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Wanda's Loss... Suzie's Gain

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Wanda's cheating leads Bob to the arms of...Her Sister.
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For some, going to spend a weekend with the in-laws would be considered a form of punishment. Not me.

I had a great love for my wife's parents. Estelle and Lonnie Pearce were caring and loving people that accepted me from the beginning.

They had operated their own cleaning business for nearly 40 years. They never got rich, but they would remind you that they always had plenty to eat and their kids never hurt for clothing and school supplies.

They were the epitome of the humble and honest working class. I admired them greatly.

I was married to their daughter, Wanda. I was treated like the son they never had. Their other daughter, Suzie, had been married for 11 years and divorced for the past 15 years.

Her only marriage was to a podiatry doctor, Dr. Zachary Boone, that had two major problems...alcohol and other women. After years of verbal abuse and humiliation, she left him and essentially raised their daughter on their own.

Their daughter, Gina, just recently graduated from college, married an architect and moved 100 miles north of us.

Estelle and Lonnie had retired, sold their house in the valley, and moved to a much more modest mobile home on the Central California coast.

It was a small 2 bedroom and 2 bath home with a small back yard. However, they loved living near the ocean and moving 110 miles west of where they'd always known as home was worth the effort.

Wanda and I have been married for 27 years. I have been working as a truck driver for the past 25 years. For the first 8 years, I drove all over the country under every imaginable driving conditions. Rain, snow, sleet, ice, hail, and strong winds were some of the dangers.

Finally, the company I work for, and love working for, had an opening for a local run, Monday through Thursday. I was always home by 4:30 each day.

The money is okay, but not great. I have made many friends through work contacts, including my two golfing buddies, Zach and Brett. Zach and Brett are brothers that own a machine shop and I always had deliveries for them at least once a week. The friendship took off from there and we would meet up on most Saturday mornings, when the weather allowed, and do our 18 holes.

Wanda, however, was CNA at a local hospital when we first met. Since that time, she became an LVN, an RN, and eventually moved up into critical care management. At the time this story begins, she's the manager of the large ICU unit at that same hospital where she began her career.

To characterize our marriage as good would be generous. It's more tolerable. We don't fight a lot. To be fair, we don't see each other enough to have much time for fighting.

Our sex life is lacking; at least from my perspective. Once or twice a month for a man in his early 50s with a very strong sex drive isn't nearly enough. Her effort and enthusiasm is often lacking when she does put out.

The excuses of physical and mental fatigue are the most frequently used reasons for a lack of interest. I can't prove otherwise so I just keep quiet and be appreciative of the times she does put out.

She also earns a lot more than I do. I knew about her ambitions when I married her. I knew that she'd eventually a lot more money. That has never seemed to be a problem for either of us.

Our two sons had opted for military service before going to college. Our oldest, Stu, decided to make it a career. Our youngest, Len, has two more years and then he plans on moving where my sister lives in Georgia and attending Georgia Tech.

There was a family get-together at her parent's house on the coast for the weekend. Her mom's sister and husband would be there as well as Suzie and us. Wanda had arranged for a three- day weekend. I looked forward to the trip. Maybe with Wanda being able to relax for three days, it might make her more willing to put out.

Also, I simply enjoyed being around her parents. Wanda was so much like them when she was younger. Time and life seemed to change Wanda from the fun-loving and light-hearted young lady to a more pseudo-intellectual snob. For her, sleeping on an inflated mattress was beneath her. She couldn't tell them that or she knew she'd get a lecture about humility and being a gracious guest.

When we were younger, sleeping in a tent on a mattress would have been fun and an invitation for as much sex as we could handle.

What would REALLY anger her was when they'd make a remark to her about being more like me. You could almost SEE her blood pressure go up when they'd make remarks like that.

It was more like camping. With only one extra bedroom, her aunt and uncle got the extra room. Two medium sized tents were put in the back yard with inflatable queen mattresses on the ground.

I didn't mind it at all, but Wanda whined about it on the way. She wanted to get a hotel nearby, but I talked her out of it. Although we had the money for a hotel, we were invited guests. She probably could win that argument with me. She would never win it against her mom or dad.

Although people of modest means, her parents always went all-out for guests when it came to dining. Friday night, the chicken, beans, salad, and pies were enough to feed at least twice the number of people. We knew to expect more of the same for breakfast and dinner the next night.

As usual, the conversations flowed easily and cheerfully throughout the evening. Only Wanda seemed slightly disconnected from the fun. She sat, politely, and mostly listened to the tales of the elder men and barely reacted to any of the humor shared.

As it grew close to 11pm, we decided to go to bed...or in this case...the air mattress in the backyard tent. Suzie bid us a fond goodnight as she zipped up her tent for the evening.

I fruitless attempted to engage Wanda in some light foreplay. It was my hope that being in a more relaxed atmosphere without the distractions and interruptions from the job would make it easier for her.

"Not tonight, Bob," she said, with an emphasis on the word "tonight".

Naturally, I was disappointed. I seldom argued much about it, but I couldn't think of a better opportunity.

"Shit, Bob. My sister is in the tent right next to us. I don't want her to hear."

I wasn't buying it.

"I remember camping several years ago and she was in the tent next to us and you had no problem doing it then," I reminded her.

"Well. I was younger and much more foolish back then."

"Maybe so, Wanda, but you seemed to enjoy it so much that we did it again the next night. I also remember you didn't make any serious effort to tone down your voice back then. So what if she does hear us? We're married, it's what married people do."

"Bob, the answer is NO. Got it? Stop bitching to me about it."

That was the final word. I wasn't getting any that night either.

The next morning, Momma Pearce had set up an omelet bar. She and Dad Pearce each took our selections and made us nice, fluffy, omelets. She had also fried up some diced potatoes with peppers and onions.

Wanda passed on the omelet and had a small portion of the potatoes and some orange juice. As we all pitched in to clean up the kitchen mess, Wanda got a phone call.

"Uh huh? Really? That bad, huh?"

Her parents and I could hear her end of the conversation.

"No, that's okay. I can be there. Give me about 2-3 hours. No problem. Bye."

Wanda looked at us. She knew we had been listening.

"Gotta go home now, Bob. Got to get to work. Very high census and not nearly enough nurses to cover. Let's go, now!"

I was disappointed. I wasn't ready to go home. Mom and Dad Pearce must have sensed it.

"Go ahead, Wanda. I'm sure Bob can hitch a ride back home tomorrow with Suzie. Is that right, Suzie?"

Suzie hadn't heard everything that had gone on. When she caught up on the news, she was happy to take me back home the next afternoon.

"You have a choice, Bob. Either hitchhike home or ride with Wanda's uglier and less successful baby sister."

She was grinning.

She was far from ugly. In fact, in many ways, I thought she was cuter than Wanda. Wanda had a fuller figure, especially her bust, but Suzie had such a naturally friendly face with raven, short dark hair. Her personality was far much more appealing.

She was quite petite. She was barely 5 feet 2 inches and I doubted that she could weigh 110 pounds soaking wet.

"You have a different measure of success than I do," I retorted. "And any guy that thinks you're ugly is one tough SOB to please."

I had never commented on her appearance before. I could tell that I embarrassed her slightly, but she also seemed to enjoy the compliment.

"That's sweet, Bob. Wanda's lucky."

I would have argued that point, but it would have just been complaining on my part. If Wanda felt lucky, she sure as hell never acted it.

Wanda went out the door; barely taking the time to give me a hug goodbye.

"See you Sunday night."

Something about that seemed too odd to me. How did she know how long she would be at work? They could bring other nurses in, couldn't they. Hell, it's feasible that she'd be home before Sunday morning if things slowed down and/or if they were able to secure other staffing.

Wanda was on straight salary. Same pay, no matter how many hours she worked. She often complained when she would remember the days of getting paid double and triple time for extra shifts and weekends. Today, she tried to avoid them as much as possible. She actually made more money on those weekends that she does now.

Still, I didn't say a word. I decided to enjoy my weekend with the rest of the family. She wasn't going to ruin it for me.

Dad Pearce had purchased some large Porterhouse Steaks for dinner that night. Mom had baked a bunch of potatoes and had plenty of corn on the cob for dinner.

I knew that after the guests all went home that Mom and Dad Pearce would have enough leftovers for at least 3 more days.

I noticed something rather strange about that evening...nobody seemed to miss Wanda. Her name was never mentioned. It was a warm July evening and we sat around the living room and visited just like the night before.

Usually, even in July, by the time the sun went down, a cool breeze from the ocean would often elicit jackets and sweaters. Not this night. It was still short-sleeve shirts and short pants weather.

Time went past so quickly that Mom Pearce looked shocked when she saw the clock showing 11:20pm.

"Whoa! It's time for this old gal to hit the hay! I'm not a spring chicken anymore."

She was 73 years old but was still very active. Only the gray in her hair gave any hint of aging. Dad was 74 and the same could be said for him. They were in good health and enjoyed having houseguests. Since they had moved, it wasn't as often as the past, so they enjoyed every second of the time they had when the opportunity came. I appreciated the time as well. Sadly, Wanda didn't seem to feel the same way.

My parents had both passed away in the past 5 years. Both were in their early 80s and had been in good health until the final couple years of their lives. I wanted to enjoy my other parents as much as possible.

Suzie made her way to her tent while I wrapped up my goodnight greetings with the elders.

It was still an unusually warm night on the central coast. I expected some cooler weather to break in at any time, but since I was alone, I opted to sleep in my boxers. I had some sweat pants and shirts nearby if it got cold.

I had reached the point where I began sleep when I heard the zipper of my tent being opened. That brought me back to being fully awake again. I instinctively covered my lower body since I was only wearing loose-fitting boxers.

It was Suzie.

"Suzie? What are you doing in here?" I said, asking the most obvious question.

"I had trouble sleeping, Bob. Wasn't sure if you were or not."

"Well, I was just about into dreamland when I heard that zipper." I was slightly annoyed, but I also knew this was uncharacteristic of Suzie, so I tried to be patient and listen to her.

"I don't know. Is it okay if I stay in here with you? I brought an extra blanket if I need it, although it's too warm right now to need anything."

Although the only light I had was the back-porch light and a half moon, I could see that Suzie had on a thin, yellow pajama top with short...very short...thin matching pajama pants.

"Uh, it's not that I mind you being in here but...well, I'm only wearing a pair of boxers. I'm not sure it's appropriate to be in this kind of compromising position."

"Bob, I'll stay on this side. All I need is the end of the mattress and I can face away from you. We'll be fine."

Against my better judgment, I agreed.

I had secretly lusted after Suzie for many years. Everything I used to love about Wanda was gone, but Suzie maintained those qualities over the years. Still, it was only fantasy. I wasn't going to make a move on my wife's sister.

I finally turned over and fell asleep. I'm not sure how much longer it was, but I felt an arm drape over my stomach.

I turned onto my back and Suzie was sleeping, facing towards me. I turned back around and tried to ignore the small hand that had rested on my belly.

The hand kept moving lower. Before long, it had reached inside of my boxers and she had a handful of my pubic hair.

This was different. I got excited, but still cautious. I dared to turn back onto my back. There she was, her eyes closed, but a big smile on her face. No, she wasn't asleep. I doubted she was asleep at any time.

I took her hand and moved it back towards my chest, but she immediately put it back on top of my pubes.

"You can't do this, Suzie. Sorry."

Suzie was deterred. She grabbed my pubes with her hands as if she were picking fruit from a tree.

"Any time you want me to quit, Bob, just say so."

She grabbed my hard cock.

"Based on your reaction, I'd say you don't want me to stop.:

"No, Suzie. I don't want you to stop. I need you to stop. I'm married to your sister for God's sake."

"Yeah, like she's giving you any. I heard you two last night. How long has it been, Bob? Huh? A month or more?"

I don't know why I felt a need to share it with her, maybe because she still had my cock in her hand, but I told her it had been at least three weeks.

"Three weeks? I'm surprised it hasn't been longer. You're more patient and understanding than any guy that I've ever met."

"It's not easy, but I don't look elsewhere, Suzie. I'm not like that."

"Too bad, Bob. Too bad Suzie doesn't feel that way."

"What way?" I asked innocently.

Suzie grabbed my cock more firmly. Come on, man. She's been whoring around on you. We all know it. Mom and Dad know it. You don't? Seriously?

I didn't know what to say.

"I tell you what, Bob. Enjoy having me in here tonight. In the morning, Dad will show you how he knows about Wanda's screwing around. He'll show you. Trust me."

"How many sudden emergencies has she had over the years? All nurses have a few, I'm sure. But think about the timing. Think about it, Bob. There's a reason Mom and Dad wanted you here...other than the fact that they love you dearly."

"They knew what Wanda is probably up to and they didn't want your weekend ruined. That's why they volunteered me to take you home."

My mind was racing. Had I truly been so deceived?

"Do Mom and Dad know you're doing this right now?'

"Oh, hell no. This is what I want to do, although I doubt they would blame me or you. Dad always told me that you married the wrong daughter."

She then began stroking my cock. I made no effort to stop her. I was enjoying the feel of her small hand on my thick cock too much to offer any more resistance.

Even the last time I had sex with Wanda, she never touched my cock. I just got hard, she got on her back, and then waited until I was done. She had no interest in foreplay (which I love to do) or anything else. Just have me get off and get done.

I pulled down my blanket and removed my boxers. There wasn't any need for modesty.

I reached over to kiss her. She responded by rolling onto my chest and returning my kisses with equal enthusiasm and fervor.

I reached up inside of her pajama top and pulled it over her head.

Staring at me were two perfectly formed breasts, although small, but perfectly shaped with large areolas and firm nipples.

"Not as big as Wanda's, I know," Suzie lamented.

"So?" I answered. "Yours are perfect. Love them."

I took each of them, one at a time, and fit them in my mouth. Each nipple hardened even more. It was impossible for my cock to harden any more. I was ready to explode, and Suzie still had her pajama shorts on.

We stood up as I removed her pajama bottom. She hadn't been wearing panties. Her very dark pubes stood out in the dimly lit tent. It was thicker than Wanda's and not nearly as well-trimmed. I didn't care. It was gorgeous.

We were both equally anxious for me to enter inside of her. I was astonished at how tight her pussy was. I took it easy at the beginning so that I didn't hurt her, but she begged for more.

I'm not exceptionally well-hung, but I make up for it in girth. Suzie seemed to appreciate that.

I finally exploded inside of her. It had been much longer than 3 weeks since I had a lover that enjoyed being with me and reciprocated the effort and energy.

I learned that it had been 2 years since Suzie had last enjoyed sex; although the term "enjoy" is only relative. She was horny and a guy she had met talked her into a one-night stand. He was gone by the next morning.

As we laid on our backs in the aftermath of our lovemaking, I began to feel guilty. I had enjoyed the sex, but I quickly reminded myself that I was still a married man. It didn't matter what Wanda did or didn't do.

I must have been quiet for too long because Suzie wanted to know what was wrong with me. Was I that transparent?

"Is it guilt, Bob?"

I nodded my head.

"I understand, but I made a decision earlier today after Wanda left to do this. This was a gamble on my part because I wasn't sure how attracted you were to me. What if my boobs were too small for your liking? What if you didn't like hairy pussy? What if I wasn't as attractive as Wanda?"

I needed to set her straight.

"First, your tits are awesome. I love hairy pussies. And I think you're pretty damn attractive. Any further questions?"

"I guess not," she said while putting her arm around my waist. I've never really knew.

"That's because you are my wife's sister, silly. As a rule, I don't say or do anything to other women that might lead them on. I may be just a truck driver, as Wanda likes to say, but I do have standards and I've never cheated on her...until tonight."

"I'm sorry, Bob. It's something I wanted, and I think you needed it. Yeah, you can call it cheating, but I can assure you it's been done to you many times. Let's talk to Dad in the morning."

I didn't sleep well the rest of the night. Suzie fell asleep next to me and woke me up somewhere close to 7am. Her dad saw us exit the tent together. Suddenly, I was very nervous. I loved Wanda's parents too much to disappoint them. My stomach was in knots.

"Good morning, kids," Dad Pearce said cheerfully. It finally cooled off and a little fog came in. We didn't expect warm nights when we planned this."

"That's okay, Dad," I said. "The ventilation in the tent was adequate. Now it's kind of cold in there."

He didn't say a word about seeing the two of us leaving from the tent together. Maybe he didn't care, or he didn't make it his business to care.

A waffle and bacon breakfast awaited us.

"What time are you kids leaving today?" asked Mom Pearce.

Suzie looked at me. "We hadn't discussed it, but probably after lunch."

After helping Mom clean up the breakfast mess, Suzie whispered something into her dad's ear. I saw him nod his head up and down.

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