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Unprecedented Events Ch. 02

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Close family is drawn closer after major disaster.
2.1k words

Part 2 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 04/23/2016
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A continuation from Ch1. Again if you want quick and to the point this may not be for you.

Thanks again Redwings1202



Carefully we all began to filter out of our cage. It felt nice to have the sun on my skin, but it hurt my eyes. Debris was scattered all around. It was spooky to look around and see and hear nothing moving. Mama was r weak and sick with a fever so she sat on the ground and looked around. It was cold...colder than normal for December in Georgia. Uncle John spoke and told everyone to gather wood for a fire and find a metal container for boiling water. The women started working on cleaning up the cellar. It was our only shelter. Firewood was gathered And enough water was pumped into an old cattle trough to let us bathe and wash clothes.


I was up early the next morning and walked to the door, unsure if it was still safe outside. The early morning stars were beautiful. West of the farm, there was a strange colored lightning in the sky. Purple lightning. I'd never seen anything like it. To the east the sun was coming up and there was no glow from Macon's lights, just orange rays from the sun peeking up.

"Hey handsome, what are you doing up so early?"

Jess was beautiful in the early morning light.

"Just trying to get my mind in order. It's so quiet, isn't it?"

"Yeah, I was hoping the fire was still going so I could get in that tub of clean water for some alone time before everyone else got up. Care to wash my back?"

Was she kidding?

"Um. I don't know Jess. What if someone sees you naked and me there looking?"

"Ok, your loss."

I stood there peeking for at least fifteen minutes. God, she was beautiful. She gave a real show. Im sure she knew I was looking. Stretching her legs out of the water, she bathed them carefully , taking quick glances to see if I was still looking.

"Jess. C'mon and hurry up. That cloud looks like the poisonous ash and the storm is moving our way fast!."

January 2017

Mama was real sick. My cousin Michael and my sister Leslie were also sick. The fever was brutal. The ash clouds were always accompanied by storms and blew out in a day or two. We didn't know if was still poisonous, but didn't take any chances. The cold was so brutal it hurt to breathe. This was unlike anything we had ever experienced in Georgia. It reminded me of to the time I spent at a recruiting camp for Michigan State in February, 2015.

Leslie fell asleep and never woke up. She passed away in her sleep. Michael became unresponsive two days later and passed away that night. Mama and Aunt Linda were crushed, but Mama found the energy to visit the place where Uncle John and I buried them, a small spot by the creek that was flat. It was the prettiest spot on the whole property, especially in spring. Jess was inconsolable and leaned on me while Uncle John read from a bible we stashed in the cellar.

Mama came through her sickness but we had one more casualty. Three weeks after Michael and Leslie passed, Brannon fell gravely ill. It was quick and nearly painless. He passed away while Mama rubbed her hands through his hair, wet from fever and mamas tears. I couldn't muster the strength to bury my baby brother. Jess, Becky, Michelle, Stephanie and I were the only children left. As young adults, the disaster had us wasting away. We were scared and didn't know what the mysterious sickness was.

I took it upon myself to leave early the next morning and go to the Johnson farm, five miles down the road. I knew they had a storm cellar also but didn't know much else. As I was leaving, I was caught.

Stephanie heard me shut the door, probably already awake. She was quiet... the quietest one of all my aunt's kids. A beautiful woman, with auburn hair cut just so it fell on her shoulders. She was married to a Marine. He was a little abusive when he drank, but other than that, he was a nice guy. I'm sure there was more to the story, if she would talk. He was killed by an IED in Iraq.

She said she wouldn't let me go to the Johnson's alone, so we started the journey together. I left a note on the door, saying where we were going and why, and that we would be back before dark. It was a long miserable walk. January and February are Georgia's coldest months but this kind of cold was insane.

We arrived at where the Johnson farm was before noon and began looking for the entrance to their cellar.

"Owwww, RUSTY!"

I scrambled to find Stephanie on the ground, with her leg in a hole up to her calf. It wasn't broken, but was badly bruised.

"Well you found the ventilation shaft.." I laughed

"GET me out of here". She said through her teeth.

The door was covered by a lot of debris. Were they all dead inside? I cleared the rubble and was able to use a board to pry the door open. No smell. Just mustiness.

"Can you make it down the steps Steph?"

"I think so."

She hobbled on one leg while leaning on my shoulder. The cellar was immaculate. Much nicer than ours, and fully stocked.

"Steph, we gotta get back and gather everyone up."

We began to walk back to the farm, but made it maybe 200 yards before Steph began crying.

"I can't. It hurts too bad. I can't put any weight on it." She was clearly in pain.

"Come on you've got to. We can't stay here tonight." I was desperate to get back.

"I can. You go back and get everyone and bring them in the morning. I'll be waiting". She was insistent.

"You'll freeze to death with no heat. We don't know where anything is to strike a fire and you sure can't stay above ground. What if another cloud blows in?"

She was crying hysterically by now. I gathered some things and searched for something to strike a fire. Found a Zippo, but no fluid.

"Ok, I'll stay here with you tonight. We'll have to huddle to keep warm. First thing in the morning, I'll go back and bring someone to help carry you back." I was worried about the others at our cellar and concerned about not making it back that night.

"We'll make due but it's going to be cold." She was agreeing with me.

It had been dark for two hours when a storm rolled through. This one was bad. A tornado ripped across the fields. Steph and I huddled on a twin size bed. It was freezing. She would wince in pain when either of us moved. I checked her ankle and it wasn't real bad. A little swollen and bruised, but she should be able to make the trip if we can get some rest.

"Come on. I've played 3 quarters of football with an ankle worse than that, you sissy." I was trying to make her laugh.

"It really hurts Rusty. Let's lay down and I'll try to sleep."

"OK, but be careful to not to twist it again. It's dark in here." I said as I laid on the bed.

We lay there for a while and I finally heard her breathing deep.

Steph moved.

I awoke and had my arm draped over her shoulder. She was lightly moving her hips, causing her butt to caress my hardening dick. She mumbled and made little noises. Why did I have to get a hard on with my oldest cousin Stephanie, laying on the same bed with me?

I haven't had release in, literally, months. I couldn't take anymore. Her scent and the sounds she was making were enough to drive any man insane with lust. I lay there thinking about her and her beautiful hair. She was tall and, like most of my family, athletic. She was a champion barrel horse racer when she was younger. I got up and found my way to another bed and crawled between the covers.

It was just a matter of seconds and I had my cock in my hand. I lay there quietly as I could and slowly stroked while listening to her whimpers and moans. She was obviously dreaming about sex. Had lying in a bed with me brought those thoughts to her mind?

Wait what did she say?

"Mmmm,ohhh, Michael."

What did I just hear?

I lay there for a while and dozed off. When I woke again, I felt the biting cold. My semi hard cock was still in my hand. I started stroking. Steph wasn't making noises any more. I was building to a big cum, but had to find a cloth to finish, so I wouldn't make an obvious mess. There was a cloth right by my bed on the floor. I didn't remember seeing it, but I didn't look before it was dark, either. It was pitch black in the cellar.

I lay there and thought about Steph and Jess and even my sister Becky. Oh God I needed release bad.

I didn't hear her move. I just felt her hand lay on my thigh.

"What the hell..."

"Shhh, Rusty it's OK. I know you have needs."

"What are you talking about? I was asleep." I said, trying to fake sleep.

"Yeah, right, and so was I." she said laughing.

"Wait. What... You intentionally...huh?."

"Yes. I couldn't help it. I haven't touched a man or had a man touch me since Mack died. I mean. You are a very good looking man; so big and strong."

"But we are cousins and, besides, you said Michael and not Mack."

She slid her hand up and gently caressed my very hard cock and moaned.

"Rusty there are things you don't know, but there are things we both need right now. I'll help you and you'll help me."

"Uhh, ohhh. Steph."

With that she stroked her hand down my cock and tightened her grip while stroking up. Her breath was so hot. I could feel it on the head of my cock. Wet. Oh God her tongue teased around the very tip and flicked.

"Mmmm Rusty you taste good."

"Ahhhh." Was all I could get out.

She giggled and stroked back down, the best sensation I have ever felt. Her tongue enveloped the underside of my cock and began a deliberate descent all the way to my pelvic bone. She had my entire cock in her mouth and throat, and didn't offer to gag like the girls at school. She swirled her tongue, pulled back and stroked me up and down while sucking the head and lightly squeezing my balls.

"Listening to you jack off was more than I could take. I already got mine laying beside you. Now, you're going to get yours."

She sucked me into her mouth with a fervor I hadn't experienced. Up and down, and rolling her tongue around the head of my cock. I couldn't take much more.

"Wait ...what are you doing?"

A that point she pressed on my asshole, slid one finger in to the knuckle, and I exploded. I bucked wildly and she held me until I was done. She did not lose a drop and swallowed it all. It felt like I had been kicked in the nuts. It had been so long that I'm sure the taste couldn't be too pleasant. I couldn't see her face, but I could hear the satisfaction and seductiveness in her voice.

"Mmm, Rusty. That was a lot. So good. Now, you owe me."

When I woke again, it was daylight. Shit, I had overslept. As I opened my eyes, Steph was looking into mine.

"Why did you let me sleep so late".

"I was just taking it in. Besides you looked so peaceful."

"I gotta get a move on if I am gonna explain to everyone what happened and make it back this afternoon with someone to help."

"I'm ok Rusty. I can walk for a while, if you'll let me rest and lean on you."

With that we gathered a few things and set off back to our farm.

We were met with tears. Uncle John left looking for us about an hour before dark last night, and hadn't returned. It was about three hours before dark when we get back to the farm, and the wind was picking up. It was too dangerous to look for him this late in the day.

That night, everyone was uneasy. I was the only man in the room and the women wanted answers. I didn't have any. Things lightened up when I notice Jess, Steph, and Becky whispering in the corner while I talked to mom and Aunt Linda about a search plan to find Uncle John.

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imurddyimurddyalmost 9 years ago

great story! nuff said!

C_frommnC_frommnalmost 9 years ago
Great Start

Now will you keep up or Drop Off. Sorry but if you look you will see a lot of Un - Done stories on here.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Well Written.

I've been a "lurker" (a reader, but not a contributor) on Literotica, for nearly twenty years now. I've never bothered to comment on a story... but this one is different. For ONCE... I'm reading a story, that has a plot that actually sounds plausible. Your character building is progressing very nicely... feeding the reader only what they really need to know, within the scope of the plot, without going overboard. Disaster/Erotic/Apocolypse type stories can be interesting, and intriguing, as long as the reader's intelligence isn't being insulted, by REALLY poorly thought out plot elements. So far, I'm enjoying the story, due to an intelligent plot, and characters with realistic (and PLAUSIBLE!) personal motivations. VERY nicely done. If this story continues to be written to this level of detail, and quality? I can see it winning some awards ( and deservedly so!) for originality, and for overall merit.

Your chapters aren't really super short... I've read a great many stories, who's chapters are shorter than the ones you've written, thus far. I'm eager to read the next chapter, and the one after that. This is far better reading, than the "average"... and it's whetting my appetite for a "story, with erotic elements to it..." as opposed to simply an erotic story. (I can assure you, that there ARE differences...) Good luck with this one. May you never get "writer's block".

wildeyedsthrnboywildeyedsthrnboyalmost 9 years agoAuthor

I apologize for the short chapters. I couldn't find any info on how many characters per page would fit and did not want to make them too long. Instead I've made them too short. The next release will be much better.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
this is one hell of a good story

Just a shame the chapters are so short. Could you not add them all to one long story, instead of keeping them separate?

g912493g912493almost 9 years ago
Chapters to short

I really like your story but your chapters (really just a page) are to short. It gets annoying never getting enough of the story to make us crave more. Frustrated readers abandon the story, not needing the aggravation. Again, the story is very good, the delivery is lacking.

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