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Verraria 02 - Demon’s Spawn

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A demon creates a spawn, a Vampire King fulfills his destiny.
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That was the word an occult priest had given Sammy.


It was a fitting word for the frustration of her life. She couldn't remember anything before her vampirism. And she could barely remember that. She had vague dreams and foggy recollections of drug injecting needles, of a female face standing over with a look of pity. Beyond that she had nothing. She assumed the female was her creator, but if she were then she'd abandoned Sammy after turning her. Sammy barely even remembered where she had woken up after being turned, though by that time all the drugs from her human life had left her system.

But by that time she also had the hunger. And that overrode everything else. Nothing in life or undeath had ever been as pure as the raw thirst. The first breath as a vampire had been its own private hell. Her throat had been raw and dry as dust. Not a bit of saliva had come to her aid and her veins had felt like the abrasive fire of a sandstorm were scraping the very insides of her body. There hadn't been a single sentient creature within her reach for miles though, which was a blessing. She would have massacred if given that chance. As it were she had either woken near or in a forest and had fed on its beasts with fervor. Her first clear memory was of licking the bones and blood drained carcass of a great cat, searching for more fluid that might nourish her reborn body.


After that life hadn't been so bad though, really. The thirst never sated, that was true, but she no longer needed sleep or food or civilization and currency. Oh she wanted those things, it was true, and when she was sure of her restraint she sought them out. She used her vampire body to maximum effect. She learned the joy of luring a male prey with his own lust and draining him dry. She learned a favorite pastime in watching them die while their cock was buried deep inside her and she could watch the light fade from their eyes.

But most of all, she learned thrill.

Sammy felt like she must have always been a thrill seeker and vampirism had only allowed her the freedom of seeking out her terrors and fears. Few things could harm her as a vampire. She could take all of the thrill and little of the risk. She could play with pain and experience pleasure from the adrenaline rush. Most of these thrills had been physical, straightforward ones at first. She'd wrestled with massive predators, the biggest and baddest ones she could find. She'd sought out a Furian clan once and had an orgy with their berserker warriors, wondering how far she could challenge their dominance until they snapped and resorted to brute force and vicious frenzy to subdue her.

The answer was she couldn't go very far. It had taken a minute of challenge and shoving and back talking before one of the Furians got the red haze of blood that descended in their eyes when they raged. After that it had spread to the others like a howl among wolves or like an infection. And all she remembered was the raw animal sounds and the heavenly bliss of having all three of her holes endlessly filled over and over until she could do nothing but take it. And then take some more. By the end her ass and pussy had been twitching, gaped open, and dripping Furian cum. As for her... well, she'd been a weak, quivering little vampire laying on a cabin floor, well used and satisfied. One of the Furians affectionately replenished her with his blood, which turned out to be potent.

This time, though, she'd gone a different route of thrill. And she wasn't entirely sure how well she liked it.

She wasn't a religious person exactly, but Sammy hadn't been an idle vampire. She liked to read. Mostly she liked Verraria's history and creature compendiums. She was just getting to learn her own world and the more she read...

Well, at first it had all seemed so boring. The civilization rises, the cities, the currencies, the blended coexistence of the races. But then she'd looked a little deeper. And she'd found oh so many interesting and downright frightening things. Tales of ancient gods and sleeping, terrible gods. Tales of creatures with arts so dark they could shroud the world in night if they put their hearts to it. There were tales of vampire clans who had nearly conquered the entirety of the known world in eons past. There were demonic entities, spirits who refused to rest. Taylor had found these darker stories and followed them with an obsession that burned through her.

What was more was that as a vampire vagabond she had the pure freedom to chase whatever she damn well felt like. So she did. She found the underground churches and religions. She searched through strings of them, all with different beliefs. Each one was interesting. One even knelt to her and begged her to drink from them. When she drained one dry they revered the body and kissed her feet. She stayed an extra week or two in that company, just for the pleasure of it.

But eventually she found something more substantial. A priest who said a name. "Vex." Except it wasn't just spoken. Some fit had crossed the priest's face and his eyes had turned milk white while a claw scraped the wall with a horrid sound like nails on a chalkboard, spelling out three letters.

"Vex." The priest licked his lips. "From now until eternity, you are cursed. It will find you."

That day she felt a pull to sleep that she rarely felt. As soon as she rested in a close by inn, the dream started.

In it she stood with her back to a wall, facing a rather simple room, but a spacious one. There was a bed to one wall, with black silken sheets. Bookshelves lined the walls, excepting the one she stood against. When she turned she realized the entrance door was along that wall.

But most interesting was the nightmare of a creature that sat at a desk. As soon as she looked at it she couldn't pull her eyes away.

It - no, he, she mentally corrected for it was definitely male - was covered with the worst mass of scars she'd ever seen in her life. What looked like a slowly soldered brand design covered his face, but part of it was skewed by a kind of burn scar she hadn't encountered before. There were mottled dots on bits of his bared arms, crossing cut scars all over... well, all over everywhere on his skin. The marks disappeared up to his short sleeved tunic. She wondered what his torso and legs could possibly look like.

His mouth twisted upward around the scarring and he bared his teeth to reveal twin fang sets. One set elongated his top canines while the other affected his bottom ones.

Definitely not a vampire then, whatever he was. Every single vampire clan had the single fang set.

But what he was, she couldn't begin to guess. Hell, it took her a moment just to realize that the curled expression on his face was a goddamn smile.

And then she wondered at the dream she was in. How real might it be?

The creature stood around his desk where a book lay open. Sammy felt her adrenaline quicken, felt the familiar rush of heat to her sex at the sudden thrill. She had to admit. This creature downright frightened her.

Finally, he spoke first and broke the silence. "A pretty dove? What's more, a marked pretty dove." He chuckled. "You are honored indeed."

"What?" Sammy's voice came out a hoarse rasp that made the creature chuckle.

"Marked, little one. I said you are marked. You are to be, shall we say, recreated."

Sammy made to back away from the approaching creature before she remembered the wall already at her back. "Cursed. The priest said cursed."

"Cursed? No, pretty dove. It is a gift. One sent to me as well it seems. You'll have to forgive me in advance. It has been a long time since I enlightened someone. It might be messy at first, but we will learn how to dance together. I will learn what pulls the deepest reactions from your body."

The adrenaline pumped slick fluid straight to her sex, so much so that she felt it rubbing against her thighs beneath her skirt. "I don't understand."

The creature walked right up to her side, pinning her to the wall with an iron grip. Comparatively her vampire strength felt as weak in his grip as human's strength felt to her. He brushed her hair back and lowered his face until his lips almost touched hers. Taking her hands in his, he drew them above her head.

And all the while vampire Sammy, murderous Sammy, stared hypnotized into his eyes like prey.

"You will," he whispered. His voice dripped with sex and promise, with ecstasy.

And then he pressed the sharp claws of his nails into Sammy's palms until her eyes went wide and her breath hitched with each centimeter that pierced her palm, until she pant. But still he kept piercing with a demonic grin on his mouth and a fervor lighting his eyes. He kept piercing until Sammy opened her mouth and screamed, until a wave of nausea crested inside her at the thought of his fingers digging beneath the skin of her palms.

He released her with a sudden, maniacal cackle, but only for an instant. There was a second's pause while he gathered his excitement and then he struck.

Sammy screamed again before she even realized what he'd done. The pain was instant and demanded all of her attention for a moment while the world went black before her eyes. But when it cleared, it was somehow all the more terrible than the initial pain.

Because after it cleared she could look down and see her shoulders impaled by the creature's clawed fingers. He held her against the wall like that, still, while he seemed to catch his breath. The light of excitement seemed to fade from his eyes a little bit at a time and his smile turned less maniacal. He leaned forward and licked her throat, purring. Somehow, some horrible way, the piercing pain seemed to arouse all of her attention to sensation. The small licks of the creature's tongue made her shiver in a strange conflicting feel of pleasure and need.

"My name is Vex and I claim you as mine," he whispered. "Come to me. I am waiting."

Sammy's eyes snapped open from the dream and she sat up in her small inn room with a cry. She grabbed her neck where it still felt like his breath and tongue were teasing her. Dear gods, but it had felt so intense. So terribly intense. A thousand by a thousand times the amount of sensation she truly had. Pain and pleasure in maddening amounts. His touch seemed to ignite her nerve endings.

She lay back in her bed and arched, writhing and nearly sobbing with need. Her body felt on fire. Her useless pulse hammered with energy and light.

Panting, she ripped her skirt off and slapped at her clit before pumping her fingers inside her pussy. The dream had left her cunt drenched and thick lubricating fluid coated the insides of her thighs. When she pulled her fingers away to slap her clit again, clear cum covered her fingers and she licked it off like a cat with cream before starting her fast pumping motions again.

Gods she had never been so frenzied. Always before she had merely rubbed her clit in teasing circles while fantasizing until it was too much and she arched in orgasm.

But this? This was hell. She cried out in an orgasm, that was true, but she wasn't satisfied. Not even a little. If anything she was worse. She added a third finger after the first shock of cumming and then a fourth when that still wasn't good enough. She needed more. At first she tried to lie to herself and thought about finding someone - anyone - with a cock to fill up the aching emptiness in her cunt, but her body reacted to that idea with visceral denial.

"I claim you as mine," he had whispered.

And as much as he hurt, as much as the sensations he had given were an overload, she craved it.

Eventually she quit and lay sobbing for a moment. But then she heard the whisper of his voice. "Come to me."

She stood, needing to do something, anything. "But where do I go?"

For a moment she didn't think there would be an answer. Perhaps she was just hearing echoes of the dream. But then there was a stirring in her body and some dark string pulling her to him, wherever he was.

"You know where," was the whispered answer. Sammy burst into tears and left in the night, unwilling to go and incapable of resisting.

She traveled without pause, without much thought even. She was all need. And the creature called Vex was a decent distance, but it wouldn't take so very long with her vampire's body. An image was burned into her mind, like an aerial view of a lost temple buried in the sands of a desert long abandoned by life. The official reason was that the desert couldn't sustain any real form of life, which was true enough.

But the occult reason was that the ancient elves there worshipped gods with curiosity that they shouldn't have. They went too far and opened or unlocked something they shouldn't have, some very dark wickedness. Something that shouldn't exist on the realm of Verraria.

But all of that was secondary. She was too deep in the thrall of obsession to care about what it might mean for her. At times when she ran like a great cat through the oasis on the outskirts of the desert, she begged to the wind in hopes he might hear.

"Please. Please. Speak to me again. I'm coming. See? I'm obeying."

She nearly broke with joy when the exhaustion pulled at her. She curled up on the outskirts of the desert and was asleep in a moment.

This time she awoke in a cage. She touched the bars, studying frantically where she was, and looked around behind her. The sight of the wall made her jump with horror. It writhed in a mass of gore and disfigured shapes that terribly resembled limbs or bits and pieces of sentient creatures. She forced herself to look away and out of the cage bars.

There were two figures this time. One she didn't recognize was a female figure that lay stretched across a metal table. The second was Vex and he had his back turned to her, blocking her view of the woman's torso. But Sammy could see her face. The woman moaned and whimpered, her face contorted in a rictus of suffering and torment. Sammy held the bars and stared, drinking in the sight like life.

Vex was without his tunic and the sight of his back was so grotesque it was almost pretty in the same way a stone gargoyle could be called pretty. It looked chiseled in places. Patterns of cuts and burns and acid drops were almost hypnotic to study.

There was a ripping sound that made Sammy flinch and the woman screamed. Vex pulled a chain through a hook in the ceiling and Sammy gasped when she saw shaped wire lifted at the end of the chain. Grotesque black strips of leather filled out between the wires like wings and the woman was pulled upwards. When Vex stood to the side to fasten the chain to the wall, Sammy realized why.

He had ripped into her skin with heated pieces of metal, piercing it through over and over until flat thin knife like strips created a grid down the woman's back, embedded in her skin. At the ends of that he had melded leather and filled if out to create the cruel wings that lifted with the chain. Now, after fastened, the woman was suspended by pieces of hot metal that stretched her skin. She sobbed and shuddered beneath her wings.

But Sammy only studied this for a moment until Vex turned to meet her gaze. After that she was once again fixated. He smiled with his twisted, scarred mouth again and approached her. "Now it's your turn, pretty dove."

Sammy trembled in terror, but the terror only flooded her sex so much that she could smell it, a hot sultry scent that never failed to set her blood racing. "Touch me," she answered. "God, please! Please, Vex."

He chuckled and knelt before her cage. She moaned at the barrier. "Do you know, pretty dove, that our last encounter was but a small taste of the heightened sensation I can give? Barely even a tiny scratch, in fact. I will make you burn, little one."

Sammy stripped her skirt away. "Touch me, Vex! Gods, I hurt. I hurt so bad. What are you? Where are you leading me?" She sat back against the cage, spreading her legs for him.

He barely even looked and it made her want to scream in frustration. "Oh, pretty dove. Haven't you figured it out yet? Aren't the walls and my little display a nice enough clue? This is your new home." Sammy spread her pussy open, needy and burning. She refused to acknowledge it. It wasn't what she thought it was.

Finally, Vex reached through the cage bars and pierced his claws through her ankle. Somehow, even though she begged for it and even though she'd thought of nothing but the tempest of sensation his touch induced, it still made her scream in agony. It felt like hot poison where the claws punctured, digging in so hard that she felt an odd scraping when Vex struck her bone. "Your kind call me a demon. They call my home, and now yours, hell." He pulled her by her pierced through ankle to the edge of the cage, grabbing her through its bars and turning her around in his arms so that she faced the wall with her back to him. Once again the hooked claws punctured her shoulders to hold her still. But when he nuzzled her neck through the cage, he was quite gentle. "You see how even its walls thirst for souls? Yours has been marked for an entire room all to itself." Sammy quivered, moaning. Yes, oh yes this was the feeling she would kill for. "My blood will reforge you. At first you will scream, but once you are enlightened to sensation, you will learn to beg for my every touch."

"I already do! Vex, I need more!"

He chuckled wickedly in her ear, his breath shaking against her face. "When I'm done, you will burn forever in a hell you can't escape. Nothing will ever be enough again. I will make you beg me to flay you. I will make you delight in it. Come to me, pretty dove. I have a metal bed in a room that is all for you. I'm waiting for you."

She opened her eyes and screamed in unadulterated frenzy and anguish. "Why are you doing this to me? What did I do?"

Cruel laughter answered in her mind. "Oh, pretty dove. All those who find their souls claimed by my realm succeed for one reason only. Because they wanted to find hell."

Sammy sprinted into the desert. She just couldn't seem to stop herself.


Vex smiled and leaned back against the writhing walls. The dream appearances were an ages old tradition, but he had to admit that the first one had shocked him.

The selection of offspring for a demon was a gift by their god. It was an act of grace and generosity nearly unheard of. A few months ago, he had felt an odd pull, as if some dark force were pulling at the barrier of the grave into the realms of hell and despair. And he had expected some odd occurrences.

But an offspring. And the little vampire was a doll, a perfect little gift. He adored the innocent way she spread her legs for him, thinking to tempt him with her sex.

Soon, he would remedy her inexperience. He would guide her through the darkest recesses of sensation.

He couldn't remember the last time he felt anything. He'd been wonderfully empty for as long as his mind could hold of the past. At some time he supposed he had to have been a different creature. He supposed he was turned as an offspring, but he couldn't remember anymore. After centuries of pain, that happened to a person. Humanity, memory, and all traces of whatever had existed before were gone. All that remained was the demon. Like he promised his new charge, no sensation was ever enough again. At first it was wonderful. Every sensation too much, every torture more than they thought they could take. But take it they did. In fact they kept taking it until it turned to pleasure and then it didn't satisfy anymore. And his little vampire thought to lure him with basic fucking? Hah!

But now, for the first time in a long while, he felt something. Oh, it was nothing to get sentimental over. Mostly he felt selfish possession.

And greed. Oh yes, a lot of greed.

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