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Vicious Rumours Pt. 02


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"That blindfold counts as an item of clothing." Gladys then went wide-eyed with horror as she heard his footsteps walk away and into the night.

Gladys screamed. She was fully tied up, somewhere in the school, with cum drying on her tits, and a ticking clock that took £1 off the subscription cost for her SkankBank for every minute it took for her to escape, not to mention if she didn't escape she would eventually be discovered, even if it was by the students or staff that found her tomorrow morning. Her mind was still foggy from her recent orgasms, even keeping her aroused at the prospect of being trapped and discovered but she knew she had to figure a way out of her predicament.

'Come on Gladys, stop thinking about your sloppy coin purse and start thinking about self-preservation.' she thought to herself, even in dire straits wondering why that phrase seemed to be sticking in her head. She wriggled her limbs, trying to figure out which one had the most give in it. Her hands were thoroughly tied, he had made sure of that, but Gladys had tied her own legs in the middle of a fit of hornyness. She swayed from side to side and felt the rope slip a little on her left leg if she straightened it as far as she could.

She squirmed and rotated, screaming with the sudden necessity of a flexibility she had never had before, with an awkward grunt she felt the rope roll down to her ankle, stopped by the other rope she had looped around the chair. She gave her leg a long and painful flex until she felt one rope slip over the other and off her leg. The sudden looseness allowing her to free her other leg. Now she was sitting comfortably in her chair, her legs on the floor with a lot of tangled rope between them. Next Gladys got to work chewing at the ropes on her hands.

It took a lot of time, Gladys wasn't looking to chew through the rope, she was biting and pulling, trying to undo the knot with her mouth. It felt like hours before she caught a break and felt the rope loosen. She roared in triumph as she felt the rope fall to the floor, her newly freed hands ripping off the blindfold to see the full extent of her situation.

Gladys was in the entrance hallway, still with its fundraising decorations although now dark and quiet, just the other side of St. Bernard's iconic double doors. Had she been left here too long it was guaranteed she would be the centre of attention for anyone entering the building the next morning. She looked down and saw the dried cum flaking off her breasts, fluttering past where her subscriber had written the full URL of her SkankBank profile. Finally, with trepidation she looked at the clock on the wall. It was 1:39. Gladys did some quick calculations in her head and worked out her SkankBank subscription would be £279 cheaper from a single night of adventure. She shuddered, that would take her account cost to the brink of three figures.

She looked around at her surroundings, alone in the school, and she spotted one of the donation tins from the event.

'I can't believe someone left one of these out, I better take the money back to my office' she thought to herself. 'maybe I could put it in my sloppy coin purse.'

In the darkness of the empty school, despite everything that had happened, Gladys prepared to fit as many coins as she could in her vagina, her commitment to fulfilling the rumours running even stronger than her exhaustion and the residual fear from what had just occurred. As she awkwardly staggered down the hall she had to wonder to herself.

'Have I been totally broken?'


Gladys had her phone on speakerphone as she looked at a bowl of dog food she had prepared for Saturday morning breakfast. One of the governor's had taken it upon himself to call regarding the events at the fundraiser.

"The auditorium was filled with people watching our headmistress, a position of power and respect, get her bare bottom spanked with a paddle. How did you think we were going to react?" He ranted down the phone.

"With gratitude for doing whatever it took to raise money for the school. Forty thousand pounds, one cheeky lot in the auction and we can pay our kitchen staff until the end of the year."

"I suppose if it would raise money for the school it would be fine to put you on a street corner then?" He asked, not realising the thought of that made Gladys' imagination run wild.

"Calm down Edmund, I'm not some kind of deviant" Gladys lied, desperate to get the phone call over with so she could eat her dog food and masturbate in peace. "I've seen worse in carry on movies, it was just a bit of bawdy fun.

"Unfortunately the other board members see it the same way, I think the runaway success of the fundraising event is dulling their sense of propriety. I look forward to next year's event where you raise as much money without selling your body."

"Next year I plan to raise double what I raised last night, just you wait and see." Gladys replied.

"You see after last night's performance that worries me. What are you going to do, convert our staff room into a brothel for the night? Nevermind I realise I'm not going to get through to you. Just make sure to give your John a call, he may have gotten your ass but we still haven't got the cheque." Edmund hung up before Gladys could reply. She sighed to herself, being forced into another task before she could eat breakfast, but as she was bringing up Hugo's contact details, her phone rang again, this time it was her husband.

Gladys had a conversation filled with the usual pleasantries, her husband a distant figure with her newfound double life. Once all the updates on family and the weather were done, her husband moved on to the reason he was calling.

"I was chatting with Greg this morning, and he tells me the fundraising event had an interesting lot in it last night."

"Ah yes, the Old Thumper thing."

"Jesus Gladys, what got into you? He even sent me a picture, my wife, dressed as a schoolgirl, getting spanked in front of an audience like a stripper in some unlicensed club." He began to yell.

"Calm down Nigel." Gladys cut in, trying to stop his anger from boiling over. "It was just a bit of bawdy fun, plus it raised a lot of money for the school."

"Gladys, we are a power couple. With my links to business and your prestigious position, we can do anything we want. I was thinking of going into government one day. How do you think your 'bawdy fun' affects our future? As for money, we have plenty of money, you don't need to do that, just ask me."

"Nobody forced me, it was a bit of fun. How about you give me ten of the best with Old Thumper one day? I think you'll change your mind."

"We are so close to having the country in the palm of our hand. We don't need the press getting ahold of evidence of you being a deviant, it's not proper."

"Is that all you care about? Your image and your future? What if I wanted to be a deviant eh. I've spent my life being proper, what if I want to have my bottom spanked by someone?" Gladys began to yell, hitting on a sore spot for Nigel that even before her double life her sexual fantasies were far too unusual for him, she had dragged him along with a tour of the tamest fetishes and even then felt his resentment the entire time.

"I can't talk to you when you're like this. How about I visit next month?"

"Perfect, how would you feel if I had my nipples pierced for you by then?" There was a long pause, filled with anger.

"I'll see you on the fourth of April." He curtly replied before hanging up.

Gladys growled in frustration, everything but their sex life was so perfect with Nigel, but her sex life was becoming such a big part of her identity she has no idea how the marriage was going to adapt. She went to eat her breakfast but remembered she still needed to call Hugo. She decided a video call from the neck up would get her in the mood for breakfast.

"Hello Hugo, sorry to ring on a Saturday, have you got a moment?" Gladys asked sweetly.

"Oh sure, what can I do for you Mrs. Hardwick?" He replied, somehow even more awkward and nervous than he had been paddling her bottom.

"Well it's about your successful bid last night. I'm not going to forget about it any time soon, but it looks like you have forgotten to send across the £40,000 you pledged."

"Oh? I could have sworn I sent it across. Maybe I sent it to the wrong account, check all of your accounts." He suggested, hiz voice thick with nerves. Gladys made a supreme effort to keep her phone steady on her head as she opened her banking app and logged in.

"This is odd, it seems to have gone into my personal…" Gladys was stunned silent as she opened her account. In there was a deposit of £40,000 made using the SkankBank tip jar feature. "Wait, are you…"

"Your mysterious subscriber. Umm… yeah, sort of." Hugo admitted. "The thing is SkankBank is one of the websites my tech company owns. All accounts with payments set at £2047 get forwarded to manual moderation and I do that personally. So I've known about your account and been watching your videos since day one." The world seemed to spin around Gladys as she saw her former student looking at her with a familiar lust, but with far deeper knowledge. "I only subscribed after I felt bad about watching your Christmas challenges without you knowing."

"So last night… that was you?"

"Yeah. I can't believe I got to fuck you. Did you know I've had a crush on you since you first started working at St. Bernard's, it's probably the reason I gave so much attention and did so well at IT."

"Well I didn't paint you as the kind to tie me up further, fuck me in the entrance hallway then leave me to escape or be discovered."

"It wasn't that bad." Hugo quickly corrected. "I was nearby, if you didn't untie yourself in an hour or so I would have come to free you. I'm sorry, you did say 'do your worst' and I just..." Hugo splurged.

"Now, now Hugo. You don't need to apologise to me. If anything I should be apologising to you." Gladys put her phone down and backed away, getting to see the look on Hugo's face as he got a live view of his former teacher, naked but for a dog collar, butt-plug with a tail sticking out of her ass and pussy glistening with perverted anticipation. "This dirty bitch got her filthy pussy juice all over your cock last night and I feel so bad about it. I was about to eat my dog food breakfast, but if you want, I could punish myself first?"

Hugo seemed more embarrassed to be seen than Gladys, watching a video or even fucking her with a blindfold was one thing, but here was his childhood crush begging him to punish her. He cleared his throat.

"Um… yes, how dare you be such a slut." He badly acted along. "You do deserve a punishment…" His pause was long and filled with a brain overloading with possibilities but no will to state any of them. Eventually Gladys decided that if she didn't step in she would starve to death first. She squeezed her nipples to fill her with naughty ideas and the drive to go through with them, before speaking up.

"I bet you think this cheating slut doesn't even deserve clean dog food. It would be so mean if you punished her by ordering her to piss in her breakfast before eating it." She growled with excitement.

"Oh my god yes, do that." Hugo replied, his cock in his hand. As Gladys squatted over her breakfast, her mind began to whirr with possibilities for her future.


Thanks to everyone who submitted rumours on part 1, if I didn't feature one of yours they are either down to feature in part 3, or would require so much setup as to detract from the central plot, but I made sure everyone who commented had a least one of their rumours included (in one form or another). Please don't add any more rumours as part 3 has already got a plot in mind.

Thanks for everyone being so supportive of this story, I will try my best to get part 3 done as quickly as this one, so I can make sure to thoroughly destroy any remaining legacy goodwill that somehow survived this sequel to my highest rated story ever.

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cowboyroy1234cowboyroy1234almost 3 years ago

Any updates on when to expect Part 3?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

iwroteathing, you are my favorite author on this site and I am so ecstatic to see your work gaining appreciation from an even wider audience. Each of your stories demonstrates a creativity and true effort to craft something enjoyable from start to finish. Your attempt at utilizing audience feedback with this story arc has been a resounding success! I know that a couple of previous story arcs you have tried were not as well received (Dixie's Downfall comes to mind) and I was a bit worried that you wouldn't attempt another larger story arc again. I, and many others, love what you share with us, and it is writers like you that have made Literotica the #1 erotic literature website. In fact, when I first started reading erotic literature in an attempt to wean off of porn addiction, I had almost given up on ever enjoying it until I read the stories you published at the end of 2018, so I just wanted to thank you because your work helped me, in part, to overcome addiction to visual pornography during one of the darkest periods of my life.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Your biggest success, huh? See, democracy works (when the discussion is about porn).

She's been lucky that her stalker (sort of) is both rich and a nice guy. Well, at least he's not as sadist as I expected..., yet. She's so eager to impress tho. So prone to self-destruction. Heat up the dog food in the oven, dammit!

For the third part use as much time as you need, of course. But, I mean, do it quickly. I want my dose. ;)


DHerbertDHerbertalmost 3 years ago

, good thought, but it was not Hugo that came up with the idea of spanking her bare backside - it was the "old boy" who had it done that way when he was at the school. Hence my not getting why that chap wasn't written in to administer the whole thing as an added humiliation.

scman493scman493almost 3 years ago

Awesome...as I imagine what Gladys looks like as she degrades herself I can't recall if you've said whether her cunt and asshole are hairless? Removing that hair is yet another means of making her a true slut and whore.

SNEZ_WritingSNEZ_Writingalmost 3 years ago

Spectacular writing, as always!

sapna_prakashsapna_prakashalmost 3 years ago

These kind of stories, like Queenfall, are the best of the lot. Hope to read such filth from you often.

Thank you for writing.


Stevewu609Stevewu609almost 3 years ago

, I think he won the auction so that he could pull the stunt about pulling her bloomers down to spank her bare ass and thereby expose her bare bottom to everyone. He probably thought nobody else would have the balls to do that, and since he knew how deviant she actually was, he knew she would probably go along with it (or that he could just whisper something to her about her SpankBank profile to make her go along with it if she initally refused). So he could still spank her bare ass in private later, but this was his chance to expose her to everyone in attendance.

Feldwebel1945Feldwebel1945almost 3 years ago

Damn that was epic. I hope Part 3 is just great as this. Also love the fact you included my suggestion.

sloopbsloopbalmost 3 years ago

A brilliant part two and eager to read the final chapter.

Watching Gladys' ever deeper plunge into depravity and filth is exhilarating. Well done and please keep those ideas and stories flowing; you are by far one of the most erotic story tellers on Literotica this year.

DHerbertDHerbertalmost 3 years ago

Sorry to post twice, but later on I had the following thoughts.

I'd have liked more mention of the husband, and earlier in this chapter - if we are to get more of a sense of the betrayal there, and how much she is putting on the line, then more needs to be made of him so that we are aware and care about this.

Why did Hugo pay $40K to spank her when he knew that she was going to be naked, blindfolded and ready for him to do whatever he wanted with later on that evening? He could have spanked her all he liked at that point if he'd wished. I might have gone with the humiliation of the old-timer doing this on her naked behind and her getting turned on from that - and Gladys maybe then pursuing this and letting him have further access to her body. How degrading letting an old man use her!

Anyway, a brilliant story - thanks!

xenoveistxenoveistalmost 3 years ago

Nice, I hope now that she knows who her subscriber is she can feel more liberated in doing crazy things while also having someone to help her cover up so it doesn't go completely public and wild or something lol

DHerbertDHerbertalmost 3 years ago

Truly excellent, both part 1 & 2 are firmly on the favourites list... and I'm looking forward to seeing if Part 3 can live up to them!

BiggaluteBiggalutealmost 3 years ago

Great stuff, looking forward to pt3

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