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Viktor's Fantasies Pt. 04

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Viktor picks up a Hooker to fuck with milky tits in his limo.
6k words

Part 4 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 08/28/2021
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I would like to thank those of you who have enjoyed my Viktor series for voting positively. Also for any comments made either publicly or privately - please keep them coming!

My following story is purely a work of sexual fantasy and is complete fiction. The names of my characters are all fictitious and do not represent anyone living or deceased.


Viktor is a highly sexed older man who loves sexy blondes with enormous tits. He loves to indulge his fetishes of pussy shaving and dressing his women in sexy black pvc before quite literally tearing it off them. He enjoys seeing his women restrained and fucked by others too.

Viktor's life was influenced as an older teenager by his mother. The first part of this chapter continues the story of this particular part of his background, but please be aware that it contains details of their short incestuous relationship.


Anya was preparing herself for Dimitri's visit. He had sent her a sexy black pvc dress he wanted her to wear for the evening. She had fastened the lacing which ran from her tummy across her breasts, pulling it tightly so that her huge tits were pushed close together, her nipples just about covered by the straining shiny fabric, a lot of creamy flesh on display. She clipped the attached suspenders to her black stockings then stepped into her heels. God she felt sexy; Dimitri would love this outfit.

She heard Viktor knocking at her door. She didn't want him to see her wearing this. "I'm busy at the moment darling." She called out.

"I need to talk with you, it's important."

"Tomorrow darling, Dimitri is coming soon, I'm getting ready."

Dimitri! He hated him and hated him fucking his mother. He opened the door and walked in, stopping in his tracks when he saw her. Shit, she looked amazing. So sexy. His cock hardened.

"You look beautiful mummy." He said as he walked towards her.

"Thank you darling. Now we can talk about your problem tomorrow, but Dimitri will be here soon, so be a good boy and just let me get ready." She told him.

"Frigging Dimitri. "I don't know why you let him fuck you. He's so vile and he's just using you." He told her.

"Actually darling he has asked me to be his official mistress. He wants to buy me an apartment where he can stay with me."

Viktor was shocked. "Surely you won't do that, you enjoy your independence too much."

"I don't know. I am thinking about it. I'm not so young any more and maybe being a kept woman suits me now." She said.

Viktor kneeled at her feet, his hands on the pvc of her mini dress. "Mummy you can't. You can't leave me." He said as he rested his head on her stockinged thighs.

"Oh darling, you're 22 now. You need to make your own life. Meet someone, marry them." She said as she stroked his hair.

"I don't want to. I love you and I only want you." He said as he started to kiss her legs, working his way up to her suspenders. He put his hand under her dress to reach her pussy.

"Stop Viktor. No more, this is not right. It cannot continue." She said. But Viktor wanted her. He needed to fuck her.

"Mummy I want you now!" He said as he stood up and took her forcefully by her arms and threw her on to her bed. He straddled her so she couldn't move, then grabbed the handcuffs by the bed, fastening her wrists above her to the headboard.

"Stop Viktor. No more!"

But he was already kissing her, his tongue frantically lapping hers. And then he took hold of the lacing tying the front of her dress together and pulled it open all the way down the front, the shiny pvc squeaking and groaning as he stretched it open over her huge delicious tits. Oh God he wanted them. He licked them and sucked them while she groaned, her breasts rising and falling as he suckled hard.

"Stop Viktor." But he knew truthfully she wanted him to fuck her.

He pushed her legs wide as he unclipped the suspenders so that he could lift her dress to get to her pussy. The delicious plastic creaking and rustling as he pushed it clear of her cunt. And then he was licking and sucking her, fucking her with his tongue as he opened her pink glistening cleft.

"You want me too mummy. I can see you do." He said as he pushed in his fingers into her squelching cunt. She groaned. His cock was so hard now, on the verge of explosion. He had to get inside her. He had to fuck her.

He climbed on top of her, his naked body luxuriating in the feel of the shiny vinyl beneath him, the feel of her huge mounds of soft flesh. It was getting too much for him. He pushed his cock in hard and started to fuck her. Faster and faster he pounded her.

"Oh Viktor, fuck me baby, fuck me hard my darling boy." She groaned as he pounded inside her. He felt his cock throbbing, the sound of his pulse beating in his head, the heat rising as his thick white cum began to surface. Suddenly he pulled out and pushed into her mouth. He wanted her to taste him as he pumped hard down her throat. He groaned as she swallowed his whole load of thick white cum.

"Oh God mummy I love you so much." He told her.

"Me too my darling. I love you too baby." She told him, knowing this would be the last time they would fuck.


Viktor could stand it no longer. He had listened to his mother being fucked by Dimitri for hours now. Her groans and her screams. He had to get out. He went for a drink with some friends. Hopefully he would meet a willing girl for the night. He got lucky and went back with a fairly attractive young woman to her flat where he fucked her all night long. Just a one night stand though. No need to get her details.

He walked into his flat late morning to see his mother standing in her black sheer gown, just panties beneath. His cock hardened when he saw her naked tits. Suddenly Dimitri appeared from upstairs and kissed her erotically.

"You won't regret it my love." He said before he left and closed the door behind him.

Viktor went to her and started to open her gown to get to her delicious tits. He bent down to suck on them, but she pulled away.

"No more Viktor, I told you."

"Mummy, please you know I love to suckle you. I am still your little baby."

"You are no longer my baby Viktor. You are a grown man." She said as she tied the gown. "Dimitri will not want you to do it."

"Who cares what he wants. And what did he mean, you won't regret it. What won't you regret?"

"Becoming his mistress. I am leaving this apartment to move into the new one he is buying. You can still stay here if you want though." She told him.

Viktor was shocked.


Viktor had been busy at the office all day. It was Friday, the end of the week. He needed some relaxation. Something to take his mind off deals and money. What better than a woman, he thought as he sat in the back of his limo.

"Vladimir, take a detour and drive through the industrial estate. I want to take a look to see who's available tonight. I need a little company." He told him.

They slowly cruised along the roads. Girls leaning against lamps, smiling and showing what they had to offer as the car slowly went past them. They were all keen, knowing this punter obviously had money.

But then Vladimir spotted something happening ahead of them. There was a blonde girl dressed in a black pvc raincoat and tight pvc trousers. A man had got out of his car and was trying to pull her in. She was trying to fight him off, but he was too strong for her. He was pushing her into the back of his car.

Vladimir immediately stopped the limo and ran to help. He pulled the man off her and hit him, knocking him to the ground. The girl got out of the car and Viktor watched as Vladimir spoke to her. He then led her towards the limo, opening the rear door for her. She slipped in next to Viktor, her outfit squeaking and rustling as she climbed in.

"Are you alright my dear? Did he hurt you?" Viktor asked.

"Thank you so much for helping me. I'm fine thank you." She told him. "I don't know what he would have done to me if you hadn't helped. I've had dealings with him in the past. He's very rough and very kinky. I was black and blue the last time I had sex with him, and the worst thing was how much he paid me for it."

"Oh my dear, I am so sorry to hear that. Can we drop you anywhere? Or perhaps you would like to come back with me to my house in Notting Hill. I am looking for some company this evening. I will pay you well for the night." He said, taking out a wad of bank notes.

"Oh Notting Hill, I love it there. Yes that would be good to spend the night with you." She said as she kissed him, their tongues sloppily entwining, exchanging oral fluids. She knew she could earn a lot of money, and he seemed such a sweet older man. Perhaps a quick blow job would suffice. She suspected he would have trouble getting it up for long.

"That's marvellous dear. What is your name? I am Viktor."


"What a lovely name Chantel. And you are very attractive." He said as he rubbed her vinyl clad leg, squeezing and stroking it. The soft slippery material making his cock harden. "And I adore women dressed in pvc, though I do like to remove it too. I will want to strip this off you and get you naked." He said as he moved his hand to squeeze her crotch.

Hmmm maybe there was more to Viktor than she thought. Could be fun.

"Just one thing Chantel. Are you regularly tested dear? I would hate to get any std's." He asked her.

"Oh yes. My husband would hate me to bring anything home. He is insistent." She said.

"Oh, you're married? Does he not object to your choice of profession?" He asked.

"Actually it was his idea I earned money this way. He loves it when I come home knowing I've been fucked. It turns him on. He's my house husband and looks after the kids while I work." She told him.

She could only have been early twenties, but she already had three kids and a husband that wanted her fucked by other men. How interesting thought Viktor. Well he would fuck her hard tonight and send her home marked for her husband to see.


"So here we are my dear." Viktor told her as they pulled up outside his house.

"Wow it's stunning." She told him as they entered the hallway.

"Come through to the kitchen. I'll get us some champagne."

Wow champagne, she didn't get that too often.

He poured both of them a glass, then started to kiss her lustfully, his hands all over her squeaky raincoat. He sat her on the long black granite table and pushed her back before straddling her. "Let's remove this now." He said as he unfastened the belt then ripped open all the snappers down the front, reminding him of when his mother was stripped by Dimitri.

Chantel's naked breasts bounced out at him. She wore a one piece black pvc suit with a collar fastening, but the whole area over her breasts was cut out so that her delicious huge tits were on display.

"Mmmm you have very sexy tits." He said as he took hold of her creamy mounds in his hands. He started to suck on her gorgeous pink nipples, realising her tits were full of milk. How delicious! He swallowed it down. She groaned as he suckled, writhing around beneath his attentive mouth and tongue.

"Who needs champagne when we've got these!" He said, sucking more, and squeezing them, the milk now dribbling down his beard. Fuck this was hot, he thought to himself.

"Oh that feels so good Viktor. Ricky didn't have time to drain them before I left this evening. I'm so full of milk."

"Do you have a baby?" He asked.

"No my youngest is four, but Ricky still likes to feed from me. Normally twice a day, so sometimes my tits are pretty full by the evening. Carry on drinking from me Viktor, I'll soon make more!" She giggled.

Wow, this was even more delicious than sucking empty tits. Every time he squeezed them her nipples sprayed milk over him. His face was now covered, he was licking it off. He took an empty champagne glass and squeezed her nipples into it. It was now half full with milk, which he topped up with champagne and drank it down eagerly.

"Mmm that makes a delicious cocktail." He laughed, then went back to sucking the milk direct from her gorgeous over full dripping breasts.


"Ok I want to get showered before we have sex." He told her. "Do you want to play in my sex room?" He asked.

Fuck, this old man had his own sex room - not what she imagined at all!

"Yeah, sure Viktor. Sounds like fun."

"Ok, I'll ask Vladimir, my head of security to take you down there and get you ready for me, then we can play together." He said.

She wondered what he meant by getting her ready for him. Her pussy was getting wet with the thoughts of what this old man might have in mind. Surely he only had so much energy at his age.

Viktor finished off his cocktail with two little blue pills. This was turning out to be a good evening he thought to himself as the hot shower cleansed his body.


She was astounded when Vladimir led her into the dungeon.

"Fuck! Who would have thought such a nice old man would have a room like this." She said. Vladimir smiled. She took off her coat, throwing it over one of the pieces of equipment. Vladimir stood staring at her enormous tits. One of them was dripping with milk. He would have liked to lick it, but thought he had better wait until the Boss gave him permission. Viktor was such a lucky man to be able to fuck all these gorgeous sexy women. He thought of his own miserable old wife back in Russia. Long may she remain there. Fat and frumpy and completely disinterested in sex. At least Viktor allowed him to partake in his spoils!

"Which piece of equipment would you like to sample first?" He asked.

She looked around. "I think the gyni chair could be fun." She said, imagining Viktor examining her pussy.

Vladimir took her to it and strapped her ankles on to the moveable legs and her wrists to the arms, a fixed collar around her neck. She was unable to move. It felt incredibly sexy.


Viktor had finished his shower and was selecting what to wear for his evening. He decided on the new sexy pvc pants he had bought a couple of weeks back. He pulled them up his legs slowly, the rustling crinkly sound turning him on. There was a cock shaped pouch to slip his prick into. He smoothed it down tight over his already erect prick, then fastened the pants below his waist. He looked in the mirror. Fuck they were sexy and felt so hot. His prick stood out in front of him, black and shiny. It looked huge. He slid his hand up and down the slippery pvc covering it. Fuck, he couldn't wait to stick it inside the whore's wet cunt.


He opened the door to the dungeon. Both Vladimir and Chantel stared in disbelief when they saw what he was wearing. He creaked his way over to her, feeling so hot and horny in his new pants.

"Fuck Vik. Look at you in those sexy pants! Do you wanna fuck my mouth with your shiny prick?" She asked.

He went to the back of the chair, lowering the head and put his cock to her mouth. He groaned as she slowly licked and kissed the vinyl. He stroked it with his hand then pushed inside her mouth. He could feel her sucking him while he sank in to the back of her mouth, gagging as he hit her throat. He pulled out and she carried on licking him. "Mmmm Viktor your cock is really sexy in those shiny pants." She told him.

"Leave us now Vladimir." He instructed.

He noticed the milk dribbling out of her tits and immediately bent down to them, licking and sucking her rose bud nipples. Perfect little pale pink areolas with deliciously large hard nipples. He suckled and drank her milk while she groaned. He started to suck her creamy flesh, leaving little purple hickeys all over her tits. It was so sexy, she loved them. And Ricky would go wild when he saw someone else had been sucking on them. She loved it when he got so jealous. There was no telling what he would do to her when he was in a jealous rage.

"So, I think it's time to examine that cunt of yours now." He said, and taking hold of the zipper under her breasts, he carefully pulled it down until the pvc opened up to reveal her pussy lips. "Hmm I think we need to open this up a bit farther so that I can examine you properly." He said.

He pressed a button to higher her legs, then reached to the tray of instruments to get a scalpel. She looked worried. "What are you going to do with that Viktor?"

"Don't worry my dear I'm simply opening up the pvc more so that I can access you properly. I need to explore that hairy cunt of yours in great detail." He told her.

He took the scalpel in one hand and the pvc in the other and started to slice through it. Then he took hold of it with both hands and pulled hard to tear it right open. There was a loud tearing sound of squeaky plastic as he ripped it open to her ass hole.

"Aahh that's better, now I can see you so much more clearly." He said as he spread the torn vinyl wide. He opened her pink wet hole and bent down to lick her and insert his tongue. She groaned as he started to eat her out. "Mmm you taste good dear." He said as he lapped at her juices. "And I adore your hairy pussy."

He kissed all over her hair, then lifted the hood covering her clit and licked and sucked her sensitive nub as he pushed his fingers into her slurping cunt. "Now my dear, the thing is, as much as I like hairy cunts, I also have a need to shave them and remove all the hair. Now, if I do that to you, your husband will definitely know I've been down on you. It will probably make him very, very jealous. What do you say? Can I shave you? There's no telling how Ricky may want to discipline you. It will give both of us a lot of pleasure, and you will look very beautiful when I finish. I will also pay you well before you leave." He added.

She thought for a moment. Perhaps it would be fun to try it without pubes for a change, and fun to have this lecherous old man shave her. Her Ricky would be furious and so so jealous. He was right, Ricky would definitely want to punish her. Her pussy throbbed at the thought of what he might do. "Ok, go for it!" She said.

"Good, I will fetch my things." He came back with soap and flannels and his little case of equipment. He took hold of the pvc, ripping it wider, so that he could get to her properly. He started to cut her hair with scissors, noting she was a natural blonde. Pretty rare these days, he thought. And then he lathered the soap all over her pussy, before taking hold of his cut throat razor. He started to scrape it slowly and carefully, removing her hair and wiping it away with the flannel.

"You are looking beautiful Chantel. All gone from the top; now keep very still while I work on you underneath."

She was feeling really sexy and had to stop herself from writhing about. She noticed his cock was standing firmly in front of him, sheathed in the shiny black pvc. She really wanted him to put it in her wet cunt. She couldn't wait until he had finished.

He took hold of her labia, gently moving them out of the way while he shaved her, then lifting her ass he shaved around her flowery little hole. He finally cleaned the hair away and stood back to admire his work. "You look truly beautiful now." He said, bending down to eat her newly shaved pussy. She gasped at the intense feel of his tongue on her clit, and his little grey goatee beard brushing against her.

"Fuck me with your shiny black cock Viktor, I want to feel you in me." She said.

He rubbed his pvc covered cock over her pussy, slowly sinking inside her wet cunt. His pants creaked and groaned as he fucked her, she loved the feel of the slippery vinyl inside her. "Oh that's good." She said as he fucked her back and forth, the creaking slippery pvc they both wore nearly sending him over the edge.

"Ok, let's get you off here now. I need you flat on the bed so I can fuck you properly." He said.


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