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Turnons - A Game of Dares Ch. 13

Story Info
The end of the buttoned dress dare and an unusual night out.
8.5k words

Part 10 of the 14 part series

Updated 04/21/2024
Created 04/10/2022
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The second floor was packed with people, but so were the first and third as well.

She only had a couple of minutes before her final edge.

Alex didn't know how she felt about that. Relieved? Sure. Afraid she could get caught? Her great idea for the location seemed a little less clever now she actually saw how many people were coming and going from the changing rooms. And only now, as the goal finally got within her reach, she was realising the enormity of what she had done and what she was about to do. In just a couple of days she had shared a ton of pictures and videos on Turnons. She was about to add even more, and after she was done with her current dare she still had two more to complete before the day was over. She couldn't let herself panic though or the pressure would have become overwhelming. One step at a time, one step at a time.

Alex got as many items as she could carry and made her way to the changing rooms. The pile of clothes served two purposes: giving her a reason to spend several minutes inside the stall, and covering the current state of her button-down dress barely held together by the two remaining buttons.

As soon as she was inside Alex closed the door behind her and breathed for a moment.

You can do it. You can get through with this. You can fuckin' do it.

She had just enough time to find a place for all the clothes, then her phone chimed.

It's the last one, come on.

Alex placed the phone on the seat against the wall, and quickly checked the quality and angle of the shot before starting the streaming. Outside she could hear the noises coming from the store, other people in the changing rooms, bits of conversation: you can totally pull that off, the other one suits you better, I don't like how it tightens on my hips. The squishy sound her fingers made as she started masturbating somehow seemed louder than all that.

Maybe she hadn't thought it through. Maybe it was more risky than she imagined. She turned her head to the door, fuck she couldn't even lock it, what if someone came in by mistake?

Alex turned back to the phone but something else drew her attention. It was her own image, furiously fingering her pussy, reflected on the full figure mirror. She had never seen herself like that apart from her tiny counterpart on the screen. It was a weird alienating sight. The girl in the mirror was one of those girls she used to masturbate to, one of those exhibitionists going at it in the changing rooms of a department store or in a locker room, one of those indie pornstars bringing their dildos around town and giving a show to their followers.

Maybe only then the reality of the situation was hitting her, leaving her halfway between being knocked out and mesmerised. And God, when had she taken off her belt and opened her dress completely? She did it as she started masturbating? She was that eager to show herself in her full nudity to a bunch of strangers on that fucking perverted goddamn app?

The frustration and the excitement and the fear she accumulated all day were all flowing to her clit now, fast as an adrenaline rush. Alex opened her mouth wide in a silent scream, and just as the time for her last edge finished she managed to hold off herself and avoid an immensely powerful climax. She didn't know how. She jerked her hand away. On the screen her pussy was visibly pulsing. She wondered if they could see how hard her nipples were.

For a few seconds she just rested like that, lying on the seat, spent. For a few seconds the noises outside were far and vague.

Eventually she grabbed the phone. The streaming was still going and she was now framing her body from her chin to her breasts, obscenely filling the shot. She could see just a glimpse of her dry lower lip.

12 users are watching.


She had never cared to check how many of them actually saw her stuff. She just figured that every user on her friendlist would have eventually watched the streams. But this, now, they were watching her now, they were hearing what she was hearing, maybe they could make out where she was, maybe they could even hear her short breathing, maybe they could hear her tongue and her lips snapping as she was trying to moisten them up again.

SubtleG: Congratulations, Alex. You made it! And it was quite a show you saved for last. Or well, almost last.

Yes, there was more, and she knew it. The whole day she kind of tried to forget it, taking baby steps, getting to the next edge and then the next one and the next one. Until now. Now it was time for the final part of her task.

The weird thing was, after all she had been through, that final part of her dare didn't feel like an obligation but a reward. She wanted, no, she needed that orgasm now. A part of her even wished she could lose those two buttons left on her dress to be able to skip those last two edges she was still supposed to reach and get right to it.

One edge for every button left on your dress.

It didn't matter. It didn't matter that twelve strangers were watching her. It didn't matter that she was in a public changing room basically naked. It didn't matter she was streaming live on an app that had drawn her deep into depravity and into her wildest fantasies. The only thing that mattered was that finally she was about to release all that tension built up inside her.

Alex was way past the line she would have never imagined to cross. Those edges had pushed her into a state of frantic excitement that blurred everything else. She couldn't tell how much time had passed since she entered the changing room. She didn't know how loud she had been on that second, well third, or bloody 7th or 8th or 10th edge. Her heart pounding in her chest, her breasts moving up and down on the screen and on the mirror, along with her breath, her face reddened: it took a minute to let the outside world back in, with its voices and all its noise.

Well done Alex. SubtleG's message popped up among the comments of her live streaming. Alex just missed most of them, or all of them, while she was focused only on herself. And now...

SubtleG: And now you are just one step away from completing your task. I'm sure you are eager to get it done. You've earned it.

DarkPassenger: I'm not quite sure.

DarkPassenger's message appeared on the screen. It was a private message. Alex's breath was cut short. She had almost forgotten about it but what else could he ask of her?

SluttyAlex: You are right. I'm sorry, I was about to ask your permission.

DarkPassenger: Do then.

SluttyAlex: May I have an orgasm?

DarkPassenger: You can do better.

SluttyAlex: May I cum, please?

DarkPassenger: Are you sure you want to? It doesn't sound like it.

SluttyAlex: Please, I am desperate I can't take it anymore, please let me cum.

DarkPassenger: So it's not about the task after all.

SluttyAlex: What?

SluttyAlex: Yes of course, I need to cum to complete the task.

DarkPassenger: It's that then.

DarkPassenger: Then you would be ok if, say, I agreed with your task giver to allow you to end it right now and mark it as completed.

SluttyAlex: No, please.

DarkPassenger: No please, what?

SluttyAlex: Please, I need to cum.

DarkPassenger: Why?

SluttyAlex: Because I need to complete this task... but also because I need it, I just need it, I've been edging all day, it's driving me insane, it's mental, I'm mental, I just have to cum and snap out of it, please.

DarkPassenger: That's better.

DarkPassenger: Still you haven't learned an important lesson yet. Do not lie. Not even by omission. I can see right through you, Alex.

SluttyAlex: I won't lie again, I promise.

DarkPassenger: It's not the first time, and I am afraid it won't be the last if I let you believe you can get away with it. So I'll give you a choice.

SluttyAlex: No please... I'll be good, I promise.

DarkPassenger: You can either cum, streaming it live and completing your task, but you'll have to show your face, or you can have a ruined orgasm, stop masturbating the second you feel you're getting over the edge. You will still be streaming it, technically you would have completed your task, but I doubt you'll get the release you so desperately want.

Alex's eyes were fixated on the message, she was paralysed, unable to answer. Her mind went blank.

DarkPassenger: To be honest with you, I'd rather see you choose the second option. I think it's a proper punishment for your actions.

He couldn't ask her that. It wasn't fair.

DarkPassenger: Also, when you'll finally show yourself in your full splendour, I think it should be a free and conscious choice.

There was no discussion on which option she had to take. So why was her brain still processing it?

DarkPassenger: And mind, I mean you will do it because just thinking about it drives you crazy, you'll be eager to do it, you'll get off on it.

Was there a part of her seriously considering it? Had she completely lost her mind?

DarkPassenger: Good lord, you're getting off on this right now, aren't you?

That's when Alex realised she was still streaming, but that was not it. Comments were flooding in, calling her names, cheering on her in a way. As she held her phone in front of her, still unable to write anything, her left hand was back on her pussy, and it was soaking wet with her juice. The FitBit was sending out small vibrations as a red pulsing dot filled its display.

DarkPassenger: What will it be, Alex? Are you even able to stop?

Are you?


- Are you with us, Lexi?

- I'm sorry, I'm just...

- Yeah, you're a little spacy tonight.

- It's been one hell of a day.

- Then you just need to relax a bit.

- Laura told me you weren't sure you were gonna make it, but if this is you after a rough day, well you're hanging in way better than any of us.

- By a fuckin' shitload. Tell you what. Guys, guys a toast. Here, stand up Lexi. Come on, don't be so tense. A toast! To this gorgeous girl, the youngest lecturer...

- Assistant.

- Youngest Assistant Lecturer at the UCL. And to getting her wasted!

They were just five at the table, but they made so much noise they drew the attention of the whole pub. Alex's face turned a bright shade of red as she was battling with Laura to sit back down.

- No way. You're not sitting down. You're going up to that bar, and you gonna get us all another round of shots, and you're gonna get yourself that extremely handsome bartender's number.

- You are out of your mind, I'm not...

- Hush. Clippety-clop. And if you're not doing it for yourself, at least do it for mama, she needs it very bad.

Laura pushed her away with a chuckle. Alex forced a smile at her and the guys, and started walking towards the bar. She felt every single eye on her, even if everyone was probably back to minding their own business.

It wasn't the fuss and the attention that were bothering her. They were her friends, and that was their way of showing support. Any other day everything would have been fine, even fun. But today.

She still couldn't believe what she was wearing. And even the guys seemed a little bit taken off guard at first. Then Laura showed up. She made everything feel ok. Maybe it was her natural sociable character, or her easygoing party-girl attitude. While given the right scenario they could be a perfect duo, to some degree she was Alex's full-on nemesis. Approaching the bar though she felt alone again, and this time she sensed stranger eyes exploring her body.

Meeting up with her friends wearing that kind of outfit had been embarrassing, a specific kind of embarrassing: she felt judged, maybe they could tell something was off, maybe they thought her clothes were inappropriate. Or maybe she misinterpreted their stares, maybe they were just surprised by her new look, even charmed, maybe she just looked sexy and they weren't used to it. Then again maybe it was too much, maybe she looked like a slut to them, maybe they were asking themselves what happened to her, chances were they were talking about her right now, maybe.

The top was surely meant to be more form-fitting, had it been the right size. It was light-coloured and definitely summery, one of those v-necks with wide armholes that would show a bit of bra on the sides and a hint of cleavage on the front. Only Alex wasn't wearing a bra, and the top was at least one size larger than it should've been.

Not quite it yet. Go fetch another.

Face the screen, ok, now give me the side view. There you go. It wasn't that hard was it? You're almost ready now.

She couldn't help but give a voice to DarkPassenger's instructions as she remembered following them in a haze of excitement and frustration. And that voice started resembling old half-forgotten memories that came up at the worst times.


As she was facing the mirror still inside Primark's changing room, Alex couldn't bring herself to believe that was the outfit she would be wearing to go grab a beer with her friends.

The dare described it in so many details it would've been hard to cheat, it also asked for detailed pictures showing the front, the back and the sides. Not to mention DarkPassenger had personally guided her in the choice of specific items of clothing and she had been trying on a few outfits for him before getting his approval.

All of it, all of this, because she had no choice? Her certainty was starting to waver. Not that she had found a solution for the whole Turnons conundrum, no. Although could she be sure that getting herself out of it was still her main motive? Now that the fog had come to stay, now that her excitement was an incessant background noise she couldn't turn off anymore, now that an orgasm, honest to God, was everything she hoped for?

SluttyAlex: I can't wear it tonight.

DarkPassenger: Sure you can. Remember you still have two dares to complete, and if you fail one of my dares, you'll have to try your luck with someone else's.

DarkPassenger: Only at that point you're gonna be in over your head, and there's only so many hours in a day.

DarkPassenger: Admit it, my dares are not that bad. You're only afraid you're gonna get too excited, maybe the situation will get out of hand? Even while you're out with your friends.

SluttyAlex: It's not that. But like this, this is too much...

DarkPassenger: Nonsense. I've seen far worse on perfectly respectable women. Also, it's not like you really have a choice. You'll end up showing off for your friends, your family, your coworkers. This is just who you are, this is what you like, what gets you off. It's not about what I want, it never was. It's about what you want.

The top made it perfectly clear she couldn't be wearing any kind of bra, it made her breasts stand out. From the side their full shape came clearly into view any time she bent ever so slightly. Even standing still, the thin fabric covered just the front and little more. The size being larger than it was supposed to didn't help with that, nor with the cleavage: the armholes were wide, the v-neck left a lot of skin showing in the middle, and the fabric was so soft it outlined pretty well even the covered parts, starting with her nipples.

Then there was the skirt. Black, tight, made of synthetic elastic fabric that made it cling to her butt. It was already short, mid-thigh, but if you felt like going full-slut it came with adjustable ties on the sides to shorten the length.

SluttyAlex: You don't mean it. Making me show off for my family.

DarkPassenger: I don't want for you anything that you don't want for yourself. I'm still learning from you how to be a better guide, Alex. I think tonight will teach something to the both of us.


- Here's the birthday girl.

- It's not my birthday.

- Feels like it. We're drinking, we're celebrating, you're looking swell oh my God I can't even begin to say how hot you look in that...

- Ok stop it Elle, that's enough.

They both chuckled. Laura had sneaked up to her while she was waiting for the drinks and placed her hands on Alex's hips.

- I like this no bra thing you're trying out.

- Come on.

- No, I like it. Sure it's kind of distracting for someone. Even me, I'm not sure I can take my eyes off your boobies sometimes. Nick surely can't handle it. Wanker alert!

Alex brought her arms up to her chest feeling even more exposed than before, but Laura took her hands and brought them back down.

- Oh come on Lexi, I'm messing with you as usual. It's just my way to say you look sexy and one day you are gonna make some lucky boy really happy.

- You're an idiot.

- Can't say I ain't. I like the top, maybe it's kind of risque on the sides but you pull that off brilliantly.

- Yeah... I didn't, I mean, I wasn't sure, maybe I should have worn a bra but...

- Don't apologise, I said you look great, just go with it. Still no plans to see the mystery man later?

- I told you there's no mystery man, would you...

- Talk to me Lexi, I've noticed something's going on in the last couple of days. You're always distracted, always on the damn phone. You know you can talk to me, right?

She could, couldn't she? Talk to Laura. Alex whimpered and turned away from the bar facing her friend.

- The thing is...

- Is it that bad? Is he a felon or something? God don't tell me he's a student! It would be great! I mean probably bad career-wise, but so hot!

- Shh, calm down, he's not a student. Or a felon. Not that I know.

- So there is someone.

- Yes, No. Look, it's complicated. I kinda used this app...

- Oh sweet Lord you're on Tinder, my baby has finally turned sixteen, they grow up so fast.

- Ladies, your drinks. Should I keep the tab open or...

- Yes, sure, tab open, she's a professor, you can use her card.

- Laura!

- What? Do I get something out of your achievements or not? And have you asked for you know what?

- I, you didn't mean like for real right?

- Hey lad, this nice girl's my friend Lexi. She would like to ask for your number, but she's a shy little thing. Would you mind?

The guy gave Alex a not so subtle look, his eyes roamed down to her cleavage. He gave her a smile. He was handsome alright, but Alex's only concern right now was how exposed her breasts were: she was about to grab the drinks in an attempt to get some cover, but Laura got there faster and winked at her as she moved away from the bar with the tray.

Alex just stood there, not moving or talking for a second.

- Should I write it on your phone or something?

- Oh actually I... I left my phone... at the table.

- We'll do it the old-fashioned way then.

He took a coaster and wrote down his name and number. Alex tried to be polite, she smiled back at him with a look on her face that was both embarrassed and scared. It had nothing to do with Clive - that was the name on the coaster.

- I'll... I'll call you.

She didn't know why she said that, but it was a way like any other to end that conversation as quickly as possible and get back to the table. Nick was taking stupid selfies along with the others using her phone.

- Come here, come here, grab a shot.

- Why don't you use your phone?

- What? Come on, everybody, say "nerd".


- And drink!

Alex gulped down the cheap whiskey, God knows she needed it.

- Nick, give me the phone.

- Just a sec, I'm just... look Fran you're gorgeous, eyes closed, mouth open, and is that dip on your cheek?

- What? You, give me that! I'm deleting it.

- Oh come on come on, that's not fair, we're not sharing it anyway, it's got a little extra that would get it banned for indecency anyway.

- Your dumbass face?

- Look closer.

- Fran, for fuck's sake can I get my phone back?

- Just let me... oh you got some alarm going off.

- Chrissake.

Alex reached out, took her phone from Fran's hands and silenced the notification. Then she took her bag and went straight to the restrooms.

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