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Under the Influence

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MIL and son in law find a cure for the munchies, each other!
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This story is semi-autobiographical. I have taken the usual writer's liberties with the situation and the sexual acts. Besides, it's hard to remember the details when you're high out of your mind!


Forty-five-year-old Carl Krone was higher than he had ever been. It was not so much the drinks after his weekly golf game with his buddies. Although he had several. It was the very potent reefer Jimmy Adams and he smoked in the car on the drive home. It was the most potent weed he had in years.

He touched the pocket of his shorts where he had the rolled joint Jimmy gave him. He could not wait to share it with his wife Hazel. In college and later after they married, they loved to get high and fuck. She was an animal under the influence of cannabis. A real three-hole slut!

As he dropped his clubs in the closet just off the garage door, the scrumptious aroma of frying chicken assaulted his nose. He realized that in addition to be high, he had a case of the munchies. He followed the aroma like bloodhound on a trail, his nose twitching.

When he exited the short hall, his 65-year-old mother in law, Sarah Crump stood over the stove turning the chicken. Her thick legs were bare; her feet encased in cloth slippers. Her signature flowered knee length cotton robe stretched tightly across her broad hips. One long braid of grey hair hung over her shoulder resting on her enormous breasts.

His addled brain momentarily cleared. He had forgotten she was spending the weekend while her husband tended to family business out of town. It was of no consequence. He had a good relationship with his in laws.

"Hello mother," he said, waving airily.

"Carl!" she said with mild surprise. "Hazel said you would be gone most of the day."

"Would have been," he slurred, "but they closed the course because of lightening warnings. So, we had a couple of drinks and called it a day. Where's Hazel?"

As Carl strode carefully into the kitchen, Sarah's nose wrinkled as it detected the familiar scent of cannabis. She smiled. She and her Jim toked. In fact, it was one of the things they did to add spice to their dwindling sex life.

She picked up her wine glass and took a sip. It was her second of the afternoon. She felt relaxed with a definite buzz.

"She's next door having coffee with Kitty Hamilton. The chicken will be ready in a minute. There is potato salad in the fridge if you can't wait."

She gave her son in law a wink and a knowing smile.

Even Carl's addlepated brain figured out she could smell the reefer in his clothes.

"OOPS! Sorry about that! Jimmy had some in the car, we toked and..."

Sarah held her hand up and waved him off. "Look, son, I was doing weed before you were born. Jim and I still toke when we can get it."

Carl ruefully shook his head. His in laws were not typical. They were tolerant. He recalled last night when he and Hazel, thinking she was up in her bedroom sleep, got busy down in the family room. Unable to sleep, Sarah came down to watch television and caught them 69ing. All she said was "Oops! My bad!" and left giggling.

Carl fumbled in his pocket, retrieved the doobie and handed it to her. "I need a shower. However, if you care to indulge..."

Sarah stared for a moment. She shrugged. "What the hell. Why not!" She took the proffered joint. She watched her son in law carefully climbed the stairs. The boy's got a cute ass, she thought.

Carl stroked his cock as he stood in the tiled walk in Kohler shower letting the steaming hot water cascade over his body. He thought about Sarah catching he and Hazel 69ing. It fed into one of he and Hazel's fantasies of being exhibitionist.

They were both deep into it, relishing the privacy they had since the twins were gone. They were both naked. Hazel lay on one side with her knee bent and her foot flat on the floor. Her leg formed a cradle he could lay his head in while licking his wife's pussy. Last night, he was sucking her clit with an index finger in her ass while his thumb was in her pussy. Hazel's guttural groans filled the room as he rocked his fingers back and forth, simultaneously fucking her anus and her pussy.

Hazel lay in a similar cradle formed by his legs. She languidly sucked his cock while her finger probed deep in his anus massaging his prostate gland. He thought he heard a sound but was too far gone to care. They could spend hours pleasuring each other this way. Each time one of them got close to cumming, the other would slow down. When they finally came, it was explosive and together.

In their younger days, before they had the twins, they fantasized about inviting someone into their marriage bed. They even joined a few swingers web sites. Those fantasies were put on the backburner when the exigencies of raising two rambunctious kids filled their scarce free time.

With them away at school, their sex life was improving. They were even again discussing inviting someone else into their marriage bed. Carl sighed, turned off the shower and stepped out. He took a towel from the warmer and dried off. He smiled as his cock bobbed when he dried around his shaved balls. Shaving each other was part of their new-found sexuality. Carl pulled a white knee length terry cloth robe from the warmer and slipped it on.

As he walked back into the kitchen, Sarah was bent over the kitchen table placing the platter of hot fried chicken on the kitchen table. The top of her cloth robe gaped open, revealing her humongous tits. An image of his cock sliding in the valley between her mountainous mammaries flashed in his mind

"They are just jugs, boy! Stop staring and come eat."

The smell of fried chicken competed with the sweetish odor of marijuana hanging in the kitchen. Carl felt the heat rise in his face.

"Sorry, mother! I'm still high and..."

"And horny! I know the feeling! That is some kick ass doobie!"

Laughing, he slid into a chair across from Sarah and loaded his plate with hot chicken and cold potato salad. Ravenous, they talked with their mouths full as they scarfed the food down.

Warm from standing over the stove, Sarah undid the top button of her housecoat. It fell open revealing a cleavage that rivaled the Grand Canyon. The unintentional tease mesmerized Carl.

"Gawddamit Carl! Stop staring at these old jugs and eat! You have seen tits before. My daughter has a nice set."

Carl's jaw looked like a chipmunk with its cheek full of acorns. One cheek bulged with food while he talked out of the other side. Chicken grease and potato salad dribbled out of his mouth.

"Sorry mother! Hazel's tits are nowhere near your size." He stopped chewing and looked across the table at his mother in law. He pointed with a gnawed chicken leg. "What...uh...what size are they anyway?"

Sarah stopped chewing with a spoon of potato salad halfway on its journey to her full mouth. "They are 44E," she mumbled around a mouthful of food. "Breastfeeding three kids and a husband made them and my nipples big."

Somewhere in their subconscious, in that part that acts as brake on untoward activity, an alarm went off. Its volume and import were dulled by the drinks Carl had at the golf course, Sarah's two glasses of wine and the potent reefer.

"Hazel has big nipples too."

Even as he shoveled the food in, Carl's cock hardened. Under the table, the head pushed through the opening in his robe. He recalled fucking his wife's breasts, his tool slipping effortlessly through her oiled cleavage.

"Not like mine! They're as big around as my thumb and just as long."

"Seriously?" Carl tried to divide his attention between the potato salad and his mother in law's tits. His eyes widened as she cleaned some potato salad that dropped into her cleavage. She pulled the robe away from her body and dabbed at it with a napkin.

Sarah sat her fork down. She looked longingly at the chicken. She licked her fingers clean causing her son in law's cock to jump at the suggestive sight. She undid two more of the buttons, opening her housecoat to her belly button and pulled out one big tit.

"See? Look at that nipple! It's huge!"

Carl stared with his full mouth open. "Damn mother! Your nipples are as big as MY thumb!"

Sarah picked up a chicken leg and ripped off a chunk with her teeth. What she said next was unintelligible.

"I'm sorry, mother. I didn't understand you."

She chewed hard several times with her mouth open, then swallowed. "I said put your thumb next to my nipple and let's see."

Carl raised partway in his seat and leaned across the table. He balanced himself on one arm while extending the other toward his mother in law's chest. He held his thumb next to his wife's mother's hard erect nipple. He was unaware, but she was, that the head of his cock poked through the opening of his robe. Sarah swallowed hard and licked her lips. My daughter is a VERY lucky girl!

"It's as long as the first joint of my finger but not as wide."

"That's because it ain't been squeezed," Sarah said hoarsely, "squeeze it and it will plump up."

The insistent sound of their subconscious warning alarm was still muted by the marijuana and alcohol. Carl took his mother in law's nipple between his thumb and forefinger. He simultaneously squeezed and pulled. His eyes widened in wonder as her nipple plumped longer and wider surpassing the width and length of the first joint of his thumb.

"See," Sarah croaked. Her head dropped between her shoulders, beads of sweat sprung out on her forehead. She twisted in the chair as her pussy pulsed. She rose from her chair, leaning toward Carl with her hands were palm down on the table, their plates forgotten between them.

Carl leaned farther across the table continuing to twist and pull Sarah's nipple. Its pliant hardness was fascinating. His wife had innies that never got this long or hard.

Sarah hungrily licked her lips as her son in law's hard cock poked through his partially opened robe. She trembled as her cunt flexed rhythmically. Her Jim did not get that hard anymore. Nor could he sustain an erection. The one thing he could do was make her cum by playing with her sensitive nipples.

A glistening drop of precum hung from the slit on her son in law's cock. Caught in the sensuality of the moment, fueled by inhibitions lowered by the combination of wine and reefer, she reached out and gripped it.

Carl hissed and looked from her hand stroking his cock to his hand mauling her nipples. He finally heard the alarm. He released her nipple and tried to sit back down. Her death grip on his cock prevented it.

"Mother," he croaked, "we'd better stop!"

Sarah had an underhand grip on Carl's cock. The head lay in her palm. As she stroked, his precum dripped into the palm of her hand. It was years since she had a cock this hard in her hands. She was certain she never held one as large.

"Yes...yes," she stammered, still gripping and stroking Carl's tool. She leaned across the table. The sides of her robe pulled through her plate. She continued leaning forward, smashing the food under her, until Carl's cock was near her mouth. She sighed as she took his pliant hardness in her mouth. Dear god, she thought, it has been so long, so long! Like a baby with a pacifier, Sarah's jaws went concave as she sucked Carl's cock.

Carl reached out and clutched his mother in law's head in his hands. He was not sure if he was trying to push her off his cock or fuck her mouth. His awkward position leaning over the kitchen table meant his movement was limited. Sweet Jesus, she can suck a dick!

It took a major effort but he was able to push Sarah's head off his cock. He fell back in his chair, struggling to catch his breath. Sarah fell back in her chair, gasping. Her robe fell completely open. Her blue veined tits lay on her chest like large pink watermelons.

"I...I' sorry! Dear god Carl what did we just do?"

"No mother! It was my fault! I'm sorry!"

Sarah took deep breaths, trying to recover. For the first time in years, she felt the squishy wetness of her arousal between her legs. She had not cum. Her pussy was a thing alive, spasming, creaming! She was close. So close!

"Let's cut the bullshit, Carl! We're adults. We had a moment. We won't burn in hell because you played with my tit or I sucked your cock."

Carl looked across the table at Sarah's huge blue veined jugs rising and falling in time with her labored breathing. His cock twitched and bumped the underside of the table.

"You have food all over your robe."

She glanced down. "Shit! I'm a mess! Would you get me a dish towel from the sink? If I stand the food will fall on the floor."

When he stood his cock sprang up between in the opening of his robe. Each time he pressed it down, it sprang back out. Sarah licked the chicken grease from her lips as she watched. The wetness of her pussy soaked her grey thatch, causing it to mat. Her cloth robe clung to her moist behind.

"No time for false modesty, Carl! Get the towel!"

He walked around the table, past Sarah to the sink. He grabbed a towel from the rack, turned on the water and wet it.

Sarah caught his scent as he past her. It was years but she recognized the aroma of an aroused man. You old slut! You just sucked your son in law's cock. What if Hazel walked in?

She felt Carl as he walked up next to her and handed her the wet towel. As she turned her head to take it, she saw his softening cock peeking through the opening of his robe. Instead of taking the towel, she took his cock and stuffed it back in her mouth.

Carl stood next to Sarah holding the wet towel in one hand and using the other to balance himself on the back of her chair. His hips pumped slowly in time with her bobbing head. He groaned when she pulled back, her lips glistened with moisture, her chin wet with her saliva.

"I'm sorry! I just can't get enough!"

"Stop apologizing, mother! If you hadn't sucked my cock, I was going to get on my knees and lick your pussy."

"Now that's something nobody's done in years!"

Sarah stood and took off her food stained robe. Her large breast lay heavily on her wrinkled belly pooch. Her butterfly pussy lips gleamed wetly between her full mature, surprisingly firm thighs. She put her hand in her son in law's chest and pushed him back. She knelt on the floor and then laid down between the table and the kitchen counter.

"Tell you what," she said with a devilish grin, "we don't have much time, lets 69 and do each other!"

His head spun as he looked down at his mother in law laying on the floor with her legs spread and her arms outstretched. Her iron grey neatly trimmed bush was soaked with her juices, her meaty pussy lips were swollen and glistened with wetness.

"Mother, we shouldn't do this! What about Hazel? What about your husband?"

"What about you stopping looking for excuses? If you don't want to lick my pussy, just say so."

Helen eased her index finger in her cunt. She slowly finger fucked herself while she looked up at Carl. I ain't been this horny in years!

He watched his mother in law's finger gleam with her juices as she slowly fingered her pussy. Unable to resist the sensuality of the scene, he knelt next her and turned head to toe. He was surprised at the intense aromatic aroma of her 65-year-old pussy. He slipped his tongue between her engorged cunt lips, French kissing her pussy. As he buried his tongue deep in her sopping wet hole, Sarah inhaled his cock sucking it deep into her mouth.

"Fuck! Sarah that feels incredible! Shit!"

"I took my teeth out. Jim says it feels much better that way."

"Jim was right!" On the bottom, Carl pumped his cock up into Sarah's mouth. He gasped as he felt it slide effortlessly down her throat.

Sarah grunted as she took his cock deep in her throat, relishing the incredible feeling of his hard cock bruising her tonsils. She opened her mouth wide and pushed down, gagging herself as she forced it deeper. Using an expertise learned through years of cocksucking, she breathed through her nose prolonging the time she could hold his tool in her esophagus. She hiccupped several times causing her throat to flex and contract. Her stomach heaved as she fought the gag reflex. Finally, unable to fight it off any longer, she grasped his cock and pulled her head back.

Sarah coughed explosively spewing saliva mixed with her son in law's precum. It splattered his pubic hair. As she struggled for breath, she felt Carl take one of her meaty cunt lips in his mouth. Using his teeth, he pulled gently.

"Motherfucker, Carl! Don't stop! Please!"

He buried his tongue deep in her sopping hole, savoring the smell and taste of her. Just before she pulled his cock from her mouth, he felt her throat spasmodically flex as she hiccupped. If he were not so high on the weed, he would have cum right then.

Carl licked the inside of her thigh and blew cold air over the wet part, watching goosebumps rise over her skin.

He continued French kissed her pussy, his tongue thrusting deep in her hot hole. His tongue slid up and flicked lightly at her clit, eliciting gasps from Sarah. While sucking her clit, he parted her pussy lips with his fingers, massaging her wetness with his thumbs. he eased the tip of his first finger inside of her, and then slid in another. Carl wriggled his fingers inside of her, feeling every inch of her surprisingly tight vagina. All the while he licked and sucked gently on her swollen clit, savoring her musky taste.

"Are you going to cum, boy? I want to taste you. We don't have much time."

"Mother, as good as that feels, I'm too high to cum."

"Would you cum quicker if you fucked me?"

Carl raised up, turned and sat next to Sarah. His cock glistened and pulsed in time with his rapid heartbeat.

"Mother, we've gone too far already. We need to stop."

Sarah stood. The room reeled and she reached for the counter to balance herself. The combination of the wine, reefer and intense sexual activity had her dizzy. She knew it was wrong. However, she was too far gone to stop now. She had to cum.

Sitting on the floor, Carl watched Sarah totter to the fridge. She opened it and fumbled in the vegetable drawer. Triumphantly, she pulled out a large green cucumber.

"Got it! I thought I saw this in here earlier today."

Bleary eyed, Carl watched her rinse it off in the sink. She knelt on all fours next to him. Using one hand while she balanced on the other, Sarah inserted the 10-inch vegetable in her aching hole. She did this often at home when Jim couldn't get it up. She grimaced as she fucked herself with the cucumber.

"Now, son, I want you to fuck my ass while I fuck my cunt."

"Mom, you're just like your daughter! A real three-hole slut!"

Her meaty ass flexed and relaxed as her pussy stretched to accommodate the huge cucumber.

"You talk too much, boy! Pour some of that cooking oil on my anus and your cock and let's get busy!"

Carl's cock slid effortlessly into his mother in law's tight asshole. As he stroked deep into her bowels, he could feel her fucking her cunt with the cucumber. The feeling was incredible. He gripped her ass with both hands, slamming her back into his crotch.

"Move your ass, mother! I'm going to cum and fill you with my jizz!"

"You talk too much boy! FUCK! I ain't felt like this in years. Fuck my ass!"

"Sarah, I'm cumming! I'm cumming!

"Slap my ass! Slap my ass! That's all I need to cum!"

As Carl pumped his juice deep in his mother in law's ass, he rained repeated blows on her meaty ass. He felt her contract as she came with him.



They didn't hear the kitchen door open. Speechless, Hazel watched her mother and husband as they came together on her kitchen floor. It was a horny and obscene sight. Her mother's big breasts swinging while she held the vegetable in her cunt and Carl fucked her ass.


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