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Understanding Nudity Pt. 01

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Jeannie explores exhibitionism and nudity.
8.2k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 09/16/2022
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I have always wanted to be naked. The thrill of the sun and nature touching my bare skin excites my senses, so I often spend most of my spare time seeking solace and enjoying the sensation; for most nudists, that usually means seeking out relatively obscure places to enjoy our desires away from the rest of society, the fiendish-clothed people. The thrill of discovery and acceptance rushes through my veins constantly while I am unclothed.

My wife belongs to this group; she detests my proclivities, sleeping nude, not owning any underwear, and roaming about the house and in front of others naked; I have to pick my naked times and associates carefully.

Part 1, Discovery


"Jeannie is stopping by on her way to college to visit for a week."

"Ok, it will be good to see her again." Jeannie is my wife's oldest daughter, who has lived with her father for the last three years since their divorce. She graduated high school a month ago, a week after she turned eighteen.

I hadn't seen Jeannie for a year; I was surprised that the skinny ninety-pound teen had grown as tall as me. She took after her mother. Her straight blonde hair reached well below her shoulders. Her legs were terrific for a teen.

She and her mother spent the day catching up on life until the wee hours of the morning. Jane was happy to have her daughter home for a while but wanted to change her dress code. Like most teen girls, she showed too much skin, she chose tightly cropped t-shirts that displayed her mid-section, and her shorts were much too short. The thin fabric did its best to conceal her derriere; the string beneath was hidden well between her cheeks.

"Jeannie, go put some clothes on. It's not proper to dress like that in front of Bron." I looked over to observe the issue and found her tall leggy physique acceptable. The half-inch of her cheeks peeping out below the hem was fine with me though I dare admit it in the present company; she could do with some sun. The cool chill of the indoor air conditioning made her tiny nipples exceed their natural state showing through her tight t-shirt.

My mind was busily attempting to conjure up an image of this pristine young virgin naked.

"Please have dinner ready for us tonight, Bron."

"Ok, I planned to grill steaks and asparagus. Does that meet your approval?"

"Yes, Jeannie likes her steak medium." Jane was working days, so she left for work shortly after that. I was home for my two weeks off between shifts.

I spent the morning doing chores around the house while Jeannie retreated to the privacy of her room. I could hear her talking on her phone all morning. Shortly after lunch, I left to pick up several items for tonight's meal at the grocery store. As soon as I returned, I began preparing the marinade for the steaks and getting everything ready to grill. Once I opened the grill, I instantly realized I had forgotten to clean it after the last use.

As I gathered the cleaning supplies, I noticed several ripples in the pool water through the kitchen window. I had not seen anyone outside when I drove in. After a closer look, I realized it was Jeannie. Walking out to check on her, she stepped out of the water; I froze at the edge of the garage.

My eyes focused on a spectacular nubile teenage body. I don't recall ever seeing a bathing suit so tiny. The two little triangles of cloth struggled to cover her small breast and a thong bottom that had lost purpose concealing the small number of blonde tufts that had escaped its grasp.

Seeing her near-naked body caused me to harden immediately. I couldn't let her see this, so I decided to leave and deal with the issue inside. A short while later, Jeannie stepped in, wrapped in her oversized towel.

"Oh, Mr. Bron, I hope it was ok for me to swim this afternoon."

I wanted to say, feel free to swim anytime, and by the way, no swimsuit is necessary, but my better judgment replied, "Oh sure, anytime."

"I better change before mother comes home."


Jane arrived home to find dinner almost ready and Jeannie on the sofa watching TV. She had a hard day at work, so a couple of glasses of wine filled the prescription for her stress. At ten that evening, her beeper started beeping.

"Damn, I have to fill in for someone at 5:00 AM tomorrow; you will have to keep Jeannie company again tomorrow."

"No problem, honey." The following day my eyes opened at 6:00 AM. I made my way toward my favorite early morning activity, coffee in the kitchen to watch the sunrise. Jeannie's voice unexpectedly addressed me as I meandered around the kitchen, sipping my caffeine.

"Mr. Bron, why are you naked?" as she studied the bare rump of her stepfather standing by the kitchen window.

A surge of adrenaline infused itself into every cell of my body; my penis enlarged straight to its limit. My stepdaughter just caught me naked. My mind went blank as I froze, attempting to find an answer to the unique situation. I had no idea what to do. Do I turn around? Damn, I am caught!

My anxiety and exhilaration were in a tug of war. Should I slowly turn around to make eye contact with her knowing that my penis would be in full view? Every molecule in my body was on fire. I had to do this. I was desperate to see her reaction; my nerves took control as I turned around, displaying myself.

"Jeannie, I did not expect you up so early. I am sorry about this. I love being naked; I hope I don't offend you by being hard; your presence excites me."

There was complete silence as she stared directly at every detail of the occurrence. Her shaky voice finally uttered, "I am so sorry, I never get up this early, but the scent of coffee woke me up this morning."

"Jeannie, would you like some coffee?"

"Does mom know that you go around naked?" struggling to make her timid voice understandable.

"Yes, and she detests it, badgering me constantly not to do this. I can't help myself; I love the sensation I feel when naked. I had not expected to see you up so early."

Jeannie's brain was confused; Mr. Bron was not attempting to cover up; he was standing there naked as if it was normal. "You look so relaxed being naked."

Her eyes roamed around my body as she sat in her seat, constantly focusing on inspecting the naked man's excitement. I decided to walk around the bar and deliver her cup, taking a seat on the neighboring stool.

Nudity had never entered Jeannie's young mind; this was overwhelming to her. Her body was filled with strange sensations. Her proximity to my naked body, seated next to her, captivated her interest.

"It looks so natural to you; I have never been around a naked man. Do you go naked anywhere else?"

"Jeannie, I am excited to share my affection for nudity with you, but your mother can never know any of this!"

"Ok, I won't mention a word; she doesn't even like how I dress normally!"

We talked for hours as I answered an exhausting array of questions from the young female novice. My body had never been this content. Sitting naked beside her was electrifying to my senses. She was learning a new subject, one that interested her.

Euphoria overcame me as we discussed my favorite activity. Her thin night shirt barely reached an inch below her maiden, showing all of her toned legs. Jeannie's tiny breasts peeked out through the large arm openings of her nightshirt as she twitched back and forth in her seat.

Feeling empowered by her tolerance of my nakedness, I decided to push my luck further this morning.

"I need to clean the pool this morning, so I had better get started. Would it bother you if I stayed naked? I don't get the chance to do this unless your mother is at work, so I hate to miss the opportunity."

"Oh, sure, it would be ok. Could I help?"

"Certainly." I proceeded to gather all my equipment. The sun felt so good on my bare skin this morning. The extra help would give me more sun time today. Jeannie eventually strolled out, covered in her large towel, and stopped to address me.

"I know mother would be freaked out if she saw me in this swimsuit in front of you, so best not discuss this with her, please."

Her suit appeared to be the same one I had viewed yesterday, so I held my knowledge of its tiny existence to myself. Her pristine female form sent several pulses of energy toward my groin.

"No problem, Jeannie, I think it looks great on you; take this hose and start vacuuming at the shallow end."

Watching her near-naked body working alongside me sent adrenalin rushing through me. My exhibitionist genes were fortunate today.

"Jeannie, you should probably use sunscreen; your fair skin will get sunburned quickly here in the south."

She sat down and lathered her body as I watched. "Can you do my back?"

"Sure." She walked over, turned around, and flipped her blonde locks away. Spreading the oil on my hands, I oiled her back, slipping my fingers under the small string of her top as I progressed, wishing it was not there. Her lean back soaked up every ounce of oil. The sensation was intense, lathering my stepdaughter's back as I stood inches away, naked.

We enjoyed several hours of sunning together. My state of exhilaration was out of this world; I had just spent most of the day naked with Jeannie, and it was ok with her.


Jane finally arrived home around 5:00 PM. "How was your day, Jeannie? What did your guys do?"

"Bron is so cool, mom."

My heart skipped several beats anticipating the unknown fixing to depart Jeannie's mouth.

"He showed me how to vacuum the pool today."

"Did he now? Well, I'm glad you did something constructive. I am off tomorrow, so you can help me with the dirty laundry you brought, and Mr. Handy there can wash my car." My angst finally allowed me to swallow once again. Jeannie had impressed me with her confidence.

The next day was a busy one. Jane and Jeannie spent most of it working on her massive pile of laundry. "My god Jeannie, your dad lets you wear clothes like this! This is not underwear; it's just string, and these shorts are much too short. Please don't be parading around in front of Bron dressed in these; it's not right to exhibit yourself!"

"Oh, mom, all of my friends wear stuff like this. This is like the only underwear I have."

My assigned chores outside proceeded along as planned. Jane's vehicle received its monthly wash, and the garage was tidied up. I fully expected to be attacked this morning by my wife after discovering my recklessness with her daughter. How long can a teen keep secrets? So far, Jeannie's conviction was intact.

"I am on days for a couple more days. You guys will have to entertain yourselves, ok?"

"Sure thing, mom; I'm sure we can find something to keep us occupied."

"Both of you can start tomorrow by cleaning the inside of the house; it looks dreadful."

Did I hear what I thought I heard? My mind was busy conjuring up the possibilities—the thought of having several days available to be naked and have a young audience overwhelmed my exhibitionist senses. Will my loyal liege confine our secret?


I usually dreaded boring housecleaning, but today I was overly excited; I could be naked all day with Jeannie! Coffee time was well underway as I anticipated what the day could bring.

"Good morning, Jeannie; let me get you a cup of coffee." Jeannie slumped into her seat, desperately needing energy while studying my nakedness.

"I wanted to relay my appreciation for not disclosing my activities to your mother; she would have blown a fuse."

"It's OK; I do things she would not understand either. After yesterday, I am getting used to seeing you naked anyway. I love to lounge around in my nightshirt most of the day. It's very loose and comfortable."

"So, it doesn't bother you if I am nude while you are here?"

"No, it's kind of cool. I have never seen a man's body naked in person, only in a picture."

"Jeannie, there is no dress code around me. You can stay in your nightshirt all day if you want."

"You are so cool. I wish my mother were so understanding. I will start in the kitchen and do the dishes."

"Ok, then I will clean the bar top and Swiffer the floors."

After I found the dust Swiffer, I returned to the kitchen to find Jeannie unloading the dishwasher. As she raised and lowered, putting the clean dishes in the cabinetry, her slender silhouette was easily seen through the threadbare shirt. The morning sun glowing from behind her made the cloth transparent. It was as good as being naked to me; the tiny thong struggled to conceal her vulva. I relished having a view like this to accompany my nakedness. I was comfortable not hiding my naked body; having someone who had no objections was even better; at last, an agreeable audience.

"Mr. Bron, can we swim today?"

"Sure, but I must wash my car before swimming today."

"Do you need help? I can help wash cars."

Our cleaning activities moved to the rear of the house, where we tidied up each room. Bending over, spreading the bed linens offered a perfect view of Jeannie's bare mid-section through the hanging neckline.

"Jeannie, do you drive?"

"Sure, I drive."

"Can you move my car back behind the gate? There is more privacy there."

"Sure, let me go change first."

Jeannie walked out wearing her bikini, moving the car accurately as I gathered all the washing supplies.

"Can I soap the car?"

"Please help yourself."

My naked body twitched enthusiastically as I watched my near-naked eighteen-year-old stepdaughter attempt to apply soap to the hood. Reaching as far as her arms would allow, she immersed her chest in the soap as her groin became saturated with the messy substance dripping between her legs,

"Mr. Bron, can you spray some more water up here?"

I might have sent more than she needed. The excess ran down her back, wicked to her tiny string, and disappeared between her two rear cheeks dripping off her thong. She turned and looked me in the eyes, smiling, "I wanted it on the hood." Jeannie was now officially soaked with soap and water. The cold water's glimmering reflection on her skin immediately raised my interest.

"Can you steady me on the step stool so I can reach the roof?"

I stood behind her, holding her waist as she strained to reach the furthest part. The tiny string of her suit accompanied my grip on her upper behind as she swabbed the roof. I was holding her bare cheek, and she was ok with it.

"I'm all soapy and wet now!"

Jeannie was becoming comfortable having a naked man nearby; it was nice having her nearby to tease my senses as only an eighteen-year-old could. I gazed in appreciation as she rinsed the car off, counting every drop of water as it rushed down her belly, saturating the ounce of fabric held in place by a tiny thread and quickly seeping into her thong.

"Yes, you are, but you have done a marvelous job. Let me hold the hose over you as you rinse the soap."

Jeannie stood inches from me as she ran her hands over every inch of herself, rubbing the soap away. I watched intently as she bent towards me, pulled her tiny top away just enough to rinse the soap off her small lumps, and then reached down to stretch the ounce of fabric guarding her pubis. The string between her legs popped free, allowing the cool rinse to rid the soap from her inner chamber.

"Don't want to leave any soap down here. Oops, did I cause that?" staring at my hardness.

Her sense of inspiration rapidly grew inside her as she gazed up at me and smiled, teasing my senses with subtle displays of her forbidden parts. She marveled at the power of this new sensation her mother had so adamantly forbidden. I knew these very feelings myself.

The effects of the close encounter left a lasting impression on her and my body. Jeannie was beginning to sense the impact she conveyed on me, a very hard one.

"Let's get some sun out by the pool for a while; can you do my back again?"

"Let me tidy up here, and I will meet you in a minute."

Jeannie had already sampled the water when I arrived and exited the pool. The sight of her dripping wet body covered by mere ounces of cloth kept me hard. I stood beside her, naked and proud.

"I think I will tan for a while. Would you be able to put sunscreen on for me?"

"Yes, of course."

Jeannie placed her towel on the lounge and laid on her belly. I began with her feet and slowly worked my way up her legs. As I inched towards her rump, she reached around and slid her fingers under the string, lifting it. "Be sure to get some oil under here too."

I gladly spread as much as possible, spreading her cheeks slightly to accommodate most of the hidden areas while she held the string for me. Jeannie was starting to tan, glowing with a warm bronze tone. Her back and shoulders were next and presented no issue as I held her long blonde hair aside.

"Ok, do you want me to do the front?"

Before I finished the question, she flipped over, modeling a mischievous smile. Beginning with the front side of her feet and legs, I saturated them methodically. I was given the approval to proceed with her mid-section when she reached down, lifted the string to her bottom, invited my fingers further, and smiled. I slid them close, stopping at the edge of the obis, careful not to overstep my position. I flirted with the edge of disaster several times, not wanting to miss any minor feature of her. The alluring gaze bestowed upon me let me know she approved.

Continuing north, I spent several minutes coating her flat belly and navel, noticing how perfect her birth chamber was. I looked for direction from her as I reached her nubile breasts. She gladly offered guidance, sliding her hands under the tiny patches of cloth and holding them out of danger while I inspected and oiled them thoroughly. A smile of approval radiated off Jeannie's face, savoring my hands' delightful handy work.

"Thanks, Mr. Bron, you do a great job applying sunscreen. You do get into your work, don't you? Can I return the favor?"

"I would not want to make you uncomfortable roaming around a naked man's body applying oil."

"I want to; if it's ok with you, there is nothing here that I have not seen for the past two days." Jeannie's anticipation sent ripples of joy through her interior; this would be the first time she would have her hands on a naked man's body.

"Why don't you start with my back while I stand here." Jeannie lathered up her hands and covered my back.

"Can I do your butt?" "Sure, please do" My senses were agreeing heartily with strange hands roving around my rear quarters. She asked me to lie on my back as soon as she finished. I took my position, my dick standing straight out.

"I'm sorry about this, Jeannie, but my body is very excited having your soft touches on it." Jeannie's eyes were fixed on the hardness in front of her. She desperately wanted to explore a penis; it would be her first time touching one.

"I can see that, wow. Let's put some oil on it." She lubricated her palm and reached over to address the issue, placing her hand gently around it.

"Oh wow, I can't believe how hard it is. The second she wrapped her oily palm around me, I jerked, spraying wildly.

"Oh my god, did I cause that? I didn't mean to grab it so hard. I am so sorry?"

"Don't let go; hold it tight." The strange sensation of the young eighteen-year-old hand wrapped around my dick enthralled my senses, sending the remaining fluid out instantly.

Jeannie was also amazed at the event. This was the first male ejaculation she had witnessed; knowing she instigated it sent a flurry of hormones rushing through her.

"I think we should cool off in the pool Mr. Bron; I am feeling kind of tingly."

"A great idea Jeannie; let's go."

We both swam around for a while, attempting to understand our feelings. Our sensory organs had been overloaded today with all of the activity.

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