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Undercover on Coruscant


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"I took a transporter to Coruscant in search of a dancing gig at the Outlander Club, but the positions were already filled up by the time I arrived," showed her vulnerability, knowing a being as predatory as Strugges couldn't resist the opportunity to take advantage. "I used up the last of my credits to pay for a month's worth of rent, but that was last month."

"And you needed a way to get credits before the next payment came up. Tragic story, but it's one I've heard countless times before down here." Strugges pretended to look sympathetic to Padmé's plight, but soon found himself glancing up and down at her, deeply impressed by what he found. "But a dancer, eh? You've definitely got the look, the Outlander missed out on a good little money maker. Tell you what, I'll make you a deal. If you join me for some fun and prove that you're built for more than just dancing, then I might have some work for you that'll mean you won't be out on the streets. What d'you think?"

"I don't think I'm in the position to turn anything down right now," Padmé gave the Jablogian a grateful smile, hearing the lock on the passenger's door open.

"Then hop in, give me a better look at you," Strugges pushed the door open for Padmé, keeping his eyes glued on her as she elegantly swept her legs inside, sinking into the Bantha hide leather seat. "You can say a lot of things about Naboo, but there's no denying that it produces some of the most enchanting women you'll ever clap eyes on. Let's get going, I can feel myself gettin' hard just looking at you."

Padmé felt a thrilling twinge course through her at the utterance of such a crude comment, one she fiercely tried to battle back given the sort of man she was dealing with. Strugges pulled away and gunned it, sending his customised speeder barreling down the deserted road, hitting a speed that forced Padmé back against her seat. Despite reaching speeds highly inappropriate for the short stretches of every road they turned onto, Padmé could still see the headlights of Sabé's airspeeder reflected in the rear view mirror, maintaining a reasonable distance as to not draw suspicion.

Strugges brought her a fair distance away from the spot he had picked her up from, quite unable to wipe the cocky smirk from his face as he navigated his way towards his intended destination. A ten minute drive brought them to a secluded alley nestled between what Padmé believed were a pair of old foundries, likely untouched from the day they were abandoned by the long defunct companies that once operated them. The speeder hovered beneath rows of gangways and footbridges connecting the two gargantuan structures, bouncing whenever it encountered the potholes that littered the tarmac road.

Strugges parked up beneath the extended arm of an old crane, partially lit by a set of heavy duty floodlights that miraculously survived centuries of constant use. The Jablogian deactivated the starboard repulsor generator and turned his portly form towards the modelesque woman, assessing her one last time before beginning his desecration of her.

"Kriff, you're even better looking in the light. Most girls in this particular line of work tend to hide their imperfections behind an inch of make-up, but you're just something else altogether," Strugges said, fiddling with the zipper tab of his expensive, yet ill-fitting pants. "Tell me, what's your name? I always like to be properly acquainted with the women I intend to get physical with."

"Pirsae," Padmé lied, ensuring her voice was deliberately meek.

"Pirsae. A name as beautiful as the woman it belongs to," Strugges moved a hand across to grasp Padmé's milky thigh, giving it a tight squeeze, wriggling a finger towards the hem of her short skirt. "You're proving to be quite the find, now I need to see if there's more to you than good looks. Let's see what you're made of."

Strugges stripped the upper half of his pants off and produced his swollen cock, which was almost two shades darker than his red hued skin. It was about as thick as his wrist, with a series of orangish bumps running along the base and around the crown of the head. A small compression of Strugges's finger and thumb caused a glob of greenish pre-cum to appear, glinting in the ray of light that streamed through the windshield. It sat in place, refusing to slide down the pulsating shaft, as if waiting for Padmé to lick it away.

Acknowledging the importance of impressing the Jablogian, Padmé set her purse down on the polished wood dashboard and twisted around, lifting her knees onto the seat to enable her to extend herself across to the driver's seat. Once she was within range, Strugges released his cock, edging his hips to offer it to the senator, expecting her to take the plunge; both literally and figuratively.

"Soft hands, I bet this is the first time you've actually put them to work," Strugges muttered when Padme wrapped her fingers around his manhood, leaning into the corner of his seat. Slowly, his body rose and fell with each pump of Padmé's fist, feeling her fingertips brushing along the ridges on his cock. "But my cock's looking for something with a bit more substance. Why don't you give it a little kiss? I want to see if those lips feel as good as they look."

"Okay," Padmé whispered, holding the hard member by the root, bringing it to an angle best suited for her position.

With the gap closed, Padmé protracted her tongue and gave the head a tentative flick, struck immediately by the taste of the Jablogian's sperm. It was stronger that anything she had ever encountered during her long and immensely varied sexual experience, enough to momentarily throw her off track. But a frustrated grunt from the rotund alien snapped her back to reality, putting her full attention on the task at hand. Swirling her tongue around the flare of the head, Padmé moved her lips to the top of the dome, sliding them down to encapsulate Strugges's cock-head.

"That's it, work those lips down it," Strugges ordered, setting his hand against the back of Padmé's head, hastening her descent. "Heh, say what you want about women from Naboo, but they definitely know their way around a cock."

Any other first time working girl would have struggled to accommodate Strugges's lack of patience. But Padmé had developed into somewhat of a renowned fellatrix among those aware of her deeply private affairs, something that always served her well during particularly aggressive negotiations. She quickly adapted to the speed in which Strugges forced her head into his lap, opening her throat when she felt his shaft rolling towards the end of her tongue, breathing steadily as it invaded her gullet.

"Well, it looks I've found myself a prodigy," Strugges chuckled darkly, running his slim fingers through Padmé's luscious hair. "Most newbies can't make it beyond the first couple of inches before acting like I'm trying to choke 'em to death. Must be a natural talent."

Padmé kept her eyes down, not wanting to give away just how experienced she really was in the art of fellatio, a skill she had honed with the help of countless Gungan warriors. It didn't take long before Padmé swallowed Strugges whole, holding her breath as the Jablogian revelled in having yet another Naboolian woman planted firmly on his member. Thankfully, Strugges pulled his hand away and gave Padmé a moment to catch her breath.

With a few lungfuls of breath, Padmé was able to lower her lips back down and swallow Strugges's saliva smeared shaft, working at her own speed as she bobbed along it. Once she had time to become used to its shape and size, she was able to develop a rhythm she felt would be most effective, sucking in her cheeks and dragging her tongue to ensure she didn't leave a single square inch untouched.

"You got more suction than a Sarlacc," Strugges hissed, bucking his hips forcefully, hammering the back of Padmé's throat in an attempt to find her limit. But when he felt himself edging ever closer to the edge, Strugges grabbed Padmé by the shoulders and shoved her back, using his elbow to his the release button on his door. "Get out! I'm gonna kriff until you're begging for more!"

Padmé watched the Jablogian roll his body out of the speeder, shuffling towards the hood. He gave her an expectant look, pointing sharply when she didn't immediately make a move. With her own excrement rising, Padmé opened her door and stumbled out onto the tarmac, listening to the rapid click of her heels as she dashed towards the hood. Without warning, Padmé felt herself being shoved once more, landing back on the sloped hood, with her head missing the blower by inches.

"Let me get a good look at what you've got down there," Strugges snatched Padmé's ankles and raised her toned legs skyward, forcing them apart to send her skirt rolling up to her waist. His tongue swept across his thin lips when he found himself staring directly at her dripping womanhood. "No thong? Certainly makes my work less of a hassle. Heh, if you weren't so pretty I might've mistaken you for an old pro."

Padmé lifted her head, observing Strugges bringing his swaying cock back under control, setting the tip between her labia. With a deep growl, Strugges lunged forth and shoved his entire cock into the Naboolian's tight tunnel with one single thrust, grinning when he flet her canal instinctively tighten around him. Without giving her time.to adjust to the sudden entry, Strugges began throwing his hips severely, resulting in the repulsors of his speeder straining to keep the vehicle level.

"So tight! But I wouldn't expect anything less from you Naboolian schuttas!" Strugges groaned, leaning across to flatten his wide body against Padmé's slender frame. Extending his long tongue, he dragged from Padmé's neck up to her painted lips, slithering inside. "Oh yes, I definitely think you're gonna be a good earner for me. Forget dancin', you know you're better equipped for whorin'."

Padmé closed her eyes and lost herself to the moment of carnal bliss, met with the cherished memories of her 'diplomatic trips' to Otoh Gunga. The setting she found herself in was a far cry from the wondrous glowing orbs found at the bottom of Paonga, it was a place completely devoid of life other than the creatures prowling the ancient factories in search of scraps. Yet, it only added to her ecstasy, it was a dirt-ridden location quite unbefitting of a woman of Padmé's class, just like the portly alien flailing between her legs. Despite virtuous reason for putting herself in such a position, there was no denying the pleasure it gave her.

"You like that? I bet those prissy men you have back home wouldn't dare to treat you like this, but I've dealt with enough of your women to know you're all schuttas at heart," Strugges persisted in his forceful undulating, even as it became clear that he was well on his way towards his summit. "Kriff, I'm not gonna keep this up for much longer. I hope you've taken the necessary precautions, because I ain't pulling out."

It was only by the vigilance of Sabé that Padmé had remembered to protect herself, not wanting to return from the encounter with more than a means of tracking down the stolen women. One last thrust smothered Padmé against the hood, leaving her with no way of shifting around when Strugges sprayed his hot cum straight into her cervix, filling it until it couldn't take any more. Subsequent bursts quickly leaked from Padmé's sex, coating her thighs and the hood below. A few more shallow pumps left the Jablogian entirely drained, resting his full weight on Padmé as he slowly recovered.

"Kriff me, I haven't cum like that in years," Strugges coughed, pushing himself upright. "What'd you think, girl? Reckon you can take treatment like that day after day?"

"I-I don't know," Padmé lied, having sustained significantly more abuse at the hands of the Wookies during her stays on Kashyyyk.

"Well, we'll find out soon enough just what you're made of," Strugges pulled his pants back up and ambled back towards the driver's side door. "Get in, I'll drop you back at your spot. You've got one day to pack up your things and meet me in the same place tomorrow night. After that, you're mine."

Padmé slid back into her seat and clenched her thighs shut, preventing a stream of sperm from dribbling free. Hearing the speeder power back up, Padmé began to form her plan, already in the midst of plotting the downfall of the repugnant creature sat alongside her. As shameful as her actions were, Padmé believed it was a necessary step to ensure that no more women would find themselves in the snare of Strugges Bakil. Padmé just hoped that it was a sacrifice that would make the galaxy a safer place for her future daughters, free from the blight of beings like Strugges. A sacrifice she hoped they would never find themselves having to repeat.


An eighteen year old Leia Organa stood awkwardly at the edge of the warped sidewalk, clutching her faux leather purse until the leather began to crumple between her fingers. She shifted her feet, trying to hold her balance as she stood in a pair of tall pink plastex heels. In spite of the neon pink synthex mini-dress that barely covered her body, the persistent heat of Kalpana Town continued to plague her, causing the thin material to cling to her body uncomfortably, an unusual sensation for someone who had only ever known a life of unimaginable luxury.

After weeks of planning, and the assistance of a reluctant Winter Celchu, Leia had managed to escape from her long-suffering tutor and bodyguard, Sabé. Convincing the Naboolian to allow her to attend the function of a faceless nobleman had been hard enough, requiring Winter's slicing skills to forge both an invitation and evidence on the holonet of the event. It was an elaborate scheme, but one Leia felt was worth the effort, especially if her plot went off without a hitch.

With rumours of trafficking rising within the Undercity, it didn't take long before stories of bright and hopeful women being dragged off the streets to eventually catch the attention of Alderaan's spirited Princess, especially when she discovered just how many women of Alderaanian descent had fallen victim to the growing exotic sex trade. It was a practice that had been brought to an end almost two decades ago, but with well over three dozen Alderaanian women being reported as missing, all from the same group of districts, Leia understood that the operation had been reestablished. Cognizant of the Empire's lack of care for the criminal activities taking place below the surface, Leia knew that direct action was needed if she wanted any chance of severing the head of the operations.

With her parents too distracted by the Empire's ever watching gaze, Leia understood that the responsibility of recovering and safeguarding the victims fell to her. It was that exact sense of responsibility that led to Leia finding herself waiting at the side of a quiet road, flanked by a number of sex workers waiting for their next paying clients to arrive. It was far from what she initially had in mind when she had started to put her plan into action, but Leia didn't care if it meant bringing some good to a galaxy increasingly clouded by the Imperial miasma.

A revving engine brought her attention to a speeder prowling along the road, one that had started to show its age. It had a dull, shabby blue finish, likely the result of years of weathering corroding the once vibrant paint job. Slivers of rust had built along the corners, more noticeable around the fenders, adding to the poor condition of the speeder. It came to a halt beside her, squeaking as the repulsors twisted into a stationary position. Ducking down, Leia waited for the tinted window to descend, bringing her face to face with the being responsible for coercing so many Alderaanian women into sexual servitude.

"Ain't you a pretty thing," the aged Jablogian grinned, still recovering from the collapse of his once lucrative business. Staring back at Leia, he was struck by her similarity to a girl that had once been his greatest earner, for the short time she had worked for him at least. Feeling a stir in his loins the likes of which he hadn't felt since the day he met the beauty named Pirsae, he rushed to open the passenger door, slapping the cracked leather seat invitingly. "Hop in."

"Thank you," Leia ducked inside, glad to at least find the speeder's air-con to be in working order, giving her a respite from the stifling heat. Seated in the vehicle belonging to the vile trafficker, very aware of just what she was about to let him subject her to, Leia hoped it wasn't something she'd live to regret.

"Don't think I've seen you around before. Otherwise, I would have already snatched you up," Strugges let out a hacking laugh at his half-joke, slapping a hand upon Leia's bare thigh, moving his fingers beneath her skirt. Nostalgia struck him at his discovery of her lack of underwear, sending his libido into overdrive. "Say, your mother doesn't happen from hail from Naboo, does she?"

"I-I believe she does," Leia shuddered, feeling a boney finger brushing her slit.

"Well," Strugges licked his lips, quietly thanking whatever entity had brought about his change of luck over the past few years. "Ain't that just a wonderful coincidence?"

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Good story. I mean, I 'm hanging out for the next instalment of Leia's Royal Performance, but Padme's adventures are fun. I like how you're tying them into a single universe rather than leaving them as standalone stories. And you really seem to be caught between having the girls emerge as victorious or fall deeper into debauchery. Which way will they go? Gonna be fun finding out!

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