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Verraria 02 - Demon’s Spawn


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It angered him that his vampire was not presently in his direct possession. He had her under his control, but it wasn't enough. Like everything else it would never be enough. He craved more, burned to have her under his knives and razors, screaming in sensation while he calmly taught her.

Bask in the pain. Burn in the pleasure. She would learn it well.

He ran his fingers through his hair, restless. Her absence was frustrating. The thought that another might touch her was maddening. She was to be his legacy and his sexual partner.

Sighing, he left the torture chamber, leaving the soul hanging by her skin. The hooks and serrated edges through her flesh were sharp enough that they would slowly start cutting through with the weight of the woman's torso pulling on delicate threads of flesh. But it would take a while. And prayer would ease his restlessness.

His private rooms weren't far from the chambers. A hallway down in fact. He stepped through his door and then went to the side where the door to his meditation chambers resided.

Beyond the door it was arctic. The ice on the ground was so cold it burned and acid rain drizzled pleasantly from the ceiling. In the middle of the room was a weighted iron collar. Wide and spiked painfully inward and tight enough that pain would lance through his body in occasional bursts if he moved.

Vex fixed the collar around his neck and knelt on the ice, gritting his teeth against the movement. A slight trickle of blood fell slowly down his neck already, so hot in the ice cold that his teeth chattered. He lowered his head and settled that way, sighing. Small drips of the acid struck his skin in sparks among the cold.

With all the sensation, a slow burn of pleasure thrummed a steady rhythm through his body. He gave himself over to it, letting out quiet whimpers of burning pleasure every now and again.

But after so long he didn't even try to slake the pleasure or attempt to ease it. It was useless to try. Nothing was enough to take the edge off that inferno of desire. When he thought of his new offspring on her way to him, his blood burned with want. Fueled by painful need and insatiable greed, he burned. He burned on ice, he burned in acid, he burned in his own poisonous fucking blood.

But most of all he burned in desire.


Sammy wandered, but that was nothing new. She had always wandered. From place to place, from city to city, searching for any new thrill she could find. But she had never gone more than a day without feeding and now she had gone a few. She felt like an outsider, studying the sensation of blood hunger with twisted fascination. At the moment she would take any sensation she could get, even the pain of bloodthirst.

The desert was massive. But the only reason why it bothered her was that it meant longer to search before she reached his side.

Vex. The demon. The torturer. The scarred tormentor who treasured pain above all else. But now it seemed he had enough interest in her to pierce through even his love of pain.

She searched the desert with single minded obsession, though, and there was not another word from him. It made her frustrated. It made her painfully even more aroused. Even if he did have interest in her, it had to be less than whatever she felt and that was maddening. It would have been somewhat okay if he'd been as much a slave as she was.

It was three days and three nights of starvation and search before she found the center of whatever was pulling her to him. Whatever he used to call to her, it came from beneath her, buried in the sand. Sammy knelt and dug furiously. Whatever storm had covered the top of the temple must have been recent because it didn't take long, for the most part. When it was uncovered she looked down into a jagged, torn opening and could see a hollow inside. Whatever building had stood in the time of the elves it either had been big enough to avoid burial or whatever was inside refused to be covered.

She shivered at that last thought, took a deep breath, and then jumped gracefully inside.

She fell through a massive open sanctuary and looked around frantically. She was so close. It was here. Whatever opening she needed,and she had no idea what that could possibly be, but it was here.

But the strange altar centerpiece seemed like a good place to start. Sammy ran to it, heart thundering. "Vex, please!"

As soon as she said the name, it was like a magical call. Hell seemed to answer to names. She watched in fascination while the altar top moved. Inside of it was something like a swirling pool of thick, liquid silver. She quivered in excitement, staring into its depths.

But the silver was too thick. It covered whatever horrors it hid perfectly.

Vex's voice put an end to her hesitation. It was a scream of fury in her head. "Do not tease me, child! I have waited long enough."

Sammy stood in obedience. She didn't hesitate. She didn't give herself the chance to consider the insanity of what she was doing. She jumped up and didn't fall into hell.

Instead, she did a swan dive to the bowels of torture. Beyond the quicksilver was blackness with one shining light that she fell so far from she would never return to it without help. In her head was maniacal cackling, Vex's roar of victory lighting her blood with wicked promises of sin.

He was there almost as soon as she landed in his familiar chambers. He grabbed her in a death grip, his skin frigid, and laughed softly with delight. "Finally. There you are, pretty dove."


The feel of real flesh and blood in his arms was far better than any dream. Vex buried his nose in her neck and tore a bloody opening with his twin fangs. Sammy struggled, of course she did, the pretty dove. Despite his attentions she would twist from pain for a long while yet. But with time, with his endless attention, she would learn to worship at the altar of agony.

For now Vex stabbed through her shoulders with claws and held her still that way while he drank down her blood in thick gulps. "No! Vex, Vex, I've come! Please no..."

He lifted his head back a moment and brushed her hair from her neck, chuckling. "Oh, how innocent, pretty dove. No stopping. I'm afraid we're just getting started. Bask in the pain. Burn in the pleasure."

With that he struck the other side of her neck, ripping into it and pulling a scream from the weak little vampire's throat. He drank even more deeply, great pulls that left her more and more lethargic in his arms. Vex stopped only when there wasn't a drop left in her veins and then he dropped the lovely dove on the ground, watching her fall with a small smile.

"I know you can still hear me, pretty dove. The problem with you vampires is how much you rely on the blood you drink." Vex straddled her body and knelt over her. "Right now, you would resort to any manner of blood for food. Rodents, pets, entire villages. You would eat locusts by the mouthful for every tiny milliliter of relief. But did you know there is one thing a vampire will turn away from? Well, one thing at first." Vex lifted one of the serrated daggers from the many torturer's toys at his belt and slit his wrist. Crouching over Sammy, he let the black blood of his veins drip on her face.

She hissed weakly, too far lost to animalism to even speak, and turned her head. Though she was drained with blood and burning with starvation, she snapped and managed to struggle just a bit. Vex chuckled. "My blood. Spells acrid, doesn't it? You might not feel it at the moment but it's smoking when it touches your delicate skin. And when you drink of my wine and taste of my flesh, well... you will burn in sensation, pretty dove. You will feel as you have never felt before. The aching of your pretty cunt before when you so brazenly begged me for mercy? Imagine the pain when it will be so much worse, when you will beg ceaselessly for some relief." The wound still dripped on her face and the vampire was slowly stopping her pathetic struggle though not, Vex knew, because of his words. Mostly the starvation was taking over and his blood, while poisonous to her body, was starting to seem good comparatively.

At last she opened her mouth and a few drops fell in. She swallowed convulsively and shuddered, but by then it was too late for the lovely dove. She latched on to his wrist with a feral growl and accepted this form of food.

"That's it. Take all you need. My blood has no end. And you and I are going to put it to very good use on the table I have prepared for you. Good girl, child. Blood of my blood. From my flesh to yours. I claim you."

She ripped away from his vein, gasping in horror and staring around her with eyes wide. Vex remained in his crouch and watched with a small smile.

Now he could begin.


Sammy screamed for the hundredth time, but it did no good. She fought the restraints that held her to the table and sobbed in misery.

She thought she'd known pain when she'd first been turned as a vampire. She'd been a fool.

Vex hadn't wasted any time. After she'd come to and before she'd gathered her bearings from the effects of his blood, she found herself in a cell like the one from her dream, strapped naked on her back to one of the horrid tables.

For the effects of Vex's blood were the worst of all sensations she'd ever known. Everything was heightened. Everything. She heard screams from cells down and the moaning in the walls was deafening. The slightest feeling of breeze on her sex or tits was an inferno of lust that was terrifying in its intensity. In fact, she couldn't tell what was worse. When he was cutting her or when he merely breathed on her cunt to jar her back to her mind when she tried to escape from the pain. And Vex was so horribly attentive. Every single time she started to fade, he gave a small laugh and said, "oh, my sweet dove, I didn't give you permission to find solace in insanity." And then she would moan because she'd learned what would happen next.

He would merely breathe on her sex or let a tiny bit of his blood drip onto her clit and Sammy would gasp back to, fully aware of every rip, every cut, every burning agony and writhing in need for a fucking.

But Vex never gave it to her. He just smiled. "There we are again. Let's continue your lessons, child."

And then it would start all over again. The sobbing and screaming, the begging, the horrible intensity of every sensation, all of it. The only thing that changed was the methods. He switched occasionally. He started with his knives. But then he methodically switched to drips of acid and boiling tar, alternating with drips of his blood to ensure the most sensation from her.

"Why are you doing this to me!" She finally screamed it out in agony, sobbing in pathetic whimpers.

Vex slapped his fingertips on her pussy and she screeched. "Bask in the pain. Burn in the pleasure," he purred. "Tell me, pretty dove, what color do you think pain is?"

He dripped more tar on her torso and she couldn't answer. She wouldn't even if she could find the breath to do so. Her throat was healing as fast as she could scream it raw, and that was fucking fast. But Vex answered beside her, his damned voice calm and collected. "It does have colors. Black like the boiling tar or like my blood coursing through your body. Red like your eyes are right now, bloodshot and heated. Bright orange like fire. The brilliant white of ice. The vibrant green of acid."

Sammy only screamed more in reply.

She didn't know how much time passed. Eons, a few minutes. It didn't matter under Vex's all too attentive care. Nothing mattered but the pain. She couldn't think of anything else, for the pain didn't just insist on her attention. It demanded and forced every last bit of it. Whenever there was a break, just a minuscule pause while Vex chose another knife or refilled his dripping syringe of fluid, Sammy felt as if her mind were breaking. Sometimes she laughed in a mania at just the smallest break. Sometimes she gasped just to catch her breath, just for an instant. Other times she sobbed in misery that the pause was a second before the next eternal dose of pain started.

She noticed when the pause was too long. And instead of hope it gave her terror. She turned her head slowly to see Vex's serene smile. He was holding a harness like device.

With a small stroke to the harness, he approached her and fit the device around her waist, fixing its straps so that it formed a belt with pads covering her vaginal and anal openings. He took great care to ensure that the vaginal one was positioned whichever way he wanted it and then moved on to adjust another set of straps and coverings around her breasts. Sammy quivered with every sensation, whimpering and writhing, absolutely certain that all of it could mean nothing good. He connected a set of vials with black blood in them and these he connected to tubes that went to the coverings on the sensitive parts of her body. "No. Please," she whispered. She had an idea of what he intended, a horrible idea.

"Plead all you like, pretty dove, but there is no one to hear you but me and I will give no mercy. This is our lovely dance. Needles will inject your clit, your pretty cunt, your ass, your nipples, and your breasts with my blood. There will be a pause filled with more sensation than you have ever imagined. And you will be oh so receptive to the feel of the next pierce and injection and the next and the next."

Sammy lay still, not even bothering to struggle anymore. It did no good and the tears were useless too, but she couldn't seem to stop those. Vex pressed a button on each of the strapped pieces and together they waited.

Sammy started screaming as soon as the first one happened and it only got worse from there.

Strangely she felt a hand petting her hair, somewhere very far away, but she was sure she imagined it. Tenderness did not come from a demon like Vex.

And yet every time she gained enough sanity to resurface, he was there by her side. He seemed to watch every moment of her pain, studying her with great care.


Vex watched on with more than a little emotion. He'd forgotten how wonderful it felt to study a fledgling. And what was more, his was a little female, a pretty thing. She gave herself up to the pain so beautifully. Her body arched between the blood injections. He doubted that she realized that. Most likely the feeling of pain would mentally override any considerations of pleasure, but her body did feel the pleasure. It burned in it, as it were. Her hips arched and thrust with need and frenzy. Likely, if he offered to trade her a day of flaying for a nice fucking from his cock, she'd beg to take it. Sometimes she seemed to gain awareness and would look at him with so much fire and suffering that his blood would burn with it.

"I know, pretty dove," he whispered, petting her hair. "I know you burn. I know it hurts right now. Soon, my sweet little kitten. Soon, you will beg for all of this and more. Believe it or not, I ache too. Hell's flames run in my blood and they make every lust a delicious light of inferno, every sensation a torment of desire." He purred and spoke softly into her ear.

Never once did the demon think to leave the side of the fledgling.


When the ending of it came, Sammy didn't react. But she didn't think she could have reacted to much of anything if she'd wanted to. She felt more dead than undead for the first time. Vex untied her restraints and lifted her from her table and still, she didn't react. She let herself be carried, even rested her head gratefully against the demon's chest. A deep rumbling sound answered that, but Sammy was too far gone to care what it might mean.

"I believe you've been begging me to fuck you for a while now." Sammy couldn't find much in her to answer, but her body answered on its own. It arched for a moment before settling weakly back into Vex's arms. He chuckled. "Well, I won't be doing it, but you're finally going to have your holes filled. We call it Dischord. You're going to spend a bit of time in its embrace. I will not be with you, I'm afraid."

Sammy didn't do anything. Oh, the curiosity was there. What was dischord? How did its embrace work? But she couldn't find any energy to ask. She was too far gone in her body.

Vex finally opened a door. There was nothing at all inside, Sammy realized, but Vex laid her gently on the floor with a chuckle. "Enjoy your time, pretty dove." And then he left.

Sammy turned her head after a few moments, studying the walls and floor. She lay on something odd. It undulated beneath her and some slimy coating rubbed on her skin. The walls moved in the same twisted fashion. Gasping with the effort, Sammy sat up.

And she gave a shout at what she saw.

The twisting ropes in the floor and walls were separating as tentacle like appendages. What Vex had said came back to her with sudden clarity. "You're finally going to have your holes filled."

For a moment she thought about running, screaming, to the door and begging that no, this wasn't what she meant. Except the only thing that lay on the other side of the door was Vex and agony in all its horrible purity. This couldn't possibly be any worse than that.

Whimpering and shivering, she merely watched instead while one snake like tentacle slithered up her ankle. A second slithered slowly up the other ankle. Almost hypnotically there was a snap of the tentacles and her wrists were lifted above her and secured in Dischord's grasp.

For the next part she closed her eyes and held her breath, waiting... maybe if she kept her eyes closed it would seem more like a cock and less like this... thing.

One thick tentacle stroked gently over her clit and her eyes snapped open instead. She gasped in pleasure, her much abused body lighting up with the demon's blood that pumped through her. Her sex gaped open with need, twitching as if begging for the creature to fill it up. She couldn't tell if it had any sense to her reception, but it obliged and started to press the tentacle inside of her.

"Yes. Yes!" Oh god, yes! A thousand times yes! This was what she'd needed. This was what she'd lain in bed that night and burned for, to be filled and fucked and stretched open by anything - anything!

No that was a lie, she remembered. She hadn't gone and begged for a cock because she'd been thinking of Vex. And even now he filled her mind. But he had put her in this room with this creature. She could think of that. His touch was on it indirectly. Sammy arched to the creature, trying to lose herself to it, trying to forget Vex and his pain.

"More!" She screamed it. "Fill me with more. Fuck me harder. Now!"

Once again Dischord obliged on both counts. The thick member in her pussy pumped harder than any cock, stuffing her all the way to her cervix, and fucking her so hard that it felt bruising. Even while it did that, more tentacles squeezed at her tits and she felt the head of another one pressing into her asshole. Before she could cry out another beg, one filled her mouth. At first she choked on it, but then she swallowed hurriedly, whimpering and feeling her mouth empty and fill with the pumping. She tried to shake her head but it was less than useless. The flexible appendage merely moved with her.

The one in her ass pressed upward painfully and Sammy sobbed. She wanted to scream, wanted to shout Vex's name even though he wouldn't answer. He was all she could think as it was his injected blood bringing the pure sensitivity to the forefront. Still, it wasn't enough. None of it was enough!

All three tentacles pumped her holes in tandem, while other vines held her restrained. Even so the orgasm was too gentle by far. More! She needed more!

Another tentacle pressed to her pussy and Sammy gave a strangled cry around the one fucking her throat. Yes, yes, that was it. She wanted to be stuffed full, until she couldn't take anymore. When the tentacle in her ass suddenly stopped its pumping and swelled, filling her with thick cum - or some demon's version of it - Sammy's vision blurred with the pleasure. She would have screamed but couldn't catch her breath long enough.

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