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She audibly gasped as I carefully grabbed a handful of hair at the back of her head and pulled her head back. I maneuvered out from under her and kneeled behind her, pushing her chest toward the mattress. She was continuing to play with herself with her right hand, using her left for support. Using my free hand, I guided the head of my aching cock right to her hot, wet opening. It felt like she was actively trying to draw my cock inside her. I leaned forward, supporting my weight on one arm while continuing to hold her head back with the other hand.

The bed was the perfect height to see our reflection centered in the mirror. Sherry was completely aroused. Her panting and straining to pull me inside her confirmed the facial expression she wore.

"They're watching us, aren't they?" I couldn't see who, if anyone, was on the other side of the mirror but I was willing to bet my life Alton and Priscilla were. I kept my voice low.

"Yes." Sherry managed to get the head inside her opening briefly before I pulled it back. She whimpered as it slid out.

"How many?" Not that I cared.

"Don't know. Two for sure." Alton and Priscilla as well as the yoga couple. Good enough.

Again keeping my voice low, "So you wanted to put on a show?" I felt the head start to split her labia and I wiggled a little for effect. It worked.

"Yes." It was more of a hiss than a word.

"They're gonna get a show. They're gonna watch you get fucked by your brother. Think Priscilla would like that?"

She trembled and whimpered again. "Yes."

"Every guy in that room wants to do to you what I'm gonna do. Except I'm the one who's gonna fuck my sister. In public. Like a dog. While they watch and pretend they're me."

"Please, Ronnie. Please." Her panting increased and she continued to try to pull my cock inside her.

"They want you. They're probably fucking their girl right now wishing she was you. They can't have you." I slid my cock fully inside her and she moaned loudly. I pulled back about two-thirds and paused. As I whispered each word into her ear, I stroked as hard as I could, "You. Belong. To. Me."

As I continued to fuck her slowly and forcefully, we locked eyes in the mirror. She was as beautiful as I had ever seen her, hot, sweaty, and completely immersed in fucking me as thoroughly as I was fucking her. I could feel her fingers teasing herself as she moaned my name over and over.

As I sensed my orgasm starting to build, I couldn't resist the urge to indulge my own kink. "You're going to make me cum, baby. You're going to make your brother cum inside your pussy in front of all those people. They're gonna see what kind of dirty girl you really are. You're gonna make me cum --"

Her eyes closed and she stiffened. As she started shaking, I felt the walls of her pussy grip my cock and milk me. I had to let go of her hair and grab her hips as I began fucking her like a madman while sending strong pulses of cum inside her while she moaned "Ronnie" as one long breath as she began to orgasm. I kept going until she collapsed under me, the wet sounds of our coupling the loudest sounds in the room.

We stayed that way for a few minutes. I tried to rouse her but Sherry remained unresponsive. Her eyes were open, she was breathing, but she wouldn't answer me.

There was a light knock at the door and I got up to answer it. Priscilla and Alton slid inside and she went over to Sherry.

"Sherry's okay, Ronnie. Her orgasm was so intense that it overloaded her senses. I've heard of it happening before but I've never actually seen it." She brushed the hair from Sherry's face. "Grab some water for her, please."

Alton whispered, "I don't know what you said to her but you're going to want to remember it for make up sex." Literally the best advice he ever gave me.

I handed Priscilla a bottle of water, and she persuaded Sherry to drink some. She was completely out of it. Priscilla continued to talk to Sherry but I couldn't make out what she was saying. Sherry would nod or shake her head occasionally.

Alton sat next to me on the bed. "She'll be fine as soon as all the hormones wear off. Are you doing okay?"

"My balls ache a little but I'm fine."

"Yours aren't the only ones. You made everyone's night. That was some escape attempt. The fucking afterward was absolutely intense."

"Thanks. I'm glad everyone enjoyed it. She teased me until I couldn't take it anymore."

"I know you have the bracelets but don't be surprised if you start getting invitations. You're a perfect couple and a lot of people are going to want to play."

"We're not required to, are we?" I was under the impression we didn't but I thought it might be a good idea to check with someone who knew for sure.

"You don't ever have to do anything you don't want to. The choice to participate is always yours."

"That's kind of what I thought but I just wanted to make sure. I don't want to try it and I don't think she does, either. I guess that's something we need to talk about."

"Yeah, you do. A good rule to follow is not to agree to anything with anyone until you've talked about it and both of you want to do it. That's a perfectly acceptable answer until you have a definitive one."

Priscilla managed to get Sherry sitting upright but it was pretty obvious her mind was somewhere else. Alton found a beach wrap that we could drape over Sherry's shoulders and they helped me walk her back to our cabin. Priscilla helped me get her settled on the bed before giving me their cabin number and making me promise to call if I had any problems.

After they left, I took a quick shower and climbed into bed next to Sherry. She draped herself over me and promptly went back to sleep. I wasn't that far behind her.

When I woke up the next morning, we had docked in St. Thomas. Sherry had shifted during the night and was now spooned into me, still sound asleep. I got up to pee, feeling like I had run a marathon. Even my brain felt tired.

I finally woke her up around ten, she relieved herself and immediately crawled back into bed next to me. I went to pick up omelets and brought them back. It felt weird to wear shorts and a T-shirt, even for a half an hour.

She didn't say much all day, preferring to either cuddle or nap on me.

When it started getting close to dinner, I finally asked her if there was something wrong.

"I don't know." She had mostly avoided eye contact all day and she was avoiding it now.

"Is it about what we did last night?"

Sherry simply nodded while looking out the porthole at the ocean.

"I could guess but it would be better if you told me, babe. The sooner we figure it out, the better."

"That's just it, I'm not sure. When we -- I did it before in Vegas, I didn't feel like this after it. This time, it felt like I lost control and I couldn't stop. It's kind of scary."

"Oh, shit. I'm sorry. I didn't --" The thought I was going too far never crossed my mind.

"It wasn't you. I wanted you to do what you did. Mom taught me to be a 'good girl.' Dress like a lady, act like a lady, be a lady. All the time. The way I felt after the first time I did it in Vegas, it was fun, it was being bad. Last night was like that but different. More intense."

"I'm sorry, I should have been asking if you were okay." Like Sherry, once I started fucking her, I couldn't stop. I didn't want to.

"I was okay. Watching you in the mirror, knowing people were watching us, I was okay until you started talking about how the guys were wishing they were you. It made me want to prove to you I didn't want anybody but you doing that to me. I didn't want you doing that to anyone else."

"Alton told me last night that other couples might be interested in us. I'm going to tell you what I told him. I don't want to be with anyone else. The way I feel every time I'm with you, nobody else is going to come close." I hugged her tightly. "And no, I don't expect us to be that way every time, either."

Sherry turned to face me. "I don't want to be with other people. Just you. I love you so much. I think that's what scares me more than anything."

I kissed her slowly and gently. "I love you, too. This is fun but I'll be okay if we don't ever do this again. I'm good as long as we're together."

"I like doing this, the watching and being watched, but I can't do it all the time. Right now I'm a little sore and tired. I just get the urge every once in a while." Sherry kissed me back. "If we don't get up, we're going to miss dinner and I'm starving."

We took a long mutual shower, spending more time kissing than showering. Alton and Priscilla met us at the main dining room as usual, and we enjoyed another long dinner. They were, to put it nicely, colorfully dressed.

The four of us spent the remainder of the evening in one of the quiet lounges, talking and laughing. Just as Alton had predicted, a few couples stopped by to introduce themselves politely. The yoga couple were Deacon and Shelley, she was definitely walking a little gingerly. We also saw Chris and Mark, who Alton said later had also really enjoyed the show we put on.

Early in the evening, Sherry seemed hesitant and withdrawn but as it got later, she seemed to relax. Priscilla didn't have to do much arm twisting to get Sherry to agree to visit the island tomorrow, since we had spent the day recovering onboard the ship. We weren't leaving until six in the evening tomorrow so we would have plenty of time to do a little sightseeing.

We called it a night around ten. Sherry was obviously tired and we were planning on getting started early. After undressing, we snuggled until she fell asleep.

I stayed awake for a while, though. It felt like every minute that went by, I was more convinced than ever that we needed to find a way to stay together. I just didn't see how we could make that happen in Harlingen. I wasn't sure she would be willing to leave, she had worked hard to build her business, and leaving meant starting all over again. That was a lot to ask.

Sherry woke me up with a kiss, several in fact, since I managed to sleep through the alarm. "You didn't sleep well?"

"I did, just thinking about what we're going to do when we get home. After the last few days, I don't want to go back to the way things were."

"I know. I think about it too sometimes." She sat up and pulled me up beside her.

"We've still got a few days. We'll figure something out." Sherry led me into the shower, where we once again spent more time making out than getting clean.

Throughout the cruise, we had kept our phones turned off. The only time Sherry turned hers on was to check her email before dinner and she would turn it off again. Since she hadn't checked it last night, she checked it before we left.

She began typing furiously, her face scrunched up as she concentrated on what she was typing. When she was satisfied with it, she tapped the screen with a flourish and put her phone away. Whatever it was, her mood seemed lighter. She didn't share and I didn't ask, assuming it was business.

St. Thomas was a really nice place. We walked, we ate, and we took a shitload of pictures. Alton and Priscilla had invited Chris and Mark along and the six of us had one hell of a lot of fun.

We made it back with plenty of time to spare. Since we were still in port, dinner was clothing required. As they would for the remainder of the cruise, Chris and Mark joined us. Sherry was in a bubbly mood throughout.

We had excused ourselves after dinner, as the other four were going to one of the smaller bars below deck to play trivia games. We found ourselves sitting in the aft observation deck, watching the island slowly recede as we headed back to Miami.

The yellow status light was lit by nightfall. There weren't many out and about after dinner, either they were exhausted from the island excursions or they were off playing. We had the place to ourselves as we lay curled up together.

"Have you thought about moving, leaving Harlingen?" The sound of her voice startled me, it had been quiet for a few minutes as we watched the view.

"It was an option but I hadn't considered it much. I wasn't sure you would be willing to." I gently kissed the top of her head.

"Would you?"

"Yeah, if that's the only way we could be together and we could afford to live there. It would have to be the right situation, really. Would you?" The all-important question.

"Yes, I would." She was quiet for a few seconds. "I got an offer yesterday. One of our clients is looking for a leasing specialist for their business outsourcing division. I've worked with them a couple of times before."

"That sounds cool. Where is it?" I was hoping for Hawaii, even if it was prohibitively expensive.

"I would be based in Kansas City. I wouldn't make quite as much money but it comes with benefits I'm paying out of pocket for now, so I think it's about the same."

"What do you want to do?"

"I'm interested. One of the team has a husband who works for another company. They're looking for someone who's familiar with twin plant operations. It's a management position, you'll be an assistant to a VP. I need a copy of your resume and a link to your LinkedIn profile if you're interested. They're going to send me a job description for you to look at."

"I appreciate it but I could have found something on my own."

"I know but this is a start. It's a better job than the one you have now. It pays more with better benefits." She was doing her best to convince me.

"Say we both get hired. What are we telling everybody?" I had no idea myself.

"That these people had been after me for a while, I've wanted to spread my wings, but I didn't want to go alone. This other position was open, it's perfect for you on paper, and it's the only way you can move up the ladder. We're still young and we should try something different."

"Mom's not going to be happy." One of us was going to have to address that elephant in the room. I guess it was going to be me.

"She knows I'm struggling now. I can't go back to working with Ernie, there will be too many expectations. He won't ever leave Harlingen, he likes being the big fish in a small pond. Leaving will help me get over what happened."

"What about the commercial business?" There really wasn't anyone capable of stepping in and handling it on their own yet.

"Ernie wants to go back. Yoli and Imelda can cover what I did. Bob and Mom are starting to plan for retirement and they wanted us to take over. Ernie will do just fine as long as he has good help."

"So all I need to do is learn how to tie a tie and ace an interview? Piece of cake."

"You know how already. You in?" Sherry rolled over to look at me as she asked the question.

"It's a good thing I don't change jobs a lot. I have a copy of my resume in the cloud already. I'll forward you the link to my LinkedIn."

I melted at her smile and got hard with her kiss. It wasn't long after that that we were on our way back to our cabin.

As opposed to the last two times we had sex, tonight we made love. I took my time undressing her, making sure to kiss her neck, her stomach, and her thighs before even approaching her pussy. I went slow, teasing her with the tip of my tongue over her distended lips, gently circling her clit, and slowly tongue fucking her before repeating the cycle.

When she finally came, she rolled me onto my back to ride me slowly while she teased herself. As soon as I started to breathe harder, trying to fight the oncoming orgasm, we rolled over so she could wrap her body around me and hold me as I orgasmed. If there was a recording, I'm sure every other sentence we said to each other was "I love you." I don't think we could say it enough.

The remaining days of the cruise, we spent a lot of time hanging out with our newfound friends. We went to a few seminars, did lots of tanning, and ate more than we should. Much to the disappointment of everyone, we didn't play again below deck. Sherry had temporarily gotten it out of her system so we just made love at night before falling asleep in each other's arms.

My video interview was scheduled for the Saturday morning after we returned. Sherry worked on her pre-employment package off and on, finishing up shortly before we docked in Miami.

The trip home was uneventful. Sherry was back to prim and proper in Dallas. Landing in Harlingen brought home a harsh truth.

We weren't the same people who left the week before. My first clue?

After getting off the plane, I had to carry something in my hand on whatever side Sherry was walking on. Even then, I caught myself wanting to grab her hand or put my arm around her. She did the same thing.

The second sign was more ominous. In a way, it was probably for the best.

We had been expecting Mom to pick us up, but instead it was Ernie. He took one look at us and I knew from the look on his face that he knew. Sherry stiffened next to me, she knew him as well as I did.

"Hey," He just stood there with that fucking smirk on his face.

"What's up?" I spoke before Sherry could.

"I talked Evelyn into letting me pick you up." If anything, he was smirking even more.

"Do I want to know why?" Sherry stepped up and gave him a hug, which surprised me.

"There might be hell to pay." The eyebrow lift said what he didn't. Sherry started to blush.

"Fuck." All I could do was stand there.

"Obviously." Ernie stuck out his hand and I shook it. "Let's get your bags and get out of here."

We collected the bags quickly and walked out to his truck. I climbed in the back seat out of habit.

"I'm sorry, Ronnie. There were better ways of doing what I did." Ernie was apologetic.

"Yeah, I know. There were a lot of things none of us handled well." Sherry laughed.

"I guess if I had to lose, at least it was to you." Ernie grinned at me in the rearview mirror.

"I don't think you lost, I think you dodged a bullet --" I made sure I was sitting where she couldn't reach me.

"Hey!" Sherry tried to swing at me anyway.

"She's really high maintenance." Ernie laughed along with me while Sherry pretended to be offended.

"I should have seen it a long time ago. If I had, most of this wouldn't have happened. Would've saved a lot of trouble."

"It eventually worked itself out." Sherry tried to cheer him up.

"Not quite. What are the two of you going to do now? People who know you aren't stupid. I can tell and so will they, especially if they see you together." Ernie addressed that to me.

"I don't follow, man."

"You're different now, you walk different, you look different, less tense, you just feel different. You can blame the vacation for a while but sooner or later, your mom is going to figure it out. My folks will eventually figure it out. I don't think they're going to be happy for you."

"We're going to leave Harlingen. We have to." I hadn't considered the effect on us personally. It would be hard for us to be together staying here.

Sherry explained the offer she received and the possibility of a new job for me. Ernie thought it over for a bit.

"That could buy you a little time. You'll need to avoid each other around the folks until you go. I'm not going to lie, it benefits me, too. But I'll still hate to see you both leave."

Ernie pulled up in front of Mom's house. Fortunately for us, her car was nowhere to be seen so we weren't obligated to go in to see her.

We moved our bags to our respective car and exchanged a chaste hug before going our separate ways. Ernie followed me home.

"I wanted to talk, just us." Ernie was still Ernie, he wasn't acting any different.

"Sure, come on up." We went up to my apartment and I unlocked the door. He went in first and I gave him some room, just in case.

"Look, I know, okay? The only thing that surprises me is that I'm not weirded out by it. I'm not telling a soul anything. We're practically brothers. I understood why you were pissed and I had it coming. I really want you both to be happy."

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