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Twins: Reflections in the Mirror

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A case of mistaken identity leads to a very memorable vacation.
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The Pacific Ocean is absolutely gorgeous. I mean, the Puget Sound is beautiful, especially when I got the chance to kayak around the San Juan's, but there's just something about looking out over a turquoise ocean with the smell of the salt on the air and knowing that you could just go jump in any time you wanted and enjoy swimming. Most of the year you'd freeze your tits off if you tried to go swimming in the Puget Sound.

The Airbnb my sister and I had rented for a week was only a half mile from the beach with maybe five or six houses between us and that crescent of brilliant white sand. I could live with that, even with the old pervert peeking at me with a pair of binoculars.

It made me grin. I had slipped on the rather ugly and plain mauve bathrobe from the back of the bathroom door when I got up to step out onto the patio balcony. I didn't really bother tying it, lust slipped it on and left the front mostly open so the old man I spotted in one of the windows of the homes had a perfect view of my ugly ass witch's titties that were hanging out of the open front of the bathrobe.

Ok, so I called them my witch's tits. All pointy and shaped like one of those cliched witch's hats from Halloween. I hated em, but my Andrew seemed to like them.

I could hear Andrew moving about in the bedroom and I gave the old pervert a little wave and a smile which sent him scurrying behind a curtain.

That made me laugh.

What a jackass.

"Andrew?" I said softly the moment I stepped into the bedroom.

The bed was rumpled and unmade with the bedroom door standing ajar so I had just missed him which was a bit of a letdown. The old perv had given me a few ideas that Andrew could definitely help me out with and I'd be sure to leave the curtains open for the perv to watch.

I pulled the bathrobe closed and tied it, wouldn't do to give Christian, my sister's husband an eyeful by accident, and followed Andrew out and towards the kitchen.

"Morning beautiful," I heard Andrew's mellow, deep voice say casually.


There was a pause and then Andrew asked, "Sleep well?"

Well, yea, I did, but who the fuck was Andrew talking... no! Really!

I sped up a little and reached the door to the kitchen just in time to see my sister Crystal staring at Andrew with such a poleaxed expression that I nearly burst into laughter right then.

It was funny, she was wearing the exact same ugly mauve bathrobe as me and with her hair undone and all tousled from having just woke up I could see where my poor Andrew had been confused.

Crystal and I are identical twins, both five and a half feet tall with blond hair, oval faces and long noses that Crystal says looks like Keira Knightly and I say looks more like Barbra Streisand before she got hers chopped off.

Ok, so maybe not that god awful, but still.

And she's got my witches tits. Big, conical C cup traffic cones. And I could see her nipples even through the soft fabric of the bathrobe.

"Are you Ok?" Andrew asked while he was staring at my sister.

"I... yea," Crystal replied with that same poleaxed expression and then bit her lip which was always a sign that she was 'interested'.

The same thing I did when I was 'interested' myself.

"You are so cute when you do that," Andrew said huskily and then leaned in to kiss her.

I just stood there with my mouth hanging open and staring at my husband kissing my sister. One of his hands reached around to grab her ass while the other reached around to the small of her back to pull her into the kiss. And Crystal was up on tiptoes giving as good as she got!

Ok, wow, yea, so I might have been biting the bottom of my lip a little while the juices began to flow. It's never taken much to turn my spigot on.

Crystal and I used to play games in high school and college. We'd swap classes, wear the same clothes so people would get us confused, we'd even swapped and went out on dates with each other's boyfriends, and yes, kissing and getting felt up was totally on the table, but that had been years ago.

And it had always stopped at just a few kissing, a little Roman hands and Russian fingers, maybe a blowjob with one of Crystal's old flames if I were being totally honest, but it had always ended there.

We'd also always been open and honest with each other. I think going through puberty with Crystal was in way easier. We shared a room and had our own separate beds, but we'd always end up sleeping together and things juts... you know... happened. Even when we had guys over in college and would end up having sex one of us would sneak into the closest so that we could watch each other getting laid.

So Crystal knew just how 'thick' my Andrew was, just how much he'd stretch me open when we made love, just like I knew that Christian wasn't as thick as Andrew, but was twice as long. And watching my sister snog my husband was sending tingles through my body from my toes all the way up to my hard nipples perched way out on the ends of my traffic cones.

"Morning, sis," I said after watching my sister French kiss my husband for what had to be a good minute straight.

Crystal broke away and took a quick step back, her face a bright red while she looked at me with eyes the size of saucers.

"Oh... ah... hi..." Crystal stammered.

A gave Crystal a quick smile and raised an eyebrow to let her know I wasn't mad. Most people wouldn't even notice, but Crystal and I were closer than most people with our own language between us only we understood and I could see her relax.

"You two should get a room," I said and tried to be as suggestive as possible and smirked at Andrew who was looking at me with a grin at having been busted kissing his 'wife'.

I walked over and opened the fridge to find the half and half, Andrew's grin melting away to be replaced with a look of confusion.

Smart boy, my Andrew, and I'm sure if we gave him half a chance he'd figure out Crystal and my little game.

Crystal laughed at my suggestion, but I could also see the gears starting to turn over while she thought about what I had just said. All that crap about identical twins being able to read each other's minds is just bull shit, but we do think along the same lines, have many of the same experiences, can pretty much finish each other's sentences without having to think about it, and, well....

"Oh, I think we'll manage," Crystal said while giving me one of her 'looks', "But where's Christian?

"Still in bed and waiting for coffee?"

Oh, my god. My stomach did a somersault at how smooth Crystal pulled that little trick off letting me know where Christian was at!

"Probably," I replied and had to really try not to stammer while I walked over to the cabinet and pulled out two coffee mugs to fill from the coffee pot. I turned at stared at Crystal while I filled both cups.

Ok, sis. Invitations on the table. Do you want to?

"Well," Crystal stammered and I really hoped she wouldn't give the game away now, "I, ah, think we'll go find that room."

"You two have fun," I said with a smile.

If Christian was as long as Crystal said he was, I certainly was going to.

"That's odd," I heard Andrew say as he and Crystal walked back towards my bedroom hand in hand.

Shit, I couldn't help it and leaned over to look down the hall at Crystal and Andrew's back.

"What's that?" I heard Crystal say as they walked down the hall.

I couldn't make out what else was said, but I watched with my stomach still doing summersaults until they closed the bedroom door behind them which left me all alone in the kitchen. Once the door was closed I waited another minute or two for Andrew to come charging out of the room, although...

Even if he figured out our little game I wasn't completely sure if he'd come charging out or not.

That thought made me grin and I loosened my bathroom so that the front was open and you could see the cleavage between my breasts and then picked up both coffee mugs. The walk to Crystal's room seemed to take forever and I could feel my stomach doing summersaults while I felt something a little lower tingling in anticipation. I knocked softly on the door and then realized how silly it was for me to be knocking on 'my' bedroom door and pushed it open with my foot to step inside.

"Ummm, ambrosia of the gods," Christian said softly.

I toed the door closed behind me and admired the view of Christian laying on the bed. He had both hands behind his head, eyes closed and one of his legs angled so that his foot was resting against his other legs knee. The only thing to mar the view was the bedsheet that was draped across his waist to hide his midsection, although I could see the outline of something beneath that thin sheet.

Christian was tall and lanky with dirty blond hair cut short in a buzz cut. I caught myself biting my lip exactly like Crystal a few minutes ago while my eyes crawled over his flat stomach and muscular, smooth chest. My Andrew was a teddy bear and covered in hair, Christian's chest was bare which for some reason sent a thrill through me while I imagined my hands running over his skin. Christian was also a contractor while my Andrew pushed a mouse around all day, I loved my Andrew, but there was a huge difference his just a bit soft look and Christian's muscled physique.

"I hope you weren't walking around the kitchen like that," Christian said.

I looked up to see him smiling at me, his eyes barely open and a grin on his face while he stared at my chest.

"And what if I were?" I asked and walked over to hand him his cup of coffee.

Christian laughed and took a sip, his face breaking into a frown as he glanced down at it.

"No sugar?" he asked.

"Oh," I replied and hoped the game wasn't up before it had begun, "I'm sorry, I was in a rush to get back."

"Huh?" Christian said while staring at me.

I smiled and sat my mug aside before sitting on the edge of the bed. If the game was up then I had better hurry if I wanted to see how long Christian was for myself.

And every girl in the world knew how stupid guys could get when thinking with their dicks, so my job was to get him thinking with his little brain instead of wondering why I didn't know how he liked his coffee.

As soon as I sat down I leaned over and moved the bedsheet aside while watching Christian watch me.

"What are you doing?" Christian said in an amused voice after I had uncovered his semihard cock.

"Are you complaining?" I asked and then leaned down and took his cock in my hand.

Not even hard Christian was longer than my Andrew and he was already swelling, gaining length by the second. It was like that old black and white comedy routine, the one where there was a short, fat fireplug of a guy teamed up with a really tall slim guy, but I'm talking dicks here and not comedians, and I had the tall slim guy in my hand. I couldn't fit my hand around Andrew's cock when he was hard, but Christian was going to be twice as long as my Andrew. At least.

I blew over his glans, his smell strong and musky and just a little sour after just waking up and not taking a shower yet, a drop of clear precum already forming at his tip while Christian moaned.

"I'm going to have to bring you to Hawaii more often, you haven't given me a blowjob in years," Christian said softly.

I looked up in surprise and must have been gaping like a fish staring at him because Christian's eyes got wide and he gave his head a sharp shake.

"No, don't stop," Christian quickly said, "I wasn't trying to criticize, it felt really nice!"

I smiled and turned back to Christian's dick I was holding which was pretty much hard by now. I wanted to get a ruler just to check if Crystal was right and he was almost eight inches in length.

And what's this about Crystal not giving bj's? Seriously, Crystal, my cock loving sister who must have sucked off every damn guy in every class she was taking while we were in college not giving her husband a blowjob?

I guess there are women like that, once the ring goes on then they give a sigh of relief and never suck dick again, but I would have never thought Crystal was like that and was I going to give her soooo much shit for it too.

I glanced up at Christian and made sure I was staring into his eyes the moment I took his glans in my mouth and sucked hard. The taste was strong and sour, but a little saliva helped and after a moment all I could taste was his salty precum. Christian moaned and thrust his hips up slowly, almost gently. I can't deep throat my Andrew, hell, I can barely get his entire glans in my mouth, but I wanted to feel Christian against the back of my throat.

I opened my mouth wide and pushed down, Christian's dick slipping further and further into my mouth until I felt him press against the back of my throat. And I didn't even have his entire length in my mouth!

"Ungh!" I gagged, my saliva dripping down Christian's shaft and then began to bob my head up and down on as much of his length as I could take.

"Ohhh, Jesus," Christian moaned, his fingers lacing into my hair as he took the back of my head in his hand.

Every time my head would go down I could feel Christian's dick pressing into the back of my throat while I made a soft 'ungh, ungh, ungh' sound and stroked his shaft with my hand. After just a minute my hand and his shaft were covered in my saliva and Christian's thrusts were starting to become a little more urgent.

"Ohhh, you're going to make me cum baby if you keep going!" Christian moaned.


I couldn't remember when the last time I deep throated someone was and I wanted to have Christian cum in my mouth, I wanted to taste him, feel his hot seed splash against my throat. But I also wanted to feel him plunging deep into me, hitting spots inside my body that my Andrew just never did.


And there was a problem I hadn't thought about that suddenly occurred to me.

Crystal waxed. Not a hair to be found on her pretty kitty.

Yea, Ok, it's weird, but Crystal and I would go shopping together and try on cloths together. You want to see how you'll look in a new outfit? Fuck the mirror, I've got the perfect body double to see exactly what I'd look like in that cute little summer dress!

So Crystal and I saw each other naked fairly often and I knew Crystal kept herself clean while my Andrew loved bush. I kept myself trimmed up so I could wear a bikini, but we're talking about the deepest, darkest jungles of Africa down there. Even getting the best blowjob he's had in years I'd bet Christian might notice that little difference.

Christian was moaning louder, his hand on the back of my head forcing his dick down my throat while he thrust his hips up every time I'd swallow his length. If I didn't decide quick he'd take the option out of my hands and just cum in my mouth.

I wanted to feel his long dick deep inside of me damnit.

"Ohhh, Crystal," Christian moaned in disappointment when I pulled his length out of my mouth.

I smiled at him while I climbed on top of the bed and held my bathrobe closed. I wanted to let him know that he didn't have to worry, I'd be more than happy to go right back to sucking on him after we made love, but he needed to shove his eight long inches deep inside of my body first.

I straddled him and reached below my bathrobe to guide him to my aching vulva and then without even a pause to run him up and down between my lips I slipped him inside of me.

My Andrew stretches me open every single time he slips inside of me. His girth is so big that I have to go slow, really get warmed up and lubricated or it can be painful. Christian's dick glided smoothly into my body while I sat down on him until my weight had his glans pressed hard against my cervix.

"Ohhhhhh," I moaned without moving a muscle.

I love my Andrew's cock, love him stretching me open, and would come while he made love to me almost every single time with the added stimulation he gave my clit, but Christian's dick was pressed so deep into my body and was hitting my cervix which Andrew never did even occasional did.

"Ohhhh, you're so deep inside of me," I moaned without even thinking.

Christian reached up and unlaced my bathrobe so he could reach inside and take my waist but with the lower half still closed. He was rocking his hips, his dick moving and pressing against my cervix while I only held still and savored the sensation. His hands moved up from my waist so he could take my witch's tits in his hands and then began to twist and pull my nipples!

Ok, ow.

Andrew liked to suckle on my breasts, but he almost never pinched. Christina was pinching and twisting like he were trying to pull my fucking nipples off! I must have cried out a bit because he let up, but I also started rocking my hips, forcing him into me with the weight of my body. I was so into the feel of his dick pressing into my body that I didn't even realize how hard the headboard of the bed was banging off the wall. I had this vision in my head that if I looked down at my stomach I'd see my belly dimpling out in the shape of Christian's glans every time I pressed down.

I didn't even notice when Christian finished untying the sash on my bathrobe that had still been holding the bottom half closed and pushed it all the way open.

"What the fu.." Christian gasped between pants for breath, "What the fuck!


I looked down at Christian's wide eyed amazed face while I keep rocking my hips and forcing his length into my body, a grin splitting my face from ear to ear.

"What, you've never had a fantasy of fucking your wife's twin sister?" I asked.

"But..." Christian panted and suddenly grabbed me by the waist and began to thrust up into me while I rocked my hips, "Where's Crystal?"

The headboard was banging against the wall hard enough that I was sure Crystal and Andrew could hear and I paused to lay down on Christian's chest and kiss his lips. In the sudden quite we both could hear the loud moans of passion coming from the other end of the house.

"If I had to take a guess..." I said with a smile and kissed Christian again, my tongue pushing into his mouth.

Christian had stiffened the moment he heard Crystal, it had even felt like he had started to push me off of him, but the stiffness melted away while I kissed his lips and he wrapped his arms around me. Well, his body's' stiffness melted away, the hard length still deep inside of me stayed just as stiff as I could want it to be.

"You really are Rose," Christian said the moment we broke away from our kiss.

"Really really," I said and then gasped when he bodily picked me up and flipped me over onto my back.

"Oh!" was about all I could manage to say and then Christian was thrusting into me so hard that the bed was banging off the wall even louder.

With every single one of his thrusts Christian was pulling his length almost all the way out of my body and then plunging back into me, each one of his thrusts hitting and pressing against my cervix with all of his weight behind it. My back arched up off the bed and I didn't care. The bed was slamming into the wall so that my Andrew would have no doubt that I was getting fucked and I didn't care. I was crying out with every one of Christian's thrusts into me and I just fucking didn't care.

When I came it was such a hard, quick orgasm that it surprised me. The muscles of my sheath squeezed down so hard on Christian's length that it was painful, the contractions rippling across my stomach while I screamed in abandon. I probably left bloody claw marks on Christian's back because I know my fingernails were digging into his skin. And then he stiffened, his dick pressed hard against my cervix and I felt his cum fill me.

Let me get into the details here though. I mean I felt every single spurt of his hot cum splashing my cervix, my body filling with his wet seed while I stared into his eyes. It was almost ticklish but I'll never forget that sensation.


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