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We See You... Ch. 02

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The wives arrange a private pool party for both couples...
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Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 09/29/2022
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We See You...

Chapter 2

Derek and Colleen, a happily married middle-aged and sexually active, monogamous couple, are caught making love just inside their front door by their new neighbors, Roger and Paula. The newcomers visit the next day, and the foursome strike up a friendship, especially the two wives. Colleen brings her husband outside for a naked romp by their pool, and after Roger returns from out of town, Derek sees the other couple fucking in their own backyard. A few days later, Paula visits Derek and tells him she and Colleen planned their exhibition, wanted to be seen naked outside by the other. Colleen and Derek invite them over for a barbecue the next day...


Saturday morning I awoke with serious butterflies in my stomach. Both couples, both spouses of both couples, now knew they had been watched, by design, in their most intimate moments together. It was Colleen and Paula, our wives, who had moved things in that direction without either Roger's or my knowledge or acquiescence, and I didn't know how Roger would react. He was young, fit, and didn't strike me as someone who would necessarily be willing to watched, given the choice.

Even so, our house is built for entertaining, and we were happy to have them over. Colleen and I wore swimsuits, mine a battered old pair of faded blue trunks which outlined almost nothing, along with a Hawaiian shirt. Colleen's bikini was a friendly blend of peach and lemon colors on a field of white, the center of her bottoms was covered by a slice of peach, bright and, if it had been real, fresh and juicy. Her red hair was unbound and wild, the humid air making it fluff and expand, and her kimono, barely enough to conceal her body, was patterned in vibrant pinks and oranges that screamed wild sensuality to anyone with a pulse.

We visited the store for barbecue food first thing in the morning, and picked up four small steaks, some brats and rolls for the sausages. This would be supplemented with potato salad and a nice green salad with fresh avocado and plum tomatoes, and a decanter of lime vinaigrette, all chilling in the fridge.

"So, you ready for our guests?" Colleen was antsy, and I knew, despite her protestations and the eagerness she showed, that she shared my jumpiness about our little get-together.

"Babe, as I recall this was your idea, yours and Paula's..."

"I know, I know... Still nervous, and I know you are too."

I took her in my arms and held her close. "Babe, the worst that happens is they come over, we have a nice afternoon, nobody gets naked, and we all breathe a sigh of relief."

She grinned, nose to nose with me. "Best that happens is I get to see them fuck finally, and they get to watch us, unless you're suddenly unsure of your mighty sexual prowess, and prow..." My cock was restless, semi-erect and waiting for any opportunity. I felt her fingers stroke my thickening rod, her palm cradling it along its length. She sighed at the feel of it and her own surging excitement. "Feels like your prow is doing just fine, Derek..."

She let go of me and flopped down onto one of our big, overstuffed couches, smiling her secret smile for me. "Besides, Paula and I agreed there would be no sex before the party. Or last night. Right now, I'm very, very horny, so are you, and I'm sure they both are. If anything happens, I want us all primed and ready!"

I laughed. "You really are a wicked woman, baby. So, you're really up to another couple in the same room when we get busy?"

"I am..." Her eyes were half-open, imagining no doubt the extent of her readiness to watch real-live homemade fornication, and be watched in turn, openly and publicly.

As if on cue, we heard Paula's cadenced knock. I strode over to the door exhibiting more confidence than I felt, and opened it.

Roger also wore trunks and a Hawaiian shirt, though both were newer and had seen less use than mine. He handed me a dark glass bottle, which I accepted. Paula's outfit was a white, nearly luminous bikini, sandals, and a diaphanous white wrap around her shoulders. It had warmed up outside, and would likely near the century mark later today, the perfect weather for a dip in the pool, or a skinny-dip. I invited them in; Paula was first, darting in with a great deal of eagerness, almost scampering over to Colleen.

Roger was more subdued, as if he didn't really want to be here. I empathized, but here we were in our house, ready for the afternoon. He greeted me with a frown, and leaned over to say something. "Our wives are fucking crazy..."

I laughed in agreement, and whispered back, the noise lost in the happy chatter of the women on the couch, laughing and talking. "Not sure I'm up for this, either, buddy. I'm hoping they'll chicken out, and we'll have a nice laugh about it the next time we all go out..."

He gave me a rueful grin which faded quickly. "Better still, we never mention it again. Paula told me how she watched you and your wife by the pool, and arranged for you to catch her with me." He seemed tense, understandably. "If she hadn't told me she'd arranged it, you and I would be having a very different conversation, Derek." The set of his jaw told me I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of that 'talk'.

"Wouldn't even have occurred to me to watch another couple...coupling." I tried to placate him, in case he was actually pissed I'd seen them, but he relaxed, his eyes no longer threatening, now that he had made his point.

He scoffed quietly. "Not your fault, bub. Our wives are crazy."

We joined them in the living room, then I remembered the bottle he'd handed me, and went to the kitchen first. Looking at the label, I was surprised to see it was plum wine from the Japanese place that was our first 'date' with them. I set it in the refrigerator for later, pulled out four small aperitif glasses, and set them on the counter. I then grabbed a handful of grapes, rinsed them, and put them in a small bowl in the freezer, better than ice cubes for a fruit wine.

There was an undertone of what I could only term as self-consciousness, or perhaps giddiness, at the foundation of our invitation and their visit. Roger remained very reserved, though cordial, while Paula and my wife exchanged nervous tittering every time they spoke, almost like schoolgirls talking about their first crushes. We talked about movies and restaurants, our work, of which Roger was the most tight-lipped. He explained almost apologetically that his duties dealt with secret matters which he couldn't reveal to civilians. The subject of sex was never broached, not even tangentially.

Our wives seemed less hyperkinetic as the afternoon progressed, but I saw Roger getting more uncomfortable; he obviously he had conflicting thoughts about the pool party, and why the women had suggested we have one. Frankly, I did too. Watching them couple in their backyard, knowing Colleen had conspired with Paula to let her spy on us, made me uneasy as well. I wondered if anything would happen, which right at the moment I judged the chances at somewhat worse than fifty-fifty. It would have been a much more relaxed visit otherwise.

Finally, when our conversation seemed to peter out, though without our peters out, I thought with deep irony, I sat up. "Anyone else getting hungry?" Everyone said they were, whether from hunger or a desire to do anything but dance around the reason for our invitation.

Roger and I grabbed a couple of beers, and he watched me grill the four steaks and twelve of the twenty brats; we continued to chat a little apprehensively, but less so with the women indoors. In the kitchen, Paula helped my wife prepare the salad and dice two avocados, so there was plenty for all of us; we really like avocado.

Eventually, I carried the platter of sizzling brats and steaks indoors, very aware of the potential double entendre of bringing hot meat to our wives. The salad and potato salad were on the dining room table, and the buns and condiments were on the kitchen counter.

Everyone grabbed a steak, and one or two brats in buns apiece, then we settled at the dining room table where Paula had revealed her and Colleen's naughty schemes, my wife and I across from our guests. The presence of food relaxed us all, and we started to feel more sociable and human again. I noticed Roger didn't add any steak sauce. He replied he liked the meat as God intended, cooked and ready for a knife and fork, then nodded in approval that I hadn't put anything on my steak either.

Paula and Colleen drove the conversation as we ate, but everyone loosened up, and all four of us finally looked like we were enjoying the afternoon. Colleen and I took the dishes to the sink and washed up, stacking them in the dishwasher. I put the remaining brats in a glass container in the fridge, along with the last of the potato salad, then we all went back to the living room. The sun would be up for another few hours, and Paula was the first to mention it.

"We'd love to check out your pool, guys! And we're dressed for it. It's already been a half-hour since we ate, so no cramps, right?" She stood and headed to the glass doors, drawing them apart and walking through them as we rose and followed.

Colleen caught up to Paula, and whispered something in the blonde's ear, which elicited a giggle from our guest.

I asked her a moment later what she'd whispered, and she murmured to me, "No cramps, but maybe some stiffness..." The smoky look in her eyes told me they hadn't been deterred from their plan one bit.

The sun was warm, the shadows beginning to lengthen as the sun progressed lazily towards sunset, so we could all relax and bask in the rays. Colleen and I grabbed two of our lounges and lay out in the sun, just inches from the creeping line of shadow. Our guests were content with laying out on a couple of our big beach towels. Paula removed her kimono, and lay out next to Roger, just a few feet away from us. So far, no-one had discussed the exhibitionistic events, or made a move toward the water or stripping our swimsuits off.

Anticipation of watching our guests naked and intimate again had my cock stiffening, but at the same time my anxiousness about watching, or being watched, thankfully interfered with my erection. I guess I'm a cock half-full kind of guy, I mused. Roger was lying face down, shirt draped on our picnic table, concealing whatever state his dick was in, and I closed my eyes, lay back and enjoyed the fading sun.

I must have dozed, because I awoke to a loud splash in our pool, the edge of the shadow over my face now. Colleen was still next to me, and I looked over to see Paula emerge from the pool, pulling herself up by the ladder on the deep end closest to us. Her white swimsuit became transparent with the water, and she may as well have been naked. Her nipples were stiff with the cold and excitement, the curves of her tits nearly completely revealed, and her bottoms were similarly nearly invisible, showing off the pale, curly pubes underneath.

She looked over at Roger, still sunning himself, and walked over to stand in front of Colleen and me. Conversationally, she said, "The suit is special, very special... When I get wet, it looks like I'm naked all the way, and the only thing more fun is being more naked. Right, Derek?"

"Naked is great..." I mumbled, glancing over at Colleen, who gave me an assenting nod.

Roger's voice sounded from behind her. "Hey, buddy, that's my wife you're talking about." It was quiet, though, more amused than irritated.

"Roger, she's the one that brought it up...," I countered, not realizing until a moment later the double meaning in my words, if not my intent. Paula grinned and looked pointedly at my crotch, and my eyes followed her gaze. I was hard, the head of my cock almost to my waistband, prominent even under my trunks.

She giggled, and my wife made an appreciative noise when she spotted it too. Her hand came up, hovering in indecision over whether to stroke me a couple of times, then she lowered it, turned to Paula. "Has your husband seen you in that?"

"In and out of it, Colleen..."

A low, lustful chuckle crept out of my wife. "If I wore something like that, we'd never get out of the pool."

Paula sat on the end of my wife's lounge. "I think you'd look great in something sheer..."

I grunted half a laugh. "Hey, now that's my wife you're talking about!"

Roger laughed.

Colleen sat up and looked at me and at Paula. "I feel like getting into the pool now. Since I don't have a transparent swimsuit..." She stood and stripped off top and bottom, standing unashamed in front of us. Her smile was wholly innocent for a moment, then it was replaced by a sassy leer, filled with the promise of more indecency soon. She walked over to stand by Roger's head.

"Your wife got to see me naked already, Roger. Do you want to be the only one here who hasn't seen my bare tits and pussy?" His face was partially concealed, but his body language made it clear that he, too, enjoyed the view. With a joyful laugh, Colleen stepped swiftly around him and jumped into the pool. When she came up for air, water streaming down the auburn locks now plastered against her head, she crooked a single finger at me.

I followed her lead, stripping my trunks off swiftly, though I didn't encourage Roger to look at my naked body, and joined her in the shallow end of the pool. She was on me in seconds, kissing me passionately. I hadn't made love to her, or even seen her entirely naked, since Thursday, and I was past ready to enjoy Colleen. She had been very right that the lack of sex had made the two of us more eager to get together, regardless of our company. Buoyed by the warm water, my wife lifted her legs and put them around me, her pussy rubbing against my ready cock.

Her lips brushed my ear. "I want you to fuck me, Derek." Her tone was easy, conversational, as if she was asking for another helping of cobbler. "In front of our guests." She nibbled my earlobe, and maneuvered so her hole was right at the tip of my dick.

I didn't need to be told twice. Reaching underwater and below her gorgeous ass, I pointed my cock into her, and pulled her hips down and into me. We both sighed when I entered her and pushed all the way in, filling her sexy, mature pussy. Colleen sighed and we started to hump, the water splashing between us, passionate little waves traveling outward and reverberating back on us when they hit the pool sides.

She moaned with each thrust into her, then leaned back, laying her upper body in the water, letting me continue to fuck her as she floated. Her breasts spread and moved as I pounded her, the nipples curdled with desire, a rapturous smile on her face, an occasional gasp leaving her lips.

I glanced over at our guests, curious how they would react to seeing us openly fucking in the water, mere feet away from them. Paula sat with her feet dangling in the water, a look of wanton lust curling her lips. When she saw me gaze at her, she pulled off her top and tossed it behind her, exposing her pale breasts in the late afternoon light. Her nipples were still erect, but not from the cool wind.

Over her shoulder, she called to her husband, voice filled with an awe that seemed more appropriate for seeing Mount Rushmore for the first time, "Roger, they're doing it. Right here!" When he sat on the edge beside her, Paula leaned back and slipped one hand inside her bikini bottoms, spread her legs and leaned back with her other arm propping her up.

I could discern the outline of her fingers stroking her pussy through the translucent fabric, and it stunned me that her fingers moved in time to my thrusts into Colleen, and that they weren't just on her bush, but probing the pink gash I'd seen her husband penetrate in their backyard. My gaze was fixed on her, and she smiled at me, a cheeky leer, then parted her lips to moan in shared delight. Paula turned to Roger, putting her free hand behind his neck and pulling him into her for a long kiss, fingers still stroking herself, her hungry eyes taking in the whole tableau.

Paula whispered something to Roger, who balked at first, a look of profound awkwardness on his face, obviously reluctant to do more than watch, or even watch at all. His wife stopped fingering herself, her hand moving to his crotch, stroking the visibly growing erection through his swimsuit. He was still ill at ease, but the gentle friction on his cock was clearly welcome, and he responded to her mouth on his.

The sight of Paula rubbing Roger's cock was intimate, erotic, and I couldn't tear my eyes away. I felt my hips quicken, humping Colleen, who remained floating on her back in the pool as we fucked, a little bit faster. I glanced down, and she looked completely content, totally at ease, her breasts shifting back and forth on her chest as she moved back and forth in the water. I was completely aware of every sensation, and the sight of the other couple's foreplay drew me irresistibly further into my wife, literally and figuratively.

I turned back in time to see Paula turn to him, lift her legs out of the water, still clad in her sheer bikini bottoms, and kneel on the edge of the pool in full profile to me. "Stand up for me," I heard her murmur, and he rose cautiously to his feet. As soon as he stood, she undid the string on his trunks, pulling them down to expose the thick and awakened member, then ran her tongue in a circular motion on its head, still ogling our play in the water.

Colleen's eyes were still closed, and she whispered up to me between my quickening thrusts. "They watching us, baby?" She panted, ran one of her palms over her breasts, squeezing and fondling them lazily. Her pussy tightened around my hard-on, and I moaned again, louder than I'd intended.

"Yes. She's about to suck his cock..." Paula heard me, and peeked over again at me and Colleen as I continued humping her in the pool. Her grin was salacious, wicked, and she took Roger's erection, now hard as steel, quivering with desire, into her mouth. Bobbing her mouth on his hard-on, glancing over at me with a wicked leer, she started blowing him in earnest, still timing each in-stroke with my thrusts into Colleen.

Between the excitement of fucking my girl in front of them, watching Paula blow Roger, and not touching my wife for nearly two days, I couldn't be slow or restrained. Pounding her almost frenziedly, the water now frothed around and between us as I neared my climax. I gritted my teeth against the rush of cum ready to spill inside my wife.

Colleen's voice cooed to me, "Oh, that's so good, fuck me hard baby..." There was no attempt at restraint or quiet, and Paula reacted by slipping one hand inside her bottoms again, closing her eyes and fingering hard and fast as she sucked Roger off, abandoning all decorum in the grip of our mutual four-way carnal hunger.

Holding back the ocean would have been easier than holding back my climax. One last deep penetration, and I pulled my wife, still floating, against me as fully as possible, my cock pushing all the way into her. Pulse after pulse of semen spilled upon her inner shores. My orgasmic groans were emphatic and reasonably quiet, and Colleen's mouth opened in a final, silent scream, arching her back in the water, grabbing my hands to help pull me in further. She gasped as my cock quivered inside her, emptying itself, then she opened her eyes to watch our guests' oral display.

Paula's moans were muted by the erection in her mouth, traveling faster between her open and waiting lips, velvety tongue waiting to catch its reward. Roger humped her face faster, then shivered and gasped when he shot his wad on her tongue and cheeks. I could see his cock pulse, driving his creamy white load into her face.

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