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Two Distinct Endings

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Lover from past reenters picture. Two different endings.
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(Don't worry, everyone is eighteen for the serious shit.)


My married name is Sara Louise Talbot. I was born and raised in the Chicago suburb of Oak Park and have an older sister by the name of Elizabeth (Beth). At 27 when the story starts, I was 5'6" tall with chestnut hair and a slender well conditioned body. In the mirror I saw a pleasantly attractive woman. Physically I suppose my best features were and are my breasts. I am not a DD cow. Rather, my girls are a strong B cup and are nicely proportionate to the rest of my body. My nips are rosy pink and cutely point up and slightly out to the sides when I let them out to breath.

My parents were and still are solidly middle class and rigidly conservative in everything of a social or religious nature. This figures heavily in the first part of my story and adolescence. When I was 14 and my sister was a 17 yr old junior, she was dating a really cute senior by the name of Joe Benson. No one would tell me what was going on but in the late Spring lots of doors got slammed, tears were shed, doctors visited and angry silences were endured. Then one day Mother and Beth departed for parts unknown and Dad sat me down for a talk at the Kitchen table.

It seems that Beth had violated the moral codes of my parents and had let Joe have unprotected sex with her and was now five months pregnant. She was being sent to a wayward girls home where she would have the baby and sign the child away for adoption. With luck she would then return to High School to finish out her senior year. However, if her attitude failed to improve she would not be readmitted into the family. Wow! Like most younger sisters I spent most of my time fighting with my older sibling but deep down I loved her and thought she was really getting shafted. I however kept my mouth shut and vowed to be the "good" daughter and to avoid the moral wrath of my parents. This proved to be easier than I imagined because Beth refused to give up her baby, told my parents to "fuck off" and moved to Wisconsin to live with a distant aunt who took her and her baby in.

I was now the only daughter and was basically kept away from boys till after my 17th birthday and only then under the strictest of supervision. Beth's name was never mentioned by my folks and the only contact I had with her was through occasional clandestine mail channeled via my grandparents. Both my parents relentlessly harped on keeping me pure and innocent unlike my "whore of a sister."

My luck finally started to change the spring of my senior year. Earlier that year we had gotten a new minister in our church and he just happened to have a son who was in my class. His name was Eric Hansen and he was an absolute dreamboat. In public he was a holy scripture dropping respectful parent charmer. In private he was a smoking, drinking, sexual predator. He was absolutely trusted by all the parents and fought over by all the church going school girls. Eric was really really slick. and for some reason he decided to try to date me, the undateable virgin princess. I guess he took me on as a special challenge or maybe to win a bet.

The Sunday after my 18th birthday he called my Father and asked if he could come over to the house to discuss an important matter. Fifteen minutes later he was on the porch ringing the bell with a bouquet of flowers for my Mother, a White Rose for me (get it PURITY) and for Dad he had twenty minutes of enlightened insight into his father's rousing sermon that morning. By the time he was done they were not just eating out of his hand but begging to lick up the crumbs and polish his halo. When he finally got around to the real reason for his visit, asking permission to take me to the Prom, they of course said yes.

Eric was the quintessential double face. To the adult world he as seen as just one step below sainthood. He was famous for answering adult questions by flipping open the dog eared bible he always carried and quoting some obscure psalm. He would then bless the brother or sister and go about his business while leaving them scratching their heads.

To the girls of my high school he was the most wanted bad boy and I had him for my prom date. By happenstance my 18th birthday was the weekend before the May prom and when Eric suggested we get to know each other a little better before the big event, I leapt at the opportunity. I invited Eric to my family birthday party and he was the expected hit by helping my Mom with serving and my Dad with the grill all the while regaling them with humorous gossip from the church. When he asked to take me for a drive as the party was breaking up, Dad almost tucked me into the car.

The "drive" was to the notorious make out lane and on the way we had a remarkably adult conversation. The high point was the following.

"Sara I want you to know that I think you are the prettiest girl in the senior class. It's too bad that your parents wouldn't let you date before this but I'm delighted that I get to be your first."

"I am flattered but I want to be frank with you Eric. I am elated to be going out with you but you have to know a couple of things. It will come as no surprise to you that I'm a virgin so you have to be gentle the first time we have sex. The second is that I have a lot of catching up to do and I'm happy to be doing it with you. The third is that condoms are a must because my sister got pregnant and was disowned. I don't intend that to happen to me."

"Open the glove box beautiful."

I did as he asked and inside were half a dozen three packs of rubbers.

"Think that will be enough?"

I opened my seat belt and slid over next to him. I kissed him on his cheek and said in his ear.

"For tonight yes. For the rest of the summer, probably not. For tonight I just want to ask one thing."

"What's that sweetheart?"

"Can you be really gentle the first time.?"

"Your wish is my command pretty lady."

True to his word Eric did me nice, slow and very gentle. ..He was patient and we slowly stretched things out and the result was by the post prom party we were going at it like seasoned lovers. The Prom and the whole summer before we went off to college were a dream come true. My parents were clueless as to what was going on and I was in love. To be clear, I was in love with sex but Eric, I'm not so sure. If I had taken the time to get to know him I would have realized that he was shallow, untrustworthy, lazy and really not too bright. In short, a real dickhead housed in a handsome shell. But oh that dickhead.

While I was being faithful at U of I, he was fucking his way through the eligible females of the freshman class in Lafayette. He was good at hiding his indiscretions when I came to visit but by Christmas I knew we were done. Surprisingly our breakup was not nasty but it was sad. I missed the sexual attention but most of all little Eric, my pet name for his dick . Long after I stopped even thinking about Eric, I dreamt about his cock. Little Eric became this disembodied sexual image in my dreams for years.

I returned to school in Champaign in January on a mission to accomplish two things. The first was to get serious about my studies and the second was to find a new and perhaps healthier love interest. I accomplished the first objective but failed in the second. Summer between my first and second years at college was boring but I took extra shifts at the municipal pool as a life guard and finished the summer with a terrific tan.

As soon as I got back to school in fall my luck changed. A nice looking guy borrowed a pen from me in my English Lit class and we struck up a conversation. He asked me out for coffee and we immediately clicked. We seemed to agree on most of the important issues of the day and on those we didn't, we managed to respectfully hear the other the other out. More importantly there seemed to be a physical chemistry between us and the first time we kissed something electric passed from his lips to my lips and directly to my pussy. I came very close to having an orgasm with that kiss. Jay might just be the one.


My name is Jeffery Charles Talbot, Jay for short. I was born and raised with my two younger brothers in River Forest Illinois by parents who were professionals. I guess I was a pretty average kid growing up but I did show some aptitude for computers, programming and of all things Track. I wasn't particularly fast but I did have a lot of stamina and so I lettered in Spring Track and Fall Cross Country. As I matured I worked out a lot and built up my lung capacity. A late teen growth spurt shot me up to 6'3" of long legged and lanky classic runner. By Senior year I had been to State three times, had a number of records and was actively recruited by a number of Big Ten Schools for their cross country programs. When U of I offered a free ride I jumped at it. They needed help in their running program but more importantly they had the best computer science department in the Big Ten.

My love life wasn't bad either. Weekends in Spring and Fall were busy with travel to meets which could potentially cut into ones love life. However, if you are dating pretty much just cheerleaders and female runners, the problem goes away. Our High School went to a lot of meets outside of Chicago and so the boys and girls teams shared one bus for the distance runners. Since our coaches were also dating, they were somewhat oblivious to the boy/girl paring off on the longer after dark bus rides. By my Junior year I had fallen good for a willowy blond runner by the name of Rachel Paulson. Neither one of us objectively wanted to get really serious at this point in our lives but nature took over and we became exclusive and then exchanged class rings.

During Winter and Summer we had to do some serious road work but we had ample opportunity for basement couch time and after our eighteenth birthdays we were, as they say, intimate. I may add, carefully intimate. Neither one of us wanted to bring another life into this world and quite frankly, I don't think either of us was ready yet for a lifetime commitment. We were really fond of each other but I think we both knew that we had to hold something back because the future was so uncertain. Our reluctance to fully commit was vindicated when we both got full ride scholarship offers from different schools. She got a great offer from USC in California and mine was from the U of I in my home state. We hugged, shed a few tears, had a couple of really good parting orgasms and reluctantly went our separate ways as especially good friends.

We got together just once over the Christmas break. She shared that she had met a nice fellow and they were almost at the "with benefits" stage. He was coming to stay with her after Christmas for the New Years Holiday. I wished her well and we hugged and kissed for the last time. Nice girl. Will miss her a lot.

My first year at Champaign was busy with a rigorous computer science class load and working with the distance runners in the athletic department. I had chosen the "I" for several reasons. First was it was a terrific computer school, I had a free ride if I could make the team and finally, I could make the team because frankly, my times were as good or better than their best. It was therefore no surprise when I was selected for the varsity squad for the first cross country meet of the Fall. For my first Big Ten event I did respectfully, finishing just behind my senior mentor on our team. The second meet I beat him and after that my only competition was on the other teams.

The ladies in the Department noted my status, decent build, relatively clear complexion and made known their availability. I accepted the invitation from several and fit them into my schedule when I wasn't busy with meets, workouts and the rigorous class schedule. The classes were tough and packed with Asians. While most of them were really smart the language issue kept a lot of them from really achieving at their full potential. First semester I finished with a 3.5 average which on the Illinois system is like an A-. Not too bad I thought.

Spring semester I improved slightly in GPA, worked out six days a week at the indoor facilities and managed to keep getting the ashes hauled by tight little eager coeds, none of whom seemed to be looking for any sort of commitment.

That Summer I took a job on campus helping run some University sponsored track and field programs for high school kids. It gave me a great opportunity to keep up with my fitness workouts and work on my tan, bedroom technique and conversational Mandarin. One of my summer girlfriends was Chinese and had been at the "I" for six years so her English was quite passable. She was a sexy little thing and she was a lot of fun in and out of bed. Probably a foreign spy but we enjoyed ourselves.

The first week of classes Sophomore year I met Sara. As part of my tech oriented curriculum I still had to take a couple Liberal Arts courses and so I signed up for an American Lit class. As luck would have it on day one I was seated next to a really cute brunette who I charmed by asking her for a spare ballpoint. I don't know if it was my Cross Country attire, beautiful physique, charming personality, insightful questions about Emerson or my brand of aftershave but she agreed to have coffee with me at the Union.

By the time we parted for our afternoon classes I was hooked. I called her that night and we talked for over an hour and most importantly compared schedules. I had a Saturday afternoon meet with a non conference opponent and she said she'd be there. I finished first and was rewarded with our first kiss. Wow!


The day I went to Jay's first race was a beautiful warm September day and the runners were just lining up as I got there. Jay saw me and gave me a wave as he waited at the starting line. The gun went off and this mass of runners exploded past me. I caught a flash of him as he flew by and his physique literally blew me away. He had long, lean legs and a huge chest for his frame. He was red in the face with exertion and was taking in air in giant gulps. And then he was past and I watched his cute butt recede into the distance. From time to time you could see the pack running up and down the hills of the course. The final glimpse showed that the pack had spread out into a long thin line. In less than 30 minutes the leader rounded the bend and of course it was Jay. He finished a good 10 lengths ahead of the nearest other competitor who just happened to be one of his team mates. The "I" finished 1,2,4,6 and 7 for a total score of 20, a complete blow out.

When Jay was done congratulating his team mates he came over to me and said "Heh pretty lady, got a kiss for the winner?" My first thought was, "He thinks I'm pretty" and my second was "You bet I've got a kiss for you." And with that I grabbed his cheeks and held him by the ears as I searched for his tonsils.

He was sweating from the exertion of the run but I didn't care as he held me against his bod As we reluctantly parted he asked me to wait for him at the Field House. That Saturday was the best first date ever. I waited with the other family and girl friends in the designated area and within 20 minutes Jay was back out freshly showered and looking like a million bucks. The rest of the afternoon was sort of a blur to me. All I could remember was that he held my hand and we walked all over the campus and talked and talked and talked. By 5 PM we were outside the Union and he was asked me of I had plans for the evening. I told him I kind of hoped we could spend it together. With that he just grinned at me and brought me in for a kiss. This time it was soft and special and just sort of made me tingle all over.

From that day on we were inseparable. I really really liked this guy and it wasn't just the obvious sexual chemistry between us. He was intelligent and seemingly well disciplined in all aspects of his life. Couple that with being a sexy hunk and a genuine nice guy and it was a miracle that no-one had locked him up by now. We also had the talk that all couples have about their prior romantic attachments. I told him about my strict parents, my sister's mistake and the preacher's son Prom relationship. I'll admit that I played up the church part of our dating and downplayed the romantic. He frankly told me about his High School sweetheart and his dating life at the U. The sex part of our relationship moved along at a pretty good clip and within two weeks we were taking advantage of his room mate dropping out of school and we were rolling around on his dorm bed. He didn't push me to go all the way in fact he came right out and told me that it was completely in my hands, he was ready. I was ready two weeks later after the campus GYN clinic got me started on birth control pills.

Our first time was after Jay had been gone to the Big Ten Championship Meet and we hadn't seen each other for 6 whole days. That was an eternity in those days and we were really burning up the mattress in his room. The passion of the moment was such that I hardly noticed my panties bring removed. I certainly did however notice when Jay was suddenly between my legs and was the first person ever to kiss my pussy. He deliberately parted my lips and began exploring with his tongue. When he found my clit he circled it with the tip of his tongue and began to drive me insane. Three magnificent orgasms later I pulled gently on his ears and as he moved up I pleaded with him to make love to me. He replied that he thought he was.

"No big fella. I want your cock in me but be gentle the first time."

It had been over a year since a penis had been in me and from our play I knew that Jay's was really large in diameter. His was a little shorter than Eric's but was so big around that I knew it was going to take some work to get it in me all the way. That first time we had several orgasms working at the problem and when he managed to get it seated I broke into tears I was so happy. We had achieved a physical goal but the level of emotional attachment we felt far exceeded the physical. We were now bonded together in a way neither of us had ever experienced before..That night as he held me in his arms and we dozed together with our limbs still entangled, I felt totally loved and knew without a doubt that I would never be parted from this wonderful man.


After Sara and I made love for the first time, both of our lives dramatically changed. We were no longer two individuals there was just "us" and when I told her on New Years Eve that I could see us married with lots of kids she didn't disagree. At the time I told her my vision, she was fully impaled on my dick as she posted up and down performing our favorite dance. As I watched her firm little titles bounce up and down I reached up to tweek her delectable nipples and then pulled her down for a kiss. As we broke I told her I would always love her and that nothing would ever come between us.

We didn't get formally engaged until Christmas two years later and the wedding was planned for June. College was all in all a wonderful experience for I believe, both of us. Sara and I both graduated in June, she in elementary ed and I in Computer Engineering. Cross Country really served me well as it provided a free four year degree and an exercise regimen that would stay with me my whole life. I was actively recruited by the tech giants of the midwest but I chose to stay at the U in the graduate program for at least two more years to get my masters. Financially we wouldn't be hurting because Sara got a teaching job right away and I could work part time as a TA and as an assistant Cross Country coach.

The next two years were hard work but all in all good as we solidified our marriage. Living together finally was a blast and it was a very rare day that we didn't engage in some form of intercourse. I think we initiated every flat and most vertical surfaces with some form of sexual activity. The wild thing was that both of us were initiators and innovators. Our days during the school year were busy for both of us but the nights were filled with lust, experimentation and loving. We simply couldn't get enough of each other. I thought that we had had a fantastic sex life before we were married but this two year period made our courtship seem like preschool. After my Masters I got an offer to move over to the Research Center in a paid Associate position. The pay wasn't stupendous but it did allow me work on my Phd gratis and still work with the cross country team on weekends.

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