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The sadist is back, and she's taken a new woman to play with.
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All characters are over the age of 18

Please note that this story contains elements of severe sadism.


The Woman

It was quiet, dead quiet. A single flickering street light struggled to keep the suburban street lit, receiving no help from the stars all tucked away beyond a blanket of clouds, and the sun wouldn't be rising for another few hours. The little houses standing guard along the street were all dark, black windows akin to dead eyes watching blindly over their neighborhood.

An unmarked van crept silently along the road. It made barely any sound at all, most likely an electric vehicle, as it reversed into the driveway of a rather nondescript house. There's a woman in the driver's seat; she sat for a moment, fiddled with the glove compartment and fished out a little black roll-up style bag.

After taking a moment to select a few necessary tools from the heavy bag, stashing them in the front pocket of her hoodie, she stepped out of the vehicle, walked around the van and carefully slid the side door open; it was well oiled and, like everything else that night, made nary a sound.

Leading to the backyard was a tasteful walkway, flat polished stones muffling the footfalls of the woman's sneakers as she searched for an entrance to this quaint little home. She found the back door, got to work with a few of the tools she'd brought, and after just a minute the silence was broken by a soft click as the tumbler spun. The woman closed her eyes, focused, listened for anything moving on the other side of the door, but her worries were unfounded. It was quiet still. Dead quiet.

A peculiar thing about suburbanites is that they often take their safety for granted, especially after moving away from the inner city and being seduced by the eerily quiet nights.

The woman made her way into the home, leaving the door open behind. She took a second to appreciate the situation; it wasn't often that she made housecalls, but there was something gratifying about the perverse invasion that sent a tingle up her spine, a feeling not too unlike butterflies in her belly that she didn't get at her usual hunting grounds. The second passed and she recentered her mind, admonishing herself for letting her focus slip for just the briefest of moments. Anything can happen in the blink of an eye, a fact she knew all too well.

She found the staircase leading up to the top floor in the living room, and steeled herself. This part was dangerous; she didn't know if the steps would betray her and scream for help, in that creaking voice heard only from wood under pressure. She put a single foot on the bottom step and after slowly, oh so slowly, transferring her weight to it she breathed a sigh of relief. The steps were carpeted metal. Fashionable materials, but mute.

Three doors stood to face her after her ascent. The smaller one in the middle she ignored, most likely a bathroom, instead heading off to the left. This final barrier between herself and her prize was adorned by a brass door knob and she prayed it wouldn't be locked; she was fairly skilled with her picks, but any sound up here was a danger with which she did not wish to dance. Unfortunately for the homeowner the knob twisted without protest, and the woman stepped inside the bedroom.

There was a single person fast asleep in the bed. The woman knew her only from her research, Caroline Wilson, a single mother pushing fifty, but was pleased with what she saw; the night was warm and Caroline had kicked her covers off, dressed only in a cotton nightgown which had crept up to leave her thighs bare. Sneaking up to the side of the bed, she brought out a small capsule from her pocket and cracked it underneath Carolines nose. A mild sedative. Able to work faster after that, she withdrew a pre-filled syringe from her convenient stash, removed the plastic cap, tapped the needle and pushed down on the plunger to remove any lingering pockets of air before sinking it into Caroline's naked thigh. A stronger sedative.

The woman let an agonizingly slow minute pass while the drugs circulated through Caroline, before rolling the unconscious woman onto her side next to the edge of the bed. She knelt down with her back towards the bed, stuck a hand between Caroline's legs and grabbed onto the back of her knee, then did the same to her arms on the other side.

The woman took a breath and strained as she pushed herself to her feet, with Caroline secure on her back in a fireman's carry. Whoever this intruder was, she hid some true strength inside her small frame.

Quickly then. Out the door, down the stairs, through the hallway and back outside to the yard, across the walkway then into the driveway where the gaping maw of the van waited, sliding doors like steel jaws ready to clamp shut around whatever was fed through them. The woman dumped Caroline on the floor of the van, stretched her own back and allowed herself a low groan, then looked at the watch facing inwards on her wrist. This had gone smoothly, maybe she'd have time to grab one more tonight?

Good things always come in pairs.


The Mother

The first thing Caroline thought as she was waking up was that today was going to be a good day! She'd been looking forward to it all week; after breakfast she was heading straight down to the beach for her usual jog on the boardwalk, then on to meet up with Ana and Elena for a quick nine holes at the links, grab some lunch at the clubhouse, maybe work on her short game on the range, before heading home in time for a bath and finally crashing down on the couch with Eve and a heap of stupid movies. The second Saturday of every month was always movie night; she and her daughter had kept that tradition up for years.

She didn't get very far in her train of thought before she opened her eyes and realised something wasn't quite as it should be; for one, it was pitch black, and secondly, she was sitting up. Caroline never closed the drapes, preferring to wake with the sun shining in, and she hadn't fallen asleep sitting up since way back during her university days.

Deciding to get up to see what exactly had happened last night to put her in this position, she tried to rise and found that she couldn't. Something cold pressed against her forehead, locking her head in place. In a surge of panic she wanted to find out what it was, and realized her hands wouldn't move to investigate. Nor would her legs. Nothing moved, she was stuck.

"Eve? Eve! This isn't funny, get in here and undo... whatever this is!" The void did not reply. It seldom does. "Hello? Eve, help me! What're you up to!? Hello!?"

A few minutes pass by with Caroline shouting for help, for Eve, for an explanation, but there's nothing but inky blackness and the unyielding restraints. Her voice is getting a bit sore, and her teeth feel icky from not brushing this morning, and soon she quiets down. Shouting is replaced by thinking, thoughts spill over into confusion, and confusion grows into panic.

"Please... I'm serious, this isn't okay, please just get m-"

A click breaks the silence; it came from below. Caroline shuts up immediately at this first change in her situation. A slight tremble shoots through the chair as the seat begins to slide apart down the middle, a divide opening up and pulling her thighs wide open..

"What the... What the fuck!? EVE!! Eve, what's going on!?"

Caroline isn't particularly fond of expletives, but some situations do require them. It wasn't until she felt the seat moving underneath her bum that Caroline realized she was, in fact, in a state of complete undress. Yanking harder at her restraints yields the same result as her previous attempts; absolutely nothing.

A whirr from below. Caroline yelps as something large, round, and firm is pressed roughly against her naked sex, and the yelps grow into shrieks as the intruder begins to vibrate. No warm up, no warning; what felt like an eternity in the dark is abruptly punctuated by a heavy duty vibrator sending ripples through her body. Then, as quickly as it appeared, it stops and withdraws like it was only there to greet her, to welcome her, into her own personal nightmare.

Caroline weeps when it dawns on her that Eve didn't do this to her. This is something else, something sinister, but she still cannot wrap her mind around what's happening, how she got here or who'd want to tie her down.

The telltale sound of a door opening somewhere to her right, and at the same time light floods the room as the spotlights in the ceiling turn on, momentarily blinding her.

"Aah! Help! Eve? Is that you? Who's there? Help me please, I don't know where I-"

"Be quiet." A female voice, but not one that Caroline knows.

"What!? No, please, you need to help me, I have no idea what's going on! I just woke up in here and someone's tied... me..." A moment of clarity, as Caroline realizes that she might be speaking to whoever did this to her. "...you're not here to help me, are you...".

Heavy heels on a hard floor echo through the room. The only thing Caroline can see in front of her is a glossy, opaque wall as her eyes get used to the light. The woman steps forward and stands between Caroline and the wall; she's about Caroline's age, a few streaks of grey in her hair, round glasses, and she's got a lab coat on. A doctor, maybe? Had Caroline been in an accident?

"In a sense, Caroline, I am." There's no warmth to her voice, nothing gentle about her eyes, none of the air of comfort that usually surrounds a healthcare worker. There's just ice.

The woman steps in towards Caroline and raises a hand, palm inching towards her immobilized face. "What are you doing!? Stop that! Sto-mmpphh" Her voice is muffled as the woman's hand closes around her mouth, thumb hooked underneath her chin to keep it shut.

A slap is heard, and Caroline's eyes widen in confusion. It takes a second for her to register what happened; the woman slapped her vulva. Just as the sting registers in her mind, there's another slap, and then another.

"Mmphhh!!" Slap! "MMMPHH!!" Slap! Slap! Slap!

The woman ceases her attack on Caroline's vulva, taking a moment to run a few fingers along her reddened labia before letting go of Caroline's mouth.

"HELP!! Please, anyone!!" Thrashing in her chair, eyes locked on the smiling lunatic in front of her, shouting at the top of her lungs.

"Hush now, dear. That was just to get your attention. I can be nice, too, you know."

"What? What? Wh-" She can't think straight. There's a tugging between her legs as the woman pinches her hood and rolls her clitoris around inside it for a few seconds, coaxing a surprised groan from Caroline.

"Breathe, Caroline, breathe. Now, you're going to be a good girl and obey. Do exactly as I say, yes? As long as you obey, I will be nice. Now, please be quiet."

"I, what, no! What's happening? I don't-"

The woman sighs. "I asked for you to be quiet. Let me show you what happens when you disobey." She fishes a nondescript remote from her pocket. There are no markings on it, only blank buttons placed around a couple of dials. She pushes one of them.

Her vision blurs, and a feeling of tumbling freely through space overcomes her. Spinning 'round and 'round with no sense of what is up, down, no sense of what's happening to her or how to stop it. A wall of sound, of white noise, washes over her and terror flees her throat in an ear piercing shriek. She's searching for balance, trying to flail her arms to stabilize the fall, but she cannot move. Her voice breaks, lungs gasping desperately for breath, her stomach turns and there's a taste of bile in her mouth, before she's back on the ground. Safe. The world found its lost keel and righted itself.

The woman is still standing there, and Caroline is still in the chair. Neither one has moved an inch.

"Now, wasn't that fun, dear? Would you like to take a guess at what just happened?"

"Wh-what did you do? What the hell did you do to me!?" Caroline's stomach hasn't caught up with the rest of her body; a cramp pushes another foul wave of bile up her throat.

"Oh, I just used a little toy of my own design. Tell me what you felt, dear, and I'll tell you what I did. A fair deal, no?" The hunger in those eyes is palpable, the woman is ravenous, and Caroline is on the menu.

"I don't... I can't explain it..." Another cramp, another dry retch.

"Please, do try."

"It felt like... like I'd been spun around for hours. I was so dizzy. Then my body plunged into what felt like a free fall... Please, tell me, what's happening? I don't know what you want from me.."

"Mmh...Thank you. You see, dear, I played with your sense of balance." Caroline flinches as the woman pushes a few errant strands of hair behind her ear. "While you were unconscious I took the liberty to implant a couple of devices into your ear canals. Deviously simplistic, really; they send vibrations into your vestibular system, the collection of tiny organs responsible for balance and orientation. Instant vertigo, at the push of a button!"

"...You...what...?" She hears the words but she doesn't seem to comprehend them.

"Oh relax, it's uncomfortable but completely harmless. Well, mostly harmless. Probably." A chuckle as she twists a dial and thumbs at a button. "Would you like to give it another go, a little more intense this time?"

"Wait! No! Plea-"

The room tilts violently when the white noise returns. Her eyes roll aimlessly as they search for something, anything, to anchor onto, but their hunt is futile and they catch nothing. Caroline knows, knows, that in a moment her head will smash sideways into the floor, and braces for an impact that never comes. Digging her fingers hard into the armrests one acrylic nail breaks off, though she scarcely notices, before equilibrium is once again restored

Caroline's on the brink of hysteria, writhing uselessly in her bonds. She has to get away from here, every instinct in complete revolt against this mind bending horror. A fingertip brushes against her cheek; she jerks away as though she'd been singed by white hot iron.

"Stop, STOP! For god's sake, please, no more..." The words are slurred. She's crying, sobbing and blubbering.

"Sshhhh shh shh, dear, don't worry. I won't put you through that again. Not as long as you obey me. Obey, and I'll play nice."

"Obey?" Confusion, followed by realization. "...yes! Yes, I will, I'll obey! Anything, just d- No!" She yelps as the woman's finger teases a button, right in front of her face.

"You and I are going to play a little game. Obey, and you will be fine. Now, be quiet for a second dear, I'd like to show you something."

Caroline shuts her mouth with some difficulty, as the woman walks over to a set of switches on the wall. The room first goes pitch black as the lights are turned off, before being lit again from the outside when the wall in front gradually becomes translucent; a one way mirror.

It's difficult to describe the sound Caroline makes when she sees what's on the other side of the divider. A room not completely unlike the one she's in, brightly lit and sparsely decorated apart from a strange slanted table in the middle of the floor. The table is set, and Caroline knows its sole guest.

It's difficult to describe the sound a mother makes when she sees her daughter in certain peril. A sound as though someone had found a gate into Hell itself and, out of naïve curiosity or simple idiocy, pushed it ajar to listen to the demons and the devils, to the imps and the fiends and the hounds, cackling at their infernal work.

To the woman it is the sound of a complex sonata, the most beautiful music. It is a river of honey, of ambrosia, into which she dips her cup to drink, deeply.

The girl in the other room had been lithe and flexible, much more so than any other toy the woman had ever brought home, thus she'd encountered no issues pushing the limits of what her mechanized chair could do. The backrest had tilted back and the stirrups had straightened out before forcing her legs wide apart; she was laid out flat on her back and doing a full side-split.

Her arms were strapped down tight along her sides, completing the bondage in an inverted T-pose; arms and torso a straight line down to the right angles of her hips.

Eve lays blindfolded on the table, sweating, twitching, muscles flexing and relaxing rhythmically in her bonds, but no sound bleeds through the barrier. Machines are hard at work on the girl; a slim steel rod pushing its way into her ass, a thick vaginal plug stretches her lips, smooth silver clips are hugging her nipples, her labia, and a thin black wire is coiled tightly around her clitoris. All the pieces are wired, connected by black threads to a machine adorned by angry lights, buttons, and knobs.

The woman moves to stand right behind the inconsolable Caroline, and drapes an arm around her. She rests her chin on the mother's heaving shoulder, pushes their cheeks together, and lets her hand wander down on a journey of exploration until it finds the soft swell of a naked breast. She paws at it without any real interest, cupping it, pinching and pulling at the nipple, but her true focus is solely listening to Caroline working through the shock of seeing her daughter in this place.

"She's being edged, mommy." The word falls from her lips in an odd mixture of sarcasm and adoration. "Do you know how frustrating that is? Have you ever been truly denied? Over and over and over again, my machine brings her right to the edge of bliss without ever letting her slip."


"Hmm? What was that, dearie?"

"You're a monster!" Caroline's voice has a note of newfound steel to it; cold defiance.

"Oh pish posh, flattery will get you nowhere. Tell you what, though, I'll give you a chance to rescue her! Doesn't that sound just fabulous?"

As if washed away by the tide, Caroline's fresh courage disappears when she latches on to this tiny bit of hope, the first she's had since waking up.

"...please, yes, I'll do anything... Just let Evelyn go! Anything!"

"Good girl! That's what I like to hear." The woman does seem genuinely happy. "As I said, you and I are going to play a little game. The rules are simple. I will be giving you a series of tasks. If you obey me and complete them all, you will both be free to go!"

"Fine! Anything! Tell me what to do and I'll do it! Just let her go, please!"

"Wonderful! On to your first task then, no sense in dragging this out. It's straightforward; I want you, mommy, to orgasm while watching your daughter being denied hers."

Caroline's stomach drops, her mouth moves but forms no words. Her attempt at a reply is cut short by a spritzing sound and a sudden cold wetness across her vulva, quickly followed by the bulbous head of the vibrator pushing up and sliding into place at the hood of her clit.

"Remember, Eve's been here for as long as you have." The woman casually strolls in front of the chair and meets Caroline's eyes. "All that time you were sitting here, shouting into the darkness, I was just a few feet away working on her. How long has it been, do you think? Hours? The longer you drag this out the longer her ordeal will go on, so don't fight it-" The woman sits down on her knees, vanishing from Caroline's view. "-just come as quickly as you can, mommy. For your daughter's sake."

Caroline jumps in her restraints when the vibrator comes alive. It's not as incessant as before, instead opting for a slower, deeper rumbling. A tickle appears at the inside of her knees, traveling towards her sex as the woman dances her fingertips along Caroline's thighs.

With her head locked in place, Caroline cannot look away from her daughter's constant squirming. She watches as the slow, rolling waves fill Eve's body. Abs clenching tight as she teeters over the edge, writhing in her bonds desperately trying to push herself over, before the machine yanks her back.

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