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Absence (or is it abstinence) makes the heart grow fonder.
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"John, I'll see you at home later, I have to run or I'll miss my train." I look up at the clock as I stuff some papers into a folder and jam the folder into my bag.

"Don't forget my plane won't be in until 10:15, I'll be home as soon as I can." The deep rumble of your voice courses through me as I know what your tone means . . . you are already thinking about us being together.

"I won't, I can't wait to see you tonight."

I sigh, "next time you're gone for a week you need to take me with you. I have missed you too much."

A warm chuckle comes over the line, "glad to know I was missed. I'll make it up to you."

"Hmmmm . . . you better take a nap on the plane then." I am surprised by how raspy my voice has become.

I lick my dry lips, "I'll be waiting."

The last thing I hear is your laugh as I hang up the phone. I grab my jacket and bag and hurry through the office, locking doors on my way out. As I push the outside door, the wind whips it open and I am blasted by the chilly fall wind. The sun is low and the shadows on the street have lengthened out in acknowledgment of the coming of night. Battling the wind I finally get the door secured and make my way up the street toward the subway station, the wind whipping long strands of brown hair into my face.

Still holding onto the subtle excitement, both emotional and physical, of hearing your voice, I smile and quicken my pace. As I rush down the stairs into the station I notice the train still has a few minutes before it reaches this stop. Pulling out my pass I run it over the sensor and the stile doors click open. As I make it down the final set of stairs, I notice the lights from the train illuminating the turn in the tunnel. Relieved that I have not missed the train as usual, I take my place on the platform.

As I shuffle with the evening crowd onto the train a smile lingers on my lips. Holding on to the cold steel hand hold, I brace for the lurch of the car as it pulls out of the station; my mind already at home thinking of how I can welcome you back. I feel a tug of sensation between my legs and warmth that has nothing to do with the train car being too full. My body hums at the thought of seeing you again, of feeling your touch. My skin feels hungry.

A little embarrassed to notice my breathing has become shallow, I look around the car taking in the people sharing this ride. I wonder absently what they are returning home to tonight. I see a teenage boy, buds in his ear, eyeing a young woman a few feet away. Following the direction of his gaze I notice that her bag has caught on the hem of her skirt and pulled the fabric up her thigh, some lace showing from her stockings on the thigh. I try to hide my grin, thinking about what the teenager is likely to do with the memory of that scene later.

That line of thinking reminds me of what you and I talked about last night and I feel my face flush. Feel the warmth spread from between my legs up to my chest, surprised to feel my nipples tighten.Get a grip,I think to myself.I'm a grown women, not a hormone crazed adolescent. John will be home tonight,I remind myself,and then you won't need to fantasize about his touch in a subway car.

I shake my head as if trying to change the direction of my thoughts through the movement. A sigh escapes me as I tighten my grip on the hand hold. Two more stops and I hurry from the subway car with a few others and climb the stairs, up through the stiles, and up to the street. The chill in the fall air, intensified by the setting of the sun, encourages me to move faster. Pulling my keys from my jacket pocket, I make for the parking garage, passing your car which has been parked there since Monday. I smile as I turn back to your car and run my hand over the smooth black finish. There is something comforting about the reminder that your car will be in our garage later tonight.

Shaking my head again, I move on to my own vehicle, and then make my way home. Greeted by Albert, our small orange cat you named after Einstein, when I finally make it into the house I feel myself begin to relax. After setting my bag down on the chair by the door and shrugging out of my jacket, I reach down and pick up the warm ball of fur. "Well hello there Albert." I scratch behind his ears as I make my way further into the house. He purrs and settles against me as I cradle him to my chest.

I find myself humming as I drop Albert on the bed, pull off my work clothes, and change into a t-shirt and grey sweats; my after work fall "uniform." Petting Albert as I pass the bed, I grab the laundry hamper and head toward the kitchen, stopping to start a load before going to make my dinner. Grilled cheese and tomato soup, the perfect comfort food after a long week. As I sit down in your beat-up recliner with a bowl of soup on one knee and a sandwich on the other, I run my hand over the worn arm of the chair. I turn on the TV to my favorite channel and settle back to watch as I eat. A sense of calm and happiness settling over me as I snuggle deeper into your chair.

When the washer buzzes I dump my empty bowl in the sink as I head back to the hall laundry room to transfer clothes to the dryer and put in the next load. Following my stop in the laundry room I make my way to our bedroom, strip the bed and put clean sheets on, smiling as I stuff your pillow into the clean case. I hug it briefly to me before putting it in its proper place. Your car, your chair, your pillow are all tactile reminders of you and a laugh out loud when I realize I have been caressing these items today as I wait for your return. "Oh brother," I say out loud, "you have it bad."

After finishing with the bed, I head back to your chair and climb back in. As I settle in to watch a little more TV, I find myself yawning. My last thought before dozing off is that I wish it was you I was snuggling into and not your chair.

While I am sure my dreams are of you, I wake with a start and they slip from my mind before I can catalog them. Staring at the clock on the cable box I am startled to see it is already 11:45. You should have landed and be almost home by now. Groggy, I check my phone and see that you have texted me twice, once to let me know you landed and once before you got on the train. Running my hands through my long hair, working out some tangles with my fingers I get up and pad to the laundry area. After pulling out the dry clothes and starting the dryer for the second load, I dump our dirty sheets and start the washer.

The hum of the washer and dryer must be why I did not hear the front door. As I shake out a t-shirt to fold I feel your arms circle my waist and pull my back into your chest. A surprised yelp escapes me at the sudden touch and I hear you chuckle as you pull my hair to the side and kiss me on the back of the neck. I lean back into you with a sigh; you know how much I love it when you kiss me there. I feel a soft breath on my now wet skin and I shiver. You run your hand down my back as you lean in to nuzzle and kiss my neck again. Your soft wet kisses the remedy for my hungry skin.

Reaching my hand up I tangle my fingers in your hair as you continue to kiss and gently suck my neck. Running my other hand down from your hip onto your thigh I push back into your warmth. I feel your gentle pressure as you turn me in your arms. Looking up into your eyes as you lower your lips to mine I am overwhelmed by the feeling I see reflected there. Gentle at first, your lips on mine, I wrap my arms around your neck and pull you closer wanting to feel more of you. As you deepen the kiss I feel your tongue sweep across my lower lip, parting, I let you in. My fingers combing through your hair at the nape of your neck as our tongues tangle and explore.

Pressing into you, I can feel your arousal. Excited by the feel of your hard cock, my hands explore your shoulders and back. I want to feel all of you. While our lips and tongues continue to explore, I pull your shirt from your pants, running my hands under your shirt and over your chest, reveling in the feel of your soft hair. Stepping back I pull your shirt up and you comply by removing it. As soon as you are free of your shirt, my hands reach for you, stepping back into your embrace and meeting your lips once again. The feel of your warm skin under my exploring fingers is heaven. I can feel your muscles tense and relax and I caress your back as we continue to express our yearning. The heat of your exploring hands seeps into to me and our touches become more insistent.

Feeling your hands pulling at my shirt, you break our kiss. As we both struggle to draw in air, I lift my arms up so you can strip off the only remaining barrier between your chest and mine. Coming back to you, I am amazed at the sensation of my hard nipples against the soft hair of your chest. You cradle my head between your hands as you kiss first my forehead, then both eyes, moving to my cheeks, and lingering again at my lips. I can feel you grinding into me. My hands migrate to your waist and unbuckles your belt before unbuttoning and unzipping your pants. Your pants gaping open, I hear you gasp as I reach in and touch your rigid cock. After a few strokes, I work on pushing your pants and boxers down as you toe off your shoes. Your erection springs forward as it is released from the confines of your clothes. I swallow and look up into your eyes. You are watching me, searching my face. I smile at you as I pull you down for a kiss.

I feel your hands in the waistband of my sweats, and the impatient tug as you pull them from my hips. They slide down and I step out of them. We have moved apart again as we both visually roam the contours of each other's bodies. As our eyes continue their inventory, as if by mutual agreement, our hands begin their own exploration. I can feel your strong hands smoothing over my waist and hips, my hands exploring your chest, running my nails lightly over you.

Both shivering from the effects of the gentle caresses, you pull me to you again and deeply kiss me. You moan into my mouth and again I feel you grinding against me. Your hands over my breasts and I arch into you, overcome by the sensation you are creating with your fingers on my sensitive flesh. Leaving my lips, you rain kisses along my jaw and down my neck as I drop my head back. Your fingers making lazy circles over my breasts, avoiding the peaked nipples, I moan and tremble.

I thread my fingers through your hair as you make your slow descent to my breasts, leaving a trail of wet kisses behind. The thought of your lips on my breasts, my nipples being suckled by your greedy lips leaves me breathless and longing. My hands direct you to the pebbled point of my breast. As you look up into my passion filled face you suck the tip into your mouth. A jolt of pure sensation riots through me as you suck and lave my nipple. I arch into you, pushing more of my breast into your mouth, holding your head to my breast. I shudder as you move your lips to my other peak and a moan escapes me as you suck my nipple into your mouth. My breasts are so sensitized to what you are doing I feel dazed with the flood of pleasure coursing through my body. I can feel the effects of the work of your lips and tongue all the way to my core.

As your lips leave my scorched chest, you travel further south. I step back, breaking the contact of your mouth from my heated body. I reach for your hand, twining my fingers through yours as we gaze into one another's eyes. I smile as I turn and lead you out of the laundry room by the hand and down the hall toward our bedroom. I can feel your eyes on me and the sway of my hips. Looking back over my shoulder as we pass through the door to the bedroom you gaze up from my hips and the look in your eyes further warms me.

As we reach the bed I feel you move up behind me, pulling me into you and grinding against my back. The feel of your warmth along my back as your hands reach around to cup my breasts is familiar and arousing. Your lips on my neck elicits a giggle from me as warm shivers run down my back. I can feel your silent chuckle as you playfully push me onto the bed. I look back over my shoulder and you move up my back, leaving wet kisses up my spine. I can feel your hardness as you lay down upon me, your weight like a sensual blanket warming me to my core.

Savoring the feel of you covering me, I feel you position the head of your hard cock against my wetness, your other arm moving to lift my hips a bit. Placing your weight onto your knees and your hands on my hips, I feel you slowly push into me. I cry out at the sensation as you fill me, the pleasure of having you in me, connected so deeply, is amazing. You slowly pull away and thrust back in as you pull my hips toward you. The room is filled with the sounds of our joining as you slide in and out of my warm wet sheath and our moans and groans become more pronounced and frequent.

As you sink deep into me over and over, I close my eyes as I focus on the feel of you pumping into me. Gasping and thrusting back to meet you, you quicken the pace. As the sweet tension coils low in my belly my body strains to keep up with your wild movement. Your fingers dig into my hips and you plunge into my quivering flesh until that coil breaks and I shatter into bliss. As I come back to the present I feel my muscles contracting rhythmically around your sex as you continue to pump into me. With one final thrust, I hear a strangled sound in the back of your throat as your body stiffens and shudders. With a final groan you collapse on me.

Our sweat slick bodies lye in a heap as we both try to control our harsh breathing. I can feel you softening until your cock falls out of my body and onto the back of my thigh. You roll off of me and pull me into the warmth of your arms. As my head lies in the cradle of your shoulder, I look up into your face and smile and you grin down at me.

"Welcome home." I lean up and brush my lips against yours.

"Thanks darlin." You roll up on your side so we can more easily look at one another.

You trace my bottom lip with your finger. "I missed you."

I laugh as I cup your cheek with my hand. "I could tell. I missed you too."

Our lips meet again, this time in a slow sensual kiss. The urgency gone, I snuggle into your embrace and thread my fingers into your hair. My legs tangled with yours, I feel your cock twitch against my thigh. Breaking our kiss I look down and see that your cock is growing hard.

"Looks like you are looking for another welcome home." I rub my thigh against your cock as you let out a sharp breath.

"Looks like," and you lower your mouth to mine.

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SithLord6969SithLord6969over 1 year ago

Such an incredible story. It is a shame you never posted any more of your work. 5 stars and a fave

RossDanielsRossDanielsover 12 years ago
Extremely erotic

Without being overly explicit. The author allowed the reader to fill in a lot of details from their own imagination. A nice combination of sensuality and sexuality.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Very Sensual

As someone who's spouse travels alot, I appreciate the anticipated reunion.

tazz317tazz317over 12 years ago

and the one most receptive is the orange cat. TK U MLJ LV NV

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