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Watching Porn Makes My Baby Crazy

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Me & my little cherub do what the pros do, but better!
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Watching Porn Makes My Baby Go Crazy

Me & my little cherub do what the pros do, but better!

Everyone in this story is at least 18.

On the eve of year 15 of wedded bliss, I have dedicated this piece to my lovely, adoring and sexy wifey. Hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed its composition.


Lemme tell ya about my baby - a hot little bundle of love. Hair of flame, hot and red. She's post-meno - you know, that stage in a woman's life where sexual pleasure becomes a frequent must! She's my "trophy wife" which I put on a pedestal, but never on a shelf.

Her ears I love to lavish with my tongue, and suck on each and every diamond studded piercing. Her eyes of azure framed by light brows still give me chills when she first comes into view. Don't even get me started on that plump lipped smile. It can turn from sunny to spry on a dime! She has a cute as heck of tiny freckles layered over her shoulders and the tops of her breasts. I equate them to a smattering of little stars twinkling at dusk. Gives her that "little girl look," but don't read into that.

She stands just better than 5 foot, yet her modest stature belies a crafty seductress. Legs? She's got 'em! They may appear short and stout, but they feel like heavenly pillows when clamped tightly around my waist in the throes of passion. Their crown jewel is her dangling ankle bracelets and tiny toes, they're nails brightly painted. Sometimes I just want to join in her squealing as I lick between them tenderly.

Don't know if I'm more in love with her precocious mind or bodacious bod, but why choose? Ignorant observers may falsely ascribe her as "plain," but that's because they fail to evoke her gleaming smile and rosy cheeks like I do.

As far as cheeks go, my honeybun possesses an "azz" for years - featuring two generous and well-defined peachy smooth hills, and the wondrous long and wide valley between them. Ain't no BAB ("Bony Ass Bitch",) and I tell her all the time that she's too sexy for her own good!

She's for sure a natural beaut - full curvaceous breasts with biteable nipples, centered on delectable half dollar areolas. No newborn could ever miss that buffet! Baby got back, front, high, low, and of course, a delicious middle. Curves likened to that of a richly toned standing base ("it's all about that base, 'bout that base...!) She got lady humps and bumps, a couple lumps, no mumps, but plenty of thumpity-thump!

A slight muffin top going on, love handles more like it, but she's much more aware of it than I am. She may be disheartened by the barely perceptible creases on her thighs, but I insist that it gives her a more genuine natural look. Surficial perfection is the work of chemicals and surgery, but a real woman like mine comes by it in all its natural form! Her perfection IS her imperfections.

Just below her cute-as-a-button belly button is a most neat forest of wispy pubes - dark, mysterious and inviting. That gal of mine keeps it trim on the edges, but I hope that one day she'll indulge my hirsute laden kink and let it fluff up nice and tall, continue under her taint, then back up the full length along the schism of her juicy butt. It would turn me on no end to see those hairs surrounding her round pink starfish while I'm pounding her doggy style.

She'll occasionally solicit me to enter into that rear portal, usually at the times we're both fully imbibed with drinks and THC laced gummies. My druthers would be to kiss and lick that hole until she begs me to fuck it, then to go just cock head deep. Then I could enjoy rapidly oscillating my tip with vigor against her constricting sphincter. That'll massage it just under my super sensitive cap. Meanwhile, I get to watch that cute little button spasm open and shut as I spread her cheeks wide with my thumbs. Then I relish the view of all of her glory while slapping her clit with my swinging balls during my fevered thrusts.

My Sweet-Stuff's pussy is cute and diminutive. Like a sensuous valley drawing me in, her labia turned inward towards her core. It's a mega-turnon to watch them seemingly pull my manhood deeper within her warm and tight love tunnel. They grip me so good I have to bite MY lip to keep from coming too soon.

Even though I can't get enough of her, time to talk about me. Ever see the TV commercial for Sam Adams Beer? I could be the long-lost twin of the brew master - shaved shiny head, straight beard (mine is gray) hanging 1/2 a foot from my square chin, beefcake above the age-inevitable beer bump, strong tree trunk thighs, well-defined calves and, of course, large hands to latch onto her with. I'm her brutish "brown-eyed handsome man." At least that's the way she says she describes me at her hen/friend parties.

Sweetie says my chrome dome with the beard whiskers makes her wet. She giggles at how my head might resemble a giant upside down cock. I can boast gym sculpted quarter bouncing buns, AND..., according to her, a right-sized cut meaty cock. She jokes that it looks like the smaller twin of my upper head. She loves to fondle my hefty manscaped balls in her dainty digits, swirling the sac around and stretching it out with her mouth. That makes it tickle, which is nice, but evokes the notion that she could easily get carried away, which is not so much so. She likes, no, loves, doing that actually - so much that I let her have her fun, especially if it gets her all randy!


This night my sexy gal's feeling particularly frisky after our dinner and wine. She asks me if she could put on one of her fav naughty movies. Surprise! I say definitely! I've never denied her this pleasure, as it inevitably leads to mine, too.

After thumbing through our hidden "vault" of dirty DVD's, she pulls out her choice for the evening - "Luscious Ladies Lay Local Lads." It starts out quite tame by depicting a group of mature suburban women gathered in a living room taking healthy gulps of cosmos and margaritas. As each one loosens from those, they relay their laments over the dearth of quality cock since becoming divorced or widowed. They're sexually frustrated by the town's scant offering of barely functioning shriveled gramp's dicks.

Each woman fondly recalls her youthful dalliances to the others. First, a short, long haired bubble blonde remembers the weekend when she and her betrothed first moved into their newly acquired abode. Over their very first weekend there they christened every room with passionate prenuptial perversion. Her favorite was in the treehouse in the wooded back lot.

Another more dirty blonde (literally) spoke of the time when her roommate at the all-girl religious college arranged a threesome with both their boyfriends as her surprise 19th birthday gift. She and roomy were treated to the young men's burlesque-like display, featuring her roommate's beau slapping a butt cheek of her own muse. She recounted how she squealed with delight as the boys sauntered towards her to ever so slowly disrobe each and every article of her clothing. Her roomy sitting next to her couldn't help but snake a hand down under her own panties and sigh.

The blonde was graced with a full on body rub while standing between the pair of naked gyrating Adonises. Her beau, facing her front, pawed at her developing breasts, while the other squeezed her bottom from behind. She would swoon each time she felt their meaty post teen cocks sliding against her on both sides. Eventually the men cast her upon her single bed and took up positions to take her in both front and back. She was long past her deflowering, of ALL her portals, so had no trepidation with the gents stuffing her pussy and ass simultaneously with their young fat cocks.

All this time, her half unclad roommate pulled at her own tits, totally absorbed by the scene. She quickly gave up on her own teasing, and plunged her hand into her sopping pussy to diddle herself to several climaxes, even before the now elder minx did! The collective "Happy Ending" concluded with a quadraphonic roar of ecstacy. The thin walls of the dorm room held back no decibel from the other enraptured acoustic voyeuristic dorm mates. They were having quite a time listening to the show in the privacy of their own rooms!

Next up to spill it was a swanky raven topped gal with her salacious story of being a cruise tour guide while in her mid 20s. She once was showing a dashing dark eyed middle-aged executive a tour of cabins on the top deck. There was an unmistakable mutual ogling, more so with each cabin she had shown. She glowed with a scarlet blush recalling how he finally abandoned his gentlemanly facade and cornered her in the "Admiral's Suite." He spun her around abruptly to face the wall. She had desperately tried to turn around to protest her molestation, but had neither means nor desire to fight him. She gladly surrendered to his animalistic will.

This impromptu tryst had progressed in intensity for the better part of the afternoon. She experienced her first ever series of countlessly orgasms. Her boss gave her a stern grimace when she finally returned to the office much later, presenting herself in a most unprofessional dishevelment. The horned up women listeners echoed constant "oohh's" and "ah's" throughout the "raven's" detailed raucous recollection.

Then, two of the more pleasingly plump women looked at the other, wondering which one would break the news. They confessed of the time during the euphoric celebration of the finality of their disappointing marriages. The two were just drunk and horny enough to kiss. The living room's occupants were now riveted with such anticipation that a dropped pin could shatter the silence.

Continuing with their story, both had ran giggling excitedly as they tugged each other's hands up the stairs to the then single occupancy bedroom. They stripped and admired the intimacy of being privy to the other's natural state, unlike their critical exes. Upon entry to the boudoir, two sleek vibrating dildos were produced. The girlish pair lay side by side upon the satin sheets, entranced and titillated from the view of their partner getting off with her surrogate phallus. They swore up and down to never speak of the incident, until this very night, that is.

The concluding salaciousness was provided by the tallest of the group, and what a tall tale she weaved! It had occurred between marriages when she unexpectedly crossed paths with a gorgeous, tan skinned Latino on holiday from his native España. The spitting image of Julio Iglesias he was. The attraction she had for him was instantaneous. He had earnestly asked her for directions to a recently dormant seasonally operated café. She took pity upon the manly exotic (and, erotic!) foreigner by offering him a consolation meal at her place.

He slyly grinned and honored her offer. Immediately following the draining of a bottle of red, he was "on'er" and "off'r" all night with all the swarthy passion only a masculine Mediterranean could muster. The whole time the mysterious gentleman was anything but by continually squeezing and sucking on her chesty bust, as if this was the first time he had ever felt up tits. She considered his playfulness with them as a testament to her alure. She recalled with a heavy sigh how every conjure of blissful climax out did the prior. It was not lost on the riveted senior gaggle how she, as her story progressed in eroticism, tried unsuccessfully to keep her long legs crossed to obscure the swelling circle of moisture between them.

Just like two ships passing, the two had parted ways, but not before a parting exchange of French kisses and telephone numbers, but no names. She was not surprised to never hear from him again. However, she would forever cherish the memory of that all too brief lurid tryst for the rest of her days.

The horny housewives, all worked up from the confessions, began to scheme how to attract the virile local young men returning home from college on summer break. The boys would make fine mates for their gals someday soon, but until then, they were fair game for the experienced dick-hungry elders. Their plan was to seduce the higher ed's on the pretense of needing some home repairs. Each woman was to target a teen of their choosing and ensnare them in their lair of lust. They collectively agreed to start spinning their webs forthwith.

As the flick rolls on it becomes ever more explicit with its depictions of just how the characters were successful in their entrapping endeavors. My baby starts reaching down my pants to rub my cock, more vigorously with each vivacious vignette, her eyes peeled to the screen. Once the scene of two senior sirens tag teaming a strapping young lad concluded, my baby hits the stop button and pulls me off the sofa and towards our bedroom.

"I'm horned up, let's play the naughty parochial school girl and the disciplining headmaster tonight," she suggests - more like expects - with a sly grin, before rushing off laughing into her walk-in closet to change.

I disappear to my armoire to retrieve my black "silk" robe, reading glasses and riding crop. I strip bare, then don my ass-revealing black leather jock under the robe. Clomping with determination I take up my crop and storm into the home office to assume a seat on the high back chair. I put both feet on the desk and await her arrival. Several minutes later she skips in, holding her hands behind her back and looking down with a smug little grin. She's chosen the short red and green plaid mini skirt and matching "bikini" top with one of those "farmer girl" knots between the cups.

I stare at her intently while I lightly beat my palm with the strap end of the crop, "Well, well, missy. It's about time you showed up for your chastisement," I look up and down her scrumptious body with a mock scowl taking in the delightful sight, "do you think that you can just waltz around this prestigious institution in that getup? Hmm?!"

"Oh sir, but don't you like my scandalous outfit? I wore this just for you, Mr. HEADmaster."

"You're a very bad girl, young miss. Someone is going to have to teach you a HARD lesson. And that someasilyeone just happens to be me. Now walk over here and lay your naughty little body across my knees... that's right, now place that bad, bad behind nice and high for me to reach easily."

I admire her gorgeous butt upon my lap up close before lifting her tartan "booty" shorts up for access to "dat azz", "mmm such a nice behind, too," I caress both her exposed mounds, then dispense a smack on the right one. She yelps and jerks out of surprise and delight.

"Oh master!," she says all teary eyed, "I only thought you would like it. Please don't tell my evil stepmother."

"I should just feed you to the wolves that are the school board members, but I have a better idea," I say with exaggerated malice.

"Anything, sir. I'll do anything you want to punish my wicked ways," she holds back a giggle so as not to spoil the ruse.

"Well, since your transgression involves your WICKED wardrobe, maybe I should just have it removed," when she reaches to lift the skirt I smack her hand away, "I said I would do it. Don't make me use this crop on you again. Understand?"

"Yes sir, very clear."

Slowly I slide her skirt off along her legs and beyond her feet, making sure to caress her skin along the way, "Huh!," I gasp, "And no panties under your skirt? This will incur extra discipling," I issue another surprise slap upon her left cheek this time, "that should learn ya' not to be so recalcitrant. Now redeem yourself and lean over that desk over there," I demand while pointing the whip to the desktop I had cleared off earlier.

Baby doll gives me a sly smirk. She steps on over to the desk and looks at me like a bad kitty that swallowed the canary. I rise from the chair with a look of authority, and crack the crop strap against my palm again. With one eye furrowed, I run the crop strap delicately along the contours of her bare cheeks. They're so wonderfully smooth, a perfect handful. I give the left a firm squeeze, and she mewls.

"Do you like it when I apply the business end of my tool on your sumptuous butt," with that I trace it up along her mid-derriere until I reach that hyper reactive dimple at the tail bone. As if on cue, when I graze "the spot" she jumps and looks back at me.

After a chuckle at her reaction, I pucker up my lips to solicit a kiss, but baby reneges just for a tease, "give a kiss already, lest I again employ the whip upon your munificent mounds."

She loves when I demand service from her with such sophisticated verbiage. She relents. Our faces lock. Tongues contest for dominance. I always win.

Tap, tap, tap... swat with the crop. Baby yelps with a jump. I caress the violated cheek before migrating to the other for the same treatment. When I reach the bottom of her bottom, I very slowly draw a finger with the lightest of touches along the half moon-shaped valley dividing her buttocks. Once again I evoke a squeal. I know that spot just at the tippy-top of her crack drives her wild. It's a totally involuntary response, and I love her reaction, makes me feel in control of her pleasure.

Leaning on her back, I insert my left leg between both of hers to spread them, then pull the tie binding her skimpy top. The back of falls away from her shoulders and I take the opportunity to slide my hands underneath to cup and squeeze her breasts. I lift her to a stand as I pull her up by the chest. She breathes a sigh of relief. It's only temporary. When I pinch and rotate her stiffened nipples she giggles from the sensation.

Still holding on to her tits while I press her back into me, my hands shimmy down on the outsides of her curvy torso. Then back to her front and past her belly button, which I teasingly swirl a finger around, then in and out of, just how her pussy is going to receive my plundering cock. Soon enough, anyway. I progress my journey downward and surround her mound. I love the feel of my fingers combing through her triangle of locks.

My fingers glide up and down her outer pussy lips. They're already heavily glistening with dew. I gather a drop on a fingertip, then dip the same finger into her warm and wet depths. She draws a belabored breath, only encouraging me to do more. I oblige her unspoken plea by shoving several more fingers in. I gently swirl them around her entrance, then tease her clit with two dancing digits.

"Oh yeah!," sweetie huffs, trying to regain her voice, "play with my clit. Umm hmm, just like that. There!"

After a quake of climax, she awakens from her orgasmic revery, turns to face me, and says, "Dang! You know how to make a girl feel good. Let's take this into the bedroom, so I can finish making US feel good," she then grabs my hand and impatiently yanks me into our bedroom.

We were smooching enthusiastically even before crossing the threshold. We staggered in our entwined state until tripping upon the mattress. She pushes me off of her with a most devious grin and spreads her legs as she sits on the edge of the bed. My eyes feast upon her triangle shrouded in dainty pubes. She clears her throat to solicit my attention upstairs to the breast she's lifted for my suckling. I take my time circling her nipple with my tongue and relish the nip's hardness against it. I treat the other teet in kind.

Making my move downtown, I butterfly kiss along her goose bumped skin, till I reach my prize! With yet more kisses I follow the rim of her inner lips, occasionally dipping my tongue within her womanhood. She gasps softly at my attention, further encouraging me. Her clit is starting to reveal herself and I can't help but take a quick lick.


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