension and, even worse, her parents would be informed. She really, really did not want that to happen.

"I don't see that I have much choice," Mr. Flanders sternly replied. Professor Flanders was known as a fairly tough instructor. His course was really quite difficult which, to many students, just didn't seem fair. It was, after all, just art history. It wasn't like math or science; stuff that really mattered.

Lisa, though, did have a plan, a suggested alternative. She had learned a great deal from her disciplinary session with Mr. Peters (see "Mr. Peters must discipline the cheerleaders"). She said softly, "Well, maybe you could punish me yourself, Mr. Flanders."

"What? Me?" Professor Flanders turned his chair away from his desk to face the girl more directly.

"Yes sir," Lisa replied. "When I got into some trouble with the other cheerleaders Mr. Peters disciplined us, rather than sending us to Mr. Harrington."

Professor Flanders had heard of Mr. Peters. Almost all of the faculty at Templeton had heard of him. He was quickly establishing himself as a leader of effective student discipline and rehabilitation. It was really quite striking how much improvement was typically seen in students who came under his guidance and instruction. Of course, not everyone did approve of his methods, as much as was known of their precise nature. There were rumors, but Mr. Flanders had difficulty believing them. In any case, Mr. Harrington was definitely not a fan of Mr. Peters, and was in fact openly politicking against him. It was, though, probably just jealousy, as Mr. Peters was taking quite a bit of thunder away from Mr. Harrington's more official disciplinary board. "You want me to send you to Mr. Peters?"

"Oh, no, no," Lisa exclaimed, bending forward a bit, looking closely into Professor Flanders's eyes. Lisa had really very pretty green eyes: so wide, so round, so innocent.

Being sent to Mr. Peters wouldn't really be that bad. She actually liked her prior session with him a great deal. But, she knew that Mr. Peters might be even tougher with a student sent back for a second session. He might even use that pillory that was in his office! She shivered at the thought of that. And, besides, her current plan required that Professor Flanders provide the discipline himself.

"No, Mr. Flanders," she reiterated, perching her little hand softly on his shoulder, "you should really provide the punishment, don't you think."

Professor Flanders swallowed. He could feel a stirring within his slacks. This girl was so very, very cute. She hardly seemed to have any breasts at all, but that wasn't a concern for him. He actually preferred little titties. Plus, she was such a tiny little thing, and so adorable with her freckles and her red hair in a long pony tail falling down her back. But, he had to get control of himself. He cursed himself for thinking about a student in that way. He inquired, "What sort of punishment did you have in mind?" His heart raced as he imagined various possibilities, but of course expecting her to suggest doing an extra term paper.

Lisa stood back up straight, looked demurely down at her feet, clasped her hands before her, and said almost in a whisper. "When I used to get into trouble at home, I would get a spanking." That wasn't actually true. She had only been spanked once at home, and that had been by her mother. Her father had considered it to be inappropriate for him to do such a thing. But, she knew that it would help convince Mr. Flanders to spank her if he believed that it was the way she was disciplined by her parents.

The swelling of Professor Flanders's cock rapidly accelerated. This had indeed been one of the more prurient options that had run through his head, but it was also a fantasy that a professor should really resist. "Oh, well, um, yes, but, um, I'm not so sure I should do something like that."

"Why not, sir?" Lisa innocently inquired. "A spanking can be a very good thing for a bad little girl."

"Well, for one," he replied, surprised that the answer wasn't entirely obvious to the young woman, "you're an adult, a young lady." Lisa was indeed eighteen years old. "And, well, being a young lady, and myself a man. Well, I just think..." He couldn't bring himself to fully articulate the evident concern.

"Oh, but that's alright, Mr. Flanders," Lisa replied. "I don't mind." In fact, all that he had said so far was integral to her plan.

"Well, I kind of think that the college administration, and your parents, would have a very different view of it."

"I won't tell." She had no difficulty with that. "Like I really don't want my parents to find out about this anyway. They don't have to know anything about it. It'll be our little secret."

Mr. Flanders pondered the idea. If this was kept secret there would be no harm, and it was certainly true that the young lady had an invested interest to keeping it secret. But, he remained understandably ambivalent. "No, no, I think such a thing would be terribly inappropriate." The fact that his dick was swelling in his pants was a strong testament to that.

"But, that's what Mr. Peters did," Lisa argued.

"He did?" Apparently some of the rumors about Mr. Peters were indeed true? He wondered if the administration knew of such behavior.

"Oh yes, yes. I had to bend over, in his office, and Mr. Peters lifted up my skirt, all the way up, so that my panties were exposed and, goodness gracious, he even pulled them down!" She covered her face with her hands, feigning severe embarrassment. "It was so humiliating and shameful, Mr. Flanders."

The covering of her face, her eyes, provided Professor Flanders the brief opportunity to use his own hand to quickly shift his stiff cock to a more comfortable position, albeit one that might also be a bit more revealing. He kept the hand though in his lap, resting against his cock, effectively hiding it from view. "Yes," he replied softly, his mouth and lips going dry. "I imagine it was."

Lisa took her hands away from her face. "Oh it was, Professor Flanders, it really was. He could see, like, everything! My little bare bottom and even, well, you know." Her voice lowered to a whisper, "my little girlish cunnie."

Mr. Flanders didn't think his cock could swell any further.

"But," Lisa added, "I did really deserve it. I was definitely a very bad girl, and I really learned a great deal from the spanking." She had indeed, but perhaps not entirely in the manner she was currently implying. "I haven't gotten into any trouble since then." Well, at least not with Mr. Peters. She did, though, make up for her mistreatment of Theodore Newman. She and Teddy were now good friends. So, the punishment was in fact effective with regard to its original rationale and purpose. It just hadn't generalized to all other areas of her life. So, perhaps she did need a second dose of discipline.

Mr. Flanders appreciated the same point. "Yes, well, up until now, apparently."

"I know, I know," Lisa agreed, speaking quite contritely. "That's why I should get another one." She added more softly, "Another spanking, I mean."

Mr. Flanders would have to admit that at times his tests were inordinately difficult. He just felt that students so often failed to take his course seriously. Everyone talked about how difficult were organic chemistry, physics, and calculus. Nobody ever suggested that art history was comparably rigorous or demanding. In fact, before he arrived at Templeton many students referred to the art history course as a "bunny" course: an easy grade that filled out an otherwise difficult schedule. He had certainly fixed that reputation, but he knew that at times he did get carried away. Lisa probably didn't deserve to be suspended. She did deserve a second chance. She certainly didn't appear to be a girl who cheated on tests. Perhaps he could, and even should, handle this more informally, more privately. "Yes, well, alright then, um, how should we do this?"

"Oh, Mr. Flanders!" Lisa exclaimed with joy, clapping her hands with glee and enthusiasm. "You're so cool!"

Mr. Flanders grunted at the surprising enthusiasm the girl was expressing over her punishment, but he took it as relief over the decision not to pursue the matter with Mr. Harrington. It was also a bit odd for the student to instruct the teacher on how to administer a spanking, but it was clear who had the experience. In any case, Lisa had a clear plan for what they would do. "I'll go over there, in the middle of your office, and then bend over, like this," she explained as she took her place in the center of his office.

Lisa bent way over, keeping her legs partly straight, and thrust out her bottom. To help keep her position, she clasped her hands behind her knees, providing an even stronger, more severe curve to her bottom.

It was a very endearing pose, and one that was perhaps further enhanced by the Templeton College uniform. All the girls at Templeton were required to wear plaid skirts that came just below the knees, white blouses, black ties, white socks, and black Mary Janes. With the skirt being so long it did not rise up too far, but Lisa was still revealing quite a bit of luscious pale thigh. And, the pose was just so suggestive, so lasciviously inviting. Mr. Flanders admired in particular how the girl's skirt draped and clung so nicely over the curves of the her petite bottom.

Lisa looked back at the professor, still sitting in his chair, his right hand resting in his lap. When Lisa had first come to Mr. Peters' office she had been a rather naive and inexperienced girl in matters of adult activities. However, the session with Mr. Peters helped her considerably to mature and develop as a young woman, and she knew full well what the professor was hiding beneath his hand. "Now, Mr. Flanders, you come over here and," she added with a little flirtatious grin, not really befitting the notion that she was about to be punished, "spank me."

The professor felt that he was either sitting on the edge of a cliff and was about to step off, or he was simply sitting in his chair and was being offered the most wonderful present he had received in years. Well, the former option was just a metaphor, the latter was for real. He took a deep breath and got up from his chair, holding his hands together before his crotch. He didn't usually clasp his hands in front of his crotch when he walked, but he didn't think it looked too weird.

Lisa looked away, wanting him to feel more comfortable about developing an erection. She grinned expectantly, and triumphantly, as she heard his steps approaching her bottom.

Professor Flanders was relieved that Lisa had turned her face away as he approached. He certainly didn't want her to notice that he had an erection. With her eyes averted he unclasped his hands. In fact, he even gave his stiff dick a squeeze as he stepped up to the girl's upraised bottom. He again admired how her plaid skirt was draped so delicately and deliciously across her bottom, wrapping around each wonderful curve, falling down within the forbidden crack.

"Shall I pull up my skirt, professor, or do you want to do it?"

His heart raced and he gave his dick another squeeze. He wasn't expecting that. She was even going to let him see her panties? "Um, I'll do it...I guess." That was perhaps his responsibility, as the professor.

"Thank you, Professor Flanders," Lisa dutifully replied, as if he was doing her some sort of favor.

The professor's hands trembled a bit as he reached for the hem of the girl's skirt. He had not done something like this in years. Frankly, as he thought about it, he wasn't sure if he had ever lifted up a girl's skirt as she bent over in front of him. He had never been particularly assertive or aggressive when it came to women and sex. They usually undressed themselves. At most he might help with a zipper, perhaps as well unbutton the front of a blouse as she smiled seductively at him. He now appreciated how a simple gesture as lifting up a skirt as the girl bends over before you is really quite nice, to say the least.

He slowly drew the skirt up her white, creamy innocent thighs, and over her perky bottom, laying it across her back.

His heart seemed to momentarily halt as her petite derriere came into view. It was so incredibly cute: so terribly rounded by the pose, so curved, and so little. And, this girl was not wearing regulation Templeton panties.

The Templeton uniform required that girls wear white cotton panties. It was not a heavily enforced regulation, but there were at times spot panty checks in the student center or at other well traveled locations. The Dean of Women would require each passing girl to briefly lift up her skirt.

Many girls did defy the requirement. Most did not mind the rest of the uniform but it did seem to be going too far to mandate what was worn in the privacy beneath one's skirt. But, if they were caught without regulation panties they would be sent before the Student Disciplinary Board.

The punishment, though, was rather minimal. First offense was met with just a warning. Second offense was met with being grounded for a week (a punishment difficult to enforce for students who lived off campus). And even the third offense was punished only by having to write a paper on the importance of wearing regulation panties, although these students would also have to visit the Dean of Women once a day to have their panties checked.

So, the punishments weren't really that severe. Still, the violations did go on the students' permanent record, which could perhaps haunt them in the future with some employer and, of course, their parents would be informed. Mr. Peters had suggested to the Student Disciplinary Board that perhaps the punishment for the third offense, or even the second, should be wearing one's panties at one's knees or ankles while sitting during a class. One couldn't really expect the girls to wear them at their knees or ankles while walking to and from a class, but it didn't seem unreasonable to do so during a class. Having to wear one's panties at one's ankles during class would seem to be a very appropriate and fitting exercise for such a violation. He wasn't sure though whether the panties should be regulation panties or the particular garment for which they had been convicted.

Mr. Harrington was rather shocked and appalled at even the suggestion of such a punishment, and perhaps even more surprised when the President of the University, Dr. Chalmers, indicated a willingness to give it consideration, let alone serious consideration.

Professor Flanders contemplated all this history as he gazed fondly upon Lisa's panties, although perhaps his thoughts were more lascivious than academic. He had to admit that he much preferred Lisa's panties over the regulation white cotton. Lisa's were yellow bikini panties that were gaily colored with little dancing bears and, due to her strained posture, were pulled very tightly across her bottom, the lower third of each cheek exposed, her little white bum cakes peeking out so deliciously. And, perhaps most wondrous, the panties were drawn very tightly across her feminine mound, which appeared as a soft tender petite pouch poking out between her lily white thighs. Mr. Flanders did not jerk off very often, but he sorely wanted to do so right now.

After staring wide-eyed for quite sometime he finally spoke in a hushed manner, "You're not wearing regulation panties."

"Oh my gosh!" Lisa exclaimed, feigning considerable embarrassment and shock. She reached back and quite ineffectively tried to hide the crime with her hands. "You're right, Professor Flanders! I'm so sorry. I just forgot, really."

How one forgets to wear regulation panties was beyond comprehension, but Professor Flanders was not giving it much thought. His thoughts were elsewhere.

It was in fact no accident that Lisa was not wearing regulation panties. She had quite a few white cotton panties (each with her name stitched across the waistband), but her cheerleading friends had convinced her to purchase something much more enticing for Professor Flanders. They were not entirely pleased with her selection, preferring instead something more lacy, more diaphanous and erotic, but Lisa liked the dancing bears.

Lisa looked back up at the professor, immediately noticing the very large and prominent protrusion in his slacks. Apparently her friends were wrong as her new panties were having the desired effect. As she withdrew her hands from her bottom she said quite contritely, "I guess you will have to give me an extra, special spanking, won't you, sir."

"What? Um, yes, yes," Professor Flanders replied, finally gathering his thoughts. He cleared his throat and said, "I suspect I shall have to, young lady."

Lisa again clasped her hands together behind her knees, helping to maintain her pose, her bottom so provocatively thrusting out and up toward the professor. "Shall I pull them down, professor, or would you prefer to do that yourself?"

'Oh man,' the professor thought., 'this just keeps getting better.' She was going to let him see beneath her panties! And, even leaving it up to him who pulls them down. It was actually not a straightforward decision. It might be nice to watch the young lady pull them down herself, but like a puppy with a new treat he couldn't hold himself back. He reached out, grasped hold of the waistband of the girl's panties, and in one swift, excited motion yanked them all the way down to her ankles, forcing her to momentarily unclasp her hands.

"Oh, no, no, sir," Lisa admonished. "Keep the panties around the knees. That's how Mr. Peters does it."

"Oh, yeah, sure." He pulled them back up to position them at her knees, but they just fell right back down.

Lisa could have held them there with her hands clasped behind her knees, but there was a reason not to be fully cooperative. "I'm sorry, Mr. Flanders, I need to spread my legs a bit to hold them in place."

"Yeah, right," he quietly replied, repositioning her panties again at her knees, this time held in place by her slightly parted legs.

The opening of her legs also served another function, or at least had another benefit, and that was more fully exposing that which was in between them: Lisa's pretty little pussy. It was just a little, small soft fleshy buttercup with the teeniest of a slit at the very bottom. There was hardly any hair at all, more like the fuzz on the pink flesh of a peach. As Mr. Flanders pondered the so terribly delectable sight he again squeezed his cock through his slacks. She must shave herself down there, he figured. He had heard of such a thing, but hadn't ever really seen it, at least not in person. As a cheerleader perhaps Lisa is obligated to do that, to avoid the appearance of any hairs during a routine. Well, whatever the reason, it was very, very appealing. It just made her cunt look so innocent, so pure, so deliciously sweet.


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