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Weekend Lover Ch. 02

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Living the fantasy.
6.2k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/11/2022
Created 08/31/2007
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Ada Stuart
Ada Stuart

Copyright (c) 2019 Ada Stuart, All Rights Reserved.

This work may not be published whether for fee or free without this copyright.

I’d also like to thank my editor, Todger65, for his excellent guidance and grammar checking.



The next morning, Abby rolled out of bed much later than usual. It was all Dalen’s fault, she concluded. He had troubled her sleep all through the night with his suggestions of kisses and sharing his bed. In her dreams, she had experienced it all and it didn’t improve her mood. The man was too sexy for his own good. Well, at least for her good.

Already she longed for the weekend to end so she could retreat to her sex toys and get rid of her frustration. She didn’t dare indulge herself in case he’d hear her, but she feared that another day in his presence would make her more than desperate to find release. In that case, it was better to admonish it herself than beg him to fuck her.

Somewhere in her sleep, she had actually considered taking advantage of their situation and find out if the rumours of his sexual prowess were true. It was a sure sign of her mental instability, she thought, and she wanted to kick herself for even thinking about it.

She straightened her resolve and walked into the kitchen to the worst sight she could have imagined - or the best, once she thought it over. A half-naked Dalen was standing by the counter and cutting apples while whistling a familiar tune.

His muscled body was barely covered in a pair of pants that hung low on his hips and revealed more details than was good for a woman that had been celibate for the last two years.

She gasped before she could stop herself and he turned immediately, flashing her a cocky grin as he winked at her. He seemed to know exactly what effect he caused on her. Still she couldn’t help herself from roaming her eyes all over his muscled chest and following the dark patch of hair from his chest and down to his pants.

She swallowed hard as she took in the large bulge at his crotch that was so clearly visible through his pants and she tried to move her eyes away from him.

“Good morning,” he smiled at her. “What do you want to eat?”

You, she wanted to say. Naked and aroused in my bed. She blushed at her erratic thoughts.

“Depends on what you’re offering,” she croaked.

“Does pancakes, coffee and fruit salad sound okay with you?”

“God, I love a man that can cook,” she blurted out before she could stop herself.

He smiled as he handed her a plate and some pancakes.

“What? So that lover of yours isn’t any good in the kitchen, eh?”

Damn it, why was he always nagging her about that fantasy lover of hers. She’d invented him just to divert Dalen when he’d started asking a lot of personal questions. She didn’t want him to know about her single status and the fact that her best lover had always been her dildo.

He’d probably never been single in his entire life – not with the load of women that were throwing themselves at his feet all the time. He probably had someone shacked at home right now, waiting for him to finish his boring work-weekend and return to her bed to fuck her senseless.

“Nope. He has his forte in some other part of the house,” she said cheekily.

“But I don’t see any ring on your finger. Aren’t you living together? You’ve never brought him to the office either,” he prodded on.

“Why the curiosity, Sherlock? I don’t need a ring to enjoy a man in bed, do I?”

“No, I guess not,” he said glumly.

“Besides, we have an open relationship,” she continued.


“We share sex – but little else.”

“Sounds boring.”

“It isn’t. The sex is the best part. Why bother with the rest?” she asked lightly.

“You’re a strange woman then. I thought most women were looking for happily-ever-afters.”

“Not all of us. Besides, it’s the 21st century so basically we don’t require a man anymore.”

“To have children, you do,” he insisted.

“Oh, come on. That can easily be solved by a sperm donor and a syringe.”

“How about wanting a man to share your life and warm your bed?”

“I sleep much better alone and I prefer having sex outside the bed.”

“You do?” he just gaped at her.

“Sure, I do. The bed is so boring,” she lied easily.

“I’ll be damned,” he blurted out as if she had rattled his core.

However, all too soon, the heat returned to his eyes and he retaliated.

“How about having sex with me against the counter here?”

“No, thanks,” she hastily replied.

“Why not? You said that you were only interested in the sex.”

“I prefer having a sex partner a little less well-worn than you. It’s a major difference between ‘fresh’ and ‘used’, you know.”

“You don’t value experience, then?”

“Not on your level. You’re probably fed up with the whole thing judging by how busy you are.”

“Busy? You have no idea what you’re talking about,” he glared at her, before moving to the counter and filling up his coffee cup.

“No? I suggest you keep it in the pants and save it for your present lover.”

“I don’t have a lover,” he mumbled so low that she could barely hear him.


He turned around and folded his arms in front of his chest. “I said I don’t have a lover.”

“I’m sure that can be easily rectified,” she answered as her insides hopped with joy.

He was single?

“I haven’t had a woman in twelve months,” he continued. “Ever since you started in the firm.”

“What?” she spit out the coffee she had just sipped into her mouth. “What did you say?” she whispered.

She must have heard him wrong.

“Why not?” she blurted out before she could stop herself.

“I want you. I haven’t been able to be with another woman since meeting you.”

She just gaped at him for a long time.

“I don’t believe you,” she finally whispered.

“I know,” he said quietly. “You think I’m just a playboy running around with a different woman every week and incapable of having any feelings.”

She continued gaping at him as he repeated her sentiments to the core.

“And you’re not even letting me close enough so that I can prove how wrong you are about me.”

He sighed.

“I’m going for a run,” he said as he quickly left the kitchen.

Oh my god, Abby thought as she concentrated on the difficult task of breathing as she stared after his retreating form. Oh my god.

Talk about dropping a bomb on her, Abby thought. She heard him slam the door on his way out. Her brain was finally functioning again. He had to be joking. That was the only solution. Maybe he’d used this trick on all the other women as well, and that could easily explain why he was so popular.

He was even harder to resist once he dropped the arrogant-flirt-look and instead settled for lonely-man-looking-for-love.

Damn him. He was bad for her health and too difficult to resist. Could he really be telling her the truth? More likely this was just another of his silly games to even the score between them. After all, the man had to be the biggest flirt on this side of the Atlantic Ocean.

She put the rest of her breakfast aside; her appetite had disappeared completely.

She needed some fresh air in order to think clearly, she thought, as she put on her jacket and ventured outside.

Walking around in a neighbouring park, she went over their discussion, looking for clues as to whether he was telling the truth or not, or if this was just another of his schemes to get her into his bed.


An hour later, she was still pondering his words, and she was still puzzled by what he’d said. Whether he was truthful or not she had to admit that she was still attracted to him.

It was more tempting than ever to follow up on her dream from last night and have sex with him, especially if she could make a deal with him about sharing a weekend of sex and go their separate ways afterwards.

She didn’t want to become a part of his harem and she could quite easily transfer to another department so she didn’t have to meet him after this weekend. The trouble was whether she should dare to live out her fantasy.

She’d only had a few boyfriends in her life and all of them had meant something to her. At least at the time they were together. In retrospect, she knew that she hadn’t loved any of them deep down in her heart.

Still, it had hurt when they broke up. Could she be sure that the same feelings weren’t involved here?

What if his feelings were hurt by her suggestion? Could such a man have genuine feelings?

She laughed a little. Pining after the only woman that rejected him seemed more like injured pride than pure love, in her mind.

No, she wasn’t too sure about his sincerity when he’d said those things to her. He was an experienced flirt and this was probably just another of his plans to get all women into his bed at least once. He was an expert in making a woman feel special – making her succumb to his tricks.

She wasn’t anything different than the rest of them.

As she closed in on the apartment building again, she resolved herself to maintain the light tone between them. Pretending that he’d never revealed anything of such a magnitude that it shook her foundation. Pretending that they were only colleagues.

She was a coward, she admitted to herself - choosing the easiest way out. She would try to ignore what he had said and leave it to Dalen to push the matter if he wanted to.

Suddenly she noticed him standing against the wall to the building, stretching his legs after his run. He looked up and gave her a heated look as she came toward him.

“Are you still up for discussing the meeting, Dalen?” she asked him in a light tone.

“Yes, but I need to shower first. I was just waiting for you to unlock the door. Forgot my key, you see,” he smiled and seemed embarrassed.

She liked him even better after seeing the blush he was trying to hide as he turned away from her.

“Do you often go for a run?”

“Whenever I have the time; it’s a good way to clear one’s mind.”

“I prefer to see the scenery myself,” she commented. “That’s impossible when you run past it all.”

“Running has some other positive aspects.”

“Including training yourself to escape some unwanted female companions?” she joked.

“That also. I was thinking about the effect that male sweat is supposed to have on women’s sex drive,” he baited her.

“Gosh. Don’t tell me you’re planning of canning your sweat and selling it to unsuspecting women?”

“Can’t hurt to try, can it?”

“And here I thought it was the scent from musk oxen that they used in the male deodorants? If you’re theory is correct than it would be much more effective for men not to use any deodorants at all.”

“Good idea. I think I’ll give it a try.”

“Not now, please. I don’t enjoy working with men that smell like pigs. So just get in the shower before I throw you in,” she threatened him as they entered the apartment.

“You’re joining me, then?” he winked at her as he threw off his sweaty t-shirt.

“No way. I’m sure you can locate the soap all by yourself.”

“Chicken. But you promised to throw me inside. How do you plan to accomplish that without getting wet? You might as well join me from the start.”

She folded her arms in front of her body and stood glaring at him.

“If you don’t want the shower then I’ll take it instead.”

She walked briskly toward the bathroom.

“And I don’t want company.”

“I’m very good at scrubbing backs,” he volunteered easily.

“Why am I not surprised?” she laughed as she locked the door behind her, before getting into the shower.


In the end, Dalen had a shower as well and they settled down to finish the tasks that they needed to prepare before the meeting. The conversation floated easily and Abby felt herself relaxing in his company as they prepared the presentation they would deliver to the potential customer.

He seemed to have forgotten all about his complaints from the morning – most likely he had come to realise that she wasn’t going to fall into his trap.

“Now this is good,” Dalen finally proclaimed after they’d been working for several hours. “I like it. Maybe I should have got you as my partner a long time ago,” he pondered.

Abby blushed as she wondered what sort of partnership he was talking about. Judging by his heated gaze it was not work-related.

“I’m sure you could have managed on your own.”

“I like co-operation a lot better.”

“I can imagine.”

There was a slight pause while he shuffled his papers as he was pondering something but didn’t dare ask. Abby had never experienced him being shy about anything before, and she was surprised to see this new side of his personality.

“Why do you settle for an open relationship? Why not want the whole thing?” he suddenly asked.

“How come this conversation suddenly turned to me again?”

“I’m just curious about you, honey,” he murmured.

“Well, be curious somewhere else.”

“It’s just so strange,” he prodded on.

“How so?”

“That you can be satisfied with as little as that. Most women want to own the man completely.”

“Maybe I’m different,” she tried in a light tone.

He let his gaze wander over her body.

“I believe that.”

She couldn’t take his stare any longer. He seemed to see right into her mind and understand that she was lying. She retreated into the kitchen and started preparing some more coffee.


She was fleeing him – again, Dalen thought glumly. The woman was as skittish as a wild animal and it frustrated him immensely. He had seen her looks of approval and he knew that she was attracted to him. He recognised the signs.

Still, she didn’t have the look of a woman that had regular sex and he wondered about this relationship of hers. Her lover couldn’t be much good when she was this nervous around a man. It would make a lot more sense if he found out that she’d been lying to him all along.

If so, he would make her pay for cockteasing him for the last year. He’d been tormented by the fact that another man spent every night in her bed, his swollen cock finding pleasure inside her soft body.

Dalen breathed deeply as the hateful image was portrayed in front of him. This was no use, he thought as he shook the unwanted images away. There was only one thing to do. Heat up their relationship a couple of notches and increase the stakes.

It was the only way he could get to her before the weekend was over. After that, she would probably avoid him like the plague so this was basically the only chance he’d get.

He got up and walked into the kitchen. She was standing with her back to him, heating water for the instant coffee. He moved behind her and laid his hands on both sides of her on the counter, surrounding her with his presence as he leaned closer to her. She tensed immediately.

“Did you make some for me as well?” he murmured softly in her ear, before bending down and kissing her neck.

“What? No… but… if you’ll just wait a little. I didn’t realise you wanted more coffee,” she sputtered - obviously nervous by his presence.

“I’ll just settle for a taste of you instead,” he smiled as he continued dropping light kisses down her neck and onto her shoulder.

“Oh,” she moaned. “Dalen, you need to stop this,” she said more vaguely as she contradicted her words by leaning into him.

He took that as a good sign and embraced her in his hands, roaming his right hand up to her breast and cupping her. He could feel her nipple tighten through her top and he answered by rubbing his hardened cock against her lower back. She gasped softly.

“Let me pleasure you,” he tempted her. “Let us spend the rest of the weekend in bed and I’ll promise you will enjoy it.”

“No,” she shook her head as she fought to control her body.

“Please,” he blurted out. “I want you so much. Let me show you how good we can be together.”

He turned her in his arms, bent down to catch her mouth in an all-consuming kiss as he hoped her body would respond to his and let her give him a chance. He moved his hands under her buttocks and lifted her up to him, rubbing her pussy against his hard cock.

She moaned into his mouth before she answered his kiss, pushing her tongue into his mouth and roaming it over the back of his lips. He groaned as his body heated instantly. His cock hardened even more and he longed to rip away their clothes and bury himself in her warmth.

“Use me to give you pleasure,” he pleaded.

He lifted her onto the counter and settled his body between her spread legs, moving his hand to her top he started to take it off her. The motion seemed to have awakened her and she laid her hand on his chest and pushed him slightly backwards.

“Only on my conditions, Dalen.”

He just stared at her as he tried to make sense of what she was saying.

“What conditions? Just name them,” he said as he reached for her top again.

Her hands closed over his to stop him.

“No one must know about this.”

“Agreed, we’ll keep it a secret,” he smiled willingly as he wondered what her nipples would taste like.

“You must use a condom.”

“Don’t worry. I’ve no intention of making you pregnant just yet.”

Although he hoped he would in a year’s time when they’d come to know each other better. He smiled at the image of her heavy with his child. He liked the idea and he felt an answering tug from his cock at the image such thoughts projected.

“And thirdly: it will only be sex now and after this weekend you will leave me alone.”

“What? You can’t be serious!” he sputtered as her request was finally delivered to his overloaded brain.

“I just want the sex, remember? Besides, after this weekend we’ll probably be tired of each other so there’s no use continuing, is there?”

“You just want my body and that’s all?” he repeated, barely hiding the anger in his voice.

“Yes,” she looked uneasily at him as if she could sense his anger all too clearly.

He felt as if he’d been dropped from the top floor and landed heavily on the ground. He wanted to shout in frustration. How could she be so blind? How could she fail to see what he felt for her? On the other hand, maybe she really didn’t care about his feelings.

She just wanted to scratch that itch of hers and he was handy. Pain poured through him and he struggled to keep a straight face. He didn’t want her to see the havoc she’d caused in him. Life wasn’t fair. At last he had her in his arms and all she could think about was a quick fuck before she threw him away.

He knew he should refuse to accept her conditions and spend the next few days and perhaps months courting her until she admitted her feelings for him, but he wasn’t sure if he could last that long. He would probably go insane for wanting her long before she’d ever accept anything he offered. He breathed deeply, trying to rein in his anger and frustration.

That only left him with one possibility: to go along with her demands and convince her about their mutual feelings in the two days they had together. He had to convince her of his feelings for her and at the end of the weekend she would either stay with him or leave him. It was a gamble, but he had to give it his best shot.

“I accept your conditions,” he declared solemnly as he looked her deep in the eyes, before covering her mouth in a deep kiss as he tried to put his mark on her.

“Then take me to bed, Dalen,” she whispered to him when he released her lips a while later.

“I thought you didn’t like beds?” he reminded her.

“I have a request that is better performed in a bed,” she teased him.

He breathed harshly as his mind roamed over a long list of what he wanted to do to her once he had her in his bed. Clearing his mind of the pictures of her naked body, he grabbed a hold of her and carried her into his bedroom.


Ada Stuart
Ada Stuart

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