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Two are Better Than One Ch. 01

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A bet with Olivia.
11.7k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 10/17/2023
Created 10/10/2023
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"Adrian, stop trying; Mom won't do it! She was devastated when Dad left with the young floozie and said she wouldn't do it. Ever."

"It's time to push harder. She is still young and attractive. Time is not on her side, and the longer she waits, the more difficult it will be to find a good man."

"The other day, she told me men do not want a loving, dedicated woman. They look for young meat."

"Olivia, that is so untrue! Men like sex, but that is not the only attraction. Having a good companion is very important. Age is much less critical. In fact, I know several people who would rather befriend older women. For example, Macron, France's president, married his former teacher, who was 24 years senior, and they have lived happily together for many years now."

We had this discussion at the local bar. Olivia already consumed two beers, and I had three. It wasn't the first time the subject came up. This time, it started because I saw Margot, her mother, crossing the short distance from the bathroom to her bedroom wearing only panties and a bra. She looked great. Not great for her age. GREAT!

Olivia has heard me talk about her mother before. She knew I was right, but after multiple unsuccessful attempts, she was ready to let go, at least for now. I was more attuned to Olivia's feelings at her house and avoided discussing the subject there. However, after seeing Margot's fantastic body and drinking three beers, my mind refused to give up, "Women are so wrong thinking that all men chase spring chickens."

She stared at me with glazed eyes, "Macron is French. Here in America, men only look at young women. We have more pedophiles than in any other country in the world."

"Pedophiles are sick individuals and are a different story. When I see an attractive woman, her age doesn't matter. I find Jennifer Lopez, Elizabeth Hurley, and Diane Lane very sexy. All three of them are well into their 50s. If I am not mistaken, your mother is in her 40s..."

"She will be 43 soon."


"She asked me to keep it a secret, but I'll tell you anyway. She tried unsuccessfully her luck three times on She swore she'd never go through this ordeal again."

"What is she going to do when you leave the house? Stay alone for the rest of her life? It's having somebody to share the life with - Friendship, errands, travel, sex..."

"Mom said that sex with Dad started like gangbusters but diminished significantly after I was born. She is willing to give it up completely."

"I don't believe it. Everybody loves sex. If she didn't have the right partner the first time, she needs to look again."

Olivia and I continued chugging our beers, and neither was ready to change the subject.

"Look, what if I went on a dating site using your mother's name and pictures and did the initial selection? Later, I'll give her the pictures and data of the best candidates to make it easier for her to decide."

"Adrian, you are so stubborn! She would be offended if I even discussed this subject with you. She told me in no uncertain terms - 'No more sex for me. Period.'

I was too drunk to think straight, "Olivia, I bet I can change her mind and even convince her to have sex with me."

Olivia's face was reddish, her familiar drunken face, "You are nuts if you think Mom will have sex with you. I bet you she won't have sex with any man, at least in the near future, and especially not with her daughter's boyfriend!"

"Olivia, you are on."

"Adrian, you are going to lose big. When I win, you buy me the diamond necklace I showed you the other night. And what would YOU want in the remote chance you win?"

I tried to think, but my mind was dazed under the influence, "I want the three of us to have sex together. Menages a Trois was a fantasy of mine for years. So I'll have it with you and your Mom..."

Her throaty laugh was unexpected, "Honey, if you wish for a threesome with another girl, I'd consider it and perhaps would be willing to try it, assuming I was drunk and stoned, but with Mom - You are out of your mind!"

"OK, girl. Let's put it in writing."

I grabbed a napkin and scribbled, 'If I cannot seduce Margot during one month, I buy Olivia the diamond necklace. Olivia agrees to have a three-way with her mother if I successfully bed her. I signed and passed it to Olivia.

She chuckled, "In one month, I'll have my diamond. Thank you, dear." She signed and handed me the napkin. I put it in my pocket.

We left the bar fifteen minutes later.


I met Olivia two years earlier at a mutual friend's house. She was twenty years old. Her pretty face, friendly demeanor, and sense of humor attracted me. She told me later that she liked my kindness, smartass jokes, and... being handsome. We started going out weeks later and became inseparable after two months.

Initially, we had sex in the back of my car, but soon, we recognized it wasn't the best option. My parents were too conservative to approve of us living together unless we got married. We weren't ready to take the plunge yet. Olivia suggested I'll move my stuff to her house. Her mother wouldn't mind if we stayed in her room.

I met Margot, Olivia's mother, a month earlier and liked her. She was nice, polite, and never bothered asking intrusive questions like other parents often do. When Olivia offered me to move to her house, I said there was a big difference between feeling comfortable with somebody for two hours at a time and living under the same roof. I told Olivia I didn't want to intrude on her mother's privacy.

She gazed at me and said, "Come to my house tomorrow at 7:30 pm, and we'll talk to her."

The following evening, I brought Margot a bouquet of fresh roses. She looked at me funny, "Young man, it's not my birthday yet. Any specific reason I get a present?"

Olivia laughed, "Mom, I offered him to move his stuff to my room so we can live together. He was reluctant to do it because it would bother you. I said we should talk about it. He wanted to be in your good graces, so he bought you flowers..."

Margot laughed, "Adrian, you didn't have to do it. I like you, and if Olivia wants you to move in with her, that is fine."

She smiled, and then smirked, "On second thought, I am not so sure about it yet. If you promise to bring me a dozen roses for my upcoming birthday, I may be more inclined to agree..."

I hugged her, "Margot, you are wonderful. Thank you. I'll pay the rent and help around the house."

Margot stared at Olivia, and she smiled and nodded, 'No.'

Margot turned to me, 'Adrian, post my divorce, the settlement left us enough money to live comfortably. You do not have to pay anything. However, I expect you to help me put stuff on the higher shelves and lift heavy loads when I arrive from the supermarket."

I grinned, "Thank you, ma'am, and you won't regret it."

Three days later, my stuff was organized in Olivia's ample room. She was in classes until the afternoon, and I worked as an EMT with varying shift schedules. On average, I did the morning shift three times a week and the evening shift twice weekly. Nights I did about once or twice a month.

Life was good. When I worked in the mornings, the three of us ate dinner together. When I had the evening shift, I mostly ate breakfast and lunch with Margot, then went to work.

Both Olivia and Margot had pleasant personalities, and we got along well. We chatted about politics, America's declining influence worldwide, history, and... gossip. I shared only with Olivia my concerns about Margot needing a mate.

Our sex life was enjoyable. Olivia had three partners before me (At least this is what she admitted to.), and within a few months, we felt comfortable experimenting with oral, vaginal, and even anal sex. However, I felt uncomfortable with the sounds Olivia made during our sexual encounters - Two weeks after our cohabitations; I was sure Margot got familiar with Olivia's screams. The more advanced our sex became, the neighbors' ears were another issue...

Olivia and I hardly had any arguments. In fact, the subject of Margot-needing-a-mate was the only one I could remember.


After returning home from the bar, we were too tired to shower. Olivia and I fell on the bed and slept until the morning. I woke up when the sun hit my eyes. It was around 9:30 in the morning. Olivia was still sound asleep. I vaguely recalled last night at the bar. I took a long, hot shower, shaved, and exited the bathroom.

Margot smiled. "You guys were home late. Knowing you two, the alcohol level in your blood was higher than the legal limit. Police didn't stop you, did they?"

I grinned, "They didn't. How are you doing? It's a beautiful Sunday morning. We can stroll in the park if you are in the mood."

"Adrian, your girl is having her eighth dream. Let her wake up first. Next, we'll find out if she has a hangover. Assuming everything is perfect, and you want a third wheel, I'll happily join."

I saw a movement from the corner of my eye. Olivia wobbled on the way to the bathroom.

Margot chortled, "Is her unsteadiness because she just woke up, or the alcohol level did not decrease enough?"

I laughed.

I went to our bedroom and found yesterday's pants on the carpet. I grabbed them and checked the pockets. The folded napkin appeared. I read the bet, and everything came back to me. We were definitely too drunk!...

Olivia entered the bedroom and saw the napkin in my palm. She smiled, "Honey, remind me when I get my diamond necklace."

"Olivia, you don't deserve it yet. Do you really want to go for it?"

"Adrian, you can just admit your inability to accomplish what your silly mind came up with; buy me the necklace, and everything will be all right..."

"No! I'd rather try it. Let me think about it for a couple of hours."

"Big boy, take several days if you wish, but once the clock begins to tick, you have 30 days until the necklace is around my neck."

When we ate breakfast, the two ladies were chatty. At one point, Margot turned to me, "Adrian, you are very quiet. What do you think about the subject?"

I stuttered, "Sorrry, I was thiiinking about an unfooortunate patient I saw yesterday."

"Well, will you come with us to the park?"

"Sure. I'll be ready in 10."


After dinner, I retired to the bedroom, claiming I had a mild headache. I was lying in bed thinking about the bet. It was evident there was no chance of succeeding if Olivia was in the house with us. How do I arrange for her to leave for a month, knowing she has classes every day?...

After an hour, I had a solution. Summer break starts in three weeks. Olivia and I will have a major argument. She 'told her girlfriend about it' and got an offer to stay at her California house for a month.

Twenty minutes later, Olivia came to the room, "Is everything all right?"

I told her about my plan. Her initial reaction was disbelief, "You wish to separate for a month? Is it because of the bet, or have you lost interest in me? You want us to avoid sex for four weeks?!..."

"Olivia, with you around, I cannot court your mother. It will be too weird. If we had a fight and you visited your friend, I'd still be here so your mother is not alone." I smirked, "In the meantime, if I am lucky with her, unlike you, I WILL have sex..."

She laughed loudly, "In your dreams, big boy, only in your wild fantasies."

"You may be right, but I have nothing to lose. Will you do it?"

"I want to earn my diamond fair and square, so I'll do it. I'll spend my time on the beach in Santa Barbara while Mom will mock your pity efforts..."

"Sounds good. So, our fake fight will be two weeks from now, and once the summer vacation starts, you leave for a month. Please do not call your mom or me for at least two weeks."

"Agreed, cowboy. Anything else?"

"Yes. Your mother will be aware of the fight, but DO NOT tell her why. Leave it to me. I'll talk to her about it when you are gone."

"Great. Are we done here?"

I smiled, "I think so."


Two weeks later, her Mom noticed we were quieter than usual in the kitchen or living room. We hardly talked to each other. Initially, she commented we weren't as happy as before, yet was reluctant to intervene. Only when she realized Olivia bought the flight tickets did she become more active, trying to find out from her daughter what the issue was about. Olivia kept her word and pretended to be angry at me but divulged nothing.

Margot approached me with similar questions. I told her I'd tell her everything after Olivia left. I claimed, "She needs a long vacation. A month's separation will be good for both of us."

Margot wasn't happy, but she could do nothing about it. I went the extra mile to help her in the kitchen, laundry, and shopping. I promised to stay in Olivia's room so she was not alone. Margot insisted she didn't need me to stay with her, but I saw on her face she liked the idea.

On a Friday, when we were ready to send Olivia away, I offered to take her to the airport.

She stared at me, disgusted, "I've had enough with you. I'll take an Uber. I hope we can make amends a month from now, but I doubt it."

She kissed her mother, whispered that she needed 'a me time,' and left.

A short time later, I went to work the evening shift. I returned at 11:30 pm. Everything was dark and quiet. Margot was probably already asleep. Not wanting to wake her up, I went to sleep without showering. I wasn't worried - On Saturday I was free.


I woke up at 5:30 am. Was it a nightmare? For some reason, I couldn't sleep. I tossed and turned for about half an hour and heard soft noises from the living room.

I put on my shorts and exited the bedroom. Margot was with her back to me doing yoga positions. The noises came from a small portable radio that was playing music.

She didn't hear me and continued exercising.

I was surprised. I never knew she did yoga, but I was never awake that early to notice. From behind, she looked good. In fact, very good! She wore a sports bra and leggings, which enveloped her body perfectly.

Until now, in my presence, she always dressed 'properly,' which meant I wasn't supposed to observe her figure. Seeing what she was hiding all this time and her flexible, gracious moves were unexpected and... erotic.

I just stood there and ogled her. Suddenly, the music stopped, and she turned around. Her eyes widened when she saw me, "Adrian, did I wake you up? I am sorry. I didn't mean to do it. Would you mind if I continue for ten more minutes, and then I'll make us breakfast."

I smiled, "Margot, you look great in these clothes, and I admire your athleticism. I had no idea."

She blushed, "You and Olivia were out of the house many hours every day, so I found something healthy I liked to do..."

"Please, continue. Don't let me interrupt you."

Margot continued her yoga, but now that she was aware of me staring, her movements became more mechanical and less impressive. After five minutes, I went to the bathroom to shave and shower. When I finished, she was already wearing a long robe. She prepared my toast, over easy eggs with bacon and fresh coffee.

She ate her breakfast and didn't talk. Now and then, her eyes peeked at me as if still trying to get an answer as to what happened to me and Olivia, but she was a wise woman. She knew I'd tell her once I was ready.

"Margot, thank you for breakfast. Look, it's a beautiful day. How about going with me to the big waterfall? It's a twenty-minute drive, and we can have a nice picnic."

Her eyes inspected me, "Are you being nice because you don't want me to stay home on a weekend, or you are bored without Olivia?"

I smirked, "Margot, I am not bored. Now that Olivia is not here, I can finally take her young mother on a date!"

She chuckled, "A handsome young guy is ready to sacrifice his precious free time to take an oldie out. What a gentleman! "

"Lady, why do you consider yourself an oldie? You look terrific, and I saw you doing complicated yoga poses. My brain cannot think of you as older than Olivia despite the age difference."

She grinned, "Adrian, thanks for the compliment. You exaggerate, but at my age, I'll take it..."

I pointed a finger at her, "Woman, you are too obsessed with your biological age. I give you one week to change your attitude!"

Her eyes lighted, "And what if I don't?"

"You'll be punished! Now that your protector is in California, I am the man of the house."

She laughed but didn't talk.


She wore a summery skirt and short-sleeved blouse and looked half her age!

I was confused. At first, I considered her 'OK' - No more. And now I find her much more interesting, fun and... attractive!

We left the house 30 minutes later. Throughout the drive, Margot was cheerful, "Adrian, I haven't been out like that for a long time. You are a treasure!"

I didn't answer. Now and then, I ogled her. The more I looked, the more I liked what I saw...

The parking area was almost full. I expected it - On a lovely weekend, many people enjoy the outdoors. We took the trail and started climbing. I let her go first. It was gentlemanly but beneficial for me, too. It gave me an unobstructed view of her rear side. Her shapely muscular legs were a result of her routine exercises and yoga. The ass cheeks swayed graciously as she moved. I watched her voluptuous breasts undulate gently at every turn.

Margot looked sexier with each passing minute... Was she really that attractive, and I missed it before? Was it a result of me not having sex for more than 24 hours?...

After 25 minutes, we reached the nice waterfall. About thirty people were there already, taking pictures or climbing the rocks. We were lucky to find a free table. I gave Margot the basket with our picnic stuff and approached the waterfall to take pictures.

When I returned, Margot was bending on the table, placing the utensils. We had baguette, cheeses, hard salami, olives and tomatoes. I noticed a bottle of Chardonnay and two beer cans.

The food and drink were tempting, but Margot was even more alluring - As she leaned forward, the upper part of her thin blouse separated, and her soft bra, hugging her curvaceous tits, was on full display. I was hypnotized.

Margot lifted her eyes to me and immediately noticed where my gaze was directed. She grinned, "Adrian, unless I spilled something on my blouse, I'll take it as a compliment. I used to get stares like that when I was younger."

I blushed, "Sorry you caught me..."

She smirked, "You mean you do not apologize for being a voyeur - Your only regret is you got caught."

I smiled, "I hate to admit it, but you are right. You continue recalling 'when I was younger,' I wonder how much more beautiful one could be..."

"Adrian, this is an unconvincing excuse. You stared at my chest because you were curious."

I laughed, "OK. I screwed up. You want to sue me or punish me?"

"I'll think about it later. Let's eat. I am famished. "

We were hungry and finished everything, the food and drinks, in less than half an hour.

Margot's cheeks looked rosier, and she became chattier and jollier. She let her hair down and danced slowly around the table, "Adrian, it feels so good... Perfect weather, tasty food, nice company. You made me happy today."

"Margot, You look stunning. I want to take your pictures using the waterfall as a backdrop."

"OK. How do you want me?"

My sick mind had a ready answer - NAKED!... But I resisted, "Stand here and glance sideways toward the upper part of the fall. Now smile a little bit more. Open your mouth slightly... Lady, you look gorgeous!"

She chuckled, "I feel naughty. Take more pictures of me."

"What do you have in mind?"

"Let me show you." She moved behind the table and bent forward. Her bra-covered tits were on full display! She winked at me, "Is this the sight you were interested in before?"

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