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Vortex Quest Bk. 01 Ch. 11

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The vortex quest continues...
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Part 11 of the 73 part series

Updated 10/14/2023
Created 04/26/2023
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== VORTEX QUEST 1-11 ==


After an uneventful chute-ride back to the holy spire, the pantheon had taken a nap in the crystal structure they now inhabited.

Chay couldn't tell how long they had been out.

He had woken up first, but stayed still, curled up on his side, staring at the vast expanse of hellscape and its subtle details outside. The sheen of rock-suckling slug creeping along cliff faces, the migration of imps between their feeding grounds, the shimmer of the aurora borealis -- aurora abyssalis? -- competing with the glow of ectoplasmic rivers.

Chay sat up and pondered. He'd used his ability on his compatriots when he'd first gotten it, but he'd mastered it since then and it was time for another 'scan' of their strengths and weaknesses.

Marcus was shadowboxing across the room, cut muscles flexing in a ballet of power. A wuxia fighter magically dialed up to eleven. The lithe Filipino of 21 was impatient but driven. He could have been more powerful but suffered control-issues.

Obviously, Marcus' greatest weakness was his insane horniness. Chay had trouble finding other flaws right now, so dire was the urge to fuck and cum. Being in chastity for just a couple of days couldn't have done that. It was the abyss tempting them.

Xane was just as much afflicted. The short musclebound Korean of 23 was on all fours, his ass gaping as a disembodied, transparent Kobold-cock slid in and out. The bodybuilder made an effort to stay muffled, hidden from Marcus' view behind an insanely ornate pillar.

His eyes were firmly shut, his expression one of suffering as unfamiliar pleasure ripped into him without giving satisfaction.

The thaum-mage was their most versatile member, close to classic godhood in many ways - minor omnipotence. Xane's three butterflies chased each other above his flexing back muscles.

"Oh shit," Xane said, looking between his legs. His ass closed and he turned his hole away. "Didn't realize you're up, hehe. Nobody forced you to look, though, perv."

"I was just thinking," Chay said. "Does it help?"

Xane shrugged and arched, getting illusion-fucked again. "Not the real thing and I'm in control too much to make it fun but yeah, it helps a lot."

Chay made puppy eyes. "Would you?"

Xane sighed and closed his legs. "Get your cunt over here."

Chay himself, nearly 25, was just as weak to sexual desire, he knew. He would have humped anything short of a woodchipper to get feeling back into his dick. Even now his hand was resting uneasily on his fundoshi.

The umbralist scooted toward the mage and felt an illusion-dick slide into him. The sensation had nothing to do with sex as he knew it but the pleasure was great enough to take the edge off his urges.

He'd been the one to say "we're still us" but he wasn't sure it was true. The idea of getting ass-fucked and riding cock in front of other men had been too ridiculous to entertain just a few days ago. Maybe the abyss was causing some fundamental change.

"Goro made me mage-fuck him for half our nap," Xane complained. "I mean, he offered to fingerbang me in return but... saying 'no homo' only does so much."

"Where is the big guy?"

"Outside, playing with the cake."

The mage-dick was so large it poked Chay's abs from the inside. Not enough to see it, but it was mentally uncomfortable to be reminded he was cock-riding.

Chay let Xane resume his self-fuck and got one last ultra-lightning-strike of pleasure as the phantom dino-dick retreated from his hole.

The leader wandered to the edge of their headquarters and looked into the fog. The missing muscle-beast dashed around in the mist.

Chay glanced at his middle finger. The ring didn't look different when Pie was out. He could feel a subtle difference but maybe it was just in his head.

Their least talkative, most patient member, Goro had been the most sex-driven among them when they'd first fought through limbo, but because of that he seemed to deal better with the constant supernatural horniness than the others. His weakness became apparent when he fought -- singlemindedness at the expense of everything else.

But Goro was the prime example for a perfect berserker. While Chay loved his own wiry body, sometimes he wished he could be that fucking huge.

And Chay's magic itself? The psych student had always liked to observe from the shadows. The heavens had made that more literal than he had ever dreamed of.

Gallant landed outside and the men moved to meet him.

Marcus dropped to his knees in front of the ex-angel, looking at the giant's crotch expectantly.

"How long have we been out?" Chay asked.

Gallant pulled a glass sphere from his robe. Three concentric golden rings sat within, at seemingly random angles. A needle ticked around the center. "About four inner turns, or five."

"Uh... are those like hours?"

"Thereabout. Now to business."

Gallant pulled out his dick. The prehensile thing seemed to stare at them, a drop of gold forming at the tip. The other three men dropped to their knees, too.

"We got the key stone half," Chay said. "Can we get breakfast?"

"Yes," Gallant said. "I also have news about your signature predicament..."

The pantheon jockeyed for a position at the slit. They fell into their rhythm of two guys licking the nectar, and two caressing the glands' underside, switching every few seconds.

At first, Chay had to trick himself into sucking dick, considering how revulsive the concept was. But the first taste of nectar made him forget his sexuality. The fallen angel fed them pure, blissful masculinity.

The Thai demigod had to fight the urge to push the others away and claim the angle-dick for himself as he spent more time tasting Goro's tongue than nectar. He was plagued by visions of Goro with a demon cock for a tongue, kiss-fucking into Chay's throat.

With an excruciating pace, liquid sex dripped down Chay's throat, giving him ecstatic relief from his cravings. It was nearly impossible to think about girls.

Meanwhile the Nephil explained.

Gallant's relationship with most of the demons was complicated and in many cases strained, Chay had gathered as much during their sub-optimal meeting with Hrailoth, but if you were an ancient, powerful demon in the abyss you made allies. And one of those was able to weaken Hrailoth's strangling curse on their balls.

Marcus and Goro were incapable of listening while nectar short-circuited their heterosexuality, but at least Xane paid some attention to the plan.

It was straightforward. Hopefully it would be easy as well.


The demigods waited for a bunch of Kobolds to pass their hideout and Chay puppeteered the straggler.

He had 'grabbed' an ankylosaur-like, dark orange guy with a spiky, armored back, carrying a hammer.

Piloting the biped reptile as their faux guard, Chay led his friends through the crawlway according to Gallant's instructions. They only had to look sullen or catatonic to pass as slaves.

Chay's short hair was at the limit of credibility, Xane had put an illusion of baldness on himself, Marcus' hair was a bit too long but it stuck to his head with sweat and was passable at a glance.

Goro's long hair was beyond what a slave could grow. Nobody seemed to survive longer than a month or two. Chay wasn't sure why. Humans weren't eaten and only used for light labor. They mostly seemed to serve as a currency of sorts.

Goro had simply asked Xane for a close shave, which the mage had provided. The berserker's baldness would grow back to a mane the moment he frenzied.

In the light of lichen-eating slugs and hypnotically blinking crystal, Chay marveled at how different a shaved head made Xane and Goro look.

The men arrived at a chute that lead up at a nearly ninety degree angle. Two large velociraptor-like Kobolds guarded the elevator.

Fortunately, their puppet had carried a semi-obol. Xane could have created illusory money, at the price of letting his baldness go, which had been plan A.

The puppeteered Kobold wordlessly put the coin into the collection bowl and the guards let them into the cage of iron.

The ride traversed dozens of miles in just a few hundred yards through the crawlway's space bending fuckery.

Xane got bored and did little tricks, like flashing lights and a thumping bass. Too unsubtle for Chay's mildly paranoid taste.

While the leader kept watching the distance markers on the walls, the other three had a sweaty dance party, each man vaguely careful not to rub on the other too much.


The ceiling of Jheyr'Udd was a nation of upside-down mountains. Stone arches and more precarious bridges of bone and chain connected caves within the mega-stalactites.

The pantheon emerged into a hub cavern, with four bridges leading away. Chay made their puppet walk along, across impossibly high bridges swaying within a faint, cyan aurora.

Their four dick cages began to glow under the white fundoshi, getting stronger as they neared an Overpalace -- a demon-owned stalactite.

A banner between bone lanterns proclaimed it as the headquarters of the archeographic association.

"Nobody around," Chay said. "Big G?"

Goro ripped their Kobold's head off and tossed the remains over the edge.

Chay would have liked to let the puppet live, but not only would that compromise them, he could hardly start getting qualms about killing abyss-dwellers. They were slaveholders, looking to break through to earth, after all. Even if he wasn't quite clear why, since there were already plenty of human males around.

He focused on the Wretcher's castle ahead.

Wretchers were minor demons, usually living up high. Their most basic task was to catch slaves who had breached the lax security down on the ground. The Wretcher the pantheon was scheduled to see was called Dle'Shuul.

They reached a wooden gate with artful carvings, speaking to the lord's wealth.

They were expected by a gray Drake in a leather harness.

The six foot, musclebound reptile had a ridge from head to tail and several gold rings on his fingers. A crown of red feathers covered his head.

"You're Gallant's lot?"

"Yes, sir," Chay said, probing for weaknesses. This Drake felt too important for a simple bouncer-job. He had rune tattoos circling his pecs -- the magic kind that sucked on your life force to deliver curses onto your enemies if it ever came to that. A demon's work, expensive. Dle'Shuul had sent his lieutenant to welcome the pantheon.

The demigods pulled their fundoshi down to prove their divinity.

"This way."

The Overpalace was a series of organically winding caves. Every wall was brimming with displays of ancient texts. Scrolls in proto-pandemonic, tablets of Elder runes, monument plaques of pre-schism celestial. Some rooms were more like libraries and Chay had to refrain from slipping away to check them out.

The Drake led them into a less public area.

Torches lit spiked iron grates. Some rooms held naked, well-built men, who were mostly awake but not reacting as four humans with shining crotches walked past.

They descended. Lord Dle'Shuul's throne room was near the stalactite's tip, surrounded by red and orange stained glass windows, looking down on a lake far, far below, glowing in a yellow-tinted light.

Thorny, terrifying looking plants grew around the edge of the irregular room. The tiled floor was littered with books and bone piles. Shelfs held flasks of sloshing substances. The air was thick with the smell of moist earth and dry smoke.

Two Hellions in dark blue robes worked on some concoction, overseen by Lord Dle'Shuul himself.

The Wretcher was tall -- at the edge of the humanly possible. His skin was pure white with cracks throughout that gave him a marble-like appearance. His bald head lacked horns. With the slanted eyes and pointy ears he had something elfin, but the fangs were too vampiric for comfort.

Bat wings of the same white marbled skin stretched from his black robe.

He took one more drag from his pipe before putting it down.

"Ah, the demigods, come to destroy all our great champion has worked for," Dle'Shuul said with a voice rumbling enough to make Chay's crotch feel the vibrations. He blew smoke.

Chay felt his friends' eyes on him but he didn't know what to say.

The Wretcher laughed, the sound making Chay's beefy thighs ache with the need to jizz.

"It's all impshit to me," the demon continued, "Mashmorg's great designs? You'll find few lords who care for them. So... let me see the damage."

Chay gave his friends a nod. He didn't detect an immediate ambush.

The four demigods pulled their fundoshi down again, revealing crotches so radiant, Dle'Shuul had to squint as he approached them.

The huge, pale demon grabbed Marcus by the balls and the man went to his toes with a yelp.

"Hm..." Dle'Shuul said. "Standard work. Yes, if you anger Hrailoth you'll learn how many ways there are to inflict pain through something so small."

He pulled more and Marcus pushed off the ground, floating to keep up with the grip. Dle'Shuul pulled until the animus-fighter was face to face with him.

"It's been so many centuries since I saw anything like you. I'm glad you're not my enemies but there are no gifts in the abyss. You'll kill a rival for me. Then I help you."

Marcus was let go. Chay walked over to place a hand on the man's shoulder and keep him from any rash actions.

"How do we know you'll stick to your end of the bargain?" Xane asked.

Dle'Shuul laughed again. "Simple. The rival is also a Wretcher. If you *do* kill him, I know not to mess with you. If you fail you won't be coming back to make demands."

They had to kill a demon? A 'minor' demon, yes, but Chay didn't feel confident.

"Consider it done," Xane said, eyes shining with an illusory red gleam.

"Yeah," Marcus added. "The more of you we tear apart, the better."

Chay waited until Dle'Shuul was done laughing again, then asked. "Why do you need *us* for that? There has to be a catch if the job takes *demigods*."

Dle'Shuul shrugged. "I'd simply appreciate if Lord Fno'Xhaan was murdered. He'll need decades to resurrect. I have business ventures to expand and he's in the way. But I can't be implicated. I will leave to pay tribute to lord Kshavren, who sponsors my archeographic collection. Should Fno'Xhaan die while I'm at court, who could suspect me?"

The Drake was right behind them again. "I'll point you in the right direction. Follow me."

Chay didn't move. "We have a lot more questions."

Dle'Shuul waved him off. "I won't be in the mood to answer your questions, little god boys. It's time for my slaves to milk nectar."

The demon dropped his black robes. The marble-skin underneath was enviably muscled. The Wretcher had a ridiculously good physique, like every demon seemed to have.

His dick was human-like at first glance, if large.

As the pale tool rapidly hardened, it grew to eight fat inches. The head was pointed, torpedo-like.

Something about it...

It was made of muscle.

Instead of simple swelling tissue, the Wretcher-dick was striated, pumping muscle -- contracting willfully to thicken at the expanse of length. A dick like a biceps, four bulges combining into one shaft.

"Muscle... dick?" Xane said, dumbly.

"That's the most perverted thing I've seen so far," Marcus whispered.

"Having something like that was a fantasy I had," Xane said with a heartbreaking glance at his caged human cock.

Goro huffed. "Sounds like something a faggot would be into." He elbow-bumped Xane.

"Fuck you, man."

"I mean for sucking," Goro added. "Not for *having*."

"Oh, okay."

Chay knew they wouldn't leave until they at least asked. He would have held out for a few more hours but the mere option for more nectar heightened his cravings.

He asked. "Can *we* milk you, my lord?"

Dle'Shuul didn't laugh this time, but he smirked with his fangs seeming all the most dangerous on his elfin face. "Slave tongues bore me."

"But you said you'd get slaves to-"

"What I mean is, you must offer something slaves cannot. You are less delicate, less fragile than them, correct?"

"You want ass," Chay stated.

"It's too big," Xane said, half-whispering as if unsure whether they should be having the conversation in earshot of the demon. "After the Troll cave I... tried seeing how thick I can take."

"Me too," Goro said. "I'd need a lot more stretching."

"Kobold-dick was the most I've taken," Chay said. "Could... uh, my lord, could we stretch before the... injection?"

"We?" Dle'Shuul asked. "You'll *all* take my in? Ha, how can I say no to fucking the gods. Help them out!"

The Hellions dropped their robes. It was hard to say with their skullheads but they seemed pleased, eager.

The pantheon, despite their excitement, froze in shock. Hellion dicks were comically long.

Twelve inch shlongs hung between the ripped thighs of dark red, thick veins pulsing on them as they rose to erections. The Hellion dickhead was a flat dome with a thick rim. Breaking past the sphincter with a mushroom this flat and wide was going to be a challenge.

Chay whipped around as he heard the Drake drop his uniform. The buff gray reptile had a dick very different from a Kobold, gently ribbed along the smooth, scaly shaft of wrist-like thickness. The head looked like a blossom -- or a tiny fist pointed like a duck head.

"Fuck," Chay said. "We're really gonna do this, huh?"

"I know," Marcus said with a sigh, "but nectar..."

Xane was breathing the most heavily among them. With his legs apart and his thighs trembling he was obviously opening himself up with a mage-hand already.

The pantheon bent over a square table, each one at a different side, all looking at each other. Chay didn't really like seeing his friend's faces during sex but he also didn't want to go on all fours on the floor.

Intimidated by the Hellion's length and dickhead, they played rock-paper-scissor for who would get the Drake.

Chay cheated to win. His magic wasn't mind-reading but he could make an accurate guess in the last split-second.

The ectoplasm-lubed Drake dick entered him slowly. The blossom of the head stretched him enough to make him whine. Luckily, Xane and Marcus were moaning much louder as the Hellions' dickhead-rims pressed into their sphincters.

Goro got to hump backward into Xane's mage-dick for now.

Chay felt tears of joy in his eyes. Each rib of the dino-dick was worth a whole studded Kobold-shaft. The sensation was utterly alien to him but he regretted never playing with anal toys, masculinity be damned.

Once Marcus' and Xane's holes had gotten past the Hellion heads, the remaining twelve inches of dick were nearly trivial. The men's faces contorted in a hilariously well-synched mix of surprise, horror and pleasure.

"So how's everybody doing?" Goro asked through heavy breaths, grinning, sweat glistening on his currently bald head.

"So fucking deep," Xane said, hands on his nipples. "My body is so fucking deep. How... how do I have places that deep inside?"

"F-faster," Chay said in Boldian.

The Drake gripped his waist and humped at full speed.

Each rib sent a shiver through Chay, too fast to process, overlapping into a cacophony of more stimulation than he had known he was capable receiving. He cried, sweating and squeaking.

"Switch," someone said.

Chay's ass was vacated so suddenly he collapsed onto the table unable to stop trembling. 'Orgasm' was an insufficient description.

He didn't move until a Hellion slapped his ass and shoved him into position. The dick's rim pushed at his entrance. Despite having been well opened there was still enough resistance to make him cry out as the elite warrior entered him.

The umbralist wiped his tears away, ready to say something to Marcus who was now getting Drake-fucked. Then the Hellion pushed all the way in, shoving aside every internal bend and kink.


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