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Uncle Jack Gives Lessons Holly

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Innocent Holly learns how to give pleasure to her Uncle.
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Chapter One

On the morning of her 19th birthday, Holly came downstairs to find a small gift-wrapped box with her name on it; opening the box she found the key to a vehicle. Parked outside was a new Jeep. Holly was beside herself with excitement. "Oh Momma, how can I thank you, what a wonderful present."

Momma sat her down, "I'm pleased you like it; it's a present from your Uncle Jack. However there's a reason you'll need the Jeep. You're going to Uncle Jack's lodge, Holly. It's time you saw a bit more of the world, you'll learn new skills and help your Uncle with the horses and your Uncle will be there to show you the ropes and guide you.

Holly had been home schooled and only mixed with others when she went to town with her Momma or Grandpa She was obedient and happy to help all she could at the ranch. She could ride and roundup livestock as well as any of the ranch hands and she was good at keeping the accounts. Growing up Holly had spent a lot of her time with her Grandpa and when she worked the ranch she was usually in the company of a family member. Momma had kept a close eye on Holly.

Once incident in particular gave Holly's momma cause for concern. When Holly was fifteen she had gone to the barn. Momma had been outside working the vegetable patch and was expecting Holly to come and help her. Exasperated and wondering what had happened to the girl, she went looking for Holly. In the dim recess of the barn she could see Holly sitting on one of the ranch hands laps. Old Bill was giving her daughter a cuddle, whispering, to her. Holly had looked very comfortable in his lap with her arms around his shoulders, giggling at what he said. Momma had spoken sharply to Holly and told her to go inside the house. The ranch hand never returned to the ranch the following season. Holly's Momma couldn't bring herself to talk to the girl about this but she worried about Holly, she was very innocent for her age.

Holly considered that while she would miss the ranch she would like being with her Uncle Jack. He was her handsome uncle, tall and brown from his outdoor work, intelligent and he had travelled. He had gradually built up a high-end retreat, which consisted of 20 luxury chalets dotted around a small lake. Each chalet could accommodate up to 10 guests. They were furnished and equipped to the highest standard and included, Internet access, masseuse and spa type services, maid services were on hand and groceries could be delivered to the door.

Activities such as pony trekking and fishing guides were available for those that wanted to be a little less private. An evening meal of good quality was prepared in the lodge house restaurant and bar for those that preferred some fine dining.

Holly arrived at the lodge, dressed in a pair of cut off denim shorts, sneakers and a pink t-shirt. After the 8-hour drive, she was feeling a bit dusty and tired. She parked the Jeep and walked up the steps to the lodge, suitcase in hand. Dropping her case she and stood on the veranda, calling out, "Hello, it's me, it's Holly!"

Uncle Jack came striding out of the lodge smiling at his sweet niece. "Hello girl, happy 19th birthday, hope you like your present." Picking her up by the waist he gave her an enveloping hug and encircled her sweet curvy body and petite frame with his arms. She wrapped her legs and arms around his waist and he whirled her around, just like he did when she was younger.

Laughing, Holly's long auburn hair swirled out around her, " Oh Uncle Jack the Jeep's a dream. Thank you for the present. Jack twirled her around again laughing. Holly protested lightly, "Uncle Jack, put me down, I'm too big for that now!"

"Ahh baby, you'll never too old to be picked up by your Uncle Jack. I bet you swot boys away like bees to a honey pot." He tickled her and she pressed in closer to him and wiggled.

Holly pouted and looked at him through her lowered lashes, a blushing blooming on her cheeks. "Oh Uncle Jack, to tell the truth, I couldn't be bothered with boys.

Uncle Jack looked at Holly intently. He tried to remind himself that she was his niece, but he was very aware of what a sexy little thing she was. Her innocent blushes made that chemistry even more alluring. He pulled her by the waist closer to him and nuzzled her hair and stroked her arms. "So your Uncle Jack's girl. My princess - huh?" Holly licked her lips, shivering ever so slightly. She was conscious of her Uncle Jack on a different level than when she was growing up. She liked the way he looked at her. It sort of made her feel warm and aware of parts of her body that gave her delightful sensations, it made her heart beat a little faster.

She had these tingling sensations before. In the warm months, just after her 18th birthday, she would take a break from her chores and have a daily swim in the creek. Grandpa would come with her. She had always swum naked. Grandpa had always said that swimming naked was a natural thing to do. "C'mon Holly girl last in the water is a rotten egg". They would both strip off their clothes and jump into the cold water and Grandpa would cuddle and squeeze her in the water, his fingers lightly touching her. Sometimes when they had finished playing and swimming, his pole would be sticking out and Holly would ask why. Grandpa said that sometimes his pole woke up and when it did it would just stand to attention. Holly had giggled at that. Her Grandpa would laugh. Afterwards they would sit on the grass, in the warm sun, drying off, eating their sandwiches and Grandpa would tell her what a lovely girl she was. She had liked that and missed how he fondled and kissed her and she missed sitting in his lap. He made her feel like she was the centre of his world and when that happened a warm liquid pool would form in her tummy. Grandpa had been a fit man from a life in the saddle. She thought he looked good naked for an old man, brown from a life outdoors with the ropy muscles you get from hard work. She missed him. He'd been roping a steer last year and his heart suddenly gave way. Sighing, she shook off these thoughts and expelled a deep breath.

Uncle Jack tickled her. "Penny for your thoughts baby girl." Uncle Jack's arms felt good around her. She loved the glints of silver in his dark hair, his strong body and rugged countenance, he reminded her of Grandpa and she loved how good he made her feel!

The words rushed out of her, "Uncle Jack, I want you to be proud of me and I want to please you and do well. I was just thinking about how much I miss Grandpa and it got me to thinking about how handsome you are and how much you remind me of him. She blushed. She looked into his eyes her eyes wide open and voice low. "I'm a little bit nervous. The kind of work you do here is different to ranch work and I'm not at all experienced in meeting the kind of guests you have. But Momma said, if I worked hard for you and did as I was told, that you would teach me what I needed to know!"

Uncle Jack stroked her back and his moving hands lightly brushed the side of her pert rounded breasts. "Oh baby, you sure have grown into a special, special girl. Yes we have to look after our guests, work hard to meet there needs but we'll have fun too." He put her down and gazed with appreciation at her long hair, green eyes and smooth skin. Holding her face between his large hands, he gave her a long deep kiss on her mouth and then released her. "Oh you're a lovely sight."

She raised her fingers to her lips startled by the kiss. Did Uncle's kiss their nieces like that? Quickly he moved on.

"Come on I'll show you were you'll be staying." Taking Holly by one hand he picked up her suitcase and walked into lodge. Holly looked around seeing the large fireplace, wooden floors, good quality furniture and rugs. It had a small boutique housed near the reception area. Holly could see that it sold riding gear and variety of clothing, some of which appeared to include swimwear and lingerie.

Uncle Jack continued talking as they walked down a long corridor to the apartment. "We've prepared for eight guests who will be accommodated in three of the chalets. One of your duties will be to meet them at the dock at the lake, when the plane lands. Their luggage will be transported to their accommodation by the trekking ponies and cart. The guests then get transported up to the lodge for a champagne reception. You will need to check them in, make them feel welcome and determine their needs. Some of this may have already have been pre-booked and organised. Initially you will shadow Toby one of the staff who does hospitality and he can answer any questions you have about your day-to-day responsibilities. The staff will arrive in a few days time and the guests are coming to the lodge in 10 days, so we have a lot of work to do."

Jack continued talking as they arrived at the door of the apartment were Holly would be staying. All the guests will be having a meal in the evening at the Lodge and you will serve if your not doing a pony trek. We'll go out with a couple of guests for the trekking and you can learn the ropes. Holly said nothing while Uncle Jack talked but tried to take in what he said. Still not exactly sure how she would determine the guests needs she felt far from confident about her new role.

When they arrived at the apartment, she was shown the kitchen, and living area and given a comfortable bedroom, which shared an interconnecting bathroom with her Uncle Jack's room. A veranda was accessed through double French doors in the living room. It was large enough to have a Jacuzzi, two lounging chairs and a trellis that provided some shade and privacy.

"Holly honey," said Uncle Jack, "why don't you get unpacked and freshen up, I know you've had a long drive over a rough road to get here. I'll meet you down at the lake for a swim. If you haven't brought any swim things, I always have spare for guests. I'll leave you a couple of outfits in the bathroom."

Holly unpacked and remembering her Uncle's words smiled ruefully to herself. I guess they don't swim naked in the creek here, she thought. She went into the bathroom and picked up a sky blue and white bikini. The bikini bottoms had ties at the sides, so it was easy to adjust to her fit. The little patches of blue and white, fit over her breasts leaving just a little of the rounded smoothness displayed. Conscious of the time she walked hurriedly down to the lake.

It was just getting on for 2pm when she met Uncle Jack down by the lake. Jack was already in the water and waved her in. "The water's cold when you first get in but it's clear and clean water and you get used to the temperature. C'mon we'll swim out to the raft, pointing to a floating platform moored out some distance on the lake."

Jack climbed on board the raft first and pulled Holly up after him. He hugged her and then kissed her cheek. Holly was conscious of her Uncle Jack's body the developed arms and shoulders, the water glistening and running through the black and silver hair on his chest, the smell of him and the hardness of his manhood pressing against her through his swimming trunks.

Holly had that tingling feeling again. When her Uncle Jack pulled her closed her nipples brushed against his chest and she felt them hardened. The warm pulsing in her pussy felt good but she needed to wiggle. She pressed her pussy against the material of her bikini bottoms.

Holly wanted more from her Uncle than a quick hug. She moved closer into his body. Unbeknownst to Holly, Uncle Jack was struggling with a tide of feelings. From the moment he had seen his gorgeous little niece, he knew his feelings for her were not what an Uncle should have about his niece. But like the ocean tide he felt pulled into a direction that was not of his own volition. It was like he was responding to something deeper. Holly was like a drug to his senses. He could not stop touching her.

Uncle Jack stroked Holly's back, then massaged her shoulders. He lightly ran his fingertips down the full length of her arms again he ran his hands over the smooth skin on her back. Pulling her to him he gave butterfly kisses on her ear and her neck. Releasing her slightly he held her loosely in his arms. Her nipples puckered and jutted out the nubs highly visible through the thin material. Uncle Jack looked down at her breasts and then into her eyes. Quickly he turned her around and clasped his hands around her waist and gently tugged her into him. He brushed her long hair over one shoulder until her neck was bare.

Hugging her to him, Uncle Jack made small talk pointing out the chalets dotted around the lake, the Eagle diving for fish, and the good spots for catching trout. Holly tried to keep her end of the conversation going but felt overwhelmed by the bodily contact with her Uncle and the sensations tingling through her nerve endings.

Uncle Jack interspersed his conversation with kisses on her earlobe and the soft spot between the neck and shoulder. It was almost like he wasn't aware of what he was doing as he talked about the lake and the lodge. Holly's mouth was dry her tongue darted out and she licked her lips. She felt suspended in a state of electric tension. Her body felt like it was crying out to be touched and stroked. The closeness of her Uncle's body and the kisses he was applying to her neck and earlobe, made her feel weak at the knees, her cheeks were flushed and her mind held a confused jumble of thoughts and images.

"Uncle Jack," she whispered, "I need to ask you something." Holly thought it was easier to ask him when she didn't have to look him in the eye. She continued, "I have a tingly feeling in my nipples and my pussy and I feel very moist."

Uncle Jack groaned softly and Holly noticed his breathing had changed, he pulled her closer to him. She could feel the outline of his manhood become rigid and it pressed deeply into the top of her bikini bottoms.

"Holly did your momma never talk to you about the sensations and feelings you have growing up and what men and women do together to express their feelings for each other?"

Holly shook her head from side to side. "No Uncle Jack, I guess she was too sad to talk about these things after Daddy passed and it was difficult to talk to her as I got older."

"Holly you're a grown women you have needs like most women and men in the world, like we all do."

Uncle Jack moved over to the wooden sun-lounger and pulled Holly down until she nestled on his lap. "Holly I want you to kiss me and I'll kiss you back." Honey leaned over and kissed her Uncle's mouth gently on the lips. Jack groaned, what an innocent! Leaning into her, he kissed her lips and then gently sucked on the lower one. He parted them and explored her sweet open mouth with his tongue. Reluctantly he released her mouth.

"Holly, baby look down and then feel what you've done to your Uncle Jack." Holly parted her legs. Uncle Jack's bulge was pressing into her bikini bottoms near her pussy lips. Her pussy felt like it was throbbing against his manhood. She felt so moist, she blushed wondering if her Uncle could feel how warm and wet she was.

Reaching between her legs, her hand rested on her Uncle's large bulge. She squeezed experimentally and felt the hard shaft grow in length. Her eyes widened. "When I went swimming with Grandpa he told me his pole sometimes wanted to come out and play; but he never told me that it happens because a man kisses a women. Your bulge looks much bigger than Grandpa's did. "

Uncle Jack, paused a bit stuck for words. "Ermmm Holly honey, did Grandpa ever get you to feel his pole, er penis?"

"No Uncle Jack, he didn't, Grandpa just liked to tickle me when we went swimming."

I bet the old bugger did, thought Uncle Jack.

"Well Holly, when a man is aroused his penis or cock goes stiff and it feels really good when someone as lovely as you feels his cock. Girls and women get aroused too and when you feel aroused your nipples tingle and your pussy get's moist. When you feel aroused it feels like you want to wiggle and there's a reason for that too.

"Baby girl, have you ever felt your pussy? Have you ever had those tingly feelings before?" Holly didn't answer. She blushed. Uncle Jack looked at her and smiled widely. He spoke a bit more firmly to her. "Holly be honest, these are natural feelings, nothing to be ashamed of. Honey, tell me have you ever felt your pussy?"

Holly looked up at her Uncle Jack and smiled she felt good that the feelings she had were normal. "Yes Uncle Jack, in truth, at night when I'm in my bed, I play with my nipples, I rub them but I want more. My fingers slide down into my pussy and I rub and rub. Sometimes when I rub it feels really good and I get wet but other times I feel kind of frustrated, like I'm in need of something else but I'm not sure what to do."

Oh my precious girl. Uncle Jack thought to himself. Clearing his throat, he continued. "Well I can show you what you can do about the feelings you are having. Uncle Jack can teach you. Would you like me to do that Holly?"

Looking Uncle Jack in the eyes, Holly nodded her head up and down. He kissed her lips, gently sucking and nibbling on her lower lip, brushing her nipples through the cloth. She squirmed on his lap. "Holly, honey undo your bikini top for Uncle Jack". Holly pulled the string that held up her bikini top. It fell to her waist. Her pert, pinky, red nipples jutted out on her small rounded breasts. Uncle Jack swung one of Holly's legs over his body. She sat straddling him. The bulge in his swimming trunks seemed huge pressing against her pussy lips. She wiggled and unconsciously arched her tingling pussy and it came into closer contact with his cock.

Jack groaned softly, dipping his head down he tongued her nipples gently grasping both her breasts in his hands. He licked and gently nipped the jutting nubs. Holly jumped a little at first. Uncle Jack stroked Holly like she was a nervous young filly, murmuring low words of praise, making her feel beautiful and loved. "Oh baby, my special girl, you have such beautiful little breasts. I love your nipples. Do you like Uncle Jack kissing and sucking your perky nipples? They look so fine."

There was a silence. "Baby talk to me, Tell your Uncle Jack when you feel good and what you like. It's ok baby. Good girls tell their Uncle what they like. Do you understand, Honey?"

Holly looked into her Uncle's eyes and whispered, "Oh yes, Uncle Jack that feels good. No one has every sucked my nipples or touched me the way you do. I never thought that I could feel so good." Uncle Jack kissed her swollen lips and swirled his tongue around hers. One hand moved to cup her pussy over the cloth of her bikini and he gently rubbed her outer lips with his thumb, rocking her gently as he did. She gasped as he continued to rub her pussy. The pressure of his cock against her pussy as he rocked her made her pussy juices flow. Gently then more firmly he rubbed his unshaven chin across her nipples grazing them, making the sensitive tips tingle again and again; sending an electrical current of pleasure to her pussy. He could feel her moisture and heat through the cloth of her bikini and feel her quickened breath and increased heartbeat.

Staring at her intently he moved his hand to the bare flesh of her inner thigh stroking the soft skin. "Holly, Uncle Jack wants to feel your naked pussy. Would you like that baby girl? Would you like to feel your Uncle Jack's fingers stroking your pussy?"

Now that Uncle Jack had explained she felt she had a better understanding of her feelings and she trusted her Uncle, it was ok for her to tell him what she wanted. What he was doing felt so much better than what she could do herself. She loved her Uncle Jack and she loved what he was doing to her body.

"Oh yes, Uncle Jack I would, please, please stroke my pussy," moaned Holly. Quickly, Uncle Jack, pulled the tie at one side of her bikini bottoms and then the other. Sliding one hand around Holly's waist he lifted her up slightly, and pulled her bikini bottoms off. He looked at the small mound of light brown hair neatly shaved now glistening with the inner moisture from her honeyed passage. Placing one large hand on her pussy he massaged the outer lips, kissing her deeply, possessing her mouth with his tongue. She groaned and arched her back, moaning softly as she tightly grasped the back of the sun bed, behind her Uncle's head. He slid his finger into her soft moist, cleft and softly stroked.

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