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Turnons - A Game of Dares Ch. 16

Story Info
Alex has to find decent clothes and go to class, but...
9.6k words

Part 13 of the 14 part series

Updated 04/21/2024
Created 04/10/2022
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Alex Marshall: Alex is a PhD student at UCL who's been just given her first chance at teaching thanks to a seminar named "The erotic impulse as a means of liberation in Nietszche, Freud and Marcuse". You've been reading a lot about her thoughts, fantasies, fears, so I just want to point out something you might have missed in the meantime.

Laura Bennett: Alex's roommate and friend. She's frisk and easygoing. Laura thinks these last few days of turmoil in Alex's life are due to some new romantic interest, and she's really positive and supportive about Alex's new daring attitude.

Richard Croft: Alex's tutor and boss. He's the one who vouched for her to get her the seminar and he's in charge of Alex's PhD thesis.

Annie Haller: a senior lecturer from a different department. Alex admires her and it seems Annie's got her back with Richard even if in a patronising way. She's Richard's (almost) unconfessed love interest.

Professor Graham Grant: head of the department where Alex and Richard work and Susie's uncle.

Susie Grant: she's one of the students attending Alex's seminar and the niece of professor Grant. She asked Alex to review a paper she's writing and she has met her on several other occasions.

SubtleG: he's the first user on Turnons Alex accepted a dare from and who's been sending her a few more dares since.

DarkPassenger: a premium user on Turnons who seems to have a specific interest in Alex and her "journey" as he defined it.

Other characters: there's a bunch of characters that appeared or have been mentioned in the story, mostly friends of Alex (Andy, Fran, Nick) or Susie (Charlie, Troy, Amy).

Previously on Turnons

Alex had already quite the day. She woke up confident she could regain some control and fin a way out this Turnons conundrum, but first of all she had to get through her daily dares to gain some time and peace of mind.

She completed a dare accepting new followers on Turnons. These users, called Watchers, can access her content but cannot interact with her sending dares. Completing the dare earned her a gift from Turnons store that will arrive straight to her address.

Alex spent the morning completing a long and risky dare that included a shopping trip to an H&M where she came across Susie's friend Amy who saw her buying and wearing a skimpy sports outfit. Then came the real dare that pushed Alex to expose herself in the most daring way she has ever experienced during a run through the park.

While she was completing the dare she received some bad news: her seminar, scheduled for the afternoon, had been moved up. So now she has to hurry to make it.


Your daily report

Hi SluttyAlex!

You are really getting into it! Your daily report has changed a little since you activated rules. Also remember you can now achieve optional goals to earn badges and perks. Find out more in the dedicated sections on your profile.

Here's your updated recap for today. You go girl, you're all done as long as you fulfil your rules for the day. Congratulations!

Daily Dares: Your number of daily dares is now 5

Your number of daily dares is determined by your behaviour on Turnons. You can also increase the number of dares manually through your profile settings.

Completed Dares for the day: 2

Completed dares include dares successfully completed during the course of each day. At the end of the day active rules successfully followed during the course of the day will be taken into account as well. Each rule counts as 1 completed dare.

Active rules: 3

Rules like dares have instructions to follow and proof of completion, but they're not limited in time. While dares can include multiple requirements, rules can only include one instruction that you will have to follow every day until the rule stays active. They can be automated or given by users.

Once you accept a rule, it counts as a completed dare for each day you follow it and provide the required proof. If you reject a rule or fail to follow it, the rule expires, number of daily dares rises by 1, level of automated dares rises by 1.

If you fail to follow 2 or more active rules on any given day your account gets inactivated.

Here's a recap of your active rules. For each rule there's the rule name, the dare giver who proposed it and proof required. For the detailed version you can click on the rule name.

No bra - DarkPassenger - Flash proof when required

No orgasms - DarkPassenger - Orgasm count on the Orgasm Tracker = 0

No panties - DarkPassenger - Flash proof when required

Turnons Dares:

You have received 1 out of 3 automated dares.

Automated dares level is now 4.

Active Penalties: 2

Failing dares will result in penalties. The penalty system is calibrated on your rank. At lower levels, dare-takers will be given a choice among two options each time they get a penalty. Once you progress and reach higher ranks, dare-givers will be able to set a specific penalty for failing a specific dare, if they do then you won't be able to choose between 2 options anymore.

Here's a recap of your active penalties.

Penalty #1: Your automated dare number is capped at 3.

Penalty #2: Pictures or videos posted as proof for completed dares will be available on your feed for any user who has access to it.


Badges are awarded to you when you complete specific achievements on Turnons. Each time you get a new badge you also earn a reward. Rewards can include store credit on Turnons store, deals on our membership programs or in-app perks.

Here's a recap of your latest activity. Access the Badges section on your profile to view all locked and unlocked badges.

Fast Learner: you failed to earn this badge.

Hard Worker: complete 25 dares within the end of the week.

Overall completed dares and rules: 12

Your current rank is: Tease

Rank is determined by a number of factors including your profile settings, how active you are on Turnons, the number of daily dares and the overall number of completed dares. The more you play and the more you get engaged in Turnons, the more you'll get your rank up. At higher ranks you will unlock advanced features, badges and perks.


- Whoa miss, slow down, you lookin' for someone?

- Garreth, it's me, I'm...

- Oh I'm sorry miss Marshall, thought you were... nevermind.

- I was asked to come in early. I am, I was out running, so... I just have to go real quick if I want to get changed and stuff...

- Sure, no problem, sorry again.

That conversation had already lasted too long. Alex had made it there with a great deal of luck and effort to avoid any possible contact with students or staff. She had taken every secondary road she knew on the campus and once arrived at the building she went through one of the entrances on the back usually used only by maintenance staff.

Even if she managed to get a hold of some random sheets downstairs, and used them as a shield to protect her scarcely covered chest, she was now more aware than ever of her state of undress. Even more than during the 50 minutes Uber ride, that costed a small fortune but saved her a terrifying trip on either a bus or the tube. Maybe even more than the time she spent bottomless, courteously waving and showing her pussy to a stranger in the park just an hour ago.

With that image flashing through her mind Alex started walking down the corridor as fast as she could without actually running. She just got a few steps away though.

- Hey, Miss Marshall.

- Yes Garreth?

- Professor Croft left this for you.

Alex walked back to the porter's lodge and was handed the key to the classroom for the seminar. Then it dawned on her.

- Garreth... I forgot the keys to the office, would you be so kind...

- Oh don't worry miss, Professor Haller was there just a minute ago, she should be still there.

Great. Really great. What the hell was she supposed to do now? Walking through the campus trying to avoid meeting anyone or even being seen had been an upsetting experience already, but facing Annie dressed like that? One thing was sure, she couldn't dwell on it while putting on a show for Garreth, so she thanked him and walked away a little slower than before. Luckily the halls of the department were deserted, everybody was out for lunch, but Alex felt the porter's eyes on her, roaming on her scantily covered body. God knows what he was thinking of her right now.


Alex felt like tumbling down a hill, with no chance of breaking the fall. She couldn't even see where the ground was, it was just an everlasting feeling of being pushed and pulled and dragged and jerked around with no end in sight.

She couldn't focus not even for a second on what just happened, or on anything that happened before, if she wanted to make it in time for the seminar. Turnons wasn't just pushing her down a path whose destination was unknown and almost impossible to foresee right now, it was depriving her of basic physical and mental abilities. The ability to think clearly was just one, she had completely lost her focus on anything, it would've taken her just a second, a minute of her attention last night or this morning to check her email, rearrange her day, choose a park closer to the campus or get out of bed earlier or...

No. Instead of any of it last night she edged herself to sleep, and then again this morning she stayed in bed playing with her pussy and fantasising about even filthier scenarios than the ones she had already put herself into. And she picked the park as far as she could from her usual spot because she knew she would have indulged in some other depravity there, 'cause it was that right? That's exactly what she had been doing all day. That's why she was late. That's why she couldn't go back home and get a shower or even get into some clean and godforbid decent clothes. That's why she was about to face Annie, Professor Haller, wearing an outfit straight out of some barely legal teen porn movie. What was she going to tell her? Sorry I was in a hurry to get here on time and I usually workout dressed like a cocktease?

The door was open.

Alex walked in slowly as if that could make any difference.

Fuck. Annie was sitting at her desk, why in the whole bloody world?

Alex's mouth was so dry it was hard pushing words out. She gulped down her anxiety, tightening the grip on the sheets of paper she was holding against her breasts and eventually whispered.

- Hi.

- Oh, hi! I'm sorry, I've stolen your seat, here you can...

Annie quickly closed her agenda and gathered her stuff from the desk. She looked up at Alex.

- I was waiting for you to...

Annie had to pause. Clearly the one before her eyes wasn't the image she expected to see. Not that she could tell right away how revealing or inappropriate Alex's outfit was, but there was something off, everything actually. The girl looked dishevelled, her hair was a mess, she was crumpling some kind of document against her chest, her legs were completely naked, was she... yes she was wearing pants, a poor excuse for it, and there was dirt? on it, and she was wearing running shoes, and she was about to give a lesson? In like five minutes?

- ... come in. Sorry, I wanted to talk about... doesn't matter, you have a seminar, and you clearly need to do something about... that.

- Yes, I'm sorry, I just need to...

The girl was red in the face, her stand didn't seem too solid, and Annie had the clear impression she was about to burst into tears.

- You're alright, Alex?

- Yes, yes... I didn't know Professor Grant decided to... I was out... I was working out and Richard called... And I couldn't...

Alex was panting, hyperventilating.

- Ok, alright, it's ok don't worry, you can always rely on Grant to put you in trouble. Listen, I'll go downstairs and let the students in the classroom, while you get ready. Do you have anything you can wear?

- Yes, yes I have a spare pair of jeans or something in the cabinet.

- Great. Just don't take too long. You picked up the keys already?

- Yes, here.

Alex handed Annie the keys to the classroom.

- Professor Haller, thanks.

- I told you, you can call me Annie.

Alex didn't realise it, but she had let her guard down now, and moved her hands and the sheets of paper away from her breasts, giving Annie a peak of the lower half of her tits under the tight sheer white top.

Once Annie was gone, Alex got the key from the first drawer of the desk and opened the small cabinet next to it. She quickly retrieved the bag inside and dove her hands in it ready to fish out the old pair of jeans and a t-shirt abandoned in the office months ago. Bless her messy habits and procrastination, she would've been deep in trouble without them. But when the hand felt the fabric of the garment inside the bag Alex felt her mouth going dry as her eyes widened. And it all came back.


She had no idea how Oliver talked her into wearing that dress to her first faculty event. Sure it wasn't a big deal, just a small cocktail party with professors from five different departments, a bunch of PhDs and PhD students, but she expected it to be a little fancier. Instead everybody seemed to fit in a smart casual dress code, wearing what you would normally expect for a Friday night pint, or a catch-a-show-after-work kind of thing.

She felt definitely out of place in her antique pink long-sleeved knit dress and a pair of 4 inches heels. Definitely she wasn't used to that kind of outfit, until then she hadn't ever worn a dress to work, not to mention heels. That was probably part of the reason why she felt out of context. That and the fact that she wasn't wearing a bra, making the shape of her breasts under the knit dress even more obvious. On the front the neckline was high enough, so she didn't have to worry about showing off too much cleavage, but the dress was a button-down, and the first button kind of pulled the fabric together making it tight on her chest. The buttons stopped mid-thigh, letting the sides of the dress open in a wide central rip. On the back the dress left a lot of skin uncovered, hence the lack of bra. Anyway Oliver insisted that she had to look great, make a good impression, and somehow he did convince her. To his surprise too, really.

- You're the hottest professor I know.

Oliver just popped up behind her, caressing her back with the back of his hand.

- You say that because you got lucky today. And I must remind you I'm not a professor.

- You're not a professor yet. Once they get to know you they'll beg you to teach something to someone.

- Very specific, thanks.

- Well, you know my vocabulary may be a little poor, but I can make it up with the other stuff I do with my tongue.

- You're a jerk, and an idiot, and... Why do you do that?

- We can't talk philosophy the whole time, I get enough of it at school. And even if you know your Russell, you know I date you for your pussy right?

- Ollie, shut up, someone might hear you.

- Lord forbid, they could think pure little Alex has sex from time to time. My goodness have you heard professor Marshall likes to be pounded from behind? That's outrageous, proper straight-laced women should never be seen on all fours.

He used his best old-aristocratic-lady tone, the one he used to mock Alex's petty fears and shyness. The result was his high-pitched voice sounded even louder than before. Alex's face was flushed when, shortly after Oliver's brilliant performance, professor Croft approached to get some punch.

- Having fun, Marshall?

- Sure, hello professor Croft.

- Told you to call me Richard. And second thing, this party's a drag. You and this young lad should get out of here as soon as you possibly can.

- Well, honestly we're just waiting for...

- Here it comes: the main act. We all get Old Grant's blessing and we're all good to go. Feels like church, doesn't it? Only here you're actually in God's presence, am I right?

Professor Croft raised his glass to the man in the middle of the room, acknowledging him with a subtle move of his eyebrows when Grant named him as one of the young and bright rising stars of the faculty.

- Don't let that fool you. I'm already forty and have quite a flat out routine around here. You've just moved into my office, right?

- About a week ago, sir.

- Yeah, sorry for not being around lately, been fixing some personal stuff but you're gonna see a lot of me in the next few weeks. Boy you're gonna love it.

He gulped down his punch. His tone was grim. Alex hadn't had the chance to get to know him that much in her first few weeks there; maybe he was one of those persons alcohol brings down before bringing them up.

As Grant was still speaking Alex saw the door on the other side of the room opening. Professor Haller made her entrance apologising quietly to Grant, who had paused for a minute.

- That's my cue. Cheers Marshall, treat her well mate.

As professor Croft was walking away and Grant resumed his speech, Oliver leaned closer to Alex's ear.

- I like this professor Croft. He's right, we should get out of here.


- Ollie, come on, this is not why I brought you here.

- You sure about that? 'Cause you're so fucking wet, professor Marshall.

- I can't... we can't here.

- Come on, wouldn't it be hot? Being fucked on your own desk, leaving your sweat and juice all over it... What would it feel like working on it tomorrow?

Oliver's finger withdrew from Alex's pussy just to grab her panties, pulling them slowly down as he knelt. He pulled the soft fabric of the dress and managed to dive his head under the skirt and place his mouth over Alex's pussy. At first he just kind of breathed in and blew over her incandescent flesh, then his tongue made its way inside as he pushed Alex's body against the desk. Her breathing got irregular and heavy pretty soon. Without stopping his work between her legs Oliver helped Alex out of her panties and then got up. They were face to face now.

- What if we forgot these somewhere around here?" he said, holding Alex's panties in his left hand. - What would professor Croft think should he find your wet panties on the floor of his office?

Alex opened her mouth but this time it wasn't for getting back at Oliver. She just let out a moan the second Oliver's hand went back on her pussy, brushing her panties against her soaked lips and clit.

Alex reached down and started unbuckling his pants, then she pulled them halfway down along with his underwear and started stroking his already hard cock. This was crazy, what were they doing? What if someone walked in on them? She didn't want to think about it, she couldn't really, her mind was somewhere else. Alex felt Oliver grabbing her and lifting her over the desk. They kissed each other maybe harder than they had ever done before, and Oliver dragged her towards him, her legs spread, her butt slightly sticking out, she could only hold her balance leaning against his body, her pulsing pussy against his cock.

- This is getting in the way.

With a sudden move Oliver grabbed the two sides of the rip and pulled them apart. He jerked them a little too hard on purpose,he figured the buttons would've probably got pulled open. Instead they got pulled off, four of them, making the dress fall open uncovering Alex's body up to her navel.

- Fuck, Ollie, what the...

But Alex couldn't finish the sentence 'cause she felt completely filled up. She had never been that wet when fucking with Oliver before. She hadn't been that wet in years. And she couldn't think straight, about where they were, about her ruined dress, about what would have happened to her career if anyone saw them, about anything. She could only go with the flow.

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