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Walk On Water

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He takes her to a magical spot; and they both fly.
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Dinner was alright. Nothing spectacular, but not bad. The bottle of wine was now gone, and after two or so hours of conversation, the night could have ended then and there, and not have been considered a flop.

"Isn't it a full moon tonight?" I ask.

"Um, I don't really know to tell you the truth." You answer not knowing where the conversation is heading.

"C'mon, we gotta go find out!"

"But we still need to pay for..."

But by then I was already standing, and motioning to the waitress.

"Sara, a wonderful evening as always!"

I kiss the waitress on the cheek, and hand her three $100 dollar bills. I lean back towards you and hold out my hand. Your voice has a note of sarcasm when you speak.

"You know, I just did the math in my head, and even with the bottle of wine, you just left over a hundred dollar tip."

"Yeah well, it's only money, and besides, Sara and I go way back. She's a good kid and can use a little help."

You think in your head, "Can't we all!", and grab my hand.

After such a nice evening, you're wondering why I'm dragging you through a restaurant, and out into the parking.

"There! Look!" I exclaim, "It IS a full moon!"

"You are going to become a werewolf or anything are you?" you say with a smile on your face.

"No, not after last time, villagers hunting me down and all.." I smile back. "Have you ever walked on water?" I ask.

"OK, maybe a little too much wine?" You laugh.

"No I'm serious. I'll bet you a second date that I can make you feel like you're walking on water!"

The look on your face is obviously displaying what's going on in your head.

"C'mon I don't mean that and you know it. Seriously, give me twenty minutes, you'll be flying. I promise."

What the hell, you think to yourself, he's been a gentleman all evening, and you agree.

"OK, lets go!" and I grab your hand, pulling you again into the car.

Racing up I-80, thoughts start creeping into your head. Where are we going? What is he thinking about doing? Do I still have that mace in my purse?

"You are so going to love this. I was first brought up here about 20 years ago. It's never the same as the first time, but it's still so cool."

We get off the freeway, and after another 5 minutes up a long, dark, windy road, you slowly reach your hand into your purse, finding that familiar little can you carry for protection.

"There's never anyone around this time of night, otherwise it wouldn't be so interesting."

Yeah interesting, you think, it'll be damn interesting when I empty this mace all over you.

"OK, we're here."

You look out the window and see a very small reservoir, a little bigger than a pond, but still small for a lake or anything. You firmly grasp the can as your car door opens.

"C'mon. It won't hurt."

Damn right, won't hurt me a bit buddy, this has gone just about far enough I think. You step out and are just about to pull the protection out.

"Here you gotta wear a blindfold too."

That's it. Enough is enough. But you figure you'll give me a warning before the spray, when you notice I stop, look into your eyes and ask you, "Do you trust me?"

For some reason that you will never be able to explain, you do. A warm feeling flows through your body and you realize, yes I do trust you. A simple nod of your head is followed by you putting your purse, mace and all, back into the car.

"OK then before we start, I'll explain what's going to happen. After the blindfold, I'm going to lead you over there to that path. We're going to go up 2 stairs. At that point, you will very loudly hear rushing water. We'll be on a bridge that has fencing on either side, so it's safe. Now I can't tell you the rest just yet, but since it will be so loud, I'm going to have to be talking to you with my mouth right by your ear, almost yelling. Now you're going to have to do exactly what I say, or you won't get the full effect. OK?"

You bravely let out an "OK", because even though you feel safe, you body is starting to tremble a bit.

"OK, lets put this blindfold on and get going then!"

The first few steps are no problem, one foot after another. You feel almost as if you are playing some sort of child's game, until you start hearing the sound of rushing water, as if you are getting closer to a waterfall.

"We're at the steps now." I say, my voice noticeably louder. "Nice and easy, and remember there's two here"

Your first foot goes up, blindly looking for something solid to put it on. There, there's the step. You lift your body on to the step, and raise your foot again to take the next.

"Just the one more, then we're on the bridge."

You easily navigate the second step, knowing from the first about the height that the incline would be. Now the sound of the water has become rock concert loud. I lean towards your ear and raise my voice to make sure you can hear me, to let you know that even though I'm holding your hands, I am still here.

"We've got about five more steps, and then I'm going to turn you. I'm going to place your hands on the fence. Then you need to step back as far as you can, still holding on to the fence, then spread your legs. You need to be leaning forward as much as possible to get the full affect. I'm going to take the blindfold off, but don't open your eyes until you hear me yell NOW, Ok?"

You nod your head just a bit. Fear has started to take over your thinking process, believing you should just rip off the blindfold, turn and run. Again though, that warm safe feeling comes over you, and you trust me again.

Exactly five steps are taken then you feel me turn your hands a bit to your right and you follow my lead. I lift your hands to the chain link fence and you grab open slots very firmly. Remembering what I had told you, you move your feet back. You know you could go a little more, but the safety mechanism in your head tells you that's enough. You spread your legs as if being searched by a cop, and then it comes to you that the sound of the water has reached a loudness that is as unnerving as it is exciting now. You are leaning forward so much that it reminds you of the ski jumpers you see during the winter Olympics. You feel my face on the left side of your head.

"Are you ready to walk on water?" I yell.

You nod your head, and feel the blindfold taken off your eyes. You wait to hear my command to open your eyes. It seems an eternity passes before you hear my voice.

"OK, NOW!"

The immediate sensory overload fills your body. The rushing water sound engulfs your ears. You see the moon illuminated dancing white caps of water rushing towards you, only about four feet below you, like the white lines of a road when you're driving way too fast. Your hands grip the fence so tightly that your fingers hurt, and your knees buckle, causing you to start to fall, until I grab you by your waist. It's true. I was right. You feel not only like you are walking on the water, but that you are flying as well. For that instant, you don't know up from down, but you're safe from harm. Your head is spinning, telling you that you are falling, your feet and arms are trying to console your head, saying, no we are safe, your knees still not sure what is happening, not believing any body thought or reaction You are concentrating on the moment but so many feelings race through you like the speeding water below you.

"OH MY GOD!" You scream out, laughing just as much. "THIS IS SO COOL!"

You don't notice me, but I am looking at you face and smiling. I know the feelings you are experiencing, because I was in your place years back. The feeling of faintness, weakness, like you are in the middle of a hurricane almost and have no control, but at the same time a feeling of total happiness.

You start laughing uncontrollably, part because of the experience, part relief that I wasn't actually trying to kill you. We stand there for a few minutes, so I can let you soak every bit of enjoyment you can from this.

"Remember this feeling, because you will never have it again." I yell to you.

You stare into the oncoming water just a few more moments, then again in your ear I say "C'mon, there's something else I want to show you."

I grab your hand and lead you to the other side of the bridge, and help you step down off of the bridge. We walk a few steps more, your hand still in mine, then I stop.

"Look up." I say with my finger pointing in the air.

You look up to see to most wonder, perfect moon your eyes have ever seen. A faint "oh my..." escapes your lips. Now more audible because we have traveled far enough that the raging waters you were flying over now provide just a distant background hiss.

"Have you ever seen anything as beautiful as that before?" you ask.

"Not until tonight" I say staring at you.

Yours eyes come off of the moon and they meet with mine.

"You know I've had such a perfect evening..." you pause.

I see the look in your eyes and stop you. "I hear a 'but' coming on".

You smile before confirming what I had thought.

"It's just that I don't know if I'm ready for something like this. Its been so long and I was hurt so bad the last time.", and you turn your face from mine.

"I understand." I say, but you can tell between my voice and my face that your answer is not what I wanted to hear."I really didn't plan this. It's just we we're talking at the restaurant and then in popped into my head about the full moon and I remembered this place. I haven't been up here for years myself. I guess I just got caught up in the moment."

I look to you and see a sweet caring smile start to come over your face.

"Another time and place, I think you'd be a great guy to be with, just not right now."

"It's ok. Oh! Come here, there's one more thing I want to show you. Usually they're only out during the spring, but this night has been so perfect, I just know there here now."

I grab your hand again, and we start walking towards the water's edge. We turn to the right, and there they are. Hundreds if not thousands of busy, glowing fireflies.

A giggle comes from you. You haven't seen this many fireflies since you were a little girl, and the memories of that time start rushing through your head. Without thinking, you kick off your shoes and go running towards them. Your arms spread wide, laughing all the way. When you reach the middle of the shining group, you start to turn rapidly, laughing as if the insects were tickling you as you twirled.

I walk over, looking at you with each step, smiling myself at the pure enjoyment of making someone else so happy. As I get a few feet away, you stumble and fall into my arms. Our faces so close. I want so desperately just to kiss you. If nothing else, just to feel your lips on mine. Then as a stray firefly comes between our eyes, we both flinch and come to our senses.

"Its starting to get a little late, I should probably take you home." I whisper.

"Um, yes I do have to get up early tomorrow." You stutter back to me.

As I stand you up I again put your hand in mine, and we start to walk back.

As if trying to communicate to you, again a firefly slaps into the side of your face.

You stop, and pull your hand from mine. I turn and ask what is wrong.

"Oh nothing, I was just assaulted by a firefly."

I laugh and smile and yell back to the mass of light, "Pick on someone your own size Rambo!"

You laugh and our eyes meet again.

"This really has been a perfect evening." I say to you.

"No, no it hasn't".

"Um, I buy you dinner? Make you walk on water? Show you all this ....."

You move your face towards mine and it happens. The first kiss. A simple yet perfect moment of your lips meeting mine. Just for a second, then we pull apart. It's at that moment that you and I both loose all sense of what is right and what is wrong. What should be, and what will happen.

We immediately place each other in our arms and know that this time, passion is taking control, and we are at it's mercy. Our arms holding each other so tightly, that we are unsure if it is them or the feelings that have emerged that have us both breathless. We pull apart and I whisper, "You are so beautiful".

"Shhhhh" comes from your lips as you put your finger on my mouth.

You take a step away from me and position an arm behind your back. With a smile still on your face, I see your dress float effortlessly to the ground. Your body in the moonlight is more beautiful than anything I had ever seen.

You step back towards me and we begin to kiss again, only this time I feel your hands at my waistline. A small flick of your fingers releases the button to my pants. Still we are kissing as you start to ease the jeans down my legs, and I feel your thumbs run along my legs as you do. As our lips finally break from each other I see you are slightly biting your lower lip, but still smiling equally with your mouth and eyes.

Slowly from standing, you ease yourself down to your knees. One hand on my outer thigh and one hand grabs what has already become hard with anticipation. You open your mouth, and with our eyes still locked, slowly put me inside of it. I have no control over the pleasure. My head rolls back and a moan of pure joy escapes my mouth. You move me slowly in and out of you. Your tongue so warm, your mouth as wet. As you work back and forth, your hand also provides me an amount of pleasure that by know has made my knees tremble. The few minutes that you spend have me so close already. I have to stop you. You reach up and grab my hand, gently easing me to join you on the ground. As I get to my knees, I pull my shirt off, and we kiss again. Helping you to lay on your stomach, I start to massage your shoulders. I work my way carefully down, until my hands caress your ass. I put my hand onto a hip to guide you in rolling over. My hand seems to have been made to perfectly fit your curves.

After you are on you back, I ease myself up and holding my torso above yours with my arms, we kiss. At that moment, we are both so wrapped up in each other, we do not even notice the sounds of the water anymore. I start to move my head down. Kissing a cheek, your ear, your neck. I reach your perfect breasts and kiss them each as well. My tongue circles one nipple, then the next, making each of them harder than they were before. I enclose my mouth around a nipple and gently suck on it repeatedly.

Moving down father, your stomach quivers as I lay easy soft kisses all the way down. Your legs spread anticipating where I am heading. As I reach your hips, I slowly run my tongue all around you. As I first lick you, your back arches, and your hands involuntarily reach for the back of my head. You want to hold me there, keeping me for your own satisfaction, and I make no movement to dispel your wants. I use my tongue not only on your clit, but alternately penetrating you, deeper and deeper. The position of my whole mouth on you seems so natural, as if I was made for you and you alone. I run my tongue in and out, up and down, and your head starts moving side to side, letting out breathy sighs of desire and pleasure. You know you are reaching a point of no return, so you use your hands to pull my face from you. I start to move my face back to yours, running just the tip of my tongue up on your skin, only pausing a second, when you giggle a bit from a tickle. We look at each other and share a quick laugh before I continue back up. We kiss again, more passionately than ever, our tongues dueling each other although knowing they both will win. We stop kissing and stare at each other for seconds.

"I want you right now" you whisper.

The first moment. The instant I began to put myself inside you, we both close our eyes. I enter slowly, not wanting to waste a second of being with you. After I am fully inside of you, the kissing begins again, and with a slow gentle rhythm, my hips start rocking back and forth. Pulling to the point where I am almost out of you, then returning to be as deep in you as physically possible. Pausing only briefly after each entry, so as to reassure myself this is really happening. You are not a dream. You are here. You are giving yourself to me. Our bodies rock in unison, not only moving as one, but being one. My pace quickens and your breasts start to sway in time with our bodies.

With one fluid roll, you are now on top. Your hair shines in the moonlight as you are rocking back and forth on top of me. Grinding and swirling your hips to ensure our bodies remain as close as possible. My hands reach up to hold your breasts as you continue, using me for your own pleasure. However it is both of us that are experiencing pure bliss. It has never been so exciting, so fantastic for either one of us. As I gently start to squeeze and kneed your breasts, you place your hands over mine squeezing even more. Our eyes have been closed the whole time you have been in charge, but for an instant we look at each other. We are signaling each other that the moment is now. I take my hands from your chest and we interlock our fingers, palms facing and touching. Our knuckles turning white from the pressure. Moans grow louder and loader. Small grunts start escaping also mixing the sounds that escape us. "Oh my god" comes from my mouth as a faint whimper escapes yours. Our backs both arch. Hips are grinding together and an incredible pace. Our body's both go tense from head to toe as we both let out cries of pleasure, then we release our passion for each other......

As we both seem to be coming back from the heavens, our bodies relax and you lay on top of me, my arms wrapped around you, holding because I never want to let you go. At this moment, we feel not only our bodies together, but our souls as well.

Minutes pass before either of us speak, not wanting to relinquish the moment.

You faintly laugh and say, "You know you lied to me don't you?"

"What are you..."

" Back on the bridge remember? When I felt as if I was flying, you said I would never feel that way again. I just did."

Funny, I say in a thought to myself, because I was thinking the same thing.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Although the grass has been replaced by weeds and the fireflies with mosquitoes, this place does exist. Under a full moon, you can experience a true euphoria like no other by doing what was described in this story.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
Very good.-makes me want to go there, too.

Very nice job! Plot and prose- everything in line. Thank you for a very good read.

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