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Weekend Lover Ch. 04

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Take what you want.
4.7k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/11/2022
Created 08/31/2007
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Ada Stuart
Ada Stuart

4Copyright (c) 2019 Ada Stuart, All Rights Reserved.

This work may not be published whether for fee or free without this copyright.

I'd also like to thank my editor, Todger65, for his excellent guidance and grammar checking.



Finally, it was Monday morning and the meeting went quite well as far as Abby could tell. The client seemed very keen on negotiating a contract and Dalen was smiling his winsome smile as they departed the building.

"It went well, didn't it?" she wondered.

"I believe so. It worked even better than I thought it would. Having a female partner has done wonders for my presentation technique," he winked at her.

"I doubt it," Abby couldn't help but return his smile.

"Then it must have been the two days of intensive sex prior to the meeting that did the trick," he murmured close to her ear.

She blushed from head to toe at the memory of the past two days and all the things they had shared. It had been great, but it was time to end it, before any hearts were broken -- and hers was the most likely one to suffer any after-effects.

"I suppose we better get a taxi and head out to the airport," she tried in order to redirect their conversation to safer areas.

"I have a better idea," Dalen said while he sent her another of his lethal and heated glances. "Why don't we take a few days off and celebrate?"

"I don't have any clean clothes," she interceded.

"Who said you needed clothes? I prefer you naked," he said hoarsely as he bent his head closer to hers.

She jumped backwards in an act of self-preservation. This man was dangerous, she thought. She had to get away from him and fast before he could tempt her into spending another night in his bed. If that happened, she would probably never want to leave him.

How long would it take him to tire of her? A few more days? A few weeks? It didn't matter much as he would surely tire long before she would. No, it was safer to have a clean break before she became more attached to him than she already was.

"I need to go back, Dalen."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm very sure."

"All right," he sighed. "I'll get us a taxi then."

He turned away from her and went to the reception.

As they sat in the taxi, he returned to his usual teasing.

"Why the rush? Do you need to feed the goldfish or something?"

"Or something. I just want to go back. Besides, I don't have any spare time left," she added as if that would explain everything.

"Ah, don't worry about that. I can give the boss a call and explain the situation."

"The situation?"

"Sure. I could just tell him we had some unfinished business and needed another meeting in a few days time. No big deal."

"I don't like lying to the boss."

"Who said I was lying? We still have some unfinished business, don't we?"

She turned to him.

"No, we don't."

He was silent for the rest of the drive and she worried what he might be thinking.


The silence lasted until they arrived at their home airport. Abby grabbed her suitcase and turned to Dalen who was waiting beside her.

"Well, thanks for the weekend, Dalen," she said in a voice that sounded almost normal. "It was fun."

She smiled before turning to walk away and head back home to her empty apartment.

"Wait." He grabbed her arm as she tried to pass him. "I won't be dismissed that easily. Come with me," he said as he practically dragged her along with him toward the parking area.

"Where are we going?"

"I'm driving you home."

"But... I can manage."

"No, 'but'. I know you took a taxi out here so I'm doing you a favour. Besides, we need to talk."

Talk. What for. She didn't like the sound of that at all. Whatever was there to talk about. They've had a weekend fling and now they were heading their separate ways: she home to her empty bed and he to another woman's.

She wanted to cling to her dignity before she threw herself at his feet and begged him to stay with her. That meant she'd have to leave while she still managed to hold herself together. The more time they spent together the more difficult it would be when he decided he'd had enough of her.

It was much better to settle for a clean break and move on with her life in another company where she wouldn't have to meet him every day and watch him conquer the rest of her female colleagues.

She settled into the passenger seat in Dalen's car and he drove following her instructions. Finally, as he stopped outside her apartment building, she reached for the handle but Dalen's hand closed over hers in a tight grip.

"Why don't you invite me inside?" he prodded.

"What for? Dalen, our agreement was for the weekend. Now the weekend is over and that's that," she said as calmly as she could.

God, she hated break-ups, she thought, as she hoped he wouldn't press the point any further than necessary. She hated the fact that she longed to retreat and have a little cry before trying to forget him.

She did not intend to become a woman that clung to him for so long that he eventually got fed up with her. She had to make the break before she lowered herself to that level of desperation.

"No, it's not over. We had an agreement, yes. But there's nothing preventing us from making another agreement."

"Another? About what?"

"I want us to give our relationship a chance, Abby. We can barely keep our hands away from each other and we've just spent the best weekend I've ever had fucking our brains out."

She gasped at his brash words, but she couldn't deny the fact that they had enjoyed each other.

"I want to spend more time with you," Dalen continued.

"No," Abby almost whispered.

"Why not?" Dalen ran his fingers through his hair while a look of frustration was pasted on his face. "For god's sake, won't you even give us a chance?"

"No, Dalen. I can't. We said a weekend and that's all I can give you."

"It's him, isn't it?" he sighed as he stared out of the window.

"No, it's not him," Abby admitted before she managed to stop herself. "Actually, there is no 'him'."

"What?" Dalen turned to her with a confused expression on his face.

"I don't have a lover," Abby finally confessed.

He might as well know the truth, she thought. She was dead tired of lying to him.

"But... You made me believe you had a man?"

"Yes, you asked me so many personal questions that I invented an answer, expecting you to leave me alone."

"But I didn't."

"No, you didn't."

"Instead you lied to me and tormented me with the fact that you had another man in your bed all the time. Dammit, Abby. How could you do that?"

"I'm sorry, Dalen," Abby said quietly as she opened the car door and got out.

Dalen followed her, opened the trunk of his car and handed her the suitcase. She reached for it, but he didn't release his hand from it. She looked up and met his knowing eyes.

"That explains a lot," Dalen said calmer now.

She looked at him in surprise as he continued.

"You were so tight I could barely penetrate you and I wondered how small he had to be not to stretch your cunt."

She blushed at his words.

"I even wondered if you had lied to me all the time, but I couldn't understand why."

"Dalen...," she started but stopped as he bent down and put his mouth over hers, kissing her deep and hard.

Immediately she felt her body heating to his touch and she dropped the suitcase and wrapped her hands in his hair, holding him close to her.

Dalen broke the kiss and grabbed her arms, holding her slightly away from him as his eyes spoke volumes of the heat they shared. His eyes looked so intense she couldn't do anything but meet his stare.

"I want to marry you, Abby," he stated suddenly.

An awkward pause settled over them as Abby shook her head to his surprising statement. He let go of her and took a backward step, running his fingers through his hair as in desperation.

"But you don't know me?" Abby interceded as soon as she managed to form words again.

"Not as well as I would like to, no. However, I've longed for you for a year now and we're just as good together as I've always imagined. I love your body, your mind and just being with you."

"I'm sorry, Dalen. I just can't," she stuttered before she could think of anything better to say to such a declaration.

"I know. You don't share my feelings."

He breathed out harshly as if her answer had hurt him to his core. Finally, he handed her the suitcase and closed the trunk of his car. As he turned to walk back to the driver's seat, he turned to her.

"If you ever change your mind, you'll know where to find me," he said hoarsely.

Abby barely looked up as he started the car and sped away.


Abby just stood staring at the empty road for several minutes after he had left. What had that been about? Had she just made the biggest mistake of her life or the smartest? One thing was for sure: she felt as if she'd been run over by a truck and all her injuries were internal.

What on earth had he meant by that? Was he joking with her? If so, it had to be the cruellest thing anyone had ever done to her, and if not... If not... She sighed loudly.

The man was a complete enigma. Where was the easy Casanova that she'd learned to know from work? This man seemed to have too many feelings for his own good - or for her good - come think of it.

Damn him, anyway. She was feeling like the smallest of lice after saying 'no' to him and watching how all the happiness and light faded from his eyes. Was it worth that in order to feel as if she'd gained the upper hand in their relationship?

She bent down, grabbed her suitcase, and headed for the familiar sight of her apartment, her own private sanctuary. Hopefully, the familiar surroundings would help her clear her mind and see what the truths in this mess were. Not to mention how she was supposed to deal with it.


A few hours later, Abby was still feeling like a mess. Her soul felt as if it had been ripped apart in the jaws of a large animal. But her gut feeling was turning more and more in the direction of her just having made the biggest mistake of her life to let such a man escape her clutches.

Although the conclusion could be the result of her sex-depraved body finally having been saturated, or simply due to too much wine, come to think of it.

She decided that another glass of wine could not make it any worse. Hopefully, the alcohol would make her see things clearer. Instead, it made tears gather in her eyes. What had she done, she asked herself repeatedly before falling asleep on her coach?


The next morning, she phoned Mr Carpenter and told him she needed to resign.

"But, why?" he wondered.

"I'm not good at this kind of work," she reluctantly admitted.

"You're joking, right? You're one of the best I have, so you're not resigning," Mr Carpenter told her frankly.

"That's up to me to decide, isn't it?"

"No. I refuse to accept your resignation. I suggest you take a few days off and then come back to work."


"I know it's none of my business but I assume this has something to do with Dalen, hasn't it?" he asked knowingly.

"Has he told you anything?" she wondered reluctantly, dreading to hear what Dalen had told the rest of them about his weekend fling.

"Not in words, no. But he's strangely quiet and snaps at even the smallest comment."

"Oh," was all that Abby managed to say.

So, Dalen wasn't being his usual self either. What could that mean?

"I'm not sure he told you, but I threatened to give you both a two weeks holiday to settle your differences."

"You did? But why?"

"I'm tired of watching the two of you tiptoeing around each other and flirting away the working hours. Now that you're both being so depressed, I'm considering locking you up together. Why can't you two just make up and be done with it?" he threatened easily.

"It's not that easy, Mr Carpenter," Abby laughed.

"No, I suppose it isn't. Only, you two had better figure it out soon, or I'll do something desperate. Now, go and get some rest, Abby. I'll see you in a few days."

Abby hung up feeling relieved. She still had a job and she had a very compassionate boss. Thank god. Even though he threatened to solve their differences, she imagined he was more bark than bite. That Mr Carpenter. Worrying about his employees' love life. The man had too much spare time on his hands, that was for sure.

Abby smiled as she realised she was feeling a lot calmer after talking to her boss. After all, she was just pining after a man that she couldn't have or wouldn't have. In a couple of days or weeks, he would be forgotten and her life would go on as normal. Even though her boss refused to accept her resignation, he would probably accept a transfer to another location. At least it wouldn't hurt to try.


A few days later, Abby's mood was not so high anymore. What had her boss said about Dalen? That he was not acting like his usual self. How could that be? He was always the friendly flirt that had a smile ready for everyone and everything even slightly female. What had made him change so drastically? Could it be that he really meant those things that he said to her?

Abby was walking around in a daze as she tried to figure out what was going on and if she had wasted the only real chance of happiness she'd found in her life.

Half an hour later, she was so sick and tired of all the thinking. She longed to know the truth. It wouldn't help her hiding inside of her apartment and waiting for the world to show her the truth. She longed to justdo something.

She had no idea how to solve the riddle, but she realised that she had to do something to learn the truth. Maybe she should simply go on a spy mission, find out more about Dalen, and especially try to figure out what he was up to.

Moreover, if her response to him was still as strong as it had been a few days ago? Maybe she cared more for him than she wanted to admit even to herself. There was only one way to find out the truth: she had to face him again.

Before she managed to talk herself out of it, she changed into her ordinary, boring work clothes. If she was going to spy it wouldn't help to stand out in a crowd, she chuckled.


After roaming the corridors in search of the object of interest, she finally noticed a familiar form in the archive room. Dalen was standing against the wall while looking down at Sheila, one of their work colleagues and the unofficial office slut.

She seemed to have cornered Dalen in the room where there was the least possibility of being interrupted and Abby moved closer to hear what they were saying.

This was the ultimate test as to whether Dalen was pining after her and just heading off with the first woman in sight. Sheila was rumoured to be a good lover and the rest of the men were usually following her around with their tongues hanging out.

Abby suddenly hated Sheila for being the most tempting woman around and someone that would easily outgun someone like her. Especially in the frontal regions -- and she wasn't thinking about the brain department.

She sighed. She really didn't want to see this. How could she possibly compete with Sheila if she set her sights on Dalen? She had probably had him several times already and was probably familiar with his body and his favourite sexual positions.

Still, curiosity got the best of her and she slowly hid behind a shelf and peered between the files. Sheila roamed her hand across Dalen chest and moved downwards. Dalen caught her hand and held it away from him.

"I said 'No', Sheila."

"But Dalen, you'll enjoy it. I promise you," Sheila tempted him with that bedroom voice of hers, sounding as if she was purring like a kitten.

She moved her hand toward Dalen again, but he held her away from him.

"No, Sheila. I've told you before. I'm not interested."

"Still pining away afterher, is that it?" Sheila prodded on, not showing the least sign of giving up and clearly not used to men being able to turn her down.

Abby watched in awe as Sheila purred and leaned closer to Dalen, aiming for his lips.

Suddenly he reached for her shoulders and forcibly pushed her away from him.

"Damn it, Sheila. I said I wasn't interested!"

Sheila clucked as she moved one of her fingers to her lips as she seemed to ponder how to attack the problem.

"Oh dear, you're that far gone, aren't you, darling?"

Dalen only glared at her and turned to collect some papers from a file cabinet. Sheila followed him and placed her hand on his hips, toying with his belt.

"I can make you forget her," she said softly as she leaned toward him.

Once again, Dalen retreated out of her grasp and turned to collect some other papers as well.

"I don't want to forget."

"How sweet," Sheila murmured falsely. "What a pity that she doesn't want you as well."

"How wouldyou know?"

"Everybody can see that. She's been giving you a cold shoulder ever since she started here. It's quite apparent in fact."

"Is it?"

"Poor darling. You're so blind when it comes to women. We've known this for months. You're so in love right now that you don't see clearly," Sheila said almost triumphantly as she advanced on Dalen again, moving her hands to touch him again.

However, enough was enough, as far as Abby was concerned. She had the answers that she wanted. Now, she just had to protect what was hers and this bitch was in great need of extinction as far as she was concerned.

Without thinking any more about what the proper behaviour ought to be when catching another woman feeling up her man, she quickly moved away from the shelf and tramped up to the objects of her spying. Dalen had once again backed into the wall to escape Sheila's hand that was moving closer to him. The woman reminded her of an octopus, it suddenly occurred to Abby.

"If you value those hands, I suggest you remove them from my man at once, Sheila!" Abby threatened the blonde woman.

"Your man? I can't see any markings on him indicating he belongs to you?" Sheila barely turned to see who her opponent was and concentrated instead on Dalen.

Dalen had jerked his head up to see. He stared at Abby with a mild shock on his face.

"That's because I've put them on his cock. To stave off any stupid females with a bad eye sight," Abby smiled at her.

Dalen just laughed heartily as Sheila sent his crotch a wide stare.

"Huh. You're just joking and it's not particularly funny. Dalen was flattered by my offer, so why don't you give us some privacy?" Sheila huffed and stood her ground.

"Dalen is simply too polite to ask you to fuck off. Me however, I don't have that inclination. I'm much more into pulling out your hair and kicking your brain into your foot soles for venturing into my territory."

"Excuse me?" Sheila shrieked a little higher, the seductive voice having mysteriously disappeared. "Are you crazy, or something? Go and bother someone else, I saw him first," Sheila stated as she rolled her shoulder, making her hair flow easily over her shoulder as if she was in a commercial and not in an archive room.

The woman had to be particularly dense and it was apparent that words didn't have any effect on her. That only left action, and Abby felt more than ready to do some serious damage right now.

"Talk about being stupid," Abby mumbled as she launched herself at Sheila, grabbing her hair tightly and pushing her to the floor.

Sheila screamed loudly before hitting and kicking. They rolled on the floor as they both fought to get the upper hand.

"Do you want some help, darling?" Dalen offered smilingly as Abby punched Sheila in the stomach.

Ada Stuart
Ada Stuart

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