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Click here~~~ Series Notes ~~~
This story will make more sense if you read it from start to finish. Chapter 1 was written about a year ago but the last five chapters will be submitted to Literotica as a bundle and should appear at a rate of one per day.
~~~ Little Mother ~~~
Major Johnson sat on the couch, holding the sleeping polecat on his chest. He called for the Captain to join him. When she sat down, he asked her what she thought their next steps were.
"First things first, sir," Parker said. "I think Sharma's pulling more weight than her rank denotes. She's not actively fought with us yet - but she's doing work above her current designation. I think we should promote her to Corporal. I'd also like you to consider bumping Basso to Sergeant."
"I agree," Johnson said. "Write both of those up and I'll send them in."
She nodded and continued on to what he had asked her about.
"As for next steps, I believe we should move against The Shield. That being said, The Bear was - I believe - an unknown when we took this assignment. In order to maximize our efforts, I think I need to know how deep you intend us to go, in rooting out the ones who are either behind the virus - or defending those who are."
Johnson stroked his fingertips over the sleeping mammal's small form. It seemed to be very comfortable with him - and enjoy his loving touches.
"Originally, we were sent here to support the Polish and Ukrainian efforts," the Major said. "I have (obviously) updated my contact in Washington on what we've found since we arrived. I do not have specific directives on how 'deep' (as you say) to go with this. I have not been told to proceed - but I have not been told NOT to."
Parker studied his face for a moment. She didn't seem to be staring at him. It was more like she was calculating and his face just happened to be where she was looking. He waited for her to finish.
"That suggests," she said, "that Washington either wants us to appear as a rogue element - or they fear that orders to remove certain individuals could be problematic politically. There is also a small chance that they are concerned that our channels of communication are not fully to be trusted."
"Since the broodling that was the most critical in the release of the virus holds a high position of power in Russia," Johnson replied, "I think we can assume that politics plays a big role in this."
Parker nodded.
"Let's assume - until we are told otherwise," Johnson said, "that we are to eliminate all of the vampires involved in the distribution of the virus - as well as their broods."
Parker nodded again.
"If - as happened with The Bear - we find rogue elements that oppose us in our quest, they will be dealt with in the same manner that we did with Yaroslav."
Most of the girls had found someplace to sit, listening in to the conversation. After all, these decisions would give them an idea of how much longer they would be away from home.
"Step 1," Parker said, "locate The Shield and remove him and his brood. Step 2: Repeat this with Ivan. In its simplest form, I believe that accomplishes our goals. In theory, if it were that simple, I think we could be finished here in another week. Personally, I don't think it will be that easy. I think we will need to visit the capital to deal with Ivan. I think we will find at least one more rogue vampire. Given that Ivan and The Shield are relatively young, I believe that - assuming we are the ones doing the attacking - we can deal with them without too much risk. Our battle with The Hammer worries me. We're too vulnerable here. This base of operations enables us to prepare and launch attacks with success and efficiency - but - it's also our biggest liability."
"How do we reduce that liability?" the Major asked her.
"We could spread the team out," Parker said, "but I think that actually weakens our ability to effectively defend each member of our unit - and significantly increases the avenues of approach and methods of attack that the enemy can employ against us."
"So we remain as we are, look for ways to improve our defenses, and begin collecting intel on our two targets and their subordinates."
"Yessir," Parker replied.
"I agree," Johnson said. "Make it happen, Captain."
Captain Parker flagged down Sergeant Nordahl and then headed to the computer room. Along the way, she sent Schmidt, Jimenez, and Basso to buy supplies to fill in their missing stocks of both food and ammunition.
Sharma stepped over to check on their patient again and Major Johnson pulled her down beside him, wrapping an arm over her shoulders.
"I hear that we have you to thank for all of the good meals lately," he told her.
"It's something of a hobby of mine, sir," she replied, looking at her feet.
"Everything you do is an asset to the team," he told her. "Keep it up and you'll soon replace me."
She looked up at him with a grin. He leaned forward and begged for a quick kiss - which she gave him.
"Thank you, sir," she said.
"As you were, Corporal," he told her.
Her eyes glistened. She hopped up and returned to her workstation.
The Major watched as Martin, Takao, and Washington worked to service and clean the team's weapons. Sergeant Carpenter returned from her supply run and asked the three to help her bring up her goodies.
"Fuck, Carpenter," Washington complained. "What's in these things?"
"Steel flat stock," Carpenter replied, grinning.
The wooden crates were big enough that it took two of them to carry them up the stairs. They quickly decided that Takao and Martin couldn't be pair together because they weren't strong enough to manage both the weight and the climb. Washington and Takao worked together; Martin helped Carpenter. Thankfully, there weren't that many crates and, soon enough, they were done.
Takao dropped onto the couch beside the Major, breathing heavily. She snuggled against his side and studied his new pet.
"You can probably pet her, if you'd like," he said.
The slender sergeant ran her fingers down through the small animal's coat.
"What are you going to do with her, Major?" she asked.
"I don't know," he admitted. "At first, I just wanted to see her healed back up. She was hurt bad. I bit my wrist and got her to take some blood. That got her stabilized. She had a few more little feedings before I thought it was safe to try moving her."
"Feedings, sir?" Takao asked.
"Somehow," he replied, "I feel like she's bonding to me - like you girls did when I brought you into the brood. I've never tried this with a non-human before - and I don't think I've ever read or heard about someone else trying it - but I feel like she's part of us now. I can't just free her. Actually, I think I could - but she wouldn't leave. I guess we'll have to see what she does. I plan to let her choose."
"She's so cute for all that Sharma read in that description," the Sergeant told him.
"Cute and dangerous," the Major said, grinning, "like a few other females I know."
Takao grinned - and purred - and leaned over to give her superior officer a kiss. She climbed up from the sofa and went back to helping Washington and Martin with the weapons. Carpenter had a cordless drill and was fixing the flat stock into place over the apartment's windows, bolstering the team's defenses against intruders. The bars wouldn't do much against a vampire who could shadow-step - but it would keep the less-able from coming in unannounced.
Nordahl appeared at the Major's shoulder.
"Ready for me?" Johnson asked.
The Sergeant nodded, eying the sleeping polecat.
The Major eased up, off of the couch, and followed her into the computer room. He looked over the promotion requests and other requisition forms that the Captain and the Sergeant had prepared. He added his signature to the documents and then stood once more, heading back to the front room - and then changing direction. He went to his bedroom and carefully laid the polecat on his pillow. He pulled his blanket up and tucked it around her. Returning to the front room, he went to help Carpenter.
"Look up 'little mother' in Polish for me, would you?"
She tapped a few keys and clicked the mouse a couple times.
"Mala Matka".
"I like it," Jimenez said, coming off of the stairs with a load in her arms. "It sounds like 'bad mother' or 'bad death'."
Basso laughed and said, "Sounds like my mother."
"We must be sisters," Schmidt told her, "cuz that sounds exactly like my mom."
Washington looked over at the pair and laughed, "Yeah, you two are practically fucking twins."
The room erupted into laughter. Even Sharma was wiping tears from her eyes. It quieted when Captain Parker stepped back into the room.
"Sir, the promotions and requisitions were approved."
"Congratulations Sergeant Basso, Corporal Sharma. Keep up the good work. The rest of you are beautiful people too but Colonel Legato might be disappointed if we got back home and I had to tell him that he wasn't the only one running around with an eagle on his shoulder."
Titters, giggles, and chuckles floated through the room.
"Job well done, ladies," he told them. "I would just like to remind you that I was damned nervous about having a brood again after all these years, but I couldn't be happier about how it has turned out. Not only are you girls as hot as fuck but you've come together as a power to be reckoned with - all while showing me that you care enough about me and each other to overlook the little shit that can cause units problems with morale and cohesion."
"We love you, too, Major," Washington said.
The Major laughed and said, "No, you can't have an extra feeding."
"Fuck," she moaned.
Carpenter elbowed the larger woman in the side and grinned at her as the others laughed or giggled.
"As I mentioned to Takao," the Major continued. "I don't really know what I'm doing with the polecat yet. I feel like the blood that I fed to her to heal her has changed her. I've never heard of such a thing. I'll try to release her but I think she's already bonded to me."
Captain Parker cleared her throat. The Major turned to her.
"I know that you're worried that she's an unnecessary complication but she looks so sweet that I couldn't imagine pushing her away. Is it odd that a non-human makes me feel so human when I look at her?"
"Try stroking your fingers through her hair," Takao said. "All of my tension just melted."
As if she knew she was being discussed, the polecat chose that moment to bound down the hall. She arrived at the Major's feet and stood on her hind legs, opening her arms to him - like a child, asking to be picked up. He bent down and she leapt into his hands. He brought her to his chest and she climbed onto his shoulder. She put her paws on his cheek and he turned to look at her. She looked into his eyes for a couple moments.
"Yes, little mother," he said.
He tilted his head to the side and the polecat bit into his neck. She lapped at the droplets of blood that welled up, swallowing a half-dozen times. Then she patted his cheek and lay down on his shoulder.
"That's the scariest, most adorable thing I've ever seen," Washington said quietly.
Several other heads around the room nodded.
"She has fangs - just like yours," Sharma told the Major.
"That intrigued me as well," Captain Parker admitted.
The newly-minted Corporal pulled up several pictures of polecats on her computer.
"The fangs are normal," she said, "but Mala's seem to have changed a little."
"There was a message from Bosko," Parker told the Major. "With Bella dead, our new liaison is a Ukrainian named 'Kyrylo Kohut'."
"Is that a nice way of saying that he's tired of us calling him over here every time we have bodies to hand over?" Carpenter asked.
"Probably," Johnson sighed.
"I hope this one's a little brighter than the last," Basso said quietly.
"Don't bet on it," Martin told her.
The Major gave the girls a moment to settle back down again.
"Captain," he said. "Let's proceed with our plans. We don't need to plan anything for today or tomorrow but I'd like to wrap things up sooner rather than later and get everybody back home." He glanced at Sharma and added, "Well ... almost everybody."
"As long as I'm with you, sir," she said. "I'm home."
"What she said," Schmidt added, grinning.
"I love you, too, bitch," the Major told her, grinning back.
"But, no, you can't have an extra feeding," Washington told her, laughing.
The rest of the girls laughed as Schmidt just shook her head, grinning.
The Major gave a bark of laughter and Mala looked up at him.
"Carpenter, do we have a box or something that I can build a little nest or burrow for my newest little bitch?"
"I'll get you something, sir," she replied.
"Thank you, Sergeant," he said.
"As you were, ladies," Parker called out.
C-Squad went back to what they'd been working on. The Major took Mala to the kitchen and offered her the saucer - and the rest of the healing potion it contained. She took a few "bites" and then went back to sleep on his shoulder. He returned the small plate to its place and returned to the front room, not sure what to do with himself as he waited for the polecat to finish recovering.
Mala woke twice more, throughout the day, asking permission to bite the Major's neck and then taking a small feeding from the leftovers in the saucer as well. The rest of the team worked to complete tasks around the apartment.
Once the weapons had been cleaned, most of the girls were helping Carpenter with bolting the bar-stock over the windows. After that, they moved to the warehouse - to start rebuilding the Village.
"Shit!" Washington gasped, as the crew stepped into the training center and found the two tunnel lurkers - still zip-tied and lying unmoving on pallets. "We forgot about these two!"
"Run and grab healing potions, water, and some food," Parker ordered.
Basso, Jimenez, and Takao took off to follow her orders. Schmidt, Washington, and Martin moved to get the pair into sitting positions as Nordahl tried to get responses from them. Carpenter started clearing debris from the area and - when that was done - began cleaning up the area where she intended to rebuild the Village.
Basso, Jimenez, and Takao returned with the supplies. They eased water into the men's mouths first, trying to get them rehydrated. As soon as they'd each taken several swallows of water, they emptied vials of the Major's semen onto their tongues. It wasn't the good shit - in the baggies - but it would work - and it did. Almost immediately, they began perking up.
The team gave the pair a bottle of water each and waited for them to finish that. After that, they offered another vial of semen each - which they took without complaint, returning the flask once it was empty. Nobody bothered to mention to the two men what the substance was. Once they'd each taken a little more water, the girls plied them with a little solid food. At that point, the men were almost ravenous.
Nordahl and the Captain began to pester them with questions. Whether due to the semen or their near-death experiences, the two men were much more talkative than they had been before. As it turned out, the men worked for Kyrylo Kohut - their new contact. He hadn't trusted the information he'd been getting from Bella and had sent the pair to do a little spying and report back to him on what they'd found.
At the Major's suggestion, the Captain told the pair that they were rebuilding the Village and that C-Squad would like to train with Kohut's team. Once the two were feeling well enough to travel on their own, she released them.
After that, half of the team helped Carpenter finish getting the place cleaned up. The other half went looking for pallets, crates, and other things that the building trades expert could use to rebuild the Village.
They took a lunch break - returning to the apartment to eat the meal that Sharma had prepared - and then they returned to their work at the training center. By dinner time, they had everything the way Carpenter wanted it. Nordahl had also added a security camera to the underground tunnel - with a sign just inside of the entrance in the other building that informed anyone entering that they were being observed and should just use the front door instead.
After dinner, Johnson pulled Parker aside.
"You feeling the need to feed?" he asked her.
She shook her head and said, "I feel fine, sir. Also, I've been talking with Sharma and I think she might be onto something with her theory. I'd like to hold out until I'm in withdrawals and then I want to help her test that theorem."
"You're sure?" he asked.
She nodded.
There was a blur of movement and Parker felt Mala nuzzling her neck. She glanced at the Major, wide-eyed.
"I think she's just giving you a little hug, Captain," he told her.
Two small paws tugged on her jaw and she turned to look at the fierce little creature. Mala bumped her nose to the Captain's lower lip and then she zipped down her body, crossed to the Major, and sat back up on his shoulder once more. The Captain couldn't help but give a little nervous laugh.
She looked at the polecat and said, "Thank you, Mala."
After dinner, the team went back to the training center and ran through a few skirmishes - trying a few new tactics that the Captain wanted them to practice.
When they were done, they returned to the apartment and got ready for bed. It was Takao's turn to feed and she eyed the polecat nervously as she mounted the Major's cock. She finally just closed her eyes and rode him, like normal. She luxuriated in the feel of his hands on her hips and ass as he gripped and caressed her as she worked to bring him to climax. She could just get herself off but making the Major cum would give her a cum-high that would last the whole night through.
She laid her body forward, onto his, and pressed her forehead to his neck as she relaxed a little and let him use her body to fuck himself. A warm fuzzy presence made itself known - and curled up against her throat. It almost sounded like Mala was purring. A feeling of ultimate peace flooded her being and she just gave herself over to what the Major was doing - trying to hold off on cumming - waiting for him to join her.
"You're so fucking tight," he moaned.
She snickered, knowing that his ability to control how much he filled her was more to blame for how full she felt right now - with his stiff prick battering its way up and down her insides.
She moaned - and then groaned. Her body had turned traitor and she felt the shudders of her climax beginning. She tried to push back against the pounding wave but it was a tsunami and it just swept over her. Mala purred louder as Takao clung to the Major's chest, enduring her release - and then gasping excitedly as she felt his penis surge and the heat of his seed began filling her innermost depths.
"Yes ...," she hissed contentedly.
The Major pulled the cover up over them and wrapped his arms around his lover. Takao was already asleep. So was Mala.
After breakfast, the following morning, Major Johnson ordered the Captain to change into fatigues.
"Time to level up your skills," he told her.
He looked at the rest of the girls and told them to grab a couple Ziplocs of healing potion.
Sharma got up from her computer and followed the others as they hurried down the steps and over to the training center to find someplace to watch the two fight.
The Major handed Mala off to Takao. The Asian girl held the polecat in her arms like a baby. Mala pulled her jaw down, gave her lower lip a little nose-kiss, and then climbed onto her shoulder - apparently wanting to watch as well. Takao giggled. Sharma stepped over and held her fingers out to Mala. The small mammal sniffed at them and then rubbed her head and shoulders against the girls hand - accepting a few loving pets before sitting back up to focus on the Major as he squared off against the Captain.