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"I'm sorry, I haven't slept well the last couple of nights," she apologized. "I was afraid this might go really wrong."

"The idea takes a little getting used to. It's not every day the most amazing person you know tells you they're in love with you. I never thought about what to call how I feel about you. It makes sense, though."

My hand had been rubbing gently over her stomach and Sherry placed her hand over it. She guided it down through her neatly trimmed pubic hair until my fingers encountered her wetness. After that, my fingers developed a mind of their own, gently exploring as she rolled onto her back and we began kissing in earnest.

Her hand snaked inside my boxers to gently stroke me in time with my gentle strokes around her pussy. She helped me remove my shorts and boxers, eventually straddling me as I ran my hands up and down her sides, occasionally toying with her nipples.

We managed to line up my cock with her entrance and she slowly lowered herself as we continued to kiss. It felt incredible. When she had taken in my entire length, we lay there, staring into each other's eyes.

Sherry then started moving slowly back and forth while I fondled her breasts and we kissed some more. Her pussy was a velvet lined sheath, sliding on my shaft in ways I never experienced before.

My voice croaked when I warned her I was about to cum. She slowed her pace even more, dragging it out for as long as she could. When it arrived, all I could do was arch my back, trying to get as deep as I could as the streams of cum surged inside her. She looked happy and at peace as she did her best to milk me dry.

She gently lowered herself on top of me as I lay there gasping for air. I had never experienced an orgasm that intense before. We gently kissed for quite a while afterward while we cuddled.

"I think we're going to need to eat, Sher. We haven't had anything since we left Dallas."

On cue, her stomach rumbled, causing us both to laugh. "True, it's been hard for me to eat lately, too."

"Let's grab a shower and see if we can get some good seafood somewhere close."

"I'd settle for any food." She didn't seem to be in any hurry to get up, though. Her weight felt good against me. Eventually, she did move so we could answer the call of nature and we showered together.

Ninety minutes later, we were down in the lobby asking the desk clerk about restaurants within walking distance. He gave us a list they had prepared but his personal recommendation was a little hole-in-the-wall place a couple of blocks away. It wasn't as expensive and the food was every bit as good as the more famous places.

He did not lie. Dinner was beyond incredible. Most of the customers looked to be locals, the Spanish was faster than I was used to and there were some phrases I couldn't catch.

After we finished, we walked back to the hotel slowly, enjoying the sights and sounds of our little section of Miami. Throughout our little trip, we were pretty much attached at the hip. There were a few times where I felt a little self-conscious because I was out in public, my hand in places most people probably wouldn't touch their sister.

These people didn't know who we were and the thought that it was our little secret turned me on. I had never thought of myself as a rebel or nonconformist, I didn't go out of my way to fit in, either. I just followed the rules.

With Sherry, it was different. From the second she walked out of the ladies' room in DFW, something changed. Our little talk when we got to the room this afternoon only clarified things for me.

Back inside the room, we had started to change out of the dressier clothes we wore for dinner. Sherry stopped thoughtfully and looked at the T-shirt in her hands.

"Fuck this, we aren't going anywhere or seeing anybody." She tossed the shirt on top of the suitcase and shimmied out of her panties. "I'm not wearing clothes until tomorrow."

Hell, yeah. I stripped down right along with her. I was already a little hard from thinking about how illicit our relationship felt and seeing Sherry nude wasn't helping. Watching her massage her breasts finished it off, though. I had seen a couple of my previous girlfriends do it but it didn't have the same effect on me that watching Sherry do it was creating.

Sherry walked suggestively toward me and pushed me back into the chair next to the bed. She placed my hands on the arms of the chair. "No touching."

She then started teasing her nipples and letting her hands roam over her body. She had been aroused when she started but her little show was obviously turning her on just as much as it was me.

My cock lurched as she slid her fingers between her legs, and I went to stroke it. She stopped me, placing the pad of her foot against my hard-on, blocking access.

"No touching, baby. Not me and not yourself. Be a good boy, now."

I've seen my fair share of female masturbation videos in my life, they were my preferred medium for jerking off, but watching Sherry drove me crazy. Maybe because she was really getting off on getting herself off in front of me. Between the sounds her fingers made playing with her pussy and the scent of her arousal, it took every bit of my self-control to not jerk off myself.

Her first orgasm left her shaking in front of me. Using the arm of the chair and one of my knees for support, she knelt in front of me and gently inserted the fingers she had used in her pussy into my mouth. I was so hard at this point, it was doing a little dance in time with my heart rate.

Sherry switched hands, sliding her left hand between her legs while using her right palm to spread my precum over the head and shaft of my cock. She ran her tongue around the crown while keeping eye contact and then slowly slid her lips down over it.

Her hand started working its way up and down the shaft as she bobbed up and down on the head. I could hear her left hand working her pussy, keeping perfect rhythm with her right hand and mouth. The sensation was indescribable.

Again, I fought to keep my hands on the arms of the chair. I was so turned on, I wanted to grab the sides of her head and violently fuck her mouth until I emptied my balls. What I did do was moan her name. A lot.

To this day, I've never figured out if she was timing my orgasm or hers, but she seemed to sense when I couldn't hold back any longer and her pace picked up. Less than a minute later, my hands were painfully gripping the chair arms, my head was back, and I was shooting what felt like rockets of cum into her mouth as she bounced up and down, moaning and squeaking as she orgasmed right after me.

We were both unsteady as I helped her to her feet and guided her toward the bed. After pulling the covers down, we climbed in and snuggled, I lay on my back with her draped over me.

"I love you." Her whisper was followed by a heartfelt kiss. I didn't care that I had just busted the nut of a lifetime in her mouth, I kissed her back.

"Not as much as I love you. I can't believe how you make me feel." I wasn't overstating it. I felt invincible in that moment.

"I feel --" Sherry paused and then continued. "I feel things I don't know how to explain. I feel in love and I feel, I don't know, dirty. Bad girl dirty. Like I'm doing something bad but I'm not going to stop because it feels so good. I feel alive, like I just became aware of things I didn't know existed until now."

"I think I get it. I feel, for lack of a better word, naughty. Like I'm getting away with something. I'm not supposed to have these kind of feelings for you, never mind what we're doing with each other. All during dinner, I kept looking at people and thinking 'I have a secret' and it made me horny."

We laid there for a while before I asked her, "Does it scare you, too?"

Sherry sighed and nodded. "A lot. I don't think there's any going back. It's all or nothing and it's the nothing that scares me the most."

"We have a week to figure it out before we have to deal with people who know us."

"I know. Just so you know, I lied about changing the cruise reservations. If I couldn't seal the deal tonight, I was going to do whatever it took to make it happen on the cruise."

I started laughing. "I completely forgot about that."

"I hope you brought a lot of sunscreen." Sherry gave me a tight squeeze and we both drifted off right after that.

Her alarm went off just before sunrise and we watched the sun come up over the high rises between our window and the beach. We made slow, sensual love before hopping in the shower and ordering breakfast from room service.

We hadn't opened the complimentary bottle of champagne so we packed it with my stuff. After one last look around, we settled the bill downstairs and took an Uber to the cruise ship.

I had the feeling something was up because Sherry was a little more playful and handsy than yesterday.

For starters, the ship wasn't nearly as large as I anticipated. There wasn't anything wrong with it, it was just small compared to the giants berthed around it. Once we provided the necessary documents and receipts, I found out why.

It was branded as an adults-only cruise. In every sense of the term. A crew member explained the rules as she guided us to our cabin.

The ship was divided into zones. If the conduct permitted in a particular zone was offensive, we were expected to stay the hell out of it. No shenanigans zones were clearly marked.

There were status boards mounted conspicuously throughout the outside areas of the decks. Green lights were for anything goes, yellow was for clothing required below the waist, and red meant street clothing required, usually only lit when getting ready to dock and while in port.

The highlight event for this cruise was Nude Day and all guests were encouraged to attend the party that evening with the captain as master of ceremonies. There would be food, drink, and "games".

Sherry brought me on a sex cruise. It was a good thing I actually brought a lot of sunscreen, raising the question of was it going to be enough?

She could barely contain her laughter when we reached our cabin. "You should see your expression right now. If Bob were here, he would tell you that you look like you can't decide whether to shit or go blind."

"I can't. Where did this come from?" I really didn't get it. Sherry had never been an exhibitionist in any sense. Yesterday in DFW and today had really been the first time I had seen her display that much skin in public. She wasn't a prude, her jokes could be just as off-color as anyone's, but she always dressed conservatively. I wasn't complaining, not at all.

Today's outfit was a postage stamp-sized bikini top and tiny shorts that left no doubt she was a natural born brick shithouse. I'm pretty sure our Uber driver was stroking himself on the trip over. If he wasn't, he should have been.

Sherry sat on the side of the bed, bouncing up and down to test it. "It's a little funny, actually." I sat down in one of the chairs.

She looked up at the ceiling. "Remember the trip we took to Vegas a couple of years ago?" She meant with Ernie, since the two of us had never visited Las Vegas together.

"Yeah. You wouldn't shut up about how much fun you guys had."

"Well, we went with these people he knew from one of our business deals. The first night, they invited us to this club. I didn't want to go at first, I thought the guy was creepy, but Ernie insisted. It was a sex club."

"You can say his name, Sher. It's not going to bother me." She had hesitated saying Ernie's name, as if she thought it would upset me. It wasn't, he was history.

"I was kind of freaked out, the weirdest stuff I had seen before that was your porn collection." She paused her story, "How did you think I knew playing with myself would get you off?" All I could do was turn red while she laughed.

"I didn't know he was into any of that stuff. We wandered around while the other guy and his wife tried to talk us into doing stuff together. He would have but I wasn't comfortable with that couple. Actually, any couple. I really liked watching the women tease the guys, like what we did. We found a room that wasn't being used and tried it. He didn't like it as much as I did."

She was getting turned on as she recalled those events, her nipples were denting the fabric of her top and she rubbed her thighs together occasionally. "One thing we both liked was fucking each other in front of other people. They had a room with windows, like you were on display in a zoo. They had one with one-way mirrors, too. I didn't have to worry about people trying to touch me, that was a turn-off for me. By the time we left, we were members and I had a little bracelet that meant no touching."

"I'm guessing they have something like that here?"

"Yes. Did you want one?"

"Absolutely. The only person I want touching me is you."

Sherry pulled out two elastic type bracelets from the packet we had been given when we boarded. "I figured you might. There are a bunch of different colors and they mean different things. The rule is if you don't know for certain what a particular color means, ask the person first. These mean no inappropriate touching unless specifically okayed by the wearer." I extended my arm and she fastened the bright red and yellow striped bracelet around my wrist. I returned the favor.

"If anyone does anything inappropriate, they'll be confined to their cabin for the rest of the cruise, banned from returning, and reported to law enforcement if required. These people do not play around."

"I'm only planning on being inappropriate with you."

"You better be."

"Yes, dear."

Sherry laughed. "You'd better get used to saying that. I like how it sounds."

Departure was scheduled for three this afternoon so we went in search of something to eat and explore the ship a little. The main restaurant wasn't open yet but they had a little sandwich place on one of the lower decks that made them to order. I wished they had a place in Harlingen, it was that good.

As it was, we didn't untie until closer to three forty-five, a connecting flight was late getting into Miami so they held the departure until those guests could be checked in. Once they had all that settled, the harbor pilot took the ship out. The cruise line had thoughtfully provided an explainer in their packet, outlining the process.

Once the pilot was back on his ride to return to port, the status lights went from red to yellow. A crew member explained that we were still close enough to other passing ships that it was a courtesy to families on personal watercraft. Topless individuals were encouraged to stay away from the railings, though, just as a precautionary measure.

Sherry was out of her top the second the light changed from red to yellow. I willingly covered her in sunscreen, making sure to really get the places where she didn't have a tan yet. She covered my exposed skin in sunscreen as well, occasionally running her hand inside the leg of my shorts to keep me erect.

"Um, this might be a stupid question, but what happens if I can't get rid of this?" I slid my hand over my bulging shorts, sort of pointing to my hard-on.

"Nobody really pays any attention to it. A lot of guys will be doing that for the entire cruise, probably. Once the novelty wears off, you'll probably be okay. I kind of hope it doesn't, but I can fix it if it does anyway."

We sat on deck chairs in one of the common areas, catching some sun. As people walked by, I noticed that she was right. There were quite a few men who were obviously aroused. I actually expected more gawking at Sherry but pretty much all of the looks she drew were done respectfully, nobody stared and nobody said anything out of line. I spent most of my time watching Sherry's tits sway back and forth as she moved.

I finally softened by the time the green light came on. Slowly but surely, there were more and more passengers wandering the passageways and deck nude except for some sort of footwear. I would still start to get hard, almost at random, but if I concentrated on my conversation with Sherry, it wasn't that much of a problem.

Sherry helped me remove my shorts when the light changed, promptly grabbed the sunscreen, and proceeded to jerk me off in the name of sunblock application. There were small towels available to catch the resultant cum. "See? It's not that big a deal."

It wasn't, we weren't the only ones enjoying ourselves. I made sure I did my due diligence in reciprocating. Sherry reminded me that this was okay in the section we were in but there were other sections where it was not welcome. We checked out the included map to familiarize ourselves where the "no-play" zones were.

By nightfall, we were starving. We returned to our cabin to shower and then made our way to the main dining room. We were standing and talking about things we could do tomorrow when we were interrupted by an older couple.

"Sherry? How are you?" The lady looked to be in her late forties or early fifties. She had wisps of gray lightly streaking her otherwise jet black hair. The man with her appeared roughly the same age, except he was completely gray. They looked genuinely happy to see Sherry.

"Alton? Priscilla? Oh my God, it's so good to see you!" Sherry was actually happy to see them, too. "This is Ronnie." I shook hands with both of them. She had done an amazing job of keeping her figure and he had remained in relatively good shape as well. I made a mental note about working out a little more regularly if we were going to be doing this very often. I was just a little pudgy around the middle.

Priscilla had eyes nearly as dark as her hair as she looked me in the eyes before turning to Sherry. "This one is better suited for you, honey."

Sherry blushed a little, "I know."

Alton just laughed as Priscilla lightly touched my upper arm. "You two make a cute couple."

"I'd like to think so," my response made her laugh with Alton and Sherry.

The hostess came over to ask if the four of us would like to be seated together and the women answered "yes" simultaneously. I sat across from Alton and the women sat across from each other. Alton was one hell of a storyteller and he kept us entertained throughout dinner, mixing stories of their youthful indiscretions with a few stories about the night they met Sherry at the Las Vegas sex club. They made no mention of Ernie by name, they just referred to him as "the gentleman she was with".

After the entree plates were removed, the ladies excused themselves. "Priscilla knew from the moment she met Ernie that he was not the right one for her. She thinks, and I agree, that you are infinitely better for Sherry than he was. I can see it in her face and the way she acts." He leaned forward and motioned for me to come closer. I had to strain to hear what he said, "Take good care of your sister, Ronnie, and she will take good care of you. The two of you are perfect for each other."

I stammered out, "How did you know?" We didn't look alike and we never mentioned our relationship during our conversation. Unless Sherry said something about having a brother and they just happened to remember. I was still caught off-guard by the remark.

"I don't know how Priscilla knows these things, she just does. She noticed it the minute we saw you in the waiting area. You can relax, we're not going to say anything to anybody. Love is hard enough to find as it is, it's not our place to steal yours." He straightened up as the women returned. "Things are what they are. Fighting it is futile, you may as well accept it."

Alton and Priscilla told a few more stories during dessert and coffee. To my complete surprise, dinner had lasted almost three hours. I found myself liking both Alton and Priscilla. They excused themselves after finishing their coffee, explaining that they had a playroom reserved for eleven and they needed to pick up some things from their cabin before then."pegging literotica" - mom, sister and me quarantined on ship"adult erotic stories""incest literotica""bald pussy"trans breast forms femdom.storythe-oedipus-files-of-dr-gonzalez-ch-tentacle erotica "please let me cum""family incest porn"daphne and carl at the juniperjanitor fucking boss sex storiesAshson literotica slaves ja liebster fick deine mama geschichte"accidental anal"soul calibur ivy literotica"literotica trans"gay time stop stories literoticadaddy daughter making a slut sex stories nonconsent"incest literotica"literotica.comliteerotcia beach poopNaive teacher of winston, sex storiessuuny blue litorica tagprison latex gloves literotica bend over"wife fuck"literitica gay learning to make love first timelyricsmaster gerichtloving and dutifull son tabo sexstories"daddy sex stories"Mommy the family cunt muncher literoticmr logan stories ezhibitionistliterotica meganockersBLUES WOMAN SIX HOUSE BOY AND FOCKlitrotica small breast vampireliterorica sister panty"literotica stories"মা ইন্সেস্ট বড় গল্পplease loosen these cuffs literoticaA naughty seduced her father[incest sex stories_xhamster.comNon consentement le prince de chair"literotica incest""pegging literotica"literotica trickinh naieve coworkerQUEEN YAVARA-ADRIANNA-FREE NOVELS ONLINEdan and the paki milf hungwhiteboy'caught in the act' incest confessionNEIGHBOURLY SURPRISE CH. 06 PT. 05firefighter son incest fuck stories"free adult stories""pretty pussy""literotica tefler""free adult movies"multiple orgasm from thick long cock and she pass out literoticamother cares taboo sexstories"mom sex story"Kaceyloveingtonliterptica delicious student"adult xxx stories"Successful incest literoticaglistening+cock+iliteroticaliterotics"sleeping blowjob"F b breastfeeding incest stories"literotica sissy"/s/my-older-neighbor-2"adult sex stories"literotica "dick that size"/s/adventures-of-robin-and-rachelthe witch next door daughterof1917Dad fucks me after My mother erotic storiesMy descent into slavery ch04