by erotica4theshyexhibitionist
What happens when the dares end up putting her in jail? Does the website pay for her attorney? Do they pay her tuition that she will default on since she’ll be in jail as a convicted sex offender.
Awesome new chapter....waited for so long... hope next one comes real close.
Love what you do to her.... all the excitment and the things to decent her further... awesome work
Love how you portray the dilemmas in Alex's head as she's interacting with the apps and her life, especially her interactions with Annie, Susie and Laura.
You have such a perfect grasp on how this kind of thing would feel if it were real! Like, that urge to check it out, to see a message from someone who wants you to be dirty with them, that's such a real feeling and using it as a plot point here really resonates with the reader! Or at least it did me, lol. Alex's mentality is so well balanced in this story, and I truly don't know how you come up with these little dilemmas from the app, they're very well thought through. And the pacing, the escalation, I won't go on and on but I was so glad to see another chapter! Thanks!!
Fantastic. Can't wait to see the outfits get worse and some enforced nudity requirements hopefully. Great story.
I love this story, but the long aside regarding how the dress came to be in the locker was very drawn out. Also, while overlapping dares, challenges, and conditions of Turnons are fun, as a reader it can all get a bit confusing to keep track of. Keep up the great work though and thanks for the latest chapter.
Never lost hope, thanks for doing another installment. Can't wait for the next!!
Awesome! Glad you’re back. This was great as usual, and makes me almost upset because now I will have that cliffhanger ending in the back of my mind as I’m forced to wait for more.
Like your 2 options should she fail this dare. You are evil and I love it. The second could easily be worse than the first, depending on the penalty, and Alex is going to have to think about that one. I would probably choose first option if I was serious about containing damage.
But, as an author, are you going to have her fail her dare ? I hope so, but there are only a couple ways for her to fail at this point. 5 minute streaming, interrupted by someone, might be a plausible way. By cleaning staff perhaps ?? - greg
I had lost any hope and I was delighted to know that the story is still alive. I really hope the author will interact more with her audience and give updates this time
Oh wow, I’ve been checking every week for an update. So grateful for this. I love your writing and ideas.
After Shyexhibitionist and the Turnons story disappeared, my interest in Lit had waned. By chance I recently discovered the new version of Turnons and read it again with the same enthusiasm as two years ago, a chapter a day. I am even more delighted that one of the best stories here, is actually being continued. Tomorrow is the beginning of spring, I'm looking forward to more sequels, that's a good prospect.
loving it. Such depth and detail!
A while ago Alex was shown an image of a young woman stood at a bar table with friends. She was wearing skirt so short that her ass was visible and also her butt plug!
I think Alex is ready for that on her next social outing. She's done much worse already' just not with people she knows. So I'm looking forward to Alex introducing her slutty self. Sheer or otherwise revealing cropped top that exposes her nipples and a skirt that is just level with her pussy at front and exposes a lot of ass behind. Of course she'll need a highly visible but plug to display!
We all know that this day will come for Alex, soon enough.
It's going great
By now she should have about 1000+ people wanting to follow her. She should end up having to either all them all as watchers or have sex showing her face clearly
You just raised the bar so much that other stories (from other authors) are having a very difficult time seducing me :). Love you and eagerly waiting to see how our poor Alex continues to secretly enjoy this erotic nightmare :)
Just a reminder, we love your stories. I know it’s difficult to find motivation to write sometimes, but know that when you do it is well appreciated.
You really should be spanked for taking this long with the next installment. Leaving us with blue balls is not an option. Lol - not.
I suspect that the original author stopped writing and deleted his/her profile. I think this one created another profile similar to the original one and copy-pasted the same story. This could be why this author is struggling with continuing the story from where the original author had stopped. So far, this one was able to post only one additional chapter (Chapter 16) which is somewhat different from the previous chapters in its style. Also, the previous author used to engage with the comments here. This one does not.
Anyway, I hope the story continues anyhow. The only objection from me is towards the extra long time taken for posting new chapters.
"I suspect that the original author stopped writing and deleted his/her profile. I think ..."
That actually makes a lot of sense, what you said. Its a funny thing, when this story was 're-started' I had a very clear and 'uneasy' feeling in my mind, that things would not progress well beyond where things had originally stopped. I tried to be hopeful, but did not feel optimistic, and I have not been surprised by what has failed to transpire.
Like the previous commenter, I really don't care who picks it up, if they are up to the task. I'm not sure I would be. The original author had in my opinion some true talent, and I really cannot say how VERY disappointed I am that she never completed what she started. I always try to finish what I start, and try (rarely unsuccessfully) to NOT bite off more than I can chew, especially when others expectations are involved.
Anyway, again, like the previous commenter, I really don't care who picks it up, and maybe if the current person working on it is struggling, maybe we could collaboratively sketch a satisfying story trajectory. That act in itself, might give some of us solace here. I do, VERY much, believe in 'stealing' what other (authors) have started, if they can't show themselves competent to complete a task, when the expectations of a significant readership are being, what, dissed ? When an author makes the decision to NOT continue a project, AND, makes NO attempt to communicate with her readership, that's disrespectful, and I am totally for some way of continuing without her if that is our only option to having the story 'completed' (at least in one way).
No doubt some here will quote copyright or something, the legal details that I am not familiar with, but I'm sure where there is a will, there is a way, legally even, to have a more satisfying ending to this, than has not been given to us. But it will definitely involve some effort on our parts.
- greg
This would be difficult for someone else to pick up and continue with. I've lost track of the characters and rules. Maybe go too complicated?
I'm not a writer so have no experience of long story telling, but maybe if it did get carried on it could be simplified?
It's a big job for anyone to do.
I would also love the continuation of these stories.
if not, do you know of other stories in the same style?
In chapter 13 Alex posts a full frontal picture of herself as phone background and lockscreen picture on her phone.
So why is she then scared for turnons notifications and video being open when It's a big glaring nude photo off herself as phone background. And why doesn't Susie comment on the nudie ???
Ones of the best series here. I hope there is some sequel, because it would be shame not to continue this. You should put in on paper a publish it.
This story is so creative. Which is why the believability is such a let down. No one would ever put up with this torment. It isn’t even close to believable. So close to perfection but the writer just keeps on with this nonsense. Please stop with this constant forcing her to do more because she would have stoped at like the second date. I mean the premise is she is scared people will find out yet the story constantly has her parading around in front of the same people… come on?