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Vampires Don't Sparkle Ch. 12


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He slid out of her slowly as she whined out loud like every motion of his cock would make her explode again. He almost wasn't sure if they were moans of pleasure or pain until he finally just pulled himself out quickly. Emily leaned forward as her pussy spasmed again and he watched as she even squirted a little like the feeling of him sliding out of her made her cum again.

"Well then." He said as his wife sat there on the counter still reeling from the experience.

"That was... that was a bit too much!"

"Too much?"

"It was fucking amazing but... yeah"

"It's been a while since we bit each other during sex."

"Yeah and you did it mid orgasm you asshole! Holy fuck!"

"Sorry about that, but you seemed to enjoy yourself."

"Oh yeah it was awesome just a bit extreme. we need to ease back in to that." She said tilting her head back and taking a few deep breaths. "Oh and you're gonna pay for that." She said giving him a seductive yet mischievous grin.

"Ha, looking forward to it."

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

Love the story please have more

mBrowmBrowalmost 8 years ago
Nice chapter!

It seemed like an epilogue. Does that complete the series?

Iread2relaxIread2relaxalmost 8 years ago

Ok, he beat David. Has extra powers. Surprise pregnancy, please.

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