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Watching the Bull Pt. 01

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Cuck finally gets to watch the Bull in action.
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Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 06/01/2022
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This is my very first time posting anything like this, so please forgive any mistakes or nervousness. If there is something you like or do not like, please leave specific critiques.


Disclaimer: This story contains cuckolding, bdsm, and graphic, rough, messy deepthroating. If these themes do not interest you, please continue with another story.



Let me make this quick. My name is Trey, I've been married to my wife Stacy for about 10 years. We met in college. She cheated on me several times before I found out, turns out she needed more that my tiny dick could provide. 2 inches isn't enough for her. Well, after breaking up she called and wanted to get back together. She said she loved me and that she didn't care about my size. Well this gave me trust issues, but we made it work. We got married. I was insecure about the cheating, but over the years she proved her loyalty, even when I spied on her. After gaining weight from having 2 kids she started working out and found a very good-looking trainer. Soon he started to hit on her, she told me immediately and cancelled all future contact with him. I knew she could be trusted even though she was a size queen.

I had erectile dysfunction and a tiny dick, so I couldn't satisfy her, so we both resorted to watching porn. Neither of us were having sex, even though she had a great new body. I had a lot of fetishes; deepthroating, stockings, BDSM, femdom, and cuckolding. After watching a lot of cuck porn I made my decision. I told Stacy I wanted her to be happy and satisfied, so she should train with Kaleb and have sex with him. She didn't believe me at first, but after a long conversation she agreed.

My argument: You got an awesome new bod, why should my lack of manhood make it go to waste. She talked to him over lunch, he agreed to be her bull, and I be the cuck.

His terms were: She could touch no other cock without his permission, including mine. She stayed in shape, trimmed and cleaned at all times. And he would not force her to do anything she didn't want to do.

Pretty simple, and so it began. She started having sex with Kaleb and her mood improved, and we were more connected, still no sex, but i was masturbating more to cuck porn, and she had Kaleb. She would tell me about their nights out while I masturbated and this added a new kind of flirting to our relationship. It was about 3 months in, and Kaleb texted me asking if I wanted to watch their next session with some rules.

1. I had to stay during the entire event.

2. I could not make any noise at all.

3. I had to be gagged and cuffed to make sure I didn't talk or leave.

4. Stacy wouldn't know.

5. No peeking around.

My answer was yes. On their next night out I went to the hotel room early to get ready, as per his instructions. I had been paying for these hotel rooms and Kaleb had already been to the room. When I arrived I got naked, put on my gag ball, hid all evidence that i was ever there, closed myself in the closet next to the bed and closed the blinds so i couldn't see the bed, then cuffed my arms to the clothes rob above my head. There I stood for hours awaiting the big event.

The Main event!

My jaw and arms ached after waiting hours in excitement. I was shuffling my feet to get comfortable when I heard the door finally open. I could hear my wife and Kaleb walk in. She was giggling at something he said. I could tell she was buzzed by the way she laughed.

10 minutes of deep kissing passed when she said, "Can we have fun now? I've been a good girl, please?"

"When is the last time you came."

"2 weeks ago with you sir. I haven't touched myself and my husband isn't allowed to touch me, not anymore. He understands that my heart is his, but my body is yours," she replied. She let out a moan. I'm pretty sure he was choking her.

Stacy had told me that Kaleb had been very busy the last 2 weeks. Apparently he not only was a personal trainer, but he would travel to help revive gyms and even help out high profile clients get in shape for movies. He was kind of a big shot. She told me that she would love to go with him for a week or two for one of his big meeting's, to strut around as his girlfriend or even as an escort. At times she would talk about meeting his friends and buisness partners, this always gave me the impression she might be hinting at an threesum or orgy, but we never agreed on that. Besides, Kaleb seemed pretty possessive.

Kaleb had instructed Stacy to refrain from touching herself while he was gone. He sent her dick pics and she would dress up in her lingerie while I took pictures to send him. At this point I was pretty sure he set this all up. Made her hold all orgasmis for 2 weeks while teasing her, and to bring me here tonight to see how my horny wife would act.

"We're gonna test you today, see if your training has stuck, push your limits. See if you're really becoming a good slut or getting lazy."

In a choked voice she said, "Yes... sir."

"There's a bag in the bathroom for you. Get dressed and let's see if you can impress me," he said letting her go, then I heard the bathroom door close.

Kaleb opened the closet door. This is the first time I had seen him. He was a talk dark, black man. Built, but not too bulky. This guy looked amazing. He started to undress, throwing his clothes at me. "Listen up, no sounds, no moving. Everything that happens tonight, she does of her own free will. I know about your lack of a sex life so the woman you see tonight is not the wife you remember, she's more. You'll see what I mean."

"Ready to play sir," she called out from the bathroom. With a smile and a wink he closed the closet door.

He had dimmed the lights, set some candles, put on some music, and sat down naked on one of the chairs in front of the bed. He had opened the blinds to the closet, so that I could now see out, but they couldn't see me.

"Enter slave girl," he said with a firm voice.

Between the closet door blinds I could see the door open and my wife crawl out on her hands and knees, hips swaying seductively. Her red hair was done up in a single tight braid. She had on dark, thick eyeliner and bright red lipstick which contrasted well with her pale, freckled skin. She had a black leather bra harness that exposed her breast, the straps leading up to a collar around her neck that had a chain leash attached to it, with the other end of the leash in her mouth. She had black, full fashioned stockings on, seams running down the backs of her legs, with reinforced heel and toes. They were attached to a lace garter belt, no panties. And lastly, red 6 inch heels, shining like new, clasped around her ankles. We are the same height, so she could never wear heels out with me, yet another compromise she's made for me.

She crawled to him, resting her chin on his bare knee, presenting the leash to him. He took it, and then she bowed her head, staring at the floor.

"What are you," he asked.

She replied, "I am your slut, your servant, your slave, your toy, your plaything, your submissive."

"And what am I," he asked, twisting the least around his hand.

She replied, "You are my owner, my breeder, my master, my desires made flesh, my bull."

"Now beg."

She sat back on her heels, knees on the floor spread wide, hands placed on the floor in front of her, like a dog at attention. Looking up at him in pure lust she said, "Please sir, may I worship your great cock? May I please you in any and every way you demand? May I earn your massive, beautiful cock?" And yes it was massive, guessing, I'd say at it was least 10 in long, 2.5 inches thick when fully erect.

"You may start by getting my cock hard and wet, no sucking. Get it ready for your first test," he said as he stood.

As he stood his cock was just swaying in front of her face. Like a juicy treat. She just starred at it, mouth opened in awe like she had never seen his cock before. Her head swaying side to side as she followed its swinging motion.

"Well?" he demanded, pulling hard on the leash.

"Oh, uh, yes sir," she replied as if hypnotized by his cock. She quickly grabbed it with both hands, brought it to her face and took a big whiff along the shaft, like she was addicted to the smell. She started off by liking the massive head and spitting on it.

She hated giving me blowjobs. I had a deepthroat fetish, but my 2 inch dick would never make her gag, which turned me off and I would never cum.

She lifted his cock with both hands and licked from the base to the tip several times, certain not to miss a spot. She produced so much saliva as she spit on his cock, rubbing the spit all over, jacking him off with both hands and staring up at him.

"Present it," he said looking down at her.

She lifted his cock with both hands and flopped it rights in the middle of her face. Her chin nestled on his balls, the length of his cock run up over the middle of her face.

"Sir, is your massive cock wet enough," she giggle starring up at him.

I have never seen Stacy like this before. I knew she was a size queen, but when she talked about Kaleb or past lovers she always made it seem straight to the point. And of course we never did anything adventurous with me, who was this person.

"Good girl." And as if sensing my question, he added, "Have you ever been this submissive to anyone else."

"No sir. All my sexual partners have been quick fucks, except my husband, he always took a long time to get off because of his E.D. You are the only man to ever make me beg, I've never submitted to any other. You are my first and only bull, sir," she said smiling up with his cock still on her face, hands in her lap, like a dog waiting for her treat.

"You did good slave, it seems that your throat is really craving a cock." This response made her smile even bigger and more genuine,. Shoulders shrugging up she let out a joyful squeal. She looked so proud.

He reached down and grabbed her by the chin, pursing her lips out. "Get on the bed, head hanging over the foots edge, reach back and grab your heels. We're about to see how deep you can take it. If you do well I'll take it easy on you and give you a reward, if your skills aren't improving then we have to train that throat tonight. Go!" he said letting her go, and she eagerly crawled to and climbed onto the bed, lying on her stomach, with her head at the foot of the bed, she reached back and grabbed the 6 inch spikes of her red high heels.

With a cute little voice she said, "Ready sir." She opened her mouth wide and stuck her tongue out.

He approached the foot of the bed, dick swinging and harder that before. She had a firm grip on the heels. Her mouth stayed opened, ready and waiting for a face fucking. He put his massive hand under her jaw, tilted her head up, bend forward and spat in her mouth. She didn't even flinch as his spit dripped off her tongue. He gripped his cock, brought it up to her mouth and said, "Suck bitch."

She stretched her neck forward, tongue reaching for the head. She could barely reach the tip with her tongue. Sensing his impatience she started to rock back and forth trying to reach it, like a rocking horse. Right at the 4th rocking motion he stepped forward into her momentum, shoving his cock right into her open mouth. She let out a loud gag, a beautiful sound that i have never heard her make.

She reflexively let go of her heels, legs kicking back and bringing her hands to the edge of the bed, coughing uncontrollably. "Really, I thought you wanted to please and earn this dick!"

She frantically reached back and grabbed her heels, slipping, then grabbing them again. "Hold on," he said. He walked over to the right side, reaching over to take off her heels. He unclasped the ankle straps and tenderly slid off the heels. Her stockinged feet wiggled and her toes flex in relief.

He looked up at me, eyebrows raised. Oh, shit, I was so infatuated with the display in front of me I hadn't noticed that I started breathing hard. I calmed my breath and was finally able to realized just how hard I was, a whole 2.5 inches, and I have been hard this whole time. This must be a record for me. Stacy apparently hadn't noticed.

Kaleb continued. He placed the high heels on the floor at the foot of the bed. She looked up at him, using her watery eyes to ask permission to continue with her mouth still open, only closing to wet her tongue. He gave her a nod. With her cute stocking feet still dangling behind her she reached back and grabbed her ankles, tucking in her feet behind her bare ass. Now she had a firm grip.

Oh, how I wish I could rub those beautiful stocking feet, smell them and put them in my mouth. I had a stocking fetish, but she refused to wear them for me. I would ask her to put on stockings or socks and let me rub her feet, but she said that made her feels weird, so I stopped asking.

She looked so hot right now. Mouth open, eyes locked on his, chest and breast exposed, arms holding her ankles. Her feet looked so cute as her fully fashioned stockinged toes flexed and danced playfully behind her, rubbing against each other in anticipation.

He placed his hands on his hips and with his rock hard cock dripping wet with her spit pointing right at her mouth he gently rocked forward. Her lips closed around the head of his cock, her cheeks sinking inward with the suction. He pushed in and out, just a couple inches at first. Once he knew that she had a strong grip on those ankles and good suction he started to go in further. 3 inches for a few pumps, then 4 inches.

This portion of his dick seemed to be the thickest part. Her mouth was stretched wide, lips flush with his dick. She appeared not to be struggling with gagging, but her eyes were starting to water a bit more. Now he really started to pick up the pace, going faster with 5 inches in. I could now hear the wet, slurping sounds coming from her mouth.

He pulled out letting her catch her breath. Panting, she spat out a huge glob of spit into Kalebs hand. A spit bubble connecting to his hand to her mouth. "Dang girl, you must be hungry, drooling over a cock this much," he said as he poured the pool of saliva over his cock. The bubble, now connected to his cock and her mouth, jiggled, causing my wife to giggle. Very cute. She sucked up the spit bubble with an audible slurp, and spit onto his dick again, leaving strings of spit from her chin to his dick.

"Ok you filthy slut, you're handling 5 inch pretty well, now lets so if you can go past your record of 7."

"Yes s-," without warning or mercy he shoved his manhood down her throat, cutting off Stacy mid sentence, causing her cheeks to puff out and forced her eyes shut. He was thrusting faster now. The thrusting made her whole body jerk back with each pump of his hips.

"Look at me!" She forced her eyes open, now red, eyeliner starting to run down with her tears. Stacy made loud gagging sounds as he fucked her face. He pulled out, giving her another chance to catch her breath, spit dangling from her chin. Her head slumped downward as she panted, her hands had slid down from her ankle, now holding on to the tops of her stocking feet.

He grabbed her by her red braid, yanking up hard. "Test starts now slut," he said, then rammed his cock in deep and held it there. For a moment it all got quiet. Stacy had her mouth stuffed with about 6 to 7 inches of BBC. She just stared up at Kaleb, eyes blinking erratically, even going crossed eyed. Tears pouring down her cheeks mixing with the saliva. Then I could see her body start to lurch. At first no sound, just the involuntary flexing of her shoulders and neck.

Then she was running out of breath. She struggled to inhale, her cheeks inflating and releasing air. She started to cough, white bubble forming around her lips from the spit. Her stocking feet started to shake left and right, but she held firm. With one hand on her braid he used the other to grab her under her jaw, holding her tight he advanced little by little.

Then came the gagging. It came out as a loud, guttural dry heaving, like she was drunk and trying too hard to not throw up. It worried me so much, but she seemed to want to continue, as she hadn't let go of her feet. My tiny dick dripping precum, I was mesmerized. Her cute little feet where shaking, she was rocking her body side to side. She was fighting her body's urge to let go and breathe. Her body trying to pull her head away from his grip, but she wouldn't let go and neither would he.

Her face turned red, forehead vein bulging out. Her neck veins showing and a huge bulge in her throat from his dick. I could see the bulge moving every time she swallowed. Drool ran down her chin and chest, leaving her breast glimmering in the candle light. Be it the lack of air or too much gagging, she finally let go of her stockinged feet, and pushed herself up and away from his cock.

She laid on her back panting, gasping for air, spit running down the sides of her face. She spit out the excess saliva which just landed on her face. Kaleb knelt down at the foot of the bed, putting his face next to hers. Holding her face in his hands he caressed her face and hair.

Softly he said, "Sweety, you did so good. The noises you were making and the way your face turned red. Wow, baby girl, you're so hot. You made me so proud how hard your were fighting."

"Really? Thank you so much sir. Your training is really paying off," she said through panted breaths. Still lying on her back, upside down looking at him, her smile coming back, face still red, covered in her own spit.

"Although, you didn't take 7 inches. You were gagging really hard on 6 and a half, looks like your skills are declining."

She looked genuinely shocked at this, like she was about to cry. I couldn't understand how she could look so hurt. She must really want to please him. I could feel myself getting soft, must be the E.D. setting in.

"Please, please master, forgive me. I'm so sorry I failed you. Please punish me and train me. Help me to be worthy of your cock and body. I promise to try harder," she begged. She literally begged him, hands coming together in a plea.

"Alright little slut, I will punish and train you as you asked." He stood, walking to one of his black bags. As he dug around to pull out 2 items he said, "Waiting position, feet at the edge of the bed, face the closet."

"Yes my master." She sat up and moved to edge of the right side of the bed, opposite of the closet. She sat back on her feet, and spread her knees apart. She took this moment to straighten her hair a bit, wiping away some of the makeup and spit that streaked her face, and straightening up the tops of her stockings that hugged her thighs. Once done she placed her hands open, palms up on either thigh, arching her back, bare chest out, and looked straight ahead. This must be the waiting position.

Kaleb came behind her, "Hands behind your back slave."

She placed her hands behind her with a smirk. Kaleb secured a set of leather cuffs with red fur around her wrists, connected by a small chain. They restrained her hands at the small of her back. Despite her imminent punishment, she didn't seem scared in the slightest. Instead she seemed more excited, defiant even.

"Open!" he barked and she complied, opening her mouth wide.

Reaching around her he proceeded to force a spider gag into her mouth, a metal O ring with 2 metal prongs on either side, as for stability. He wedged the spider gag between her top and bottom teeth. This really forced her mouth open. I was grateful I only had to wear a relatively small ball gag.

Black straps connected to the sides of the ring, wrapping around her head on either side.Another strap wrapped under her chin, and 2 straps at her cheeks lead to the bridge of her nose, attaching to a final strap leading up and over her forehead and connecting to the back.


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