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Wamleck's Conqueror

Story Info
Princess Naira butts heads with the soldier Harper.
5.5k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 10/11/2018
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This is my first go at writing. Hopefully you enjoy it. There will be more chapters to come.


The morning's rays spilled into the room as Naira rolled onto a cooler part of the bed. Her eyes opened slowly, and she peeked out from under her lips. The sun was barely rising out of the water meaning it was far too early for her to arise. She snuggled back into her silk sheets and lay comfortably until and knock on the door interrupted her slumber.

"Come in," she groaned irritably, rolling onto her back and kicking her comforter off.

"Good morning, princess. Time to rise," said Marina as she set a cup of water on the nightstand. "How did you sleep?"

"Poorly. I kept waking up throughout the night, and I don't know why," she frowned.

"I'm sorry to hear that. Would you like me to fetch the doctor to make sure you aren't sick?" she asked thoughtfully.

"No, thank you, Marina. I'm sure it's just the nerves. Anyway, how did you sleep?" she asked as she hopped out of bed and disrobed. Her nightgown puddled on the floor around her leaving her in nothing but a sheer pair of blue panties. She bent forward to pick up the robe and felt her ample breast sway and bounce on the way up.

"I slept alright, despite Bason's kicking!" she laughed as she patted her pregnant stomach with one hand and handed Naira a fresh dress with the other. "Put this on after you shower."

"Thanks, Marina," she smiled, placing one hand on her engorged belly and feeling a slight kick. "What did the doctor say, yesterday?"

"One healthy baby boy," she beamed happily, "same as last time. Now enough with the questions. Hop into your shower and get ready."

"I'm going, I'm going!" she laughed, laying her dress across the bed and stepping into her bathroom. "OH! Marina, is Harper up yet?" she asked, peeking out of the bathroom. Unfortunately, the look on her face told her more than she wanted. "She's not in her room, is she?"

"No, ma'am. I've searched all throughout the castle. Can't find her anywhere," she replied with her head hung low.

"Alright," she sighed heavily. "I'll look for her after my shower. I swear, not one day can go by without her pissing me off, can it?"

"Her nature has always been consistent with this behavior," she reasoned as she made Naira's bed.

"That it has," she groaned. "Well, don't worry about it too much, Marina. I'll shower quickly and then we can both split up and look for her."

"Thank you, princess," she smiled as Naira disappeared into the bathroom to wash up and prepare herself for the day. Marina sat on the bed thoughtfully and remembered when she used to bathe little Naira and lace her long black hair into a beautiful braid filled with fresh flowers. She also used to fight her when she tried to put clothes on her. That made me chuckle to herself. Oh, the good old days. But now, she was just a few months shy of her 20th birthday.

--------- "Good morning, my dearest Naira!" smiled the king as he embraced her at the bottom of the stairs. "You are looking extravagant this morning, and your dress is lovely."

"Thank you, father!" she smiled back, closing her eyes as he planted a loving kiss on her soft forehead. "You look very handsome today as well!"

"Oh, my dear Naira. You are too kind to me in my old years," he laughed, brushing his graying hairs back. "Come, stand beside me during morning announcements." He grabbed her hand led her through the rush of servants and visitors. Worriedly, she realized that he was leading her the long way around the crowd, searching for a specific face. Not being able to find her, he then sighed stressfully and led them to the thrones. "Attention, everyone," he started, the crowding stopping in place and giving him their full attention, "Today is an extraordinary day as you all know. I want to make sure that this castle is in tip-top shape for their arrival. Make sure that the gardens are trimmed, the floors are swept, and that everything is dusted to perfection. Also, my chefs, how is the food preparation coming along?"

"Everything will be ready and perfect by the time they arrive, your majesty," said the first one.

"And we are even cooking a backup in case there's trouble!" said the second.

"Marvelous!" he beamed. "On that note, carry on with your duties. I'm very proud already at how magnificent this castle is looking because of your hard work. Thank you again! And prepare yourselves for a meal to remember as you will all be enjoying the 'back-up' meal as an additional thanks." The servants cheered at him, and he bowed slightly as they clapped. Then, instantly, the crowd dispersed and resumed their duties. "Where is she?" he asked as Naira rubbed her hands nervously together. She knew the question was coming, but she dreaded it all the same.

"I don't know, sire. Marina tells me that she wasn't in her bed this morning and that it seemed as though she never returned last night."

"I swear... I'm going to have to start posting guards at her door every night!" he complained.

"My king and princess," panted Marina as she jogged up to them, "I have every free guard and servant searching the grounds thrice over for her, but she's nowhere to be found. I've even—"

"Marina!" exclaimed the king with a frown. "Sit down before you overwork yourself!" he ordered as he pressed her down into his throne. He knelt beside her and asked if he could place his hands on her stomach. She nodded. Both hands carefully pressed against her belly and a cheesy smile crossed his face as he felt a small kick. "He's a fighter, isn't he!" he laughed.

"Yes, sire. He wakes me up several times during the night now that I'm so far into the pregnancy.

"I see. Marina, you look exhausted. You really shouldn't be working so hard in these late stages. In fact, I forbid it and order you to go home and relax until your little treasure is born." He smiled as the baby kicked again.

"But sir—"

"Nope! No excuses! Many other servants can tend to Naira while you're away, alright? And when you're feeling well enough, you can jump right back into things. By the way, I saw your husband training the other day with my knights. Is he considering rejoining the forces? How's his knee?"

"The doctor thinks it's finally healed enough and gave him permission yesterday to return to his post!" she smiled excitedly.

"That's wonderful news! I had noticed he had fallen a bit under the weather since his accident. That man is dedicated to his work, I'll tell you that. I'm glad to have him on my guard duty," he said thoughtfully. "Now, off you go! Go enjoy your child vacation. I will have the midwives check in on you daily to make sure you're well cared for!"

"Thank you, your majesty! Thank you! Have a wonderful day and good luck with the meeting!"

"Of course! Bye Marina!" he waved as she disappeared into the crowd of servants.

"You're a good king," complimented Naira with a heartwarming smile. "She'll definitely appreciate the time off."

"She deserves it," he nodded, standing quietly as he watched the commotion before him. The sound of his palm smacking against his forehead made Naira jump. "I almost forgot. We need to find Harper," he sighed stressfully. "She's the reason I have this gray hair at such a young age!"

"Where do we even start? We've searched everywhere," complained Naira.

"I have a few ideas," he groaned. He led Naira to the jousting den, but she wasn't there nor had anyone seen her since the day before. Disappointed but determined, they then visited the town's local tavern, the stables, and the cake shop only to encounter the same result. Naira starts to panic that they still haven't found her yet, but the king remains cool. He requests a carriage for them and travels deep into his garden's. Beautiful trees with pink and white flowers provide shade over the dark, green grass. Naira looks around curiously as this is the first time she's ever been to this part of the garden. She didn't even know it existed!

"What do you know, fifth times the charm," he scowled, shrugging tiredly. Ahead in the grass lay a young woman covered in blood and mud near a beautiful pond. Naira rushed her side but fell back as a foul stench slapped her in the face.

"Oh, gods! What is that smell!" she grimaced as she clasped one hand around her mouth and nose and attempted to waft the odor away with the other.

"Is the blood hers?" he asked unpleasantly, as he helped Naira turn the snoring girl onto her back. "Oh, perhaps not." He pointed towards a large boar carcass rotting in the sun a few feet away.

"That's disgusting!" she cried, clearly grossed out.

"Harper..." he said in a normal voice, trying to wake her up. He rocked her gently, but she shrugged him off and curled back into a ball. "Harper... wake up." Again, she shrugs him off and mumbles something along the lines of 'go away.' The king grunts impatiently and shakes her hard. "I SAID WAKE UP!" Harper's eyes shoot open as she realizes this isn't a dream. She rolls onto her back and stares blankly into the eyes of the king.

"Your majesty!" she exclaims, jumping to her feet and standing at attention. "I was—I saw—there was a—" Her flood of excuses jumbled into one another and she found it challenging to explain herself so suddenly.

"Where were you last night?" he demanded with a stern look as he examined her filthy clothes. "Where you trying to join a herd of boars and hoped that by soiling your clothes that they would accept you?"

"I—I—I—" she stammered.

"Is this your blood? Are you hurt?" he asked impatiently.

"No! It belongs to the boar," she replied quickly.

"Why is a boar's blood upon your skin?"

"Because it wasn't just any boar! It was THE boar that's been digging in and ruining your garden!" she explained. "I caught sight of it last night and tracked it for over three miles before I was finally able to kill it, and then I dragged it back here so that we could eat it and so that it wouldn't go to waste. It will feed a lot of people and we can—"

"You mean the boar that has been spoiling in the sun for a few hours now?" he asked disappointedly with his arms crossed as he pointed toward the carcass with a head nod. Harper looked back towards the bore and scowled with a hint of embarrassment.

"You're majesty, I—"

"Stop. I don't want to hear it," he sighed deeply. "Naira, make sure my soldier returns promptly to the castle and bathes accordingly. Hopefully one of the servants knows how to remove such a putrid smell." He swallowed hard, and his face grimaced.

"Come on, Harper," whispered Naira, offering her hand. Harper pushed it away and helped herself to her feet.

"Sire, I will bathe later, but right now I need to—" But she wasn't able to finish her sentence in time. The king stepped forward and pushed her hard. Harper tripped on the pond's lining and splashed into the water below. The lily pads dispersed around her and the bugs flew for cover. Naira cupped her mouth, and her eyes widened, surprised by the king's show of force.

"You will bathe now, and you will be ready for when our guests arrive," he barked as she surfaced with a small frog entangled in her hair. "The Southern Raiders will arrive later today, and I want to make a good impression on them before we officially seal the deal on the peace treaty. Am I understood?"

"Yes sire," she grumbled distastefully, trying to remove the frog.

"Very good." He crouched at the pond's edge. "Hmm, perhaps pond water was all that was needed to quench the smell." He smiled proudly, but Harper rolled his eyes. "Guards?" he yelled. Two men in armor appeared instantly.

"Yes, sire?" The taller one said.

"Please escort this young lady to her chambers and do not allow her to leave until she is thoroughly bathed and dressed.

"Yes sire," they said in unison as they stepped into the pond and helped her to her feet.

"That's what you get," scolded Naira, her hands on her hips as she watched the guards drag her back to the castle.

"Oh Naira, what am I going to do with that one?" asked the king as the guards struggled to put Harper into the carriage. "She's behaving as erratically as I did when I was a child."

"Well, you eventually matured. I'm sure she will too," assured Naira, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. He put his hands over hers and relished the moment.

"Go on, now. Make sure she's ready for tonight," he said.

"I will don't worry!" she nodded before rushing towards the carriage.

--------- The guards dragged Harper through the castle's halls and up towards her room. As they neared her door, a third soldier appeared and grabbed her by the arm and dismissed the other two before disappearing into the room together. The third guard promptly shut the door and turned to face Harper.

"Where's Naira?" he asked her, scowling at her ragged appearance. "Better yet, who ran you over and threw you in the trash? You smell terrible!"

"Shut up, Jack!" she groaned, rolling her eyes and stepping into the bathroom. "And I don't know where the hell she is. Probably off doing her princessy duties."

"Why weren't you in bed last night?" he asked as he entered the bathroom behind her. She was currently disrobing, but it didn't faze him. He had seen her naked before. He watched as she stepped under the shower's spray and rinsed her body off with soap. "Well? Are you going to answer me?"

"Does it matter? I'm here now," she sighed with boredom as she shampooed and conditioned her hair. As she washed the conditioner out, she felt her hair return to its soft and silky state. She always loved the feeling of her hair after it was clean.

"I suppose not," he shrugged as he started filling the bath and poured bubbles in. "A bath, too?" she asked in the form of a complaint.

"It'll be good for..." his voice trailed off as he watched her lather her breasts and abdomen in soap and run her hands playfully over them.

"It'll be good for what?" she smiled, loving the fact that she could dissolve words in his mouth and silence him with such a simple gesture.

"I forgot what I was going to say," he replied softly, his gaze focused on her athletic form. Her breasts weren't the biggest by any means, but they were ample enough to fill his hands. And her ass... it was perky and well maintained. They curved beautifully as they connected her tiny waist to her toned thighs. Her hair was long and chestnut colored and waved beautifully when dry but since it was wet, it was dark and straight. But none of those compared to her small, shaved pussy. It was smooth and pink, and he wanted to bury his face between her lips.

"Well, are you going to stand there all day?" she teased with a flirtatious smirk. She slid her hands down her body and between her legs. They then slid out around her thighs and gripped her ass cheeks as she turned around.

"Ahhh... the things your body does to me," he moaned as he quickly pulled his shirt off. Harper watched intently as his well-defined abs and muscular arms came into view. He was a year older than her, 23 to be exact, and his body hadn't fully developed into the build his brothers shared. But it was just a matter of time and growth before that happened. He hair was short and brown and his beard was neatly shaved. He wasn't the best looking guy around but he was the one she trusted and felt most comfortable with. She began admiring the long scar on his left shoulder when her gaze lowered as he dropped his trousers and boxers. His manhood was fully erect and staring at her lustfully from across the room. Jack ripped his socks off and strode over to her with desire. She stepped back under the water and playfully splashed him as he approached. But that didn't stop him. He reached around her waist and lifted her into his arms as she giggled before carrying her over the bath he had prepared.

"You get stronger every time I see you," she informed him as he lowered them into the bubbles.

"That's because every time I see you, it's after I've completed another month of training. I leave again tomorrow," he said, pulling her onto his lap so that her mound was sitting against his manhood.

"Well, if you didn't leave immediately—"


"Naira! You should have knocked!" growled Harper as she pressed her breasts against Jack's face to hide them from her.

"And you should have been in bed last night, but we can't all get what we want now can we?" she scolded as she now stood beside the both of them. "And you! When I told you to guard her, I meant GUARD, not FUCK HER." She smacked him across the back of the head with a towel. "Get out!"

"No, stay!" ordered Harper as Jack had begun to lift her off him. He then sat back down grabbed Harper by the waist to sit her back on his lap, refusing to make eye contact with Naira.


"How about a deal?" she interrupted calmly as Jack began to grind his hard member between her legs. She looked down and glared at him for trying to arouse her in the present moment, but he just shrugged innocently and continued on.

"I'm listening," said Naira, impatiently tapping her foot.

"If I promise to get ready and be presentable by the time our guests arrive, will you leave me alone?" she asked earnestly. She then made a funny face that Naira didn't understand as Jack slid a finger between her aching lips.

"I want you ready an hour before they arrive. Otherwise, I'm bringing the king's entire army into this bathroom, and they will peel you off Jack and force you to get ready!" she snarled as she grabbed fistfuls of her own hair but then quickly released them and took a deep breath.

"I promise, I will be," nodded Harper, a hand diving beneath the surface and threateningly taking ahold of Jack's firm penis. She looked down and him and glared. He understood instantly and retracted his finger.

"Ugh... very well," she groaned, squishing and spreading her eyebrows with her pointer finger and thumb. "I'll be back to check on you in an hour and if you're not—"

"I'll be ready! Geez! Just go already!" she whined. Naira threw her hands up in defeat and stormed out of the bathroom.

"And don't think that just because you are hiding between her breasts right now that I won't remember this, Jack!" she scolded as she stomped through the bedroom and out the door.

"I may never leave this bathroom," he laughed, grabbing Harper by the waist and pulling her against his chest.

"Ignore her. I won't let her do anything to you," she assured him before a pleasurable whimper escaped her lips. "Oh... Jack..." her voice trailed off as his hands squeezed her breasts and his tongue worked on her right nipple. He would swirl it around a few times and then flick it twice before he sucked on them. Suddenly he switched to the other. Harper moaned quietly and began to rock her hips, unintentionally grinding against his rock-hard cock.

"Someone's missed me," he teased as he buried himself in her chest and ran his fingers down her back. She wrapped her arms around his head for balance as he started sliding his shaft up and down her slit.

"Oh Jack..." she whispered passionately, lost in the moment as his hands reached for her ass. He tried slapping her it underwater, but it didn't work as well as he had wanted. Instead, he cupped her cheeks and pushed her upward so that his lips were now kissing her abdomen. He then tried smacking her ass again and succeeded. She yelped at the stinging sensation and tried to slip back into the water, but he held her in place. His grip tightened on her and smacked her other cheek, so they'd match.

"How'd that feel?" he asked with a devilish smile.

"I'd say that you've reached your two-smacks for the day," she smiled back, pushing away from him.


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