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Under the Desert Moon

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Two couples spend four days in the desert, and it gets hot!
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Background: Rob and Anne are both 35 and have been together since highschool. They have only been with each other. Anne is very conservative when it comes to sex and has reluctantly relinquished to Rob's sexual desires to have sex in secluded places, like on a hike, or where they almost assuredly will not be caught. Occasionally, he has coaxed her into a quickie on a hotel balcony, late at night, when it is dark. Almost 100% of the time these circumstances only happen after she has been loosened up with a drink or two. Anne is always concerned with being "bad" but inwardly likes the mischievous rendezvous that turns her on in the moment. Still, she holds back and truly never really "lets go". Over the years she has also come to share with Rob her fantasy for them to be with another woman. Anne struggles with this fantasy and feels that it is bad and unhealthy for their marriage. Rob, in turn, loves this side of Anne and wishes she would let go and feel more free to explore her fantasies.

The following story is adapted from real events that happened years ago over the course of a weeklong vacation.

Day 1 Late Morning

It was an opportunity that could not be passed up. Rob and Anne had not been away from the kids in years. They were just coming out of the stage some call the trenches of parenting. Their three kids had taken so much energy and time for so long that the moment of relief had finally come. Their youngest was old enough to stay with grandparents and that was exactly what was about to happen. Rob had secured an incredible deal for four nights away in Palm Desert. Now, all he could imagine was Anne in her sexy bikini for 4 days straight!

While it would have been fun to be alone for four days, Rob and Anne invited their friends, Matt and Beth, along for the trip. It would be great getting adult time to catch up and not be interrupted. Matt and Beth were at the same point in life and in desperate need for an adults only vacation. Both Beth and Anne had been working hard to come back from their pregnancies years earlier and were definitely up for a vacation spent lounging by the pool, margaritas in hand. Anne, with long brown curly hair, stood at 5'5" and 125 pounds with nice juicy C cups. Beth on the other hand was slightly skinnier at 5'6", blonde, 115 pounds and perfectly formed B cups. Both women were head turners in their own right and had worked extremely hard to reclaim their bodies from the grips of motherhood. Both Rob and Matt had come to appreciate the bodies of their wives and secretly had also enjoyed the other's whenever a side glance could be taken. As for the men, both came in around 5'11" and 175 lbs. They actually could pass as identical twins if it weren't for Rob having seasoned brownish grey hair and Matt being dirty blond. Both guys were in decent shape and would be considered fit.

The property was gorgeous and intimately private. This was the fourth time Rob and Anne had stayed here. The inside was large and open, decorated with taste and a colorful modern touch. The crown jewel was the backyard and the ambience it created. The cozy retreat was surrounded with vine covered walls that were easily 8 ft high which created a secluded compound, separate from the outside world. Just off of the pool was a covered lounging area, complete with misters and lush green plants. To the side there was a glass fire pit with two large double chaise loungers with thick cushioned pads. These things were like two full size beds. Couple all of this with fountains, overhead string lights, outdoor speakers, and you had the setting that would provide the complete relaxation these two couples sought.

Rob and Anne arrived late in the morning. Without the kids, there wasn't much to put away and organize and they quickly found themselves in the pool. Before too long, Rob was skinny dipping and trying to get Anne out of her suit. Anne struggled to let go and relax but the vodka tonic was slowly taking effect. She knew how hard Rob had worked to pull this trip off but inside her mind was still elsewhere.

"Come over here!" Rob coaxed, "You need to let go, they are totally fine."

"I know, I will get there! Especially with drinks like this." She said, holding up the glass in her hands. Taking a deep breath, she walked over, casually removing her top and crawling up next to him on the double lounger. "Hey there big guy!"

Rob maneuvered himself up on his knees and pulled her legs around so that he was between them. His wicked grin definitely betrayed his intentions.

"I do love this lounger. It's like having an outdoor bed!" he said. "We gotta get one of these for the backyard!"

"We definitely have enjoyed it over the years haven't we!" smiled Anne. "And no, this would not be used at our house, mister! Vacations only!"

He locked his eyes onto hers as he grabbed the sides of her bikini bottoms and started to pull. She lifted her hips allowing him to easily remove them and slide them off. Usually she would have protested but surprisingly did not. Her legs butterflied to the side as she watched him sink back onto his stomach before her awaiting pink flesh. She closed her eyes and enjoyed his hot breath as it descended upon her. Rob started slowly, kissing and gently pulling at her pussy between his tongue and lips, moistening them with each pass. Anne's body shook with a warm sensation as he started to lick and gently suck. Rob knew how to pleasure a woman and to take it slow and build up tension. Her hips started to grind and as he pressed into her firmly. He gripped her and pulled her tightly to himself as he feasted. Her legs wrapped around his back and she brought him in more and deeper into herself. She began to grind on his face as her body locked into an intense orgasm. Rob could sense it and lifted her body up, magnifying his movements as she climaxed. As she came down from the intensity, he gingerly kept licking and kissing her knowing that anymore pressure would be too much. He rolled over next to her as she breathed deeply, melted away in the afterglow of ecstasy.

"Oh babe, that was so incredible. I just want to lay here. Give me a sec and I will take care of you too." she said with eyes closed.

"No worries love, enjoy the moment, I can wait! I love staring at your naked body. I could eat you out for hours." he smiled wickedly while running his fingers over her stunning body now moistened with sweat.

He was hard and the tension was building. Rob had been thinking of this exact moment for weeks and the thought of waiting any longer was tormenting him. Taking his cock in hand he began to rub her pussy lips with the bulging head. Slowly, while rubbing up and down, the object of his desire parted and he, inch by inch, began to slide himself in. With his thumb he applied pressure to her button and leaned forward slowly, inch by inch, projecting all of his length into her. Rob pulled out to the tip and then again plunged deep within, enjoying the moment and the sensation. It was more than the physical sensation. It was the atmosphere, her glistening body, the hot sun, the moment of seclusion from everything. In, out, in, out. Slowly but methodically his cock slid, pumping and pulsating with each thrust. Her head was turned to the side, mouth open, eyes shut. With his left hand he reached down grabbing her nipple between his fingers, pinching it. Her gorgeous tits bounced to the rhythm of his thrusts.

"Oh, fuck! Fuck me!" Anne moaned, her eyes rolled back, mouth open in delirium. Rob found himself surprised by her language and openness to sex outside. She was never quite like this, there was no hint of modesty or reluctance. The orgasm ripped through her again as she pushed his hand away from her clit, the sensation overwhelming.

Rob grinned knowing he could keep this up, relishing the intense orgasms he knew he could command by simply touching and knowing her body in just the right way. He pulled all the way out, her pussy juices glistening on his shaft and him sinking back down onto his belly. Her pussy was so sweet and fresh that he wanted to taste it again. He wanted to feel her intensely grinding out another orgasm.

Just then, an incoming text alerted them that Matt and Beth were at the neighborhood gate. They were here. Anne sat up grabbing Rob's face in her hands, "I'm sorry love to leave you hanging. Tonight, I promise I will take care of you just like you have me. I am not even sure I will be able to walk to the door, everything tingles all over!"

"Ugh! Of all the times they are early!!" Rob groaned.

Day 1 Afternoon

It took half an hour for Beth and Matt to get situated in their room and meander out to the pool. Rob already had the first round of margaritas ready and was putting fun hawaiian tunes on over the outdoor speaker system. Beth was her usual self and very conscious of her body. She had a swim cover on over her suit and held herself in a way that clearly showed she was nervous. This was always the case with her even though she had a rocking figure and guys were always drooling over her. She just could never see herself the way others did. Anne was in the pool's lounge area, sitting in a radodondak chair halfway immersed in the water. Beth stepped into the pool and took up the chair next to her. Matt launched into the deep end and shot back to the surface next to his wife just as Rob brought over the first round.

Rob picked up his glass in a salutary fashion, "To an amazing and long awaited vacation with these two extremely beautiful and sexy fine women!"

"Yes, you two look so hott!" Matt agreed, "Thank you guys so much for having us along, this is exactly what we needed!"

The glasses clinked and the boys jumped into the pool while the girls turned toward each other lost in conversation. Before too long the drink started to take effect and added with the heat, Beth stood up to peel the cover off. Her body was incredibly tight. She had on a very classy black bikini that was not overtly sexy but definitely looked good on her. Rob and Matt were both having a tough time keeping their eyes off of the girls.

Rob felt as if he was going to go crazy. All he could think about was sex and both of these women in front of him were almost too much. Tonight he told himself, tonight, you can wait until tonight!

Day 1 Evening

"Dinner was amazing Rob, I think I ate too much!" Beth chuckled, "No, I can tell I ate too much! If I keep this up I am going to put on 5 pounds this week."

Rob shot back, "Well go ahead and go for thirds cause I have a fun game for us all to play tonight that will burn some serious calories! It is a surprise so don't ask for any details just yet."

Beth looked at Anne. "What is he up to? There is no way I am playing strip poker!"

"I have no idea. This is the first I have heard about it and don't worry, the only strip poker being played for him will be with Matt!" Anne chuckled.

At this point Matt chimed in, "Hey buddy, what's the game? You aren't holding out on me are you? Surely I can be in on the secret."

Rob just smiled. "Don't worry, it is a blast. You guys will love it. Now go get your suits on and meet me in the pool. I will be there in 5 minutes to teach you the rules."

***Rob had played greased watermelon years ago in college. He had been visiting his buddy in Arizona when he learned the game. Essentially, a watermelon was coated in Crisco and thrown into the middle of a dark pool. The two teams then battled to get the watermelon to the opposite side and lifted onto the ledge. The watermelon could only be passed along under water. The dark, non lit pool made it very difficult to track the slippery fruit. As the game wore on it resembled more of a wrestling match than anything. The best part for Rob was the girls wearing bikinis. Often clothing became optional as the game became very physical and things were pulled off in the melee. This made the dark pool even more mysterious as hands and bodies were getting all mixed up.

Day 1 Night

The yard was mesmerizing at night. Lights accented the vine covered walls and spot lights accentuated the lush landscape surrounding the pool. The night was pitch black and the only sounds were from the fountain cascading into the pool and the music coming out of the speakers. The pool was dark, no light at all.

Kerplunk! Rob jumped in with the watermelon.

"What in the world are you doing?" Matt quizzed.

Beth and Anne both reached out to touch the watermelon and in chorus recoiled after feeling the odd exterior, "Eww, disgusting!"

Rob quickly described the game and much to his disappointment it was clear the girls had some serious doubts.

"Give it a chance will you? I promise it will be fun." Rob pleaded.

"I am down brother! Let's crush the girls!" Matt goaded them as he tried to grab the submersed melon from his wife's hands.

Beth quickly launched out of the water, leaping onto his back, as she twisted him down sideways. "Oh, it's on buddy!" she yelled.

The first point went to the boys. While Beth wrestled with Matt, the melon was passed secretly back to Rob. He took advantage of a hesitant Anne and rushed the melon down to the end of the pool for an easy point. The rest of the points would not be so easy as Anne's water polo skills would quickly come running back along with her competitive nature. The claws came out so to speak!

The wives stuck to guarding their own husband for the most part. Both guys were getting physically assaulted by the girls. Rob could tell he was definitely bleeding or scraped from ripping nails. Matt was in the same boat. Both guys were loving it. Each took the opportunity to grab his wife under the cover of darkness in some very sexual areas. A few times a bikini was inadvertently pulled down. This only emboldened the girls to be more aggressive themselves.

The boys were up 7-6 with a "win by two" rule now in effect. Rob broke free with the melon. Anne, not willing to lose, stretched out trying to catch him. All she could grasp was the cuff of his trunks. She pulled with everything she had in her. Soon Beth was there and her hand had found fabric as well and the shorts were down at Rob's feet as he was trying to kick free for the winning point. Anne launched his shorts out to the side of the pool and leaped on his shoulders sending him down into the water gasping for air.

Rob broke the surface, shaking Anne off of him. "Oh! So that's how you are going to play! Matt they ripped my trunks off!" He shouted.

Matt replied with laughter, "Dude, mine have been floating around in here for like five minutes!"

Rob grabbed Anne completely ignoring the melon. She pushed and kicked away from him heading toward the goal. He grabbed a hold of the back of her bikini and off came the top. She twisted around clutching at the front trying to keep it on. He sent it sailing just as Matt grabbed the melon for himself. Anne was quickly on Matt's back putting him in a choke hold. He lost the melon to his wife Beth who stealthily tried to go underwater and out of sight.

Oh, no you don't Rob thought to himself, diving down and wrapping her up from the side. Immediately he could tell she had also "lost" her top as his right hand accidently clamped down across her breasts. His dick began to tingle with delight knowing she was topless. Holding her waist in his left arm he pried the melon away with the other. Beth was on him before he could take off with it. They were chest to chest and she tried to use her body to leverage him and twist him down into the water. Rob was immediately turned on and suddenly more concerned with the fact that he was getting hard with his friend's wife's legs wrapped around him while trying to take him out. Lost was the fact that she was trying to wrestle a melon away. All he could focus on was the smoothness of her skin and her breasts rubbing across his chest. He gripped her with one arm around her back and then two. He didn't even have the melon anymore but still she tried to get him under. They were in the shallow end so he stood with her attached to him. From the lights outside the pool he could see her body, her wet body. Her nipples were hard. Was she turned on too?

Before he could process what was happening Anne joined the foray and he was under water with both women immobilizing legs, twisting wrists, and plunging his head more toward the bottom.

This was the point where all modesty disappeared. The men were completely naked and both women were topless. Who was guarded or tackled didn't matter anymore. Both girls were all over whichever man had the watermelon and vice versa. Rob was playing with a raging hard on and could only assume Matt was probably experiencing the same situation. Twice, Rob thought Anne, though he couldn't be sure it was her, had grabbed his dick on purpose to get the melon released.

Then, just like that the game was over. Both girls were all over Matt which allowed Rob to grab the watermelon and swim underwater to the deep end for the point. Game over, boys win!

"Yes! Victory!" claimed Matt, arms high in celebration! "What do we win ladies?"

Beth, snatching up Matt's shorts, threw them in his face. "There's your trophy love! Don't rub it in, it is not good foreplay!"

"Oh come on, don't be a sore loser. That was a lot of fun!" Matt shot back while also holding up a bikini top. "I think you don't get this back! What do you think Rob? No tops back on?"

Rob stood and walked out of the pool to pick up his trunks. He had both legs through the holes and was pulling them up when he turned around. They were not quite all the way up and he flashed his manhood to anyone in the pool looking his way.

"Anne does owe me from earlier today!" Rob said raising his eyebrows in her direction.

"Oh, yeah? What's that about?" quizzed Beth.

To Rob's surprise Anne walked out of the pool topless and draped her bikini top on the drying rack. She walked over to the chaise lounge and sat down with her legs stretched out in front of her. She looked incredible in the lighting. Her skin was wet and her boobs were on perfect display. Rob could feel his dick swell with desire for his wife. He wanted to go over there and rip her bottoms off. He wanted to taste her again and plunge deep into her pussy to deliver his pent up sexual desire. Mostly, he was excited to see this carefree side of his sexy wife and her friend.

She replied to Beth. "Let's just say Rob pretty much kicked the vacation off with a bang, or several, but I didn't get to repay him my compliments, yet." Changing the subject she then asked with a pleading face, "Babe can you make me a cold drink I am worn out?"

"Yes, but you better not be that worn out!" Rob took orders and went inside.

Beth laid down next to Anne topless as well. Matt sat by himself in the other double lounger enjoying the unobstructed view. Neither woman was trying to cover up.

When Rob returned with drinks he passed them out and sat next to Matt.

"Damn, they both look so hot sitting over there. They are driving me crazy!" commented Rob.

"Never in a million years would I have guessed we would be sitting here right now," Matt replied and they clinked glasses.

"Anne can get a little wild when she is liquored up, but never has she been close to allowing someone else to see her topless. This really has been a very different side to her tonight." Rob stated.

"Same for Beth," Matt smiled, "she's never done anything like this before. I like it though, and the strong pour helps a little too!"

"Have you ever tried weed edibles before?" asked Rob. "We have tried them a few times and Anne goes fucking crazy! The sex is incredible, whole new level."

The girls must have heard the word sex because just then Beth turned around towards the boys and said, "What's this about incredible sex?"

Matt replied, "Rob is telling me about how they tried some edible chocolates and Anne turns into a sex goddess!"

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