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Waking the Vengence Pt. 01

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Young man learns he can control minds.
6.3k words

Part 1 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/16/2023
Created 05/31/2019
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My story is one that many people will find hard to believe. I'm living it and I find it hard to believe. You see I was that guy. You know the one, the ninety-pound weakling too smart for his own good, too dumb to excel. Well, that is until the day I WOKE. Let me back up a bit. My name is Greg Masters and I can control people's minds. I know, sounds like bad science fiction or some kind of erotic story fantasy doesn't it? But it's not. See, until that fateful day I was your typical nobody.

I was the oldest of two. My parents had been high school sweethearts who got pregnant right after graduation. I was born when my mom was nineteen and a year later my little sister Charlotte was born. My Dad, Silas Masters was head deacon of our church and a mid-level accounting manager for the city we lived in all our lives. I was never what you would call athletic, much to my father's shame. I was more of a reader and dreamer, even from a young age.

My sister, well, Charlotte was everything I wasn't. Where I was normal and plain, Charlotte, even as a child, got people's attention with her looks and bubbly personality. She was blonde haired and blue eyed and even as a child a thing of beauty. For us life was normal. At least normal as we saw it. My parents, as I'm sure you've figured out, were Very Religious and ultra conservative. As a leader of the church my dad made sure we attended the private school run by the church and it was there, I think, that my life was primed for this change.

It happened when I was eight. My dad, still trying to toughen me up and make me into some kind of an athlete, enrolled me in the church's little league team. The first day of practice was the start of one of the worst years of my life. Coach had lined us all up for batting practice and I was next up behind the Pastor's son Kent. Now Kent was big for his age and a powerhouse, but he also was a bit accident prone. So, the first pitch happened and Kent swung for the fences, only the bat slipped from his hands, sailed through the air connecting with my temple, knocking me out.

I woke up a week later with a fractured skull, having been put into a medically induced coma to allow the swelling in my brain to subside. The doctors warned my father that I had suffered something they called a Traumatic Brain Injury and there were a lot of potential side effects. That ended my baseball career and left me with debilitating migraines and a changed personality. Where until eight I had been quiet and calm, now I seemed to be filled with an uncontrollable anger at the slightest provocation.

This led to ten years of my father and the pastor being convinced that I had become demonic and I was both physically and emotionally abused as they and others in the "church" tried to drive the devil out of me. Nothing worked, but one strange side effect wasthat after a couple of years I could take a beating without feeling anything unless someone connected with my head. Then I'd end up with a migraine which would last for days.

Because of that I struggled in school, not because I wasn't smart but because I missed a lot of days. I got held back in third grade after the accident because that year my headaches were so bad I couldn't concentrate and then again when I hit puberty. The doctor told my parents that the hormonal changes were the causes for the increase of headaches. And who knows, maybe he was right. What I do know is that it led to me becoming the oldest kid in my class by two years and a grade behind my little sister.

Okay, so enough background. My Dad is a controlling ass, my mom is a nurse and my little sister is a hottie who is a grade ahead of me in school. Then when I turned nineteen everything changed again. Dad's job got downsized and we couldn't keep attending the church-run private school. That's what lead to what I call the second event, the one that changed everything.

Before I tell you about that I should tell you about my sister Charlotte. I mean I already told you she was friendly, perky and beautiful but she was also my biggest supporter and closest friend. When Dad or the church elders went too far trying to drive the devil from me, it was Charlotte who would sneak into my room and doctor my welts, bruises and scrapes. That was the only act of disobedience my "perfect" little sister ever performed. Other than that, she really was the perfect child. She obeyed without hesitation, she smiled even when doing the worst jobs given to her and she was kind and friendly to everyone.

However, at eighteen she'd also never been kissed or even gone on a date. Dad wouldn't allow it and she never tried to sneak around his rules. Me, I was the opposite. I got beat no matter what I did. So, I did what I wanted. However, my opportunities for sexual experimentation weren't much better than my sister's. Except for the divorcee down the street who took my virginity and taught me to please a woman, there was no one. After all, I was the guy no one was interested in. I wasn't even a nerd or a geek. I was basically invisible. That was fine with me, I didn't like people anyway. Well except for Charlotte. Charlotte was my baby sister and I loved her. Probably more than a guy should love his sister and I knew that, but hey, I was demon-possessed anyway so may as well go to hell for lusting after my sister. Besides, while I may have wanted to fuck my sister, I would never have done it because on top of lusting after her I did truly love her. Which is what lead to my becoming woke and gaining my powers.

It was the end of the first week of Charlotte and my first year in public school. It was Friday and I exited the building to look for my sister for our walk home together. I instantly saw red when I noticed her struggling to get out of the arms of the school's star quarterback who was obviously trying to put his hands where they didn't belong. I could hear the tension in Charlotte's voice. "Stop it Brock. I said no let me go!"

I felt the blood rushing into my head and it began to throb under the scar where I'd taken that baseball bat long ago. I rushed up, shoving past his two buddies from the team. "Aww don't be like that Charlotte you know you want me."

"HEY! Take your hands off my sister!"

He looked at me and laughed. "Go away little Masters this is man's business not pussy-boy business."

Without thinking, I reached into the planter and grabbed up a rock and threw it at the back of his head. This caused him to let go of my sister but then he turned on me. "Did you just hit me in the head with a rock, dickless?"

He advanced toward me and drove his fist into my stomach. Now again, I'm not big and I wasn't expecting to be hit, but thanks to my dad and the elders of the church I didn't really feel pain anymore, so I got knocked on my ass. The three football players laughed until I reached out and grabbed the same rock and stood up, throwing it at Brock again and this time hitting him in the forehead. "Why you little shit."

He turned on me and grabbed me by the shirt and his big right fist slammed into my mouth, busting my lip. Then he did it again and again until blood was dripping down my shirt. Then, because my anger had spiked and I felt the pressure building behind my scar and I knew a whopper of a headache was coming, I spat the mouthful of blood right in his face. He threw me to his buddies "Hold him while I fuck him up beyond recognition."

The two Neanderthals grabbed hold of me as Brock advanced on me. Charlotte was holding on to his arm promising to do anything if he'd just let me go. He smiled and leaned close to me. "You hear that loser? Your sweet sister just promised to be my bitch if I let you go. But instead I'm gonna fuck you up and while you're laying there helpless I'm gonna make her my three hole bitch while you watch, knowing you weren't man enough to stop me. When I'm done she'll be begging me to use her and you'll know who turned your little sis into a cock addicted slut. Maybe when I'm done with her I'll let Rick and Carl here have her too. Heck maybe we'll all three take her at once."

That's when it happened. The pressure that had been building in my head snapped. I mean it literally snapped. I heard and felt a snap and suddenly everything seemed clearer, sharper. I looked into Brock's eyes and saw he meant every word he was saying. They were going to beat me and gang rape my sister. When I said I saw it, I actually saw him picturing it in his mind and then I did the impossible. "No, you won't" I said, and I looked to my right at Rick "Let me go." His hands dropped to his side and he just stood there. Then I looked to my left at Carl. "You too. Let go." His arms dropped and they both stood there, looking lost in thought.

Brock looked shocked "What are you doing, hold him so I can fuck him up."

I looked at Brock and laughed. "You don't understand, do you? You fucked up mister star quarterback. I'm in charge here. You want someone to become a cum slut? I agree the football team needs a cum slut." I looked at the two linebackers standing on either side of me. "Carl, Rick. Why don't the two of you drag Brock here into the locker room and... What was it you said Brock? Fuck him until he's begging you to use him like a cum slut. When you're done make sure you share him with the whole team." His two 'friends' grabbed him and started dragging him toward the locker room. "What's wrong with you asswipes? Let me go."

I called out to them. "Stop." They stopped while Brock struggled to get loose. I walked up to him, still not understanding why this is working. Yet somehow I knew I was causing them all to do what I say. I looked Brock in the eyes. "Brock, you're going to hate everything that is happening to you; but you won't be able to help getting turned on by it. Every time one of them cums in you or on you, you'll beg for more cum. You won't be able to stop yourself, you will crave it from the first drop. Oh, and you'll never come near me or my sister ever again or next time I'll make you want to fuck a dog or maybe a horse. I hear that donkey sex shows are big in Mexico."

I looked at the two linebackers "Fuck him good fellas, and don't forget to share him with the whole team."

I turned to see Charlotte standing beside me, her eyes wide with shock and fear. "How did you do that?"

"Don't worry about it."

I winced when I saw her face clear and the fear and shock drop away. "Okay, Thank you for rescuing me."

"I will always be what you need me to be, Charlotte. I love you and I'll do anything for you. Don't you know that?"

She looks at me. "You will?"

Again, I saw what she was thinking and suddenly I realized my sister, the hottest girl I knew, lusted after me; just like I lusted after her. I smiled and leaned in close and whispered in her ear. "All you have to do Charlotte, is ask me to find out."

Then we headed home, blood still dripping from my battered face. As we got to our block I could see dad's car sitting in the driveway. Just my luck. There was no way I'd be able to get cleaned up and in bed before he saw me and that would mean another beating, or worse, another session at the church with the Elders all trying to beat the evil out of me.

Sure enough, as we came in the door dad was hanging up his jacket in the closet and took one look at me. "What have you gotten yourself into now Greg? Fighting? You can't stay out of trouble to save you life can you?"

"Daddy" Charlotte said. "Greg was a hero today. He saw some boys trying to force me to have sex with them after school and he stood up to them and stopped them. Then they beat him up for it."

Dad, instead of acknowledging that I had done the right thing, turned his nastiness on my perfect sister. "So not only is Greg continuing to act like the devil, now you have taken to enticing young men to the point of making them sexually frustrated enough to attack you. That's what happens Charlotte when you dress like those loose girls at your school."

That was all I could take. I grabbed my father and stepped right up face to face with him. "Shut your mouth! Charlotte is perfect. She never does anything wrong and you know it. Don't you ever talk to her like that again."

I could see my command sink into his mind. He nodded. "You're right. Charlotte is perfect. She would never do anything wrong. You, on the other hand, seem to be filled with the devil again. I guess I'll need to call Pastor James and schedule another session for us."

I didn't mean to do what happened next. I had just been pushed too far for one day. Still looking into dad's eyes, I spit out. "You and Pastor James can go fuck each other. I'm done letting the two of you beat on me."

Without another word my dad turned, pulled his jacket out of the closet, put it on, walked out of the house and drove off. Charlotte looked at me and I looked at her, wondering what in the world had just happened. Suddenly I was more tired than I had ever been and started to slide to the floor. Somehow my little sister got me upright and helped me upstairs to my room. She helped me wash my face and took off my shirt before getting me into my bed. I fell asleep while she was doctoring my beat-up face.

An hour later I was jarred awake by my sister's cell phone ringing. "Hey Mom, what's up?" WHAT?? OMG are you kidding me? Okay, I'll let him know. No, he's sleeping. He had a bad day today. No, I don't think it's a migraine this time. I'll tell you later. Yeah okay, see you when you get home."

Charlotte hung up the phone and stared at me, her eyes wide. "What?" I asked.

"That was mom. She's headed to the jail. Dad's been arrested."

"What?? No way. Dad's mister conservative Christian deacon. What would he do to be arrested for?"

Charlotte stared at me and swallowed. "Greg, he left here and according to Mom drove over to the church, stormed into Pastor James' office, grabbed him by the back of the neck and bent him over his desk. Dad then ripped off his pants and fucked him. Then once Dad was done, he begged Pastor James to do him and when the Pastor wouldn't, Dad apparently forced the pastor to fuck his face. Dad's in Jail on charges of sexual assault and rape. Pastor James is in the hospital. You did that Greg. You told dad for him and Pastor James to fuck each other. You made Dad fuck the preacher. Just like you made Carl and Rick stop holding you and drag Brock to the locker room. How did you do that?"

"Don't be silly. I can't make people do things."

Charlotte looked at me "Then how else do you explain it? You told dad to do that and now he's in jail because he did it. I bet if we had followed the guys to the locker room we would have seen them fucking Brock because you told them too. When you stopped them and whispered to Brock, what did you tell him?"

I thought about it and realized Charlotte was right. I had caused those things. If I looked into someone's eyes and told them to do something, it seemed they just did it. Then, without thinking, the words slipped out of my mouth as Charlotte and I looked at each other. "Fuck me."

The next thing I knew, Charlotte was stripping off her clothes and climbing up onto my bed, pulling on my belt buckle. Shit, I'd just commanded my little sister to fuck me and here she was doing her best to do just that. As much as I wanted her, I didn't want her like this. Not because she had to. I reached out and grabbed her face and looked her in the eye. "Charlotte stop."

She stopped and looked at me. "Oh My God Greg I was going to fuck you. Why'd you stop me?"

"Because you're my sister and I didn't mean to tell you to do that. I was just cursing when I realized that you were probably right. When Brock told me he was going to make you his cum addicted slut something inside me snapped and all the pressure building in my head went away and I suddenly felt powerful and energized."

"What did you tell Brock when they were leading him away?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"Because this is on the schools snapchat." She showed me a video clip of Brock covered in cum and begging half the football team to fuck him and give him their cum. The whole time he was begging them he was jerking on his dick obviously hard as a rock.

I couldn't help it. I started to laugh. "I told him that he'd get excited by being fucked by them and that anyone who came would make him addicted to their cum. I figured since he thought the team needed a cum addicted slut that he should fulfill the role himself."

Charlotte blushed. "You made him take my place or the place he said he was going to put me in?"

"Yes. I told you Charlotte, I love you. I will always take care of you. I'd do anything you ask me to."

She looked at me. "Then please Greg take my cherry."


"You heard me. I'm asking you to take my virginity right now."

I shook my head. "Not tonight Charlotte." I could see her getting upset. "I'm not saying that I won't pop your cherry. I'm just saying I'm not going to pop it tonight. However, I did tell you that I would do whatever you asked me to do, so why don't you get in bed and I'll make out with you for a while and make sure you get some relief from the day you've had."

Charlotte's whole face lite up with her smile as she grabbed me and hugged me tight before climbing back up in the bed and laying on her back looking at me. I finished getting undressed and climbed back into bed with her. Now, like I said I'm not really impressive physically but I'm also not unimpressive, if you know what I mean. I'm well aware from P.E. that I'm not the biggest dick in the school yard but I'm not tiny either. For some reason one day last year every guy in my class had measured themselves and I stood a solid six and a half inches long with a slight inward bend and about three inches wide. But to my innocent and virginal sister it must have looked like an anaconda because her eyes got wide and she gasped when she got her first look. To say that I wasn't putting on an impressive display would have been an understatement as seeing her naked had me hard enough to pulverize diamonds.

Charlotte reached out for it and then stopped, looking at me to make sure it was okay. I smiled and nodded. "It's okay Char, you can touch it if you want."

She reached out and took it in her hand and wrapped her fingers around it causing me to gasp at the pleasure of having her silky hand wrapped around my cock. She was staring at it while slowly stroking it. "It's so soft and warm but hard too. It's big too are they all this big?"

I couldn't help but smile at how innocent my sister was. It's kind of sad in a way. She was eighteen and had never even been kissed, yet her she was stroking my dick and doing a very good job of it. And at the same time, asking questions most girls had answered in middle school.
"No some are bigger and some are smaller. Just like tits on girls. Mine is a bit bigger than average but not much."

She looked up at me and smiled. "Can I...?"

"Can you what?"

Charlotte blushed. "I want to kiss it. Can I kiss it Greg?"

Just her asking made my cock twitch and she giggled. "It moved."

"Yes it moved. You made me excited asking if you could kiss it. That's one of the ways I react when I'm excited."

"So you want me to kiss it?"

"Charlotte, sweetie, I would love for you to kiss my dick or lick it or put it in your mouth and suck it like a soda straw. Really there isn't much you could do to it that I wouldn't like, except hit it or bite it."

Very shyly Charlotte leaned her face toward my dick and first rubbed it up and down her cheek, then she turned her head and started kissing all up and down the length of my cock. Then she licked it from the bottom all the way to my piss hole causing me to spurt a good amount of precum. "It's leaking!!"

I laughed. "It's supposed to leak. Run your finger across it and get some on your finger."


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