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We walk into the Subway, the only restaurant within a 2-mile walk of our hotel. I order Turkey on wheat, and Katy does the same.

"So, what did Stephanie say?"

"She was bummed that I wasn't going to be home tonight, but she was also glad that I wasn't on a plane that was doomed to crash."

"Did she ask about me?"

"No." She actually did. Of course, she asked me again if we were going to be in the same room. I felt bad about lying to her, but telling the truth would only make things worse. Of course, explaining to her why I lied is going to be even worse if she finds out that we stayed in the same room. Oh well. She doesn't have to know.

As we sit down to eat, it starts dumping rain. It's coming down harder than I've ever seen in my life. It's nice to be a in a nice warm restaurant and not stuck walking in that downpour. Hopefully it lets up soon so we can walk back to the hotel without getting soaked.

We finish our meal, and it's still dumping outside. It's been going non-top for at least 20 minutes. I'm about to give up and call a cab to come pick us up when it finally stops. It stops like someone shutting off a faucet. It doesn't gradually let up to a sprinkle. It just stops. I've never seen anything like it. I just assume it must be a Midwest thing.

We're waiting for the light to turn so we can cross the street to our hotel when some jackass driving a U-Haul truck drives right through the huge puddle of standing water in front of Katy and me. There is no time for us to react. A huge wall of water washes over us, soaking us all the way through. I turn and look at Katy, who looks like she decided to jump into a lake in her clothes. Her hair, that normally has some curl to it, is straight and dripping with water. Her jacket, shirt, and skirt are saturated with water. I didn't fare any better. My shirt and pants are wet all the way through. I can tell that even my underwear are soaked.

Katy looks at me and just bursts out laughing; as if she's just heard the funniest joke ever.

I'm not seeing the humor. "Why do you find this so damn funny?"

"I just think it's funny. After everything went so well with the customer, everything else has gone downhill. It' almost like we used up all of our good fortune."

"Whatever. Let's just get back to the hotel."


We walk into the room and we both look at each other and realize at the same time that we have no change of clothes. I call down to the front desk and ask them if our luggage has arrived.

"Well. What did he say?" Katy asks when I hang up.

"No luggage has arrived. No laundry service. No laundry room."

"This hotel sucks! Mike, you might want to get out of those clothes. You're leaving quite a puddle."

Katy heads into the bathroom and comes out with two towels for me.

"Here. Use one to dry off and the other to wrap around yourself. We can lay our clothes over the heater and turn it on to dry them out", she says pointing to the heater next to the sliding door. "I'm going to take a quick shower to warm up a bit."

I'm sitting on the edge of the bed when Katy comes out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her head like a turban and another wrapped around her body. The towel is just long enough to cover from her chest to just above mid-thigh. 'She has to be wearing panties', I think to myself. 'There is no way she can have a towel that short without panties'.

After getting over my shock of seeing how little she has covering herself I see that she has her soaked clothing in her arms, which includes matching black bra and panties. I feel myself growing harder by the second knowing that she is completely naked under her towel that extends barely an inch below her crotch.

Katy sees that I'm looking at her clothes and smirks at me. "I was soaked all the way through so I had to take everything off. I guess I won't be sleeping in bra and panties after all."

Katy heads over to the heater and begins laying out her clothes on it. I'm trying not to look, but as she bends, her towel starts to ride up in the back. I watch it climb bit by bit, waiting, anticipating a glimpse of her nakedness. I want to look away, but I can't. The towel is right at the edge, hooked just over her ass. Then it happens. Her shirt slides off the heater onto the ground, and Katy bends quickly to pick it up. This causes the edge of the towel to break free from her ass and slide up, giving me a perfect rear view of her pussy. I feel myself grow harder than I thought possible and I want to run over there and take her from behind.

I know I'm going to get caught, but I can't look away. While still bending over and fully exposed, Katy snaps her head around and looks right at me. I immediately look away even though I know it's too late. I am busted. I'm waiting for the inevitable chastising for ogling her, but it never comes. Instead, Katy finishes placing her clothes on the heater, and then pulls the towel back down to cover her ass.

Without saying a word, Katy walks past me and into the bathroom. She comes back out seconds later with the towel still wrapped around her body, but none on her head. Her hair is still damp, but the slight curl is coming back. She sits down on the bed with her back against the headboard and her feet right near the side of my leg. I am still sitting on the end facing the sliding door. I know if I turn and took at her, I will have a perfect view up the towel.

Willing myself not to look, I stand up and head into the bathroom. I have to get away from her to clear my head. I do not want to cheat on Stephanie, but this situation is making it hard to think clearly. I don't know if Katy is wanting me to make a move on her or if she is just teasing me, but I'm afraid if I stay in there any longer, I'll regret it. I close the bathroom door and lock it.


I've been sitting in the bathroom for about 15 minutes now and haven't heard any sound from the room. Hoping that Katy is asleep, I slowly open the door and step out. She is not asleep. She is still sitting with her back against the headboard and she is staring straight ahead. She looks like she might be sad, or mad, or maybe even pouting. I can't tell, but she doesn't acknowledge me when I walk into the room. I wait for what feels like an eternity, but still Katy doesn't look at me or say anything.

"Katy? Is everything okay?" I ask tentatively?

She finally comes out of her trance and turns to look at me. I can see now that she is on the verge of tears. She still is not saying anything.

"Katy. What is it? What did I do?"

"You didn't do anything", she says as the tears start to flow. "It's just this whole situation. I'm naked; I have no clothes to wear; and I'm stuck in a hotel room with someone who can't stand to be near me."

"What gives you the idea that I can't stand to be near you? I never said I didn't want to be near you."

"You didn't have to. The fact that you've been hiding out in the bathroom for the past 20 minutes made it obvious."

"Katy. You know that's not true. I'm afraid if I'm near you, you'll... we'll end up doing something we regret."

"What? Do you think I'm going to seduce you Mike? I'm not. I know you're happily married and I'm... happily engaged."

Trying not to sound too accusatory, I say to her, "What about the flirting on the plane? Or your comment when I almost knocked you over? Or better yet, you giving me the view of lifetime when you were putting your clothes on the heater?"

Katy is now looking at me with a genuine look of surprise.

"Wow. You really misread me. Sure there was a little flirty on the plane, but it was innocent. When you almost knocked me over, I was just trying to lighten an awkward situation. We were pretty close together and I was trying to make a joke. I will admit the show that I gave you was a little much, but it really was an accident. I honestly forgot that you were behind me and just reacted to my shirt falling. I wasn't showing myself on purpose."

Now I am feeling bad. I walk over to the bed and sit against the headboard next to her.

"I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel bad", I said and turned to look at her.

Katy turns and looks into my eyes. As soon as she does, I get that feeling again of being helpless and willing to do whatever she wants. I'm able to break eye contact and ask her, "And what about that?"

"What?" she asks confused.

"Don't act like you don't know. It's the same thing you did to get us ticket upgrades. It's the same thing you did to get the customer on our side. You give this look that makes me helpless and wanting to do whatever you ask."

I can see a flash of anger in her eyes now. "That's not my fault. I can't help the way you react to me. I'm just looking at you."

Maybe she's right. Maybe it's my own infatuation with her that is causing me to read more into it than I am. Even looking into her eyes now that she is angry, I still feel it.

"I'm sorry Katy. I didn't mean to accuse you. It's just that you're so damn beautiful you cause all of my thoughts and feelings to become a confused mess."

The anger was gone in an instant and Katy was smiling again. "You think I'm beautiful?

"Not this again. Yes. You're beautiful, and you know it."

"Thanks Mike. You know, you're pretty hot yourself, and I really like your six-pack", Katy says as she's poking my abs.

We're quiet for a few minutes, and then I look at the clock and see that it's just after 10:00.

"Katy, we should probably get to bed so we can get up early and track down our luggage."

"Okay, but you really should sleep in the bed. We don't have any extra covers. You'll freeze on the ground."

I think about it and finally come to the realization that she is right. "Okay. But stay on your side."

I get up and walk over to check our clothes. They're still really wet. Crap.

"Katy. We forgot to turn the heater on. Hopefully these clothes are dry in the morning, or we'll be going to the airport in towels."

Katy laughs. "That would make for an interesting flight."

I start to slide under the covers and notice that Katy's towel is lying on the night stand.

Pointing to the towel, I ask, "Is that the towel that you had wrapped around you?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"If we're going to be sharing a bed, shouldn't you keep it around you?"

"Are you kidding? That would be so uncomfortable. I promise I'll stay on my side"

Hoping she doesn't see the tent that's quickly rising from my towel, I quickly pull the covers over me.

As I try to get comfortable I realize that Katy was right. Lying in bed with a towel around me is not going to work. It's way too uncomfortable, so I take it off and toss it on my nightstand and lie back down. Katy chuckles and says, "See. I told you it would be uncomfortable." If she only knew how uncomfortable it is to have an erection that feels like it could burst.

We're both lying on our backs staring at the ceiling when Katy turns to me asks, "What happened Mike? Didn't you used to have a crush on me?"

I'm completely caught off guard and stammer, "er... uh... yeah. I did. How did you know?" I turn and make the mistake of looking into her eyes again.

"It was obvious when you would stop by and visit for no reason just about every day. So you don't have one anymore?" she asks with a slight pout.

I roll onto my side to face her. "Really? It's pretty obvious that I still do; which makes this situation even more awkward."

Katy rolls onto her side to face me now. There's only about a foot of space separating us and I can feel the heat radiating off of her body. She's smiling again and I'm finding myself as helpless as ever staring into those blue eyes. She slides her head closer to mine so that our faces are only inches apart, and whispers, "I have a crush on you too."

Before I can respond, she slowly looks from my eyes down to my lips then back to my eyes and kisses me on the lips. My brain is screaming to pull away, but my body wins out and I kiss her back.

Her lips are so soft. We kiss softly at first. Gentle pecks, then more passionately as our mouths slightly open and our tongues come together. We continue kissing as we both slide toward one another so that our bodies are pressed tightly together. I'm so hard now that it feels as if there is a steel rod sandwiched between our bellies.

Katy lightly moans and stops kissing me just long enough to whisper, "Wow! Feels like someone is as excited as I am," then she resumes kissing me with even more passion; sucking my tongue into her mouth, then gently sucking on my lower lip.

As we're kissing, Katy rolls on top of me as she rolls me onto my back. She then sits up so that she is straddling me, pressing my cock against my belly with it sandwiched between her labia. She is looking down at me with those hypnotizing blue eyes. Her great tits, with the perfect amount of droop, are just waiting to be held. And her nice flat stomach just above her perfectly trimmed pussy completes the package.

Katy smiles down at me as she begins to slowly slide herself back and forth along the length of my shaft. Each time she slides up, the head of my cock just gets to her opening, and then she slides back down. I'm aching to get inside of her, and if she keeps this up, I'll shoot before I ever get inside of her.

She keeps sliding up and down the length of my dick, leaving a trail of her wetness behind. I can't take it any longer and decide I'm going to push myself into her the next time my head gets near her opening, but just as she's about to slide up, Katy stops, and then leans forward to kiss me again. She starts with a small peck on the lips, then continues longer and longer kisses until her mouth opens slightly and our tongues come together.

As our kiss grows more passionate, Katy raises her hips just enough to get my head positioned at her opening. She pauses there for just a second, and then slowly lowers herself onto me. Inch by inch I can feel myself being enveloped by her warmth until I'm entirely inside of her.

Katy begins rhythmically rocking her hips up and down and I match her pace, rising up to meet her each time she drops down on me. She kisses me on my check, then my neck, then she works her way up to nibble on my ear. She is really picking up her pace, and her breathing is growing ragged. She can't be getting close already. Can she?

I'm so turned on by her aggressiveness that I can tell I'm not going to last long.

Almost in answer to my thoughts, Katy whispers breathlessly in my ear, "You have me so fucking hot right now, I'm about to come."

I no more than kiss her on the neck and whisper in her ear, "Me too", when Katy's body begins to shudder as she comes. She grinds into me with each wave of her orgasm and just as I'm about to come, her orgasm subsides, and she stops moving.

Katy lays on top of me motionless and out of breath for a few moments, and then starts kissing me again. With me still inside of her, she gives me one last peck on the lips, sits upright, and looks right into my eyes and smiles. "That felt so good, but I was hoping you'd come with me."

"A few more seconds, and I was there."

"Oh well. I guess I get to enjoy you for a little longer."

She leans forward, kisses me deeply again, then quickly rolls both of us over so that I am now on top of her. Placing her feet flat on the bed, so that her knees are bent, she opens her legs wider, grabs my butt with both hands and pulls me as deep as possible into her.

That's the only encouragement I need. Katy rises up to meet each thrust and continues to pull me deeper into her. I'm trying to savor the pleasure of the moment for as long as I can, but she is to hot and tight, it's more than I can handle, and I can feel the point of no return rapidly approaching.

I am fucking her harder and harder now. Driving her down into the mattress and bottoming out inside of her. Katy is moaning with what sounds like a mixture of pleasure and pain.

"I'm not hurting you, am I?"

"No... uggg... you feel... so... unnh... fucking good."

"Good. Because I'm coming... now," I grunt as I explode into her. I continue driving hard into her as I empty myself. Completely spent, I collapse on top of Katy and kiss the side of her neck.

She wraps her legs and arms around me and squeezes me tight. "Mike, you have no idea how many times I've fantasized about this. The real thing turned out to be much better than my fantasies."

"That makes two of us."

"Mike. Um... nobody can know about this. If it gets back to Jim it would crush him and I'm sure you would be fired."

"I wasn't planning on telling anyone. If it gets back to my wife, I'm looking at a divorce. And what do you mean it would crush Jim? Why would he care?" And then the light goes on in my head. "Oh shit! Jim's your fiancé, isn't he?"


"Oh God, I'm so screwed."

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DaveInSanDiegoDaveInSanDiegoabout 5 years ago

I’d give it more than five stars if I could.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
So hot.

One of the best stories ive read in a long time, fantastic character development. Thanks for an amazing orgasm reading this

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