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We Really Shouldn't Do This...

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Kelly’s recent breakup awakens a desire for her friend…
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"So, it's done," declared the message on Marcus' phone.

He breathed a sigh of relief at the news from Kelly. It has been a very long time coming.

He opened the message and replied "Bout damn time. How are you doing?"

The message was sent, delivered and seen in quick succession.

The icon showing that Kelly was typing popped up and disappeared twice, then the message came through, "You know what? I'm actually ok. A bit weird since I've just dumped the guy I've been dating for over a year. I guess we knew this was coming for a while. I could do with some company, though."

Marcus replied "Sure. I can be there in half an hour."

He turned off his PlayStation and got up while Kelly's wrote her reply.

"Mind if I come to yours? Rob's just left and I'd rather get out of here for a while."

"Sure. Head over, I'll cook something."

"Fuck no. I don't want to add food poisoning to heartbreak."

Marcus rolled his eyes and went to grab a shower, throwing on a white T-shirt and jeans as his door buzzed. He pressed the button to let Kelly in to the front door of his block of flats and listened as her footsteps climbed the stairs, opening the door before she reached his door.

She rounded the corner and he smiled at the sight of her.

"Hey you," he said, and she hugged him, her head resting against his chest.

Kelly let herself linger there for a moment, his much larger frame and long arms around her making her feel safe, and his breathing next to her head feeling like a gentle lullaby.

Marcus had always given good hugs, on the rare occasion Kelly wanted one.

"I didn't cook," Marcus said.

Kelly gave him a mock sigh of relief, "Thank god. What have you got?"

"I have Diet Coke and ice cream."

"Dude, you're the best."

"I know," Marcus said as Kelly walked under his outstretched arm and headed into his kitchen, opening the cupboard.

Half an hour, one tub of ice cream and two pints of coke later, Marcus and Kelly were on his couch, their post mortem of Kelly's relationship well underway.

Kelly had been over all of these details before with Marcus so many times before, but "bless him" she thought, "he's listening again anyway".

He knew she was trying to convince herself she'd done the right thing, not that she doubted it, but she still felt bad for breaking up with Rob, and that feeling needed soothing.

When she came to the end of her list, Marcus looked at her with a knowing look in his eyes.

"Whaaaat?" She asked, putting down her empty plate of ice cream and picking up her glass for another drink.

"There's more, I can tell."

"There is, but it's private, you know?"

Marcus put down his glass after draining it, "If it's bothering you, you can tell me."

"I know, but..." Kelly tailed off. She wanted to tell him.

Kelly took another drink and thought "fuck it."

"Ok, fine," she said, "the sex was crap. I mean awful."

"I see."

"You're not shocked?"

"I'm only shocked you stayed with him so long if the sex was bad."

"It's not the most important thing," Kelly replied.

"No," said Marcus. "But that doesn't mean it's not important."

Kelly put down her glass, "But oh my god it was BAD! He barely knew what foreplay was, and he didn't want to try anything that I was into, never mind stuff I'm curious about."

It started to pour out of her, the floodgates were open. "A year into a relationship we should be exploring each other's desires, you know? We should know what the other likes. I shouldn't be hoping he might stick a finger in me a for a minute if I ask him nicely."

"Wow, that's pretty bad," Marcus said, and Kelly suddenly remembered she was speaking to her closest male friend, and blushed.

"I'm sorry, too much info."

"Not at all, Kels. It's not like I thought you were a blushing virgin, saving yourself for marriage."

"God no, far from it," Kelly blurted out, then put her hand to her mouth, wishing she could pull those words back in.

"Oh, really?" Marcus smiled wickedly, raising his eyebrow.

"Shut it," Kelly said, blushing bright red and feeling flushed.

She remembered that feeling, the embarrassment mixed with excitement.

She looked at Marcus and drank him in, looking at him as if for the first time.

She'd already known that he was a good looking guy. Big, tall, with a solid jawline and soft hair, with a well-trimmed beard.

She "knew" he was attractive, but she'd been with someone else the first time she met him and hadn't really thought of him that way.

But that smile... it was doing something to her now. Something new.

"Can I get another drink?" Kelly said, needing a moment to herself.

"Sure," he said, and stood up.

She watched him leave, and realised for the first time that his ass looked good in jeans.

"Stop it, Kelly," she whispered to herself.

"What was that?" Marcus said from the kitchen. Kelly tried to calm herself before replying, "Oh, nothing."

Kelly looked down at herself and swore internally. She looked a mess.

She'd thrown on a pair of old jeans that her stomach had stretched out, along with an ugly green vest that was tight across her small breasts.

She didn't like how she looked at the best of times and she knew she was in no state to act on her new desires.

Then she caught her own train of thought... her "desires"?

Since when was Marcus her desire.

What did she even want? She wasn't sure.

All she knew was that she wanted him to come back, and he soon did, carrying another glass of coke for her.

Kelly looked him up and down and studied his body in more detail. He was over six foot tall and broad shouldered, and although he had a big stomach, his strong arms stretched the sleeves of his T-shirt and she couldn't help but picture those arms holding her tight.

"You going to take this or just stare at it?" Marcus asked, the drink in his outstretched hand.

"Yeah, sorry," Kelly said, taking the glass and drinking as he sat down.

"So," he said, "what wouldn't he do?"

Kelly spluttered on the coke, "Excuse me?"

"What wouldn't Rob do? I'm curious."

"Nosey, more like," Kelly giggled, stalling as she divided her kinks into what she wanted Marcus to know, and what she thought might scare him off.

"Go on, I have no secrets from you, after all."

"True," Kelly said, thinking about the talk they'd had about Marcus' trouble with his ex, and their sex life. She felt a sudden stab of jealousy.

She'd never liked Justine, and yet that two-faced cow had been lucky enough to have Marcus touch her.

Oh god, she wanted Marcus to touch her...

"My ass," Kelly blurted out, surprising herself. "He wouldn't touch my ass."

"When you say touch it?" Marcus asked, leading her...

"Anything! Wouldn't spank me, wouldn't rub it..."

"Was that all you wanted?" He winked. He knew.

"Uh, no."

"Go on, tell me," he sat up, Kelly knew she had his full attention.

"Ok, fine. You asked...." Kelly paused for a moment but then figured she'd already put a foot in the water, time to jump in. "Anal. He wouldn't stick anything in me. Even just a finger up my ass while we fucked sometimes. It's not much to ask."

"What an idiot," Marcus said. "If he couldn't do something so easy for his girlfriend, he didn't deserve you."

"I know, right?" Kelly said, putting her hand on Marcus' arm in a genuinely friendly gesture, but as soon as she felt his bicep, she felt herself getting turned on.

She quickly took her hand back.

Marcus took a sip of his drink then put the glass down. "So what else did you want from him?"

"Oh," Kelly said, searching for something that didn't involve admitting her most private kinks and possibly scaring Marcus off. "Eh, just basic stuff, you know? Like, when he wanted sex he'd just go right for my tits. He didn't kiss me. Well, he did, but not properly. I like to be kissed, you know? I can't even remember the last time someone touched my face."

"What, like just a simple touch while he kissed you?"

"Yeah, like, right here..." Kelly touched her cheek, part of her thinking this was the dumbest move ever and that he wouldn't realise what she wanted and part of her hoping he would take the hint.

"Right there?" Marcus said, and he reached up. Kelly's heart started to beat faster.

His hand paused an inch from her face, awaiting her permission.

She tried to talk but she couldn't speak, so she nodded.

Marcus' hand gently brushed her cheek, sending electricity through her body. She could feel the roughness in his long, thick fingers and yet his touch was gentle.

Kelly closed her eyes, her brain running through a hundred possible outcomes of her various options. What if he was just being friendly, or flirting as a joke.

There was no way he wanted her, right?

She opened her eyes and Marcus was watching her. She saw something in his eyes that she hadn't seen in a long time.

Desire, matching her own.

Marcus' hand moved down to her exposed shoulder, touching her skin. Kelly shuddered, her heart thudding inside her chest.

"We really shouldn't do this," Marcus said. Kelly's heart stopped.

"Yeah, yeah, you're right," she had to roll with it.

"It would be a bad idea, right?"


Marcus' fingertips brushed the strap of her vest off her shoulder.

He moved closer to her. She matched his movements.

"We've been friends for years..." he said.

"Yeah, friends,"

"We're in each other's friend-zones."

"Mmm," Kelly was struggling to form words now, there was nothing in her head except him.

They were so close now that Kelly could smell the ice cream on Marcus' breath and all she could do was mumble, until he said "Kiss me, Kelly."

Kelly moved forward a little more and her lips met Marcus'.

For a moment they hung there, their lips together, as if in shock at finally crossing the line. Waiting to see if the world ended around them. But I didn't, so they began to kiss properly.

Kelly felt Marcus' hand reach up to brush her dark hair back and pull her in closer, his thumb gently brushing her cheek just as she'd told him she liked.

That was it, that was the intimacy she'd been missing.

In one kiss, she'd felt more alive than in the last year of a relationship.

Kelly put her hands on Marcus' chest and touched him as they embraced, and he followed suit.

His large hand brushing over her right breast before he rested his palm on her chest.

"Are you ok? You're breathing hard."

Kelly was sure she'd have blushed deeper if she could have. "I just need this so badly..."

She couldn't believe what she'd just said, but Marcus kissed her softly again, and said "I think I know what you need..."

He slid off the couch and onto his knees in front of her, and his hands ran down her body, across her stomach, then undid the button and zip of her jeans.

Kelly was suddenly self conscious about her body and started to stammer.

Marcus looked up at her, that gorgeous smile still on his lips.

He wanted this, she knew it. And she knew that how she looked wouldn't put him off.

He had settled all of her fears in one look, one smile.

She laid back in the sofa and let him pull down her jeans and her underwear in one, powerful pull. Kelly had never been manhandled before, this was new and she liked it so far.

She opened her legs to her friend, wishing she'd shaved her pussy recently, but it clearly didn't bother Marcus.

He kissed the inside of her left thigh, then a little higher, and higher, making his way slowly up her leg, taking his time, making her wait.

Kelly was quivering by the time he reached her pussy, and just as she was about to give into the urge to scream "oh just lick me, you tease," she felt his rough tongue caress her lips.

Marcus expertly played with her, his tongue painting a masterpiece on her body, massaging her pussy with his tongue and stroking her clit every so often.

Kelly shuddered at every twist and turn his tongue made, and at every touch of her pulsating clit she felt another jolt of pleasure through her body. He was licking her clit more and more, massaging deeper, her moans giving away the most sensitive parts of herself which he soon took full advantage of.

Without warning he lifted her legs onto his shoulders and sank his face deeper into her pussy, while reaching up and caressing her breasts, massaging them in his powerful fingers and sucking on her clit.

Kelly reached down and put her fingers through his dark hair, holding onto him.

Marcus held her in a way nobody had before, with a strong grip but a gentle touch.

Kelly found herself getting lost in the pleasure, hearing Marcus' moans as he enjoyed the taste of her and feeling his warm breath against her wet pussy

Soon the pressure began to build up to boiling point, and Kelly felt the dam begin to burst.

Just before it did, Marcus slid one of his fingers inside her and pushed her over the edge

Kelly cried out, cumming with her friends mouth on her clit.

She lay back on the sofa, her chest heaving as she let the waves of pleasure wash over her.

Marcus had kept going after her orgasm, albeit slowly and gently, licking up the extra juices that accompanied her climax.

When she could move, Kelly pulled Marcus up as she sat up straight, kissing him deeply, tasting herself on his tongue.

"Bedroom," Kelly said. Marcus nodded. They stood up, Kelly's legs shaking a little, and Marcus helped her to his bedroom.

Kelly looked around as she entered the room, realising she hadn't been in here since he'd re-painted, and she laughed at her own train of thought taking in little, inconsequential details.

Marcus turned to her and kissed her again, wrapping his big arms around her.

Kelly felt herself melting into him as his hands stroked her back, reaching lower and lower until he gripped the bottom of her vest and lifted it up.

Without thinking, Kelly's hands covered her stomach, hoping again that Marcus wouldn't be put off.

She cursed her own shyness and lack of confidence as he looked at her.

No, he wasn't looking, he was staring. He was simultaneously in awe of her and looking ready to ravish her.

Kelly had rarely felt truly attractive. She had her good days where she could beat away her own negative body image, but right now, in this moment, seeing how much Marcus wanted her, she felt like the most beautiful person on earth.

Kelly reached behind her back and unhooked her bra, feeling more confident with Marcus than she ever had with Rob. The bra fell to the floor and she stood before him.

Completely naked.

Completely his.

Marcus removed his top and dropped his jeans to the floor, wearing only his briefs, and came towards her. He brushed her hair from her face and let his hand linger behind her head, then pulled her in for another deep kiss, the passion in his embrace overwhelming Kelly.

He turned her around so that her back was to the bed and lay her down.

Kelly closed her eyes and sighed as Marcus slowly kissed his way up her body, her thighs, her groin, her stomach, her breasts... every inch treated with the same tender attention as the rest.

Marcus took one of her breasts in his mouth and played with her hard nipple, sucking on it, then softly pinching it between his teeth and gently blowing on it, his breath on her wet nipple sending a deep shiver through her body.

Her pussy was wet again and she felt a powerful need to feel his fingers inside her.

Kelly put her hand on Marcus' face and guided him to hers, kissing him as he laid down next to her.

Their hands began to wonder and Kelly reached down, her fingertips brushing the erect cock in his pants.

She started to picture all the things she wanted to do with that cock until Marcus' fingertips found her wet pussy and traced a line from the bottom of her pussy to her clit.

She forgot everything else except the feeling of his hands on her body.

Kelly opened her legs wide, inviting him inside.

Marcus slowly teased her with the tips of his fingers, opening her wet pussy and stroking the inside of her lips.

As she started to relax into his strokes, he pushed a little deeper, massaging her pussy and the surrounding skin. He would wait for her to become relaxed in his actions then change it up, keeping her excited.

Kelly was aching for him to penetrate her, but she knew he would eventually.

Her instinct told her that her needs would be met.

It didn't take long for Marcus to do just that, and the tip of his middle finger pushed inside her.

He started to massage her, exploring her, becoming familiar with the environment and opening her up for a second finger which soon arrived. As the second finger entered her, Kelly let out a soft moan, "Marcus..." she said.

Marcus leaned close to her and kissed her softly on the lips as his fingers found their rhythm, sliding in and out, pushing deeper and deeper into her.

Kelly thought she was in heaven, until his thumb started circling her clit.

Now she was in heaven.

Marcus played with her like this for a while, how long for she wasn't sure as she lost track of time, lost in the pleasure that was building up.

Soon his two fingers were joined by a third, and Marcus adjusted his position next to her. Kelly wasn't sure why he was getting a better angle.

"What are you..." she asked, and then she realised what he was doing.

From this angle, Marcus' middle finger reached her G spot, and he stroked with the same deep pressure he'd used everywhere else he touched her, as his ring and forefingers continued to penetrate her, and the bottom of his palm massaged her clit.

"Oh god," Kelly said, knowing her orgasm was coming, but she couldn't wait any longer.

"Faster," she said. Marcus obliged.

His fingers started to move faster and faster, still hitting her G spot, but he was soon fucking her with a passionate fury that made her bite her lip. His hand was making a slapping noise as he fingered her wet pussy. She felt her juices starting to spray with each penetration, making her thighs wet.

Kelly grabbed a handful of his sheets as the orgasm hit her, and she felt the pressure inside her release.

She felt as though everything inside her was breaking, shattered into pieces and falling to the ground has her body slumped onto the bed! Her every muscle suddenly releasing the tension that had been building up.

It had been a long, long time since she'd cum so hard that she'd made a mess, and when it had happened, she'd done it to herself.

Marcus kissed her again and wrapped his arm around her shoulders, holding her as the orgasm subsided.

She became aware of Marcus' fingers slowly pulling out of her, and massaging her pussy gently, helping to maintain a soft pleasure through the post-orgasm come down and making her shaking body feel the orgasm a little longer without overdoing the pressure on her now incredibly sensitive clit.

"I..." she gasped, her mouth dry. "I need..."

"What do you need, Kelly?"

The sound of her name on his voice gave her mind a flash of light, something to focus on.

"You." She said. "Your cock. I need it. Now."

Kelly slowly got to her knees beside him and kissed down Marcus' chest.

He sat up to kiss her but she put a finger to his lips and he laid down.

She feared another kiss from him would make her melt again, and distract her from what she wanted.

Kelly pulled down Marcus' boxer briefs and gazed upon on her friend's cock for the first time.

It was already hard for her, 6 inches long, a nice, thick girth, and a large head.

Kelly's mouth watered and she fought the urge to dive onto it, deciding she would tease Marcus the way he'd teased her.

Kelly touched the tip of her tongue to the base of his cock and licked up to the tip, tasting a sliver of pre-cum.

Sweet, she thought.

Kelly positioned herself beside Marcus and bent down, licking his thick cock over and over. She shot a glimpse back at him and felt a wave of satisfaction when she realised he was captivated by her ass.


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