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Watching Dena Watch Me Ch. 06

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Delilah is finally here.
5.7k words

Part 6 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/15/2023
Created 03/25/2023
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Dena was on her bed laying on her side, knees pulled up. Her thighs were tightly squeezing her pussy making it protrude from between her legs. She had her arm behind her back, two fingers shoved into herself. She was dipping her fingers in and out of her pussy, occasionally sliding them back and forth just inside her slit. I could see trails of her juices dripping down the back of her thighs, leaving shiny streaks on her soft skin.

She had just been watching me pump my cock from the hallway after leaving the bathroom a few minutes before. She didn't watch for too long before practically running to her bedroom and getting down to business.

I could imagine what kind of porn she was watching. Maybe she was fantasizing that she had come into my room when she saw me jerking and that her fingers were actually my cock. Pumping in and out of her soaking pussy, my engorged head spreading her lips and sliding the length of her pussy up and down. This was certainly what I was imagining.

Dena had replaced her fingers with her vibrating massager and was popping the ball in and out of her tight hole. She rolled over onto her back and hung her legs over the edge of the bed. She spread her legs wide and plunged the massager in and out of herself faster and faster. She was caressing her breast with her other hand, occasionally pinching a nipple and lifting it, pulling her titty hard enough it looked like it might hurt. She would then let it go and her nipple would snap back and her heavy tit fall flat and bounce side to side.

Her pace with the massager accelerating and I could tell her orgasm was close. She raised her head to watch her hand work her pussy and she furiously rubbed her clit with the massager ball. Her mouth was wide open but no sound was coming out. The only sound was her wet pussy making gushy sounds as her hand worked hard on herself. I was close to my own release and was watching Dena's face. I loved to let my cum flow as I watched her expression the moment the first wave hit her body.

Dena was over the edge, her eyes rolled back as she slammed her head back to the bed. She raised it again, chin touching her chest, mouth wide open in an 'O' shape. Her body was convulsing, making her tits bounce and her soft meaty thighs quiver at her movements.

I let myself go and cum spewed from my cock, landing on the top sheet past my knees. I was blasting spurt after spurt down my legs until the spasms were becoming weaker and now the cum was welling up from my cock and just spilling from the head to run down over my knuckles to my ball sack. From there it dripped onto the towel I had under me and formed a puddle.

Dena had stopped shuddering and laid her head back and I saw her body relax and go limp. After a moment she stood from her bed and pulled her night clothes on. She wiped her massager off and placed it back into its dresser drawer. Dena turned to flip her lights off and lay down under her blankets.

I cleaned my mess up and did the same. I needed some good sleep. I had a long day planned tomorrow, Delilah was coming!

I had to get up early to go to the airport and pick up Delilah. It was about an hour drive there and I caught myself daydreaming about my sister and our night in the car so long ago.

I don't know how she felt about it, or even if she still remembered it but I have thought about it alot over the years. Especially when we saw each other for our vacations. She always wore two piece bathing suits to the beach or in the pool and it was hard to keep my eyes off her lest my wife catches on. I wished we could repeat our session but there's no way Delilah would go for it. We hadn't brought it up ever afterwards, she probably pushed it out of her mind.

I arrived at the airport and waited in the cell phone lot for Delilah to call. She finally did and I made the airport circle and pulled up to the arrival spot. There she was, waving me over, weighed down with several bags and a large suitcase. Seems she packed heavy for only a week, she is a woman though.

I pulled up in front of Delilah and got out to greet her. We met in a big hug and she gave me a big kiss on my cheek. I helped her with her bags and got her in the car and left for home.

We had a great time talking about all the things that have happened since we saw each other last. She was still single but mingling. Her kids went off to college and she was getting out more and having fun. Delilah had gotten a nice piece of pie in her divorce and had opened her own boutique shop with several employees, so had plenty of free time to do what she wanted. I told her some of the things that had happened on my end, job promotion, new car, Dena in college now. We chatted more about this and that until we arrived home.

I helped her in with her bags and got her settled into the den and went to the kitchen to make us coffee. Delilah said she needed that, she had been up all night because she'd had to be at the airport at midnight so she just never went to bed. I told her she should get her some sleep right now, my wife is asleep from working last night and Dena is at class. I had paperwork to catch up on, so would be busy anyway. She agreed it would be nice to get a nap, so I left the den to go to my office. I went straight to the camera app to see if I could catch anything good in the den.

There was Delilah sitting on the sofa rummaging through one of her bags. She must not have found what she was looking for and laid her bag on the floor next to her. She lay back on the sofa and closed her eyes. I watched for a little bit but it soon became apparent she had fallen right to sleep. I started working on my paperwork and thinking about what to do later.

Delilah slept most of the day. I didn't want to wake her up, it was her vacation and I wanted her to relax. Dena had come home and went to her room. My wife was up and we were currently in the kitchen making dinner together. Delilah must have smelled the aroma of the food cooking and came wandering into the kitchen following the smell. My wife and I greeted her and she had a seat at the bar while we all caught up some more. I yelled upstairs for Dena to come down to see her aunt. A few minutes later Dena came into the kitchen and gave Delilah a big hug and sat down next to her.

For the next hour or so we all reminisced and ate our dinner and had a great time laughing about this and that. After we had cleaned up from dinner my wife went to get ready for work and Delilah, Dena and I went to the den to talk more.

Dena wanted to know all about Delilah's boutique and what kind of stuff she sold there. As Delilah starting talking about her business with Dena I got up and went to my bedroom to change into some night clothes, gym shorts and a t-shirt, and went back to the den. Dena was just getting up to go take her turn in the shower so I sat across from Delilah to talk more. As we were talking, my wife poked in to say goodnight and she left for work.

I felt a little rush knowing I was now home alone with two objects of my voyeuristic desires. I asked Delilah if she wanted to shower next or should I. She said she will if I don't mind, her nap didn't do much and she was getting sleepy. I told her to wait a little bit for the water heater to heat back up and go for it. In the meantime I said I'll go lay down until she's done.

I went to my bedroom and got in bed and turned my cam on. I was just in time to see Dena drying herself off. I watched her tits swaying back and forth from her toweling and stared at her sweet ass as she pulled her pajama bottoms onto it. I pulled my cock out just as Dena left the bathroom but I kept it under the covers. Dena walked past my door without looking in. I guess since we had company she didn't want to take any chances she might get caught peeking at me.

I lay there for a bit, slowly playing with my cock, waiting with sweet anticipation for Delilah. I didn't have to wait long.

I saw her coming down the hall with her bag heading to the bathroom. I focused on the bathroom cam as she came inside. She laid her things down and disappeared under the camera for a minute. When she reappeared she was nude from the waist down. She must have left her shorts and panties at the toilet.

I sucked in a sharp breath as I saw my sister's bare ass for the first time in many years. She turned at the mirror and I got a good look at her front. I had seen her many times in a bathing suit over the last few years and I could tell her body hadn't changed much since she was young. Now I was able to confirm this fact watching her standing at the sink.

She pulled her shirt up and over her head and revealed a nice, if a little conservative, lacey bra with full cups that covered her tits. I could see her bright pink areolas through the sheer fabric between the lace of her bra. She reached between her breasts and unclasped it and let it slide down her arms and drop to the floor.

Now my sister was completely naked and my eyes were roaming up and down taking in every inch. Delilah had two children so of course she didn't have the flawless skin of her youth anymore, but it was nearly flawless. There were a few stretch marks, barely noticeable because of her pale skin, on her hips. There were some more very light stretch marks on the sides of her breasts, other than that she was perfect. Her tits sagged just a little bit more than when she was younger but they looked amazing for her age.

She lifted her tits and rubbed at the red marks under them that the wire support in her bra had left. She turned to one side and looked at herself in the mirror, then turned the other way. Now she was facing the camera and I got a great view of her pussy. I had to zoom way in to see that it was not hairless like I first thought.

Her pubic hair was a very light strawberry color just like on her head. Her pubic hair was much thinner though and didn't hide much of her sex. Her mound of hair was naturally shaped into a perfect V above her pussy, a small darker tuft of hair at the top of her lips. Maybe I was biased but my sister had the most perfect pussy. Her inner labia were peeking out past her outer lips a little, looking very inviting. The bright pink of her pussy contrasted with her milky white skin and made it stand out even more.

Delilah had turned the water on in the shower and when it was hot enough she stepped inside. Like usual I kept watching the silhouette through the frosted glass and stroked my cock. I almost came once or twice but held back, I wanted to see more first.

Delilah finally finished her shower and stepped out to dry off. I watched as her tits swayed back and forth and watched every part of her body as she slid her towel over it. When she finished drying, she reached in her bag and pulled out a pair of white cotton looking panties. She pulled them up her luscious legs and seated them on her ass. They covered her pretty well and left a lot to the imagination but she looked great in nothing but a pair of tight panties.

Next she draped a night shirt down her body that stopped just above her knees. When she bent to pick up her bag I could see that the shirt revealed the very bottom of her panties. She fixed her hair up for bed, brushed her teeth, put everything back in her bag and turned to leave. I pulled the blanket up over myself, I sure didn't want to get caught with my dick in my hand by my sister.

Delilah's shadow passed my bedroom door and I watched the mirror until she rounded the corner at the end of the hall. I switched to the camera in the den and uncovered my cock and began stroking. She didn't appear on the den cam right away so I figured she was getting something to drink from the fridge. I stroked myself a little harder as images of my naked sister from moments ago flooded my head. As I looked down to see if Delilah had made it back to the den I heard something and looked up.

"Goodnight little broth......."

I snapped my knees up and yanked the cover over myself, my phone went flying. Delilah had come in to tell me goodnight!

"Dammit, I'm so sorry, oh my god I'm so sorry." she was saying over and over.

I didn't know what to do, I was trying to cover myself up more and pulled the blanket higher when I realized my phone had gone flying. I looked down at the floor and it was lying right in front of Delilah's feet. She had followed my gaze down and now saw the phone laying on the floor. She instinctively reached down to pick it up and I started to say no but she interrupted.

"No it's ok, you don't need to get up I got it." As she stepped towards my bed she started to reach it to me and saw the screen. She stopped dead, "Is that......is that the bathroom? Oh my god, is that the bathroom I was just in?"

She didn't wait for an answer and walked out the door towards the bathroom. Oh my god I'm caught. I couldn't believe it, I didn't even care she caught me jacking off, she knows I was spying on her. She's going to hate me now.

Delilah came back into my room and stared at me. Oddly she didn't have a hateful look on her face but she didn't seem happy either.

"Were you just watching me in the shower little bro? Did you see everything?"

I hung my head and nodded. I was so ashamed. I love my sister dearly and now I've broken her trust, she'll never forgive me.

"Apparently you liked what you saw?"

That's not what I was expecting her to say, I looked up at her "I'm so sorry sis, I don't know what to say." She walked over to the bed and sat next to me.

"Did you like what you saw? Does seeing your sister naked turn you on?" At this point, how could I lie about that, she caught me beating off while spying on her in the shower.

"I'm sorry, yes I like it. I'm so sorry. It's just that.....it's....I don't know what to say Del, I can't help myself."

"Who else do you watch?" I didn't answer that. She's going to think I'm a horrible pervert watching Dena. "Surely you don't need a hidden cam to see your wife naked do you? Do you watch Dena in there?"

"Yes, I watch Dena and her friends when I can." I had hung my head again while I said this, ashamed to look Delilah in the eye.

"Well I don't know what I'm going to do with you little Bro." She said this with what sounded like amusement in her voice and I looked up and saw it in her eyes. She was amused.

"You don't think I'm a monster?"

"Of course I don't, Dena's a little hotty I don't blame you for wanting to see that." Wow, I couldn't believe it. My sister had just made an excuse for me to voyuer my stepdaughter. "It is, however, not very nice of you to watch people in their privacy without them knowing it."

"I know sis, I'm sorr...."

"Sorry's not going to cut it Bro. No, you need some punishment."

"Please, please don't tell." I begged.

Delilah chuckled, "I'm not going to ever tell anyone silly, but I am going to punish you."

"I'll do anything you want, I promise, just don't tell."

Delilah had a wicked grin on her face and I wasn't sure I should feel like I was getting off so easy.

"So.....you just saw me naked in the bathroom. You should have a taste of your own medicine." I looked up at her face, she was nodding her head. "Shower time little Bro....and I'll be keeping this right here." She said this as she sat my phone on her bare knee.

I started to object and Delilah hushed me and just pointed to the door. I thought for a second, and decided this actually was getting off easy. And I guess to be fair, how could I complain, I had just watched her naked and she didn't know at the time, I guess that was worse. I headed out the door to the bathroom.

I went in and shut the door behind me. First thing I did was go to the toilet to take a leak, I always get a weak bladder when I'm nervous. I stepped out where I knew I was in view of the camera. I pulled my shorts down keeping my back to the camera. Next I pulled my shirt over my head and dropped it to the floor. Now I was standing there in just my briefs. I didn't feel insecure about my body at all. For my age I was in pretty good shape. I didn't work out regularly but I ate healthy and got plenty of exercise. I guess you could say I had a dad bod without the belly.

As for my cock, I was fairly confident there too. I knew it was a little bigger than average and had been told by plenty that it was a nice one. What I was insecure about was that my sister was watching me right now! Yes she has held my cock before, that one time for like one minute in the car that night. But she's never seen it, or seen me completely naked.

I reached into the shower and turned the water on. I then pulled my briefs down, keeping my back to the camera. I wasn't brave enough to turn just yet. I stepped into the shower not letting the camera see my front. I let the hot water flow over my body, thinking about the situation I've found myself in. I still couldn't believe Delilah was doing this. She is doing me a big favor is what she's doing. I mean, it still remains to be seen if she doesn't tell like she said she won't. She seems pretty sincere. Actually seems like she's getting a kick out of it really.

That was calming my nerves thinking about the look in her eyes as she was telling me my punishment. She was enjoying it. And not enjoying it by trying to be cruel to me, no, I know Delilah well. She was having fun with me. She loves me and she's genuinely not mad, I see it now. It's like the times when we were young and would laugh and joke at each other, all in fun. I was feeling much better about it by now and it was a good thing because I had wasted too much time, it was time to get out.

I thought for a second, if she's going to watch me, I'm going to give her something to see. I'm not stepping out with a flaccid cock, mostly hidden by my curly pubic hair. I stroked my cock a little bit until it started to harden. I didn't want it fully hard standing straight up, she'll think I'm a horny lunatic. No, I just wanted it to be meaty and full for her. I got it to that point and turned the water off. I stepped out fully facing the camera, half hard cock swinging between my legs.

I started to towel off, letting my movements keep my dick swinging. I was thinking about Delilah in there watching my sizeable cock and wondering if she's enjoying watching as much as I do.

The thought of my sister watching my naked cock right now sent a tingle down to my loin area and just then my cock decided to betray me. What I had just didn't want to happen before was now happening, and there was no stopping it. Blood rushed into my already thickened cock and made it rise to attention. It got so hard so quick it rose until it was pointing straight up at my chin. It wasn't going back down any time soon either.

I thought to myself....fuck it, lets have some fun. I kept toweling my back shaking my hard cock back and forth, jutting my hips forward giving my sister the best view. I ran the towel down my belly and caught my cock with it and pulled it down till it was almost pointed straight down then let go. My cock flew back up to attention and hit my damp lower belly with a loud smack. She had to have heard that. I finished drying and pulled my shorts on but made sure that my cock had them tented straight out in front of me. I headed out the door and back to my bedroom.

As I walked back in my bedroom I saw Delilah lying on the bed, legs stretched out in front of her and crossed. She turned towards me when I came in and let out a goofy laugh "Is that a towel rack in your pants or are you just happy to see me?"

I walked over to the night stand and turned, knocking the alarm clock off the stand on purpose with my hard cock. "Damn towel rack, always in the way."

We both laughed at this and it seemed to ease any tension we both had about the whole situation. I adjusted my cock so it wasn't straight out and sat on the edge of the bed next to Delilah's feet. "Well" I said, "Did you like my show as much as I enjoyed yours?"


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